Esempio n. 1
 public MfccConfiguration(ConfigDictionary config)
     this.FilterbankCount    = config.GetInt(ConfigKeys.Mfcc.Key_FilterbankCount);
     this.DoMelScale         = config.GetBoolean(ConfigKeys.Mfcc.Key_DoMelScale);
     this.CcCount            = config.GetInt(ConfigKeys.Mfcc.Key_CcCount); //number of cepstral coefficients
     this.IncludeDelta       = config.GetBoolean(ConfigKeys.Mfcc.Key_IncludeDelta);
     this.IncludeDoubleDelta = config.GetBoolean(ConfigKeys.Mfcc.Key_IncludeDoubleDelta);
        /// <summary>
        /// DoSnr = true;
        /// DoFullBandwidth = false;
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">read from file</param>
        private void Initialize(ConfigDictionary config)
            if (config == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(config));

            this.CallName    = config.GetString(ConfigKeys.Recording.Key_RecordingCallName);
            this.SourceFName = config.GetString(ConfigKeys.Recording.Key_RecordingFileName);
            var duration = config.GetDoubleNullable("WAV_DURATION");

            if (duration != null)
                this.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(duration.Value);

            this.WindowSize    = config.GetInt(ConfigKeys.Windowing.Key_WindowSize);
            this.WindowOverlap = config.GetDouble(ConfigKeys.Windowing.Key_WindowOverlap);

            this.DoSnr = true; // set false if only want to
            string noisereduce = config.GetString(AnalysisKeys.NoiseReductionType);

            //this.NoiseReductionType = (NoiseReductionType)Enum.Parse(typeof(NoiseReductionType), noisereduce.ToUpperInvariant());
            this.NoiseReductionType = (NoiseReductionType)Enum.Parse(typeof(NoiseReductionType), noisereduce);

            this.DoFullBandwidth = false; // set true if only want to
            this.MinFreqBand     = config.GetIntNullable(ConfigKeys.Mfcc.Key_MinFreq);
            this.MaxFreqBand     = config.GetIntNullable(ConfigKeys.Mfcc.Key_MaxFreq);
            this.MidFreqBand     = this.MinFreqBand + ((this.MaxFreqBand - this.MinFreqBand) / 2);


            //MFCC PARAMETERS
            this.DoMelScale = config.GetBoolean(ConfigKeys.Mfcc.Key_DoMelScale);
            this.mfccConfig = new MfccConfiguration(config);
            this.DeltaT     = config.GetInt(ConfigKeys.Mfcc.Key_DeltaT); // Frames between acoustic vectors

            // for generating only spectrogram.
Esempio n. 3
        public static void MakeSonogramWithSox(FileInfo fiAudio, Dictionary <string, string> configDict, FileInfo output)
            var soxPath = new FileInfo(AppConfigHelper.SoxExe);

            if (!soxPath.Exists)
                LoggedConsole.WriteLine("SOX ERROR: Path does not exist: <{0}>", soxPath.FullName);
                throw new FileNotFoundException("SOX ERROR: Path for executable does not exist.", soxPath.FullName);

            // must quote the path because has a space in it.
            string soxCmd = "\"" + AppConfigHelper.SoxExe + "\"";

            string title = string.Empty;

            if (configDict.ContainsKey(AnalysisKeys.SonogramTitle))
                title = " -t " + configDict[AnalysisKeys.SonogramTitle];

            string comment = string.Empty;

            if (configDict.ContainsKey(AnalysisKeys.SonogramComment))
                comment = " -c " + configDict[AnalysisKeys.SonogramComment];

            string axes = "-r";

            if (configDict.ContainsKey(AnalysisKeys.AddAxes) && !ConfigDictionary.GetBoolean(AnalysisKeys.AddAxes, configDict))
                axes = string.Empty;

            string coloured = " -m "; // default

            if (configDict.ContainsKey(AnalysisKeys.SonogramColored) && ConfigDictionary.GetBoolean(AnalysisKeys.SonogramColored, configDict))
                coloured = string.Empty;

            string quantisation = " -q 64 "; // default

            if (configDict.ContainsKey(AnalysisKeys.SonogramQuantisation))
                quantisation = " -q " + ConfigDictionary.GetInt(AnalysisKeys.SonogramQuantisation, configDict);

            //          Path\sox.exe  -V "sourcefile.wav" -n rate 22050 spectrogram -m -r -l -a -q 249 -w hann -y 257 -X 43.06640625 -z 100 -o "imagefile.png"
            //string soxCommandLineArguments = " -V \"{0}\" -n rate 22050 spectrogram -m -r -l -a -q 249 -w hann -y 257 -X 43.06640625 -z 100 -o \"{1}\"";  //greyscale only
            //string soxCommandLineArguments = " -V \"{0}\" -n spectrogram -m -l -o \"{1}\"";  //greyscale with time, freq and intensity scales
            //string soxCommandLineArguments = " -V \"{0}\" -n spectrogram -m -o \"{1}\"";     //reverse image greyscale with time, freq and intensity scales
            //string soxCommandLineArguments = " -V \"{0}\" -n spectrogram -l -o \"{1}\"";     //colour with time, freq and intensity scales
            //string soxCommandLineArguments = " -V \"{0}\" -n spectrogram -m -q 64 -r -l -o \"{6}\"";    //64 grey scale, with time, freq and intensity scales
            const string SoxCommandLineArguments = " -V \"{0}\" -n spectrogram -m {1} -q 64 -l -o \"{6}\""; //64 grey scale, with time, freq and intensity scales

            //string soxCommandLineArguments = " -V \"{0}\" -n spectrogram -l {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} -o \"{6}\"";    //64 grey scale, with time, freq and intensity scales

            // −a     Suppress display of axis lines. This is sometimes useful in helping to discern artefacts at the spectrogram edges.
            // -l     Print firendly monochrome spectrogram.
            // −m     Creates a monochrome spectrogram (the default is colour).
            // -q     Number of intensity quanitisation levels/colors - try -q 64
            // −r     Raw spectrogram: suppress the display of axes and legends.
            // −t text  Set the image title - text to display above the spectrogram.
            // −c text  Set (or clear) the image comment - text to display below and to the left of the spectrogram.
            // trim 20 30  displays spectrogram of 30 seconds duratoin starting at 20 seconds.
            var args = string.Format(SoxCommandLineArguments, fiAudio.FullName, title, comment, axes, coloured, quantisation, output.FullName);

            using (var process = new ProcessRunner(soxCmd))
                process.Run(args, output.DirectoryName);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fiAudio"></param>
        /// <param name="fiConfig"></param>
        /// <param name="fiImage"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Image GetImageFromAudioSegment(FileInfo fiAudio, FileInfo fiConfig, FileInfo fiImage, IAnalyser2 analyser)
            var config = new ConfigDictionary(fiConfig.FullName); //read in config file

            bool doAnnotate = config.GetBoolean(AnalysisKeys.AnnotateSonogram);

            //bool doNoiseReduction = config.GetBoolean(Keys.NOISE_DO_REDUCTION);
            //double bgNoiseThreshold = config.GetDouble(Keys.NOISE_BG_REDUCTION);

            var diOutputDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(fiImage.FullName));

            //Image image = null;

            if (doAnnotate)
                if (analyser == null)
                    string analyisName = config.GetString(AnalysisKeys.AnalysisName);
                    LoggedConsole.WriteLine("\nWARNING: Could not construct annotated image because analysis name not recognized:");
                    LoggedConsole.WriteLine("\t " + analyisName);

                throw new NotSupportedException("Code intentionally broken because it is out of date and not used");

                 * Image image = null;
                 * var settings = new AnalysisSettings
                 * {
                 *  ConfigDict = config.GetDictionary(),
                 *  SegmentAudioFile = fiAudio,
                 *  ConfigFile = fiConfig,
                 *  SegmentImageFile = fiImage,
                 *  SegmentOutputDirectory = diOutputDir
                 * };
                 * // want to pass SampleRate of the original file.
                 * settings.SampleRateOfOriginalAudioFile = int.Parse(settings.ConfigDict[AnalysisKeys.ResampleRate]);
                 * analyser.BeforeAnalyze(settings);
                 * var results = analyser.Analyze(settings, new SegmentSettings<FileInfo>(se));
                 * image = results.ImageFile == null ? null : Image.FromFile(results.ImageFile.FullName);
                 * analyser = null;
                 * return image;*/
                analyser = null;
                var          configDict = config.GetDictionary();
                BaseSonogram sonogram   = Audio2DecibelSonogram(fiAudio, configDict);
                var          mti        = Sonogram2MultiTrackImage(sonogram, configDict);
                var          image      = mti.GetImage();

                if (image != null)
                    if (fiImage.Exists)

                    image.Save(fiImage.FullName, ImageFormat.Png);

Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Image_MultiTrack Sonogram2MultiTrackImage(BaseSonogram sonogram, Dictionary <string, string> configDict)
            bool doHighlightSubband = false;

            //check if doing a reduced sonogram
            //int timeReductionFactor = 1;
            //if (configDict.ContainsKey(Keys.TIME_REDUCTION_FACTOR))
            //    timeReductionFactor = ConfigDictionary.GetInt(Keys.TIME_REDUCTION_FACTOR, configDict);
            //int freqReductionFactor = 1;
            //if (configDict.ContainsKey(Keys.FREQ_REDUCTION_FACTOR))
            //    freqReductionFactor = ConfigDictionary.GetInt(Keys.FREQ_REDUCTION_FACTOR, configDict);
            //if (!((timeReductionFactor == 1) && (freqReductionFactor == 1)))
            //    sonogram.Data = ReduceDimensionalityOfSpectrogram(sonogram.Data, timeReductionFactor, freqReductionFactor);
            //    return sonogram.GetImage(doHighlightSubband, add1kHzLines);

            // (iii) NOISE REDUCTION
            //bool doNoiseReduction = false;
            //if (configDict.ContainsKey(AnalysisKeys.NoiseDoReduction))
            //    doNoiseReduction = ConfigDictionary.GetBoolean(AnalysisKeys.NoiseDoReduction, configDict);
            //if (doNoiseReduction)
            //    //LoggedConsole.WriteLine("PERFORMING NOISE REDUCTION");
            //    double bgThreshold = 3.0;
            //    if (configDict.ContainsKey(AnalysisKeys.NoiseBgThreshold))
            //        bgThreshold = ConfigDictionary.GetDouble(AnalysisKeys.NoiseBgThreshold, configDict);
            //    var tuple = SNR.NoiseReduce(sonogram.Data, NoiseReductionType.STANDARD, bgThreshold);
            //    sonogram.Data = tuple.Item1;   // store data matrix

            //ADD time and frequency scales
            bool addScale = false;

            if (configDict.ContainsKey(AnalysisKeys.AddTimeScale))
                addScale = ConfigDictionary.GetBoolean(AnalysisKeys.AddTimeScale, configDict);
            if (configDict.ContainsKey(AnalysisKeys.AddAxes))
                addScale = ConfigDictionary.GetBoolean(AnalysisKeys.AddAxes, configDict);

            Image            img = sonogram.GetImage(doHighlightSubband, add1KHzLines: addScale, doMelScale: false);
            Image_MultiTrack mti = new Image_MultiTrack(img);

            if (addScale)
                mti.AddTrack(ImageTrack.GetTimeTrack(sonogram.Duration, sonogram.FramesPerSecond)); //add time scale

            bool addSegmentationTrack = false;

            //add segmentation track
            if (configDict.ContainsKey(AnalysisKeys.AddSegmentationTrack))
                addSegmentationTrack = ConfigDictionary.GetBoolean(AnalysisKeys.AddSegmentationTrack, configDict);

            if (addSegmentationTrack)
                mti.AddTrack(ImageTrack.GetSegmentationTrack(sonogram)); //add segmentation track


            //mti.AddTrack(ImageTrack.GetWavEnvelopeTrack(sonogram)); //add segmentation track