Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary> Decrypts the Events of the V3 Config in the Example Folder. This automatically gets the e (events) text out of the config. And yes, I suggest using Json instead of <see cref="File.ReadAllLines(string)"/>, etc., Azuki taught me that.
        /// </summary>
        public static DecryptedEvents GetDecryptedEvents()
                string localePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location),
                // Btw: You can also give a path like so: @"\Example\v3\config.txt"
                // Same end result. Only benefit could be some time savings.
                       encryptedConfigPath = localePath + "\\example\\v3\\config.txt",
                       configContent       = File.ReadAllText(encryptedConfigPath);

                ConfigV3 deserializedConfig = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ConfigV3>(configContent);
                string   encryptedEvents    = deserializedConfig.e;

                string          decryptedEvents             = IntralismDecryption.Decrypt(encryptedEvents);
                DecryptedEvents deserializedDecryptedEvents = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DecryptedEvents>(decryptedEvents);

            catch (Exception)
                // Do Nothing.
                return(new DecryptedEvents());
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary> The actual Converter. It does compile the v2 config and copies over the Music and Icon File. You will have to edit line 58 (and maybe 61) manually, either by giving it some User Input by <see cref="System.Console.ReadLine()"/> or hardcoding it.
        /// </summary>
        public static void DecryptedMapBuilder()
            DecryptedEvents decryptedEvents = GetDecryptedEvents();

            string localePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location),
            // Btw: You can also give a path like so: @"\Example\v3\config.txt"
            // Same end result. Only benefit could be some time savings.
                   encryptedConfigPath = localePath + "\\example\\v3\\config.txt",
                   configContent       = File.ReadAllText(encryptedConfigPath);

            ConfigV3     deserializedConfig = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ConfigV3>(configContent);
            ConfigV2     config             = new ConfigV2();
            List <Event> events             = new List <Event>();

            // We have to cheat a bit since Config 3 doesn't have those
            string        id                  = "editor.MyFriend";
            int           generationType      = 2;
            int           environmentType     = 3;
            List <object> puzzleSequencesList = new List <object>();

            // Set everything we can.
                    = id;
            config.levelResources      = deserializedConfig.levelResources;
            config.tags                = deserializedConfig.tags;
            config.handCount           = deserializedConfig.handCount;
            config.moreInfoURL         = deserializedConfig.moreInfoURL;
            config.speed               = deserializedConfig.speed;
            config.lives               = deserializedConfig.lives;
            config.maxLives            = deserializedConfig.maxLives;
            config.musicFile           = deserializedConfig.musicFile;
            config.musicTime           = deserializedConfig.musicTime;
            config.iconFile            = deserializedConfig.iconFile;
            config.generationType      = generationType;
            config.environmentType     = environmentType;
            config.unlockConditions    = deserializedConfig.unlockConditions;
            config.hidden              = deserializedConfig.hidden;
            config.checkpoints         = deserializedConfig.checkpoints;
            config.puzzleSequencesList = puzzleSequencesList;

            // Create new Folder and copy over the Song and Icon, then write the config.
            string destinationPath = localePath + @"\example\v3-to-v2", destinationConfigPath = localePath + @"\example\v3-to-v2\config.txt";

            if (!Directory.Exists(destinationPath))
                DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(destinationPath);

            string iconPath = localePath + @"\example\v3\icon.jpg", musicPath = localePath + @"\example\v3\music.ogg";

            if (!File.Exists(destinationPath + @"\icon.jpg"))
                File.Copy(iconPath, destinationPath + @"\icon.jpg");
            if (!File.Exists(destinationPath + @"\music.ogg"))
                File.Copy(musicPath, destinationPath + @"\music.ogg");
            File.WriteAllText(destinationConfigPath, Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(config));