Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert the option label
        /// </summary>
        private HtmlLabel InsertLabelForItem(Config.ConfigAttribute attr, ref int yPos)
            var lbl = new HtmlLabel {
                AutoSizeHeightOnly = true,
                BackColor          = Color.Transparent,
                Location           = new Point(30, yPos),
                Size = new Size(270, 10),
                IsSelectionEnabled = false,
                Text = attr.Label

            yPos += lbl.Height + 10;

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert the correct input for the option
        /// </summary>
        private Control InsertInputForItem(FieldInfo property, Config.ConfigAttribute attr, ref int yPos)
            // Build control type
            Control retVal;

            if (property.FieldType == typeof(bool))
                // for bool
                var tg = new YamuiButtonToggle {
                    Location = new Point(320, yPos),
                    Size     = new Size(40, 16),
                    Text     = null,
                    Checked  = (bool)property.GetValue(Config.Instance)
                tg.ButtonPressed += (sender, args) => OnFieldModified();
                retVal            = tg;
            else if (property.FieldType.IsEnum)
                // for enum
                var dataSource = new List <string>();
                foreach (var name in Enum.GetNames(property.FieldType))
                    var attribute = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(property.FieldType.GetField(name), typeof(DescriptionAttribute), true) as DescriptionAttribute;
                    dataSource.Add(attribute != null ? attribute.Description : name);
                dataSource = dataSource.Select(s => s.Replace("_", " ").Trim()).ToNonNullList();
                var cb = new YamuiComboBox {
                    Location   = new Point(320, yPos),
                    Size       = new Size(Math.Min(300, dataSource.Select(s => TextRenderer.MeasureText(s, FontManager.GetStandardFont()).Width).Max() + 25), 20),
                    DataSource = dataSource,
                cb.SelectedIndex = Enum.GetNames(property.FieldType).IndexOf(property.GetValue(Config.Instance).ConvertToStr());
                cb.SelectedIndexChangedByUser += box => OnFieldModified();
                retVal = cb;
                // for everything else
                var tb = new YamuiTextBox {
                    Location         = new Point(320, yPos),
                    Size             = new Size(300, 20),
                    Text             = property.GetValue(Config.Instance).ConvertToStr(),
                    Multiline        = false,
                    CausesValidation = true
                tb.Enter += (s, e) => tb.SelectAll();
                if (property.FieldType == typeof(char))
                    tb.KeyPress += (s, e) => {
                        e.Handled = !char.IsControl(e.KeyChar) && tb.TextLength > 0;
                    tb.KeyPress += (s, e) => {
                        e.Handled = Utilities.IsInvalidKey(e.KeyChar, property.FieldType);
                tb.Validating  += ValidateTextBox;
                tb.Validated   += (s, e) => errorProvider.SetError(tb, "");
                tb.TextChanged += (sender, args) => OnFieldModified();
                errorProvider.SetIconPadding(tb, -18);
                errorProvider.Icon = ImageResources.IcoError;
                retVal             = tb;

            var undoButton = new YamuiButtonImage {
                BackGrndImage = ImageResources.UndoUserAction,
                Size          = new Size(20, 20),
                Location      = new Point(retVal.Left + retVal.Width + 5, yPos),
                Tag           = retVal,
                TabStop       = false

            undoButton.ButtonPressed += OnUndoButton;
            tooltip.SetToolTip(undoButton, "Click to <b>reset this field</b> to its default value");

            // add tooltip on the control
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.Tooltip))
                var rangeAttr = (RangeAttribute)property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RangeAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault();
                tooltip.SetToolTip(retVal, "<b>" + attr.Label + ":</b><br><br>" + attr.Tooltip + (rangeAttr != null ? "<br><b><i>" + "Min value = " + rangeAttr.Minimum + "<br>Max value = " + rangeAttr.Maximum + "</i></b>" : ""));

            // Set standard props
            retVal.Name = "option_" + property.Name;
            retVal.Tag  = property;
