Esempio n. 1
        public static IConfigProvider CreateProvider(IConfigSchema schema, TimeSpan?errorThresholdInterval)
            ConfigFlags overrideFlags = ConfigProviderBase.OverrideFlags;

            if ((overrideFlags & ConfigFlags.DisallowADConfig) == ConfigFlags.DisallowADConfig)
            if ((overrideFlags & ConfigFlags.DisallowAppConfig) == ConfigFlags.DisallowAppConfig)
            ConfigProvider   configProvider = new ConfigProvider(schema);
            ConfigDriverBase configDriver   = new ADConfigDriver(schema, errorThresholdInterval);
            ConfigDriverBase configDriver2  = new AppConfigDriver(schema, errorThresholdInterval);

            if ((overrideFlags & ConfigFlags.LowADConfigPriority) == ConfigFlags.LowADConfigPriority)
Esempio n. 2
 public ConfigString(string name, string cmd, int maxLength, string def,
                     ConfigFlags flags, string desc) : base(name, cmd, flags, desc)
     MaxLength    = maxLength;
     Value        = def;
     DefaultValue = def;
Esempio n. 3
        internal static ConfigFlags ParseConfigFlags(List <String> Args)
            ConfigFlags   Result      = ConfigFlags.Config;
            List <String> ToBeRemoved = new List <String>();

            foreach (String Arg in Args)
                switch (Arg.ToUpper())
                case "--HELP":
                    Result |= ConfigFlags.Help;

                if (Arg.StartsWith("--"))
            foreach (String Arg in ToBeRemoved)
Esempio n. 4
            // Token: 0x06000095 RID: 149 RVA: 0x0000331C File Offset: 0x0000151C
            public static IConfigProvider CreateProvider(string applicationName, AnchorConfig schema)
                ConfigDriverBase configDriverBase  = null;
                ConfigDriverBase configDriverBase2 = null;
                ConfigFlags      overrideFlags     = ConfigProviderBase.OverrideFlags;

                if ((overrideFlags & ConfigFlags.DisallowADConfig) != ConfigFlags.DisallowADConfig)
                    configDriverBase = new ADConfigDriver(schema);
                if ((overrideFlags & ConfigFlags.DisallowAppConfig) != ConfigFlags.DisallowAppConfig)
                    configDriverBase2 = new AnchorConfig.AnchorAppConfigDriver(schema.Name, schema);
                AnchorConfig.AnchorConfigProvider anchorConfigProvider = new AnchorConfig.AnchorConfigProvider(schema);
                if (configDriverBase != null && configDriverBase2 != null && (overrideFlags & ConfigFlags.LowADConfigPriority) == ConfigFlags.LowADConfigPriority)
                    if (configDriverBase != null)
                    if (configDriverBase2 != null)
Esempio n. 5
 protected ConfigVariable(string name, string cmd, ConfigFlags flags, string desc)
     Name           = name;
     ConsoleCommand = cmd;
     Flags          = flags;
     Description    = desc;
Esempio n. 6
        public void Deserialize(Stream stream)
            EndianBinaryReader reader = new EndianBinaryReader(EndianBitConverter.Little, stream);

            if (Encoding.UTF8.GetString(reader.ReadBytes(2)) != "LK")
                throw new BoardInfoFormatException("Board info must begin with the 2 byte string 'LK'");

            this.makerId = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.plankId = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.flags   = (ConfigFlags)reader.ReadUInt16();
            int numGPIOs = reader.ReadByte();

            if (numGPIOs != NUM_GPIOS)
                throw new BoardInfoFormatException(string.Format("Expected {0} GPIOs, read {1}", NUM_GPIOS, numGPIOs));

            int len = reader.ReadByte();

            this.plankName = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(reader.ReadBytes(len));

            len          = reader.ReadByte();
            this.version = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(reader.ReadBytes(len));

            gpioNames = new ObservableCollection <PinInfo>();
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_GPIOS; i++)
                byte   lengthByte = reader.ReadByte();
                string pinName    = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(reader.ReadBytes(lengthByte & 0x1F));
                gpioNames.Add(new PinInfo(i + 1, pinName, (PinTypes)(lengthByte & 0xE0)));
    public void Show(string sceneId, bool isSceneDeployed, bool isOwnerOrOperator, bool isContributor)
        ConfigFlags config = isSceneDeployed?
                             GetDeployedSceneConfig(isOwnerOrOperator, isContributor) :
                             GetProjectSceneConfig(isOwnerOrOperator, isContributor);

        Show(sceneId, config);
Esempio n. 8
 public ConsoleCommand(string cmd, string format, ConfigFlags flags,
                       string description, ConsoleCallback callback, object data)
     Cmd         = cmd;
     Format      = format;
     Flags       = flags;
     Description = description;
     Callback    = callback;
     Data        = data;
Esempio n. 9
        public override ConsoleCommand FindCommand(string cmd, ConfigFlags mask)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cmd))

            cmd = cmd.ToLower();
            return(Commands.ContainsKey(cmd) && (Commands[cmd].Flags & mask) != 0
                ? Commands[cmd]
                : null);
 private void Build(ConfigFlags flags)
     headerContainer.SetActive((flags & headerFlags) != 0);
     settingsButton.gameObject.SetActive((flags & ConfigFlags.Settings) != 0);
     duplicateAsProjectButton.gameObject.SetActive((flags & ConfigFlags.DuplicateAsProject) != 0);
     duplicateButton.gameObject.SetActive((flags & ConfigFlags.Duplicate) != 0);
     downloadButton.gameObject.SetActive((flags & ConfigFlags.Download) != 0);
     shareButton.gameObject.SetActive((flags & ConfigFlags.Share) != 0);
     unpublishButton.gameObject.SetActive((flags & ConfigFlags.Unpublish) != 0);
     deleteButton.gameObject.SetActive((flags & ConfigFlags.Delete) != 0);
     quitContributorButton.gameObject.SetActive((flags & ConfigFlags.QuitContributor) != 0);
Esempio n. 11
        public static IConfigProvider CreateAppProvider(IConfigSchema schema, TimeSpan?errorThresholdInterval)
            ConfigFlags overrideFlags = ConfigProviderBase.OverrideFlags;

            if ((overrideFlags & ConfigFlags.DisallowAppConfig) == ConfigFlags.DisallowAppConfig)
            ConfigProvider configProvider = new ConfigProvider(schema);

            configProvider.AddConfigDriver(new AppConfigDriver(schema, errorThresholdInterval));
Esempio n. 12
        public override void RegisterCommand(string cmd, string format, ConsoleCallback callback,
                                             ConfigFlags flags, string description, object data = null)
            if (Commands.ContainsKey(cmd))

            cmd    = cmd.Trim();
            format = format.Trim().Replace("??", "?");

            Commands.Add(cmd, new ConsoleCommand(cmd, format, flags,
                                                 description, callback, data));
    private ConfigFlags GetDeployedSceneConfig(bool isOwnerOrOperator, bool isContributor)
        ConfigFlags config = ConfigFlags.DuplicateAsProject | ConfigFlags.Download;

        if (isOwnerOrOperator)
            config |= ConfigFlags.Settings | ConfigFlags.Unpublish;
        else if (isContributor)
            config |= ConfigFlags.QuitContributor;

    private ConfigFlags GetProjectSceneConfig(bool isOwnerOrOperator, bool isContributor)
        ConfigFlags config = ConfigFlags.Duplicate | ConfigFlags.Download | ConfigFlags.Share;

        if (isOwnerOrOperator)
            config |= ConfigFlags.Settings | ConfigFlags.Delete;
        else if (isContributor)
            config |= ConfigFlags.QuitContributor;

Esempio n. 15
    private ConfigFlags GetDeployedSceneConfig(bool isOwnerOrOperator, bool isContributor)
        ConfigFlags config = 0;

        if (isOwnerOrOperator)
            config |= ConfigFlags.Unpublish;
        else if (isContributor)
            config |= ConfigFlags.QuitContributor;

Esempio n. 16
        public ConsoleCommand(
            string cmd,
            string format,
            string description,
            ConfigFlags flags,
            object data)
            Cmd = cmd.Trim();
            ParametersFormat = format.Trim().Replace("??", "?");
            Flags            = flags;
            Description      = description;
            Data             = data;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Cmd))
                throw new Exception("ConsoleCommand empty cmd");
Esempio n. 17
        public override void Init(ConfigFlags saveMask)
            SaveMask = saveMask;

            AppendVariables(new Dictionary <string, ConfigVariable>()
                { "ConnTimeout", new ConfigInt("conn_timeout", 100, 5, 1000, ConfigFlags.Save | ConfigFlags.Client | ConfigFlags.Server, "Network timeout") },
                { "ConnTimeoutProtection", new ConfigInt("conn_timeout_protection", 1000, 5, 10000, ConfigFlags.Save | ConfigFlags.Client | ConfigFlags.Server, "Network timeout protection") },
                { "Password", new ConfigString("password", 32, "", ConfigFlags.Client | ConfigFlags.Server, "Password to the server") },
                { "Logfile", new ConfigString("logfile", 128, "", ConfigFlags.Save | ConfigFlags.Client | ConfigFlags.Server, "Filename to log all output to") },
                { "ConsoleOutputLevel", new ConfigInt("console_output_level", 0, 0, 2, ConfigFlags.Client | ConfigFlags.Server, "Adjusts the amount of information in the console") },
                { "Bindaddr", new ConfigString("bindaddr", 128, "", ConfigFlags.Client | ConfigFlags.Server | ConfigFlags.Master, "Address to bind the client/server to") },

                { "EcBindaddr", new ConfigString("ec_bindaddr", 128, "localhost", ConfigFlags.Econ, "Address to bind the external console to. Anything but 'localhost' is dangerous") },
                { "EcPort", new ConfigInt("ec_port", 0, 0, 0, ConfigFlags.Econ, "Port to use for the external console") },
                { "EcPassword", new ConfigString("ec_password", 32, "", ConfigFlags.Econ, "External console password") },
                { "EcBantime", new ConfigInt("ec_bantime", 0, 0, 1440, ConfigFlags.Econ, "The time a client gets banned if econ authentication fails. 0 just closes the connection") },
                { "EcAuthTimeout", new ConfigInt("ec_auth_timeout", 30, 1, 120, ConfigFlags.Econ, "Time in seconds before the the econ authentification times out ") },
                { "EcOutputLevel", new ConfigInt("ec_output_level", 1, 0, 2, ConfigFlags.Econ, "Adjusts the amount of information in the external console") },

                { "ClAllowOldServers", new ConfigInt("cl_allow_old_servers", 1, 0, 1, ConfigFlags.Client | ConfigFlags.Server, "Allow connecting to servers that do not furtherly secure the connection") },
                { "Debug", new ConfigInt("debug", 1, 0, 1, ConfigFlags.Client | ConfigFlags.Server, "Debug mode") },
Esempio n. 18
 public abstract void Init(ConfigFlags saveMask);
Esempio n. 19
 public static extern ResultCode GpioCfgSetInternals(ConfigFlags configFlags);
Esempio n. 20
 public abstract IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, ConsoleCommand> > GetCommands(
     int accessLevel, ConfigFlags flags = ConfigFlags.All);
Esempio n. 21
 public abstract void AddCommand(string cmd, string format, string description,
                                 ConfigFlags flags, CommandCallback callback, object data = null);
Esempio n. 22
 public abstract ConsoleCommand FindCommand(string cmd, ConfigFlags mask);
Esempio n. 23
        /// <summary>
        /// 设置标识位
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="flag"></param>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        public void SetFlag(ConfigFlags flag, Boolean value)
            // 或操作加上标识
            // 异或操作让指定标识位取反
            // 在异或中,所有与0的异或不变,与1的异或取反

            if (value)
                Flag |= flag;
                // 必须先检查是否包含这个标识位,因为异或的操作仅仅是取反
                if ((Flag & flag) == flag) Flag ^= flag;
Esempio n. 24
 public abstract void RegisterCommand(string cmd, string format, ConsoleCallback callback, ConfigFlags flags,
                                      string description, object data = null);
Esempio n. 25
 public MachinaCaptureWorker(XivMonTab window, TCPNetworkMonitor.NetworkMonitorType monitorType, ConfigFlags flags)
     this._myTab       = window;
     this._monitorType = monitorType;
     this._configFlags = flags;
Esempio n. 26
        public override void AddCommand(string cmd, string format, string description, ConfigFlags flags, CommandCallback callback, object data = null)
            if (Commands.ContainsKey(cmd))
                Debug.Warning("console", $"Command {cmd} already exist");

            var command = new ConsoleCommand(cmd, format, description, flags, data);

            command.Executed += callback;
            Commands.Add(cmd, command);
 public void Show(string sceneId, ConfigFlags configFlags)
     this.sceneId = sceneId;
Esempio n. 28
        public void Deserialize(Stream stream)
            EndianBinaryReader reader = new EndianBinaryReader(EndianBitConverter.Little, stream);
            if (Encoding.UTF8.GetString(reader.ReadBytes(2)) != "LK")
                throw new BoardInfoFormatException("Board info must begin with the 2 byte string 'LK'");

            this.makerId = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.plankId = reader.ReadUInt16();
            this.flags = (ConfigFlags)reader.ReadUInt16();
            int numGPIOs = reader.ReadByte();
            if (numGPIOs != NUM_GPIOS)
                throw new BoardInfoFormatException(string.Format("Expected {0} GPIOs, read {1}", NUM_GPIOS, numGPIOs));

            int len = reader.ReadByte();
            this.plankName = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(reader.ReadBytes(len));

            len = reader.ReadByte();
            this.version = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(reader.ReadBytes(len));

            gpioNames = new ObservableCollection<PinInfo>();
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_GPIOS; i++)
                byte lengthByte = reader.ReadByte();
                string pinName = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(reader.ReadBytes(lengthByte & 0x1F));
                gpioNames.Add(new PinInfo(i + 1, pinName, (PinTypes)(lengthByte & 0xE0)));
Esempio n. 29
        public override void Init(ConfigFlags saveMask)

            AppendVariables(new Dictionary <string, ConfigVariable>()
                { "SvSpoofProtection", new ConfigInt("sv_spoof_protection", 0, 0, 1, ConfigFlags.Server, "Enable spoof protection") },
                { "SvMapWindow", new ConfigInt("sv_map_window", 15, 0, 100, ConfigFlags.Server, "Map downloading send-ahead window") },
                { "SvFastDownload", new ConfigInt("sv_fast_download", 1, 0, 1, ConfigFlags.Server, "Enables fast download of maps") },
                { "SvNetlimit", new ConfigInt("sv_netlimit", 0, 0, 10000, ConfigFlags.Server, "Netlimit: Maximum amount of traffic a client is allowed to use (in kb/s)") },
                { "SvNetlimitAlpha", new ConfigInt("sv_netlimit_alpha", 50, 1, 100, ConfigFlags.Server, "Netlimit: Alpha of Exponention moving average") },
                { "SvMapUpdateRate", new ConfigInt("sv_mapupdaterate", 5, 1, 100, ConfigFlags.Server, "(Tw32) real id <-> vanilla id players map update rate") },
                { "SvReservedSlots", new ConfigInt("sv_reserved_slots", 0, 0, 16, ConfigFlags.Server, "The number of slots that are reserved for special players") },
                { "SvReservedSlotsPass", new ConfigString("sv_reserved_slots_pass", 32, "", ConfigFlags.Server, "The password that is required to use a reserved slot") },

                { "SvAllowOldClients", new ConfigInt("sv_allow_old_clients", 1, 0, 1, ConfigFlags.Server, "Allow clients to connect that do not support the anti-spoof protocol (this presents a DoS risk)") },
                { "SvOldClientsPerInterval", new ConfigInt("sv_old_clients_per_interval", 5, 0, int.MaxValue, ConfigFlags.Server, "Maximum number of clients that can connect per interval set by `sv_old_clients_interval`") },
                { "SvOldClientsInterval", new ConfigInt("sv_old_clients_interval", 20, 0, int.MaxValue, ConfigFlags.Server, "Interval (in seconds) in which `sv_old_clients_per_interval` clients are allowed to connect") },
                { "SvOldClientsSkip", new ConfigInt("sv_old_clients_skip", 20, 0, int.MaxValue, ConfigFlags.Server, "How many legacy connection attempts to ignore before sending a legacy handshake despite the rate limit being hit") },

                { "SvName", new ConfigString("sv_name", 128, "TeeSharp server", ConfigFlags.Server, "Server name") },
                { "SvHostname", new ConfigString("sv_hostname", 128, "", ConfigFlags.Save | ConfigFlags.Server, "Server hostname") },

                { "SvPort", new ConfigInt("sv_port", 8303, 0, 65535, ConfigFlags.Server, "Port to use for the server") },
                { "SvExternalPort", new ConfigInt("sv_external_port", 0, 0, 0, ConfigFlags.Server, "External port to report to the master servers") },
                { "SvMap", new ConfigString("sv_map", 128, "dm1", ConfigFlags.Server, "Map to use on the server") },
                { "SvMaxClients", new ConfigInt("sv_max_clients", 64, 1, 64, ConfigFlags.Server, "Maximum number of clients that are allowed on a server") },
                { "SvMaxClientsPerIP", new ConfigInt("sv_max_clients_per_ip", 64, 1, 64, ConfigFlags.Server, "Maximum number of clients with the same IP that can connect to the server") },
                { "SvMapDownloadSpeed", new ConfigInt("sv_map_download_speed", 2, 1, 16, ConfigFlags.Save | ConfigFlags.Server, "Number of map data packages a client gets on each request") },
                { "SvHighBandwidth", new ConfigInt("sv_high_bandwidth", 0, 0, 1, ConfigFlags.Server, "Use high bandwidth mode. Doubles the bandwidth required for the server. LAN use only") },
                { "SvRegister", new ConfigInt("sv_register", 1, 0, 1, ConfigFlags.Server, "Register server with master server for public listing") },
                { "SvRconPassword", new ConfigString("sv_rcon_password", 32, "", ConfigFlags.Server, "Remote console password (full access)") },
                { "SvRconModPassword", new ConfigString("sv_rcon_mod_password", 32, "", ConfigFlags.Server, "Remote console password for moderators (limited access)") },
                { "SvRconMaxTries", new ConfigInt("sv_rcon_max_tries", 5, 0, 100, ConfigFlags.Server, "Maximum number of tries for remote console authentication") },
                { "SvRconBantime", new ConfigInt("sv_rcon_bantime", 0, 0, 1440, ConfigFlags.Server, "The time a client gets banned if remote console authentication fails. 0 makes it just use kick") },
                { "SvAutoDemoRecord", new ConfigInt("sv_auto_demo_record", 0, 0, 1, ConfigFlags.Server, "Automatically record demos") },
                { "SvAutoDemoMax", new ConfigInt("sv_auto_demo_max", 10, 0, 1000, ConfigFlags.Server, "Maximum number of automatically recorded demos (0 = no limit)") },

                { "SvWarmup", new ConfigInt("sv_warmup", 0, 0, 0, ConfigFlags.Server, "Number of seconds to do warmup before round starts") },
                { "SvMotd", new ConfigString("sv_motd", 900, "", ConfigFlags.Server, "Message of the day to display for the clients") },
                { "SvTeamdamage", new ConfigInt("sv_teamdamage", 0, 0, 1, ConfigFlags.Server, "Team damage") },
                { "SvMaprotation", new ConfigString("sv_maprotation", 768, "", ConfigFlags.Server, "Maps to rotate between") },

                { "SvMatchesPerMap", new ConfigInt("sv_matches_per_map", 1, 1, 100, ConfigFlags.Save | ConfigFlags.Server, "Number of matches on each map before rotating") },
                { "SvMatchSwap", new ConfigInt("sv_match_swap", 1, 0, 1, ConfigFlags.Server, "Swap teams between matches") },
                { "SvPowerups", new ConfigInt("sv_powerups", 1, 0, 1, ConfigFlags.Server, "Allow powerups like ninja") },
                { "SvScorelimit", new ConfigInt("sv_scorelimit", 20, 0, 1000, ConfigFlags.Save | ConfigFlags.Server, "Score limit (0 disables)") },
                { "SvTimelimit", new ConfigInt("sv_timelimit", 0, 0, 1000, ConfigFlags.Server, "Time limit in minutes (0 disables)") },
                { "SvGametype", new ConfigString("sv_gametype", 32, "dm", ConfigFlags.Server, "Game type (dm, tdm, ctf)") },
                { "SvTournamentMode", new ConfigInt("sv_tournament_mode", 0, 0, 2, ConfigFlags.Save | ConfigFlags.Server, "Tournament mode. When enabled, players joins the server as spectator (2=additional restricted spectator chat)") },
                { "SvPlayerReadyMode", new ConfigInt("sv_player_ready_mode", 0, 0, 1, ConfigFlags.Save | ConfigFlags.Server, "When enabled, players can pause/unpause the game and start the game on warmup via their ready state") },
                { "SvSpamprotection", new ConfigInt("sv_spamprotection", 1, 0, 1, ConfigFlags.Server, "Spam protection") },

                { "SvRespawnDelayTDM", new ConfigInt("sv_respawn_delay_tdm", 3, 0, 10, ConfigFlags.Server, "Time needed to respawn after death in tdm gametype") },

                //{ "SvSpectatorSlots", new ConfigInt("SvSpectatorSlots", "sv_spectator_slots", 0, 0, 64, ConfigFlags.Server, "Number of slots to reserve for spectators") },
                { "SvPlayerSlots", new ConfigInt("sv_player_slots", 8, 0, 64 /* TODO */, ConfigFlags.Save | ConfigFlags.Server, "Number of slots to reserve for players") },
                { "SvSkillLevel", new ConfigInt("sv_skill_level", 1, 0, 2 /* TODO */, ConfigFlags.Save | ConfigFlags.Server, "Supposed player skill level") },
                { "SvTeambalanceTime", new ConfigInt("sv_teambalance_time", 1, 0, 1000, ConfigFlags.Server, "How many minutes to wait before autobalancing teams") },
                { "SvInactiveKickTime", new ConfigInt("sv_inactivekick_time", 3, 0, 1000, ConfigFlags.Server, "How many minutes to wait before taking care of inactive players") },
                { "SvInactiveKick", new ConfigInt("sv_inactivekick", 1, 0, 2, ConfigFlags.Server, "How to deal with inactive players (0=move to spectator, 1=move to free spectator slot/kick, 2=kick)") },

                { "SvSilentSpectatorMode", new ConfigInt("sv_silent_spectator_mode", 1, 0, 1, ConfigFlags.Save | ConfigFlags.Server, "Mute join/leave message of spectator") },

                { "SvStrictSpectateMode", new ConfigInt("sv_strict_spectate_mode", 0, 0, 1, ConfigFlags.Server, "Restricts information in spectator mode") },
                { "SvVoteSpectate", new ConfigInt("sv_vote_spectate", 1, 0, 1, ConfigFlags.Server, "Allow voting to move players to spectators") },
                { "SvVoteSpectateRejoindelay", new ConfigInt("sv_vote_spectate_rejoindelay", 3, 0, 1000, ConfigFlags.Server, "How many minutes to wait before a player can rejoin after being moved to spectators by vote") },
                { "SvVoteKick", new ConfigInt("sv_vote_kick", 1, 0, 1, ConfigFlags.Server, "Allow voting to kick players") },
                { "SvVoteKickMin", new ConfigInt("sv_vote_kick_min", 0, 0, 64, ConfigFlags.Server, "Minimum number of players required to start a kick vote") },
                { "SvVoteKickBantime", new ConfigInt("sv_vote_kick_bantime", 5, 0, 1440, ConfigFlags.Server, "The time to ban a player if kicked by vote. 0 makes it just use kick") },
Esempio n. 30
 public override IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, ConsoleCommand> > GetCommands(int accessLevel, ConfigFlags flags = ConfigFlags.All)
     return(Commands.Where(pair => pair.Value.AccessLevel <= accessLevel &&
Esempio n. 31
 /// <summary>
 /// 获取标识位
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="flag"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public Boolean GetFlag(ConfigFlags flag)
     return (Flag & flag) == flag;