Esempio n. 1
        public void SaveWriteAndRetrieveSingularValueTest()
            ConfigManipulator target        = new ConfigManipulator(testAppConfigPath);
            string            currentServer = target.GetValue("Server");

            target.SaveValue("Server", currentServer + "a");

            Assert.AreEqual(target.GetValue("Server"), currentServer + "a");
        public void TestConfigManipulator_ExpectedStateAchieved(string json, bool ConsoleRemainOpenExpectedValue, bool InteractionModeExpectedValue)
            string execeptionMessage = string.Empty;

            ConfigManipulator configManipulator = new ConfigManipulator(configurationFilePath: string.Empty, configurationFileJson: json);

            Assert.IsTrue(configManipulator.ConsoleRemainOpen == ConsoleRemainOpenExpectedValue && configManipulator.InteractionMode == InteractionModeExpectedValue);
Esempio n. 3
        public void GetSingularValueTest()
            // pull up the config file the old fashioned way ;)
            XmlDocument x = new XmlDocument();

            string currentServer = x.SelectSingleNode("configuration/appSettings/add[@key='Server']").Attributes["value"].Value;

            ConfigManipulator target = new ConfigManipulator(testAppConfigPath);

            Assert.AreEqual(currentServer, target.GetValue("Server"));
Esempio n. 4
        public void SaveAndRetrieveDictionaryValueTest()
            Dictionary <object, object> firstDictionary = new Dictionary <object, object>
                { (int)1, "a longer string" },
                { (int)2, @"a messud up
string" },
                { (int)3, @"a string with some icky characters! <a><&b><c;>" },
                { "asdf", @"a string with some icky characters! <a><&b><<c;>    " },
                { false, @"true" },
                { true, @"false" }

            ConfigManipulator target = new ConfigManipulator(testAppConfigPath);

            target.SaveValue(firstDictionary, "test1");

            Dictionary <object, object> retrievedDictionary = target.GetDictionary("test1");

            foreach (object o in retrievedDictionary.Keys)
                object a = firstDictionary[o];
                object b = retrievedDictionary[o];
                Assert.AreEqual(firstDictionary[o], retrievedDictionary[o]);

            Dictionary <object, object> secondDictionary = new Dictionary <object, object>
                { "", "a longer string" },
                { "a longer string", @"a messud up
string" },
                { "a string with some icky characters! <a><&b><c;>", @"a string with some icky characters! <a><&b><c;>" }

            target = new ConfigManipulator(testAppConfigPath);
            target.SaveValue(secondDictionary, "test2");

            retrievedDictionary = target.GetDictionary("test2");
            foreach (object o in retrievedDictionary.Keys)
                object a = secondDictionary[o];
                object b = retrievedDictionary[o];
                Assert.AreEqual(secondDictionary[o], retrievedDictionary[o]);
        public void TestConfigManipulator_InvalidConfigHandled(string json, string expextedErrorMessage)
            string execeptionMessage = string.Empty;

                ConfigManipulator configManipulator = new ConfigManipulator(configurationFilePath: string.Empty, configurationFileJson: json);
                var monikerUriMappingDictionary     = configManipulator.LoadMonikerUriMappingDictionary();
            catch (Exception ex)
                execeptionMessage = ex.Message;

            Assert.IsTrue(string.Compare(expextedErrorMessage, execeptionMessage) == 0);
Esempio n. 6
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
        {   //Http client will be used due provided simplified interface to make async requests
            HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
            //Will store webscraping process instances
            List <Task>  scrapingExecutions = new List <Task>();
            const string errorMessagePrefix = "Issue During Execution:";
            //Used to decide if the console should remain open post execution
            bool   consoleRemainOpen = false;
            string input             = default;

                Console.WriteLine($"Start Of Application Execution: {DateTime.Now}");

                //ToDo - Ensure a default configuration file is created in the required directory if it is not present
                //The configuration manipulator that will interact with the configuration file
                ConfigManipulator configManipulator = new ConfigManipulator(configurationFilePath: $@"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}\{AppSettings.Default.ConfigFilePath}");
                //A mapping that associates a moniker, uri and the webscraper type that should be used
                Dictionary <string, (string Uri, ScraperType ScraperType)> monikerUriMapping = configManipulator.LoadMonikerUriMappingDictionary();

                //If arguments have been provided via the command line convert them to a string
                if (args.Length >= 1)
                    input = string.Join(Separators.SpaceSeparator, args);

                //Load additional options provided by the configuration file
                bool interactionMode = configManipulator.InteractionMode;
                consoleRemainOpen = configManipulator.ConsoleRemainOpen;

                //Instantiate user input processor to ensure input is valid
                UserInputProcessor userInputProcessor = new UserInputProcessor();

                //Will run at least once or continuously if interaction mode is true
                for (int i = 0; i < 1 || interactionMode; i++)
                        //Only read from the console if no CLI arguments have been provided
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input))
                            Console.WriteLine("Enter Argument:");
                            input = Console.ReadLine();

                        //Validate and process input
                        //ToDo-- trigger cancellation token if it is able to be canceled to signal tasks instances they should stop
                        //Break out of the loop if the exit command has been input
                        if (userInputProcessor.Exit)

                        //Throw an exception if the input is not valid
                        if (!userInputProcessor.IsUserInputValid)
                            throw new Exception($"Ensure Input Is Valid: {input}");

                        //Start a new scraping execution task instance if the input is valid
                        scrapingExecutions.Add(Task.Run(async() =>
                                //Ensures the moniker argument is valid e.g hackernews
                                if (!monikerUriMapping.Keys.Contains(userInputProcessor.MonikerArgument))
                                    throw new Exception("Moniker Not Found In The Config Files Moniker Uri Mapping Property");

                                //ToDo - only continue main process loop once the trailing arguments has been stored locally before userInputProcessor state reset
                                Dictionary <string, string> trailingArguments = userInputProcessor.TrailingArguments;

                                //Collect its associated uri to provide the webscraper
                                string uri = monikerUriMapping[userInputProcessor.MonikerArgument].Uri;

                                //Select the associated scraper type that should be used with the valid moniker argument
                                switch (monikerUriMapping[userInputProcessor.MonikerArgument].ScraperType)
                                case ScraperType.HackerNewsScraper:
                                    //Initialize algorithm based on selected mapping item
                                    IWebScraper webScraper = ScraperFactory.CreateWebScraperInstance(ScraperType.HackerNewsScraper);
                                    await webScraper.ExecuteScraping(uri, httpClient, trailingArguments);

                                default:   //Will throw an exception if the associated web scraper is unidentified
                                    throw new Exception("Provided Web Scraper Is Unidentified");
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                //Display error information based on web scrapping execution errors
                                //Log Error Message
                                Console.WriteLine($"Issue During {userInputProcessor.MonikerArgument} Process: {ex.Message}");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        //Ensures application can continue when running in interaction mode
                        //If application was extended to run a collection of inputs, ensures collection items can be enumerated if errors occurs during process
                        Console.WriteLine($"{errorMessagePrefix} {ex.Message}");

                    //Clear input
                    input = string.Empty;
            catch (Exception ex)
            {   //Display error message that caused main execution to stop
                Console.WriteLine($"{errorMessagePrefix} {ex.Message}");
            {   //Wait for scraping executions to complete
                if (scrapingExecutions.Count() >= 1)
                    await Task.WhenAll(scrapingExecutions);


            Console.WriteLine($"End Of Application Execution: {DateTime.Now}");
            //Temp Will Allow The Viewing Of The Results
            if (consoleRemainOpen)