public void when_try_to_take_stored_thing_by_name_and_its_parent_type_it_should_return_it_and_success_status() { var sut = new ConcurrentPocket(); const string nameOfThing = "name of the thing"; var thingItself = new Derived(); sut.Put(nameOfThing, thingItself); sut.TryTake <Base>(nameOfThing, out var foundThing).Should().BeTrue("the requested thing lies in the pocket"); foundThing.Should().BeSameAs(thingItself, "thing should be stored by reference"); }
public void when_try_to_take_missing_struct_thing_it_should_return_default_value_and_fail_status() { var sut = new ConcurrentPocket(); const string nameOfThing = "name of the thing"; var thingItself = DateTime.Now; sut.Put(nameOfThing, thingItself); sut.TryTake <DateTime>("a different name", out var foundThing).Should().BeFalse("there is no a thing with this name in the pocket"); foundThing.Should().Be(new DateTime(), "default DateTime is expected 'nothing' for a struct DateTime"); }
public void when_try_to_take_missing_reference_thing_it_should_return_null_and_fail_status() { var sut = new ConcurrentPocket(); const string nameOfThing = "name of the thing"; const string thingItself = "the thing itself"; sut.Put(nameOfThing, thingItself); sut.TryTake <string>("a different name", out var foundThing).Should().BeFalse("there is no a thing with this name in the pocket"); foundThing.Should().BeNull("null is expected 'nothing' for a reference type"); }
public void when_try_to_take_stored_thing_with_unexpected_type_it_should_throw() { var pocket = new ConcurrentPocket(); const string nameOfThing = "name of the thing"; const string thingItself = "the thing itself"; pocket.Put(nameOfThing, thingItself); Action sut = () => pocket.TryTake <DateTime>(nameOfThing, out _); sut.Should().Throw <InvalidCastException>("impossible to cast a string to the different type"); }
public void when_try_to_take_thing_with_invalid_name_given_it_should_throw() { var pocket = new ConcurrentPocket(); const string nameOfThing = "name of the thing"; const string thingItself = "the thing itself"; pocket.Put(nameOfThing, thingItself); Action sut = () => pocket.TryTake <string>(name: null, out var _); sut.Should().Throw <ArgumentNullException>().Where( exception => exception.ParamName == "name", "null is not a valid name"); sut = () => pocket.TryTake <string>(string.Empty, out var _); sut.Should().Throw <ArgumentNullException>().Where( exception => exception.ParamName == "name", "an empty string is not a valid name"); sut = () => pocket.TryTake <string>(WhiteSpaceString, out var _); sut.Should().Throw <ArgumentNullException>().Where( exception => exception.ParamName == "name", "a whitespace is not a valid name"); }