public async Task <bool> Start(ConfigViewModel config, Sensors mcuSensors) { _serialPort.PortName = config.PortName; _config = config; _command = Command.Proceed; try { _serialPort.Open(); _runningCollector = Task.Factory.StartNew(ReceiveProtobuf, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, TaskScheduler.Default) .Unwrap(); // Send configuration to MCU and begin _serialPort.Write(mcuSensors.ToByteArray(), 0, mcuSensors.CalculateSize()); } catch (Exception) { _serialPort.Close(); return(false); } while (!SensorsDTO.Data.Any()) { await Task.Delay(8); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Load configuration from persistence on startup of application /// </summary> public void LoadConfigOnAppStartup() { ConfigViewModel retOpts = null; try { // Re/Load program options to control global behaviour of program if ((retOpts = ConfigViewModel.LoadOptions(App.DirFileAppSessionData)) == null) { retOpts = new ConfigViewModel(); } } catch { } finally { if (retOpts == null) { retOpts = new ConfigViewModel(); } } this.Config = retOpts; this.Skins = new Themes.ThemesVM(this.Config.CurrentTheme); this.ResetTheme(null, null); this.Config.ThemeChanged += new EventHandler(this.ResetTheme); }
public ConfigJumpMenuItem( IContextMenuTranslations contextMenuTranslations, IWindowManager windowManager, ConfigViewModel configViewModel, LanguageConfigViewModel languageConfigViewModel ) { // automatically update the DisplayName contextMenuTranslations.CreateDisplayNameBinding(this, nameof(IContextMenuTranslations.JumpToConfigure)); Id = "G_ConfigJump"; Icon = new PackIconMaterial { Kind = PackIconMaterialKind.Settings, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch, HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, VerticalContentAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch }; ClickAction = clickedItem => { configViewModel.CurrentConfigScreen = languageConfigViewModel; if (!configViewModel.IsActive) { windowManager.ShowDialog(configViewModel); } }; this.ApplyIconForegroundColor(Brushes.Gray); }
private void InitializeApplication() { if (ConfigVM == null) { ConfigVM = new ConfigViewModel(); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> Edit(ConfigViewModel configViewModel, params string[] selectedRole) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var config = _appEntities.GetConfigById(configViewModel.Id); if (config == null) { return(new StatusCodeResult(StatusCodes.Status404NotFound)); } config = new Config() { Id = configViewModel.Id, SettingName = configViewModel.SettingName, SettingValue = configViewModel.SettingValue, SettingType = configViewModel.SettingType, Timestamp = configViewModel.Timestamp, Username = configViewModel.Username, IsActive = configViewModel.IsActive }; _appEntities.UpsertConfig(config); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ModelState.AddModelError("", "Something failed."); return(View()); }
public static void PackageProject(ProjectListing project, ConfigViewModel config) { string output = Path.Combine(project.OutputPath, "Staging"); if (Directory.Exists(output)) { Directory.Delete(output, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(output); foreach (var file in project.IncludedFiles) { if (file.EndsWith(".uexp")) { var patched = PatchFile(file, config, project.OutputPath.Length + 2); var subdirName = file.Substring(project.InputPath.Length); var outpath = output + subdirName; Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(outpath)); using (var fo = File.Create(outpath, (int)patched.Length, FileOptions.Asynchronous | FileOptions.SequentialScan)) { patched.Position = 0; patched.CopyTo(fo); } } else { var subdirName = file.Substring(project.InputPath.Length); var outpath = output + subdirName; var outdir = Path.GetDirectoryName(outpath); Directory.CreateDirectory(outdir); File.Copy(file, outpath); } } }
// // GET: /Users/Edit/1 public async Task <ActionResult> Edit(string id) { int configId; if (id == null || !int.TryParse(id, out configId)) { return(new StatusCodeResult(StatusCodes.Status400BadRequest)); } var config = _appEntities.GetConfigById(configId); if (config == null) { return(new StatusCodeResult(StatusCodes.Status404NotFound)); } ConfigViewModel model = new ConfigViewModel() { Id = config.Id, SettingName = config.SettingName, SettingValue = config.SettingValue, SettingType = config.SettingType, Timestamp = config.Timestamp, Username = config.Username, IsActive = config.IsActive }; return(View(model)); }
public void CreateConfig(string name, string category, string author) { // Build the base config structure var settings = new ConfigSettings(); settings.Name = name; settings.Author = author; var newConfig = new ConfigViewModel(name, category, new Config(settings, string.Empty)); // Add it to the collection and persistent storage vm.Add(newConfig); vm.CurrentConfig = newConfig; var newStackerVM = new StackerViewModel(vm.CurrentConfig); if (OB.MainWindow.ConfigsPage.StackerPage != null) // Maintain the previous stacker settings { newStackerVM.TestData = OB.Stacker.TestData; newStackerVM.TestProxy = OB.Stacker.TestProxy; newStackerVM.ProxyType = OB.Stacker.ProxyType; } OB.Stacker = newStackerVM; OB.MainWindow.ConfigsPage.StackerPage = new Stacker(); // Create a Stacker instance OB.Logger.LogInfo(Components.ConfigManager, "Created and assigned a new Stacker instance"); OB.MainWindow.ConfigsPage.OtherOptionsPage = new ConfigOtherOptions(); // Create an Other Options instance OB.Logger.LogInfo(Components.ConfigManager, "Created and assigned a new Other Options instance"); OB.MainWindow.ConfigsPage.menuOptionStacker_MouseDown(this, null); // Switch to Stacker }
public ActionResult Index() { var config = ConfigManager.GetConfig(); ConfigViewModel configViewModel = mapper.GetViewModel <ConfigViewModel>(config); return(View(configViewModel)); }
public ConfigPage(AppSetting appSetting, ConfigViewModel dataService, PaletteSelectorViewModel paletteSelector) { InitializeComponent(); DataContext = dataService; panel1.DataContext = paletteSelector; }
public ConfigView(ToDo selectedToDo, User user) { InitializeComponent(); DataContext = new ConfigViewModel(selectedToDo, user); SelectedToDo = selectedToDo; }
public ConfigPage() { InitializeComponent(); ViewModel = new ConfigViewModel(); ViewModel.Navigation = Navigation; BindingContext = ViewModel; }
public virtual ActionResult Index() { var settings = (from p in typeof(IAppConfiguration).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance) where p.CanRead select p) .ToDictionary(p => p.Name, p => { var propertyType = p.PropertyType; var propertyValue = p.GetValue(_config.Current); if (propertyValue != null && p.Name.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("connectionstring")) { propertyValue = new string('*', 10); } return(Tuple.Create(propertyType, propertyValue)); }); var features = (from p in typeof(FeatureConfiguration).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance) where p.CanRead select new FeatureConfigViewModel(p, _config.Features)) .ToList(); var configModel = new ConfigViewModel(settings, features, _auth.Authenticators.Values); return(View(configModel)); }
private void ShowConfigDialog(MainViewModel mainViewModel) { var win = new Window(); win.Title = "Configure"; win.Owner = App.Current.MainWindow; var configViewModel = new ConfigViewModel(mainViewModel.AgentConfig); configViewModel.Removed += mainViewModel.OnNodeRemoved; configViewModel.Updated += mainViewModel.OnNodeUpdated; configViewModel.Added += mainViewModel.OnNodeAdded; win.Content = new ConfigPanel() { DataContext = configViewModel }; win.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen; win.WindowStyle = WindowStyle.SingleBorderWindow; win.ResizeMode = ResizeMode.NoResize; win.Width = 600; win.Height = 300; win.ShowDialog(); }
public MainWindow() { var config = Serialization.LoadMain(ConfigPath); if (config == null) { config = new MainConfig(); config.Projects = new List <ProjectListing>(); config.Guids = new List <GuidEntry>(); int xl = Serialization.BaseGuids.Length; for (int i = 0; i < xl; i++) { var set = Serialization.BaseGuids[i]; config.Guids.Add(new GuidEntry() { Modified = set[0], Retail = set[1], Name = set[2] }); } Serialization.SaveMain(ConfigPath, config); } //GuidGrid.DataContext = Config.Guids; Config = new ConfigViewModel(config); this.DataContext = Config; InitializeComponent(); ProjectList.ItemsSource = Config.Projects; ProjectList.SelectionChanged += ProjectList_SelectionChanged; var d = config.Guids[0]; }
public IActionResult Index() { SetCoreViewData(); ConfigViewModel model = ConfigViewModel.From(service); return(View("Index", model)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Index([FromQuery] string substitutionBindingMethod, [FromQuery] string slackId) { var config = new ConfigViewModel { ConfigValues = new List <string>() }; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(slackId)) { var response = await _slackService.AddUserToChannel(slackId); config.ConfigValues.Add($"Response Content: {await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()}"); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(substitutionBindingMethod)) { var substitutionBinder = Type.GetType("ExerciseDaemon.SubstitutionBinder"); var method = substitutionBinder.GetMethod(substitutionBindingMethod); var result = method.Invoke(_substitutionBinder, new object[0]); config.ConfigValues.Add(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result)); } _logger.LogInformation("Config page visited."); return(View(config)); }
public void ShowConfig() { Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); ConfigViewModel model = new ConfigViewModel(configuration); configuration.DataContext = model; configuration.ShowDialog(); }
public FrmConfig(ConfigViewModel configViewModel, List <Config> configs, int index) { InitializeComponent(); this.configs = configs; this.index = index; Init(configViewModel); }
public void Setup() { _session = MockRepository.GenerateStub <ISession>(); _session.Stub(x => x.Get <List <Uri> >(Session.CombatantImages)).Return(new List <Uri> { new Uri("ftp://foo"), new Uri("http://bar"), new Uri("http://foobar") }); _target = new ConfigViewModel(_session, new EventAggregator()); }
public ConfigWindow() { InitializeComponent(); configViewModel = new ConfigViewModel(); this.DataContext = configViewModel; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ConfigWindow"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="settingsFilename">Path to file containing settings for this.</param> public ConfigWindow(string settingsFilename) { InitializeComponent(); _vm = new ConfigViewModel(settingsFilename); DataContext = _vm; }
public MainForm(ICoreConfiguration coreConfiguration, IWindowManager windowManager, ConfigViewModel configViewModel, SettingsForm settingsForm, [ImportMany] IEnumerable <IDestination> destinations) { _coreConfiguration = coreConfiguration; _windowManager = windowManager; _configViewModel = configViewModel; _settingsForm = settingsForm; _destinations = destinations; Instance = this; }
public void LoadConfig(ConfigViewModel config) { if (config == null) { SB.Logger.LogError(Components.ConfigManager, "The config to load cannot be null", true); return; } try { SBIOManager.CheckRequiredPlugins(SB.BlockPlugins.Select(b => b.Name), config.Config); } catch (Exception ex) { SB.Logger.LogError(Components.ConfigManager, ex.Message, true); return; } // Set the config as current vm.CurrentConfig = config; if (vm.CurrentConfig.Remote) { SB.Logger.LogError(Components.ConfigManager, "The config was pulled from a remote source and cannot be edited!", true); vm.CurrentConfig = null; return; } SB.Logger.LogInfo(Components.ConfigManager, "Loading config: " + vm.CurrentConfig.Name); SB.MainWindow.ConfigsPage.menuOptionStacker.IsEnabled = true; SB.MainWindow.ConfigsPage.menuOptionOtherOptions.IsEnabled = true; var newStackerVM = new StackerViewModel(vm.CurrentConfig); // Preserve the old stacker test data and proxy if (SB.MainWindow.ConfigsPage.StackerPage != null) { newStackerVM.TestData = SB.Stacker.TestData; newStackerVM.TestProxy = SB.Stacker.TestProxy; newStackerVM.ProxyType = SB.Stacker.ProxyType; } SB.Stacker = newStackerVM; SB.MainWindow.ConfigsPage.StackerPage = new Stacker(); // Create a Stacker instance SB.Logger.LogInfo(Components.ConfigManager, "Created and assigned a new Stacker instance"); SB.MainWindow.ConfigsPage.OtherOptionsPage = new ConfigOtherOptions(); // Create an Other Options instance SB.Logger.LogInfo(Components.ConfigManager, "Created and assigned a new Other Options instance"); SB.MainWindow.ConfigsPage.ConfigOcrSettings = new ConfigOcrSettings(); // Create an Ocr Testing instance SB.Logger.LogInfo(Components.ConfigManager, "Created and assigned a new Ocr Testing instance"); SB.MainWindow.ConfigsPage.menuOptionStacker_MouseDown(this, null); // Switch to Stacker // Save the last state of the config SB.MainWindow.ConfigsPage.StackerPage.SetScript(); SaveState(); }
public async Task <ConfigVariableDTO> ChangeConfigAsync(ConfigViewModel newConfig) { var config = await _сonfigRepository.GetByIdAsync(newConfig.Id); config.Value = newConfig.Value; await _сonfigRepository.SaveChangesAsync(); return(_mapper.Map <ConfigVariableDTO>(config)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Details(string id) { var model = new ConfigViewModel { Id = id, ConfigInfo = await ConfigProvider.LoadConfigWithoutSecrets(id, true) }; return(Ok(model)); }
public ActionResult Index() { var model = new ConfigViewModel(); int totalItem; var allCategory = _configService.GetData(model.PageIndex, model.PageSize, out totalItem).ToList(); model.TotalItem = totalItem; model.ListData = allCategory; return(View(model)); }
public ConfigView() { InitializeComponent(); var configViewModel = new ConfigViewModel(); configViewModel.RequestClose += (s, e) => this.Close(); DataContext = configViewModel; }
private void Init(ConfigViewModel configViewModel) { if (configViewModel != null) { ConfigViewModel = configViewModel; this.ConfigViewModel = configViewModel; txtName.Text = this.ConfigViewModel.Name; txtKeyword.Text = this.ConfigViewModel.Keyword; } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Details(string id) { var model = new ConfigViewModel { Id = id, ConfigInfo = await ConfigProvider.LoadOverride(id) }; return(Ok(model)); }
private static void OpenConfig() { var viewModel = new ConfigViewModel(); var element = FloatingHelpers.CreateFloatingElement("Application Status", new Point(600, 400), new Size(800, 600), viewModel); AppStateSettings.Instance.FloatingItems.AddFloatingElement(element); }
private void OnEditConfiguration() { var window = new ConfigWindow(); var configVM = new ConfigViewModel(); window.DataContext = configVM; configVM.OnSaved += window.Close; window.ShowDialog(); ListenToReceiversCommand.RaiseCanExecuteChanged(); }
private void ShowConfigDialog() { ConfigViewModel viewModel = new ConfigViewModel(); IModalDialog configDialog = ServiceProvider.Instance.Get<IConfigModalDialog>(); viewModel.CloseAction = new Action(configDialog.Close); configDialog.BindViewModel(viewModel); configDialog.ShowDialog(); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(SwSettings)); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(SelectedSetting)); }