Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses all Index files in the provided directory.
        /// <para></para>
        /// Providing the ConfigContainer will filter indices to just those used in the CDNConfig.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="directory">Directory the archives are located</param>
        /// <param name="configContainer">The Configs for the repo</param>
        /// <param name="useParallelism">Enables parallel processing</param>
        public void Open(string directory, Configs.ConfigContainer configContainer = null, bool useParallelism = false)
            IsRemote = false;

            _sourceDirectory = directory;
            _useParallelism  = useParallelism;

            if (!Directory.Exists(directory))
                throw new ArgumentException("Directory not found", paramName: nameof(directory));

            var indices = Directory.EnumerateFiles(directory, "*.index", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

            // filter the indices to just this version's
            if (configContainer != null)
                var applicableIndicies = GetRequiredIndices(configContainer);
                indices = indices.Where(x => applicableIndicies.Contains(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(x)));

            ParallelOptions options = new ParallelOptions()
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism = useParallelism ? -1 : 1

            Parallel.ForEach(indices, options, index => _indices.Add(new IndexFile(index)));
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Downloads all Index and Archive files from a remote CDN
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="directory"></param>
        /// <param name="configContainer"></param>
        public void DownloadRemote(string directory, Configs.ConfigContainer configContainer, Configs.ManifestContainer manifestContainer)
            _client = new CDNClient(manifestContainer);

            var queuedDownloader = new QueuedDownloader(directory, _client);

            // download data archives
            var archives = configContainer.CDNConfig.GetValues("archives");

            if (archives != null && archives.Count > 0)
                queuedDownloader.Enqueue(archives, (x) => x + ".index");

            // download patch archives
            var patcharchives = configContainer.CDNConfig.GetValues("patch-archives");

            if (patcharchives != null && patcharchives.Count > 0)
                queuedDownloader.Enqueue(patcharchives, (x) => x + ".index");

            // download loose file index
            var fileIndex = configContainer.CDNConfig.GetValue("file-index");

            if (fileIndex != null)
                string url  = Helpers.GetCDNUrl(fileIndex, "data");
                string path = Helpers.GetCDNPath(fileIndex, "data", directory, true);
                _client.DownloadFile(url, path).Wait();

                // download loose files
                var index = new IndexFile(path);
                queuedDownloader.Enqueue(index.Entries, (x) => x.Key.ToString());

            // download loose patch file index
            var patchIndex = configContainer.CDNConfig.GetValue("patch-file-index");

            if (patchIndex != null)
                string url  = Helpers.GetCDNUrl(patchIndex, "patch");
                string path = Helpers.GetCDNPath(patchIndex, "patch", directory, true);
                _client.DownloadFile(url, path).Wait();

                // download loose patches
                var index = new IndexFile(path);
                queuedDownloader.Enqueue(index.Entries, (x) => x.Key.ToString());

Esempio n. 3
        private void UpdateConfig(Configs.ConfigContainer configContainer, MD5Hash hash, long size)
            if (configContainer?.CDNConfig == null)

            // determine the field names
            string archivefield, sizefield;

            if (IsGroupIndex)
                archivefield = IsPatchIndex ? "patch-archive-group" : "archive-group";
                sizefield    = "";
            else if (IsLooseIndex)
                archivefield = IsPatchIndex ? "patch-file-index" : "file-index";
                sizefield    = archivefield + "-size";
                archivefield = IsPatchIndex ? "patch-archives" : "archives";
                sizefield    = archivefield + "-index-size";

            // update the collections
            var archives = configContainer.CDNConfig.GetValues(archivefield);
            var sizes    = configContainer.CDNConfig.GetValues(sizefield);

            if (archives != null)
                if (IsGroupIndex)
                    archives[0] = hash.ToString(); // group indicies are single entries
                    // remove old hash
                    if (Checksum.Value != null)
                        int index = archives.IndexOf(Checksum.ToString());
                        if (index > -1)

                    // add if new
                    if (!archives.Contains(hash.ToString()))
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates modified data indices and writes enqueued files to archives
        /// <para>Note: IndexFile saving is limited to new entries if the container was opened remotely</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="directory"></param>
        /// <param name="dispose">Delete old files</param>
        /// <param name="configContainer"></param>
        public void Save(string directory, Configs.ConfigContainer configContainer = null)
            bool sameDirectory = directory.EqualsIC(_sourceDirectory);

            // save altered Data archive indices
            if (!IsRemote)
                foreach (var index in DataIndices)
                    if (index.IsGroupIndex)

                    if (index.RequiresSave)
                        // save the index file and blob
                        string prevBlob = Helpers.GetCDNPath(index.Checksum.ToString(), "data", _sourceDirectory);
                        index.Write(directory, configContainer);
                        index.WriteBlob(directory, prevBlob);
                    else if (!sameDirectory)
                        // copy the index file and blob
                        string oldblob = Helpers.GetCDNPath(index.Checksum.ToString(), "data", _sourceDirectory);
                        string newblob = Helpers.GetCDNPath(index.Checksum.ToString(), "data", directory, true);
                        File.Copy(oldblob, newblob);
                        File.Copy(oldblob + ".index", newblob + ".index");

            // prevent duplicated entries
            var duplicates = QueuedEntries.Keys
                             .Where(k => GetIndexFileAndEntry(IndexType.Data, k, out _) != null)

            foreach (var key in duplicates)

            // create any new archive indices
            var partitions = EnumerablePartitioner.ConcreteBatch(QueuedEntries.Values, ArchiveDataSize, (x) => x.EBlock.CompressedSize);

            foreach (var entries in partitions)
                IndexFile index = new IndexFile(IndexType.Data);
                index.Write(directory, configContainer);

            // reload indices
            Open(directory, useParallelism: _useParallelism);
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the EncodingFile to disk and optionally updates the BuildConfig
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="directory">Root Directory</param>
        /// <param name="configContainer"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CASRecord Write(string directory, Configs.ConfigContainer configContainer = null)
            if (Partial)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Writing is not supported for partial EncodingFiles");

            EBlock[] eblocks = new EBlock[_EncodingMap.Length];

            CASRecord record;

            using (var bt = new BlockTableStreamWriter(_EncodingMap[1], 1))
                using (var bw = new BinaryWriter(bt))
                    // ESpecStringTable 1
                    bt.Write(string.Join('\0', ESpecStringTable).GetBytes());
                    EncodingHeader.ESpecTableSize = (uint)bt.Length;

                    // CKeysPageIndices 2, CKeysPageTable 3
                    WritePage(bw, eblocks, 2, EncodingHeader.CKeyPageSize << 10, _CKeyEntries);

                    // EKeysPageIndices 4, EKeysPageTable 5
                    WritePage(bw, eblocks, 4, EncodingHeader.EKeyPageSize << 10, _EKeyEntries);

                    // Header 0
                    bt.AddBlock(_EncodingMap[0], 0);

                    // File ESpec 6
                    bt.AddBlock(_EncodingMap[6], 6);

                    // finalise
                    record = bt.Finalise();

                    // save
                    string saveLocation = Helpers.GetCDNPath(record.EKey.ToString(), "data", directory, true);
                    using (var fs = File.Create(saveLocation))
                        record.BLTEPath = saveLocation;

            // update the build config with the new values
            if (configContainer?.BuildConfig != null)
                configContainer.BuildConfig.SetValue("encoding-size", record.EBlock.DecompressedSize, 0);
                configContainer.BuildConfig.SetValue("encoding-size", record.EBlock.CompressedSize, 1);
                configContainer.BuildConfig.SetValue("encoding", record.CKey, 0);
                configContainer.BuildConfig.SetValue("encoding", record.EKey, 1);

            Checksum = record.CKey;
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates modified data indices and writes enqueued files to archives
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="directory"></param>
        /// <param name="dispose">Delete old files</param>
        /// <param name="configContainer"></param>
        public void Save(string directory, Configs.ConfigContainer configContainer = null)
            bool sameDirectory = directory.Equals(_sourceDirectory, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            // save altered Data archive indices
            foreach (var index in DataIndices)
                if (index.IsGroupIndex)

                if (index.RequiresSave)
                    // save the index file and blob
                    string prevBlob = Helpers.GetCDNPath(index.Checksum.ToString(), "data", _sourceDirectory);
                    index.Write(directory, configContainer);
                    index.WriteBlob(directory, prevBlob);
                else if (!sameDirectory)
                    // copy the index file and blob
                    string oldblob = Helpers.GetCDNPath(index.Checksum.ToString(), "data", _sourceDirectory);
                    string newblob = Helpers.GetCDNPath(index.Checksum.ToString(), "data", directory, true);
                    File.Copy(oldblob, newblob);
                    File.Copy(oldblob + ".index", newblob + ".index");

            // create any new archive indices
            var partitions = EnumerablePartitioner.ConcreteBatch(_fileQueue.Values, ArchiveDataSize, (x) => x.EBlock.CompressedSize);

            foreach (var entries in partitions)
                IndexFile index = new IndexFile(IndexType.Data);
                index.Write(directory, configContainer);

            // TODO 1. verify if this is required 2. fix
            // compute the Data Index Group hash
            //GenerateIndexGroup(directory, configContainer);

            // reload indices
            Open(directory, _useParallelism);
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses all Index files from a remote CDN
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="manifestContainer"></param>
        /// <param name="useParallelism"></param>
        public void OpenRemote(Configs.ConfigContainer configContainer, Configs.ManifestContainer manifestContainer, bool useParallelism = false)
            IsRemote = true;

            _useParallelism = useParallelism;
            _client         = new CDNClient(manifestContainer);

            ParallelOptions options = new ParallelOptions()
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism = useParallelism ? -1 : 1

            // stream data archive indicies
            var archives = configContainer.CDNConfig.GetValues("archives");

            if (archives != null && archives.Count > 0)
                Parallel.ForEach(archives, options, index => _indices.Add(new IndexFile(_client, index, IndexType.Data)));

            // stream patch archive indices
            var patcharchives = configContainer.CDNConfig.GetValues("patch-archives");

            if (patcharchives != null && patcharchives.Count > 0)
                Parallel.ForEach(patcharchives, options, index => _indices.Add(new IndexFile(_client, index, IndexType.Patch)));

            // stream loose file index
            var fileIndex = configContainer.CDNConfig.GetValue("file-index");

            if (fileIndex != null)
                _indices.Add(new IndexFile(_client, fileIndex, IndexType.Loose | IndexType.Data));

            // stream loose patch file index
            var patchIndex = configContainer.CDNConfig.GetValue("patch-file-index");

            if (patchIndex != null)
                _indices.Add(new IndexFile(_client, patchIndex, IndexType.Loose | IndexType.Patch));
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new CDN Client and loads the hosts from the CDNs file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configContainer"></param>
        /// <param name="applyDecryption"></param>
        public CDNClient(Configs.ConfigContainer configContainer, bool applyDecryption = false) : this(applyDecryption)
            if (configContainer.CDNsFile == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unable to load CDNs file");

            string[] hosts = configContainer.CDNsFile.GetValue("Hosts", configContainer.Locale)?.Split(' ');
            foreach (var host in hosts)

            if (Hosts.Count == 0)
                throw new FormatException("No hosts found");
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a fake Data Index Group and stores the computed checksum
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="directory"></param>
        /// <param name="configContainer"></param>
#pragma warning disable IDE0051 // Remove unused private members
        private void GenerateIndexGroup(string directory, Configs.ConfigContainer configContainer)
#pragma warning restore IDE0051 // Remove unused private members
            if (configContainer == null)

            // get the list of data archives
            var archives = configContainer.CDNConfig.GetValues("archives");

            archives.Sort(new MD5HashComparer());

            // populate the archive indicies and
            var temp = new List <IndexEntry>(DataIndices.Sum(x => x.Entries.Count()));

            foreach (var index in DataIndices)
                if (index.IsLooseIndex)

                ushort archiveIndex = (ushort)archives.IndexOf(index.Checksum.ToString());
                foreach (var e in index.Entries)
                    e.IndexOrdinal = archiveIndex;

            // sort
            var comparer = new MD5HashComparer();

            temp.Sort((x, y) => comparer.Compare(x.Key, y.Key));

            // create a new IndexFile, add all entries and store the checksum in the CDN config
            var indexFile = new IndexFile(IndexType.Data | IndexType.Group);


            indexFile.Write(directory, configContainer);
Esempio n. 10
        private void UpdateConfig(Configs.ConfigContainer configContainer, MD5Hash hash)
            if (configContainer?.CDNConfig == null)

            // determine the field name
            string identifier;

            if (IsGroupIndex)
                identifier = IsPatchIndex ? "patch-archive-group" : "archive-group";
            else if (IsLooseIndex)
                identifier = IsPatchIndex ? "patch-file-index" : "file-index";
                identifier = IsPatchIndex ? "patch-archives" : "archives";

            // update the collection
            var collection = configContainer.CDNConfig.GetValues(identifier);

            if (collection != null)
                if (IsGroupIndex)
                    collection[0] = hash.ToString(); // group indicies are single entries
                    collection.Remove(Checksum.ToString()); // all others are collections

            // TODO sizes - not sure how these are calculated
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of index filenames used by the specific CDNConfig
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configContainer"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private HashSet <string> GetRequiredIndices(Configs.ConfigContainer configContainer)
            var indices = new HashSet <string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            // data archives
            var archives = configContainer.CDNConfig.GetValues("archives");

            if (archives != null)

            // patch archives
            var patcharchives = configContainer.CDNConfig.GetValues("patch-archives");

            if (patcharchives != null)

            // loose file index
            var fileIndex = configContainer.CDNConfig.GetValue("file-index");

            if (fileIndex != null)

            // loose patch file index
            var patchIndex = configContainer.CDNConfig.GetValue("patch-file-index");

            if (patchIndex != null)

Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the IndexFile to disk and optionally updates the CDN config
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="directory"></param>
        /// <param name="configContainer"></param>
        public void Write(string directory, Configs.ConfigContainer configContainer = null)
            RequiresSave = false;

            // TODO patch index writing
            if (IsPatchIndex || Type == IndexType.Unknown)
                throw new NotImplementedException();
            // Group Indicies only supported for Data and Patch indicies
            if (IsGroupIndex && IsLooseIndex)
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            List <MD5Hash> EKeyLookupHashes = new List <MD5Hash>();
            List <MD5Hash> PageChecksums    = new List <MD5Hash>();

            // update Footer
            IndexFooter.EntryCount = (uint)_indexEntries.Count;

            // get file dimensions
            var(PageSize, EntriesPerPage, PageCount) = GetFileDimensions();

            using var md5 = MD5.Create();
            using var ms  = new MemoryStream(PageCount * (PageSize + 1));
            using var bw  = new BinaryWriter(ms);
            // set capcity
            EKeyLookupHashes.Capacity = PageCount;
            PageChecksums.Capacity    = PageCount;

            // IndexEntries
            int index = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < PageCount; i++)
                // write the entries
                for (int j = 0; j < EntriesPerPage && index < IndexFooter.EntryCount; j++)
                    _indexEntries.Values[index++].Write(bw, IndexFooter);

                // apply padding and store EKey and page checksum
                int remainder = (int)bw.BaseStream.Position % PageSize;
                if (remainder > 0)
                    ms.Write(new byte[PageSize - remainder]);

                EKeyLookupHashes.Add(_indexEntries.Values[index - 1].Key);
                PageChecksums.Add(ms.HashSlice(md5, bw.BaseStream.Position - PageSize, PageSize, IndexFooter.ChecksumSize));

            // EKey Lookup
            long lookupStartPos = bw.BaseStream.Position;

            foreach (var lookupHash in EKeyLookupHashes)

            // Page hashes - final page is ignored
            long pageStartPos = bw.BaseStream.Position;

            PageChecksums.RemoveAt(PageChecksums.Count - 1);
            foreach (var pagechecksum in PageChecksums)

            // LastPage hash - last PageSize of Entries
            long footerStartPos = bw.BaseStream.Position;

            IndexFooter.LastPageHash = ms.HashSlice(md5, lookupStartPos - PageSize, PageSize, IndexFooter.ChecksumSize);

            // TOC hash - from EKey Lookup to LastPage Hash
            IndexFooter.ContentsHash = ms.HashSlice(md5, lookupStartPos, ms.Length - lookupStartPos, IndexFooter.ChecksumSize);

            // write footer

            // compute filename - from ContentsHash to EOF
            MD5Hash newChecksum = ms.HashSlice(md5, footerStartPos + IndexFooter.ChecksumSize, IndexFooter.Size - IndexFooter.ChecksumSize);

            // update the CDN Config
            UpdateConfig(configContainer, newChecksum, bw.BaseStream.Length);

            //// remove old index file
            //if (!Checksum.IsEmpty)
            //    Helpers.Delete(Checksum.ToString() + ".index", directory);

            // update Checksum
            Checksum = newChecksum;

            // Group Indicies are generated client-side
            if (IsGroupIndex)

            string saveLocation = Helpers.GetCDNPath(Checksum.ToString() + ".index", "data", directory, true);

            if (!File.Exists(saveLocation))
                // save to disk
                File.WriteAllBytes(saveLocation, ms.ToArray());