public async Task ConcurrentPostTopicTest()
            int numTopics         = 2;
            var managersContext   = new ManagersContext();
            var principalsContext = await PrincipalsContext.ConstructPrincipalsContext(managersContext, TestConstants.AppKey);

            var usersController = new UsersController(managersContext, principalsContext);
            var topicController = new TopicsController(managersContext, principalsContext);

            // Create a user
            var postUserResponse = await usersController.PostUser();

            // Create a func out of the PostTopic method
            Func <Task <IHttpActionResult> > postTopicFunc = () => topicController.PostTopic(PublisherType.User);

            // Fire 2 calls in parallel
            var actionResultList = await ConcurrentCalls <IHttpActionResult> .FireInParallel(postTopicFunc, numTopics);

            // Delete the topics created
            for (int i = 0; i < numTopics; i += 1)
                var topicHandle = (actionResultList[i] as CreatedNegotiatedContentResult <PostTopicResponse>).Content.TopicHandle;
                await topicController.DeleteTopic(topicHandle);

            // Delete the user created
            await usersController.DeleteUser();
Esempio n. 2
        public async Task ConcurrentLikeCommentTest()
            var numTests = 100;

            // Initialize all clients
            SocialPlusClient[] client = new SocialPlusClient[numTests];
            var taskArray             = new Task <HttpOperationResponse <object> > [numTests];

            for (int i = 0; i < numTests; i += 1)
                client[i] = new SocialPlusClient(TestConstants.ServerApiBaseUrl);

            // Create user, topic, comment using client_0
            var user = await TestUtilities.PostGenericUser(client[0]);

            var auth          = AuthHelper.CreateSocialPlusAuth(user.SessionToken);
            var topicResponse = await TestUtilities.PostGenericTopic(client[0], auth);

            var commentResponse = await TestUtilities.PostGenericComment(client[0], auth, topicResponse.TopicHandle);

            // Initialize each PostLike call
            var postLikeFuncList = new Func <Task <HttpOperationResponse <object> > > [numTests];

            for (int i = 0; i < numTests; i += 1)
                postLikeFuncList[i] = () => client[i].CommentLikes.PostLikeWithHttpMessagesAsync(commentHandle: commentResponse.CommentHandle, authorization: auth);

            var postLikeOperationResponse = await ConcurrentCalls <HttpOperationResponse <object> > .FireInParallel(postLikeFuncList);

            await TestUtilities.DeleteComment(client[0], commentResponse.CommentHandle, auth);

            await TestUtilities.DeleteTopic(client[0], topicResponse.TopicHandle, auth);

            await TestUtilities.DeleteUser(client[0], auth);

            // Check that post like operation responses were successful
            for (int i = 0; i < numTests; i += 1)
                    string.Format($"Like with index {i} failed with status code {postLikeOperationResponse[i].Response.StatusCode}"));
        public async Task EstimatePerMinuteRateLimitTest()
            int estimate = 0;

            // Set up initial login etc
            SocialPlusClient client = new SocialPlusClient(TestConstants.ServerApiBaseUrl);

            // Start a clock
            var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            // Fire 2000 calls in parallel
            Func <Task <GetBuildInfoResponse> > getBuildInfoFunc = () => client.Config.GetBuildInfoAsync();
            await ConcurrentCalls <GetBuildInfoResponse> .FireInParallel(getBuildInfoFunc, 2000);

            estimate += 2000;

            // Continue to fire calls in parallel, 1K at a time, up to 8K additional calls, or 1 minute whatever takes longer
                // up to 8 more parallel batches
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i += 1)
                    if (watch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 1000 * 60)
                        Console.WriteLine("The rate limit estimate is unavailable but is higher than " + estimate + " reqs/minute");

                    await ConcurrentCalls <GetBuildInfoResponse> .FireInParallel(getBuildInfoFunc, 1000);

                    estimate += 1000;
            catch (Exception e)
                // Check that this is a 429 error, by scanning the exception's message for the string '429'
                Console.WriteLine("The rate limit estimate is " + estimate + " reqs/minute");

            Console.WriteLine("The rate limit estimate is unavailable but is higher than " + estimate + " reqs/minute");