Esempio n. 1
        public async Task Cancelling_AllEventsFor()
            TimeSpan overheadDelay        = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100);
            TimeSpan oneSecondDelay       = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
            TimeSpan threeSecondsTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3);

            const uint anyRequestorId                      = 100u;
            const uint anyOtherRequestorId                 = 200u;
            const int  ExpectedCounterValueBeforeRun       = 0;
            const int  ExpectedCounterValueAfterRun        = 1;
            const int  ExpectedCounterValueBeforeSecondRun = 1;
            const int  ExpectedCounterValueAfterSecondRun  = 2;

            var scheduledEventFiredCounter = 0;

            Mock <BaseEvent>    bEventMock1             = new Mock <BaseEvent>(anyRequestorId);
            Mock <BaseEvent>    bEventMock2             = new Mock <BaseEvent>(anyRequestorId);
            Mock <BaseEvent>    bEventMock3             = new Mock <BaseEvent>(anyOtherRequestorId);
            Mock <BaseEvent>    bEventMockUncancellable = new Mock <BaseEvent>(anyRequestorId);
            ConcreteMockedEvent testConcreteEvent       = new ConcreteMockedEvent(anyRequestorId, true);

            bEventMock1.SetupGet(e => e.CanBeCancelled).Returns(true);
            bEventMock2.SetupGet(e => e.CanBeCancelled).Returns(true);
            bEventMock3.SetupGet(e => e.CanBeCancelled).Returns(true);
            bEventMockUncancellable.SetupGet(e => e.CanBeCancelled).Returns(false);

            Scheduler scheduler = this.SetupSchedulerWithLoggerMock();

            using CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource();

            scheduler.EventFired += (sender, eventArgs) =>
                // test that sender is the same scheduler instance, while we're here.
                Assert.AreEqual(scheduler, sender, "Test missconfigured, sender is not the the supposed one.");

                // check that event has a reference.
                Assert.IsNotNull(eventArgs?.Event, "Expected to have a non-null reference in event.");


            // start the scheduler.
            Task schedulerTask = scheduler.RunAsync(cts.Token);

            // fire a scheduled event that shall be fired only after one second.
            scheduler.ScheduleEvent(bEventMock1.Object, oneSecondDelay);
            scheduler.ScheduleEvent(bEventMock2.Object, oneSecondDelay);
            scheduler.ScheduleEvent(bEventMock3.Object, oneSecondDelay);

            // delay for 100 ms (to account for setup overhead and multi threading) and check that the counter has NOT gone up for scheduled
            await Task.Delay(overheadDelay).ContinueWith(prev =>
                Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedCounterValueBeforeRun, scheduledEventFiredCounter, $"Expected scheduler's events counter {scheduledEventFiredCounter} to match {ExpectedCounterValueBeforeRun} before the first run.");

            // cancel this event.

            // delay for three seconds and check that the counter has NOT gone up for scheduled.
            await Task.Delay(threeSecondsTimeSpan).ContinueWith(prev =>
                Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedCounterValueAfterRun, scheduledEventFiredCounter, $"Expected scheduler's events counter {scheduledEventFiredCounter} to match {ExpectedCounterValueAfterRun} after the first run.");

            scheduler.ScheduleEvent(bEventMockUncancellable.Object, oneSecondDelay);
            scheduler.ScheduleEvent(testConcreteEvent, oneSecondDelay);

            // delay for 100 ms (to account for setup overhead and multi threading) and check that the counter has NOT gone up for scheduled
            await Task.Delay(overheadDelay).ContinueWith(prev =>
                Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedCounterValueBeforeSecondRun, scheduledEventFiredCounter, $"Expected scheduler's events counter {scheduledEventFiredCounter} to match {ExpectedCounterValueBeforeSecondRun} before the second run.");

            // cancel only the concrete implementation event.
            scheduler.CancelAllFor(anyRequestorId, typeof(ConcreteMockedEvent));

            // delay for three seconds and check that the time for execution has passed.
            await Task.Delay(threeSecondsTimeSpan).ContinueWith(prev =>
                Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedCounterValueAfterSecondRun, scheduledEventFiredCounter, $"Expected scheduler's events counter {scheduledEventFiredCounter} to match {ExpectedCounterValueAfterSecondRun} after the second run.");
Esempio n. 2
        public async Task Event_Expedition_Works()
            const uint RequestorId = 1;
            const int  ExpectedCounterValueBeforeRun            = 0;
            const int  ExpectedCounterValueAfterRun             = 1;
            const int  ExpectedCounterValueAfterWaitingMore     = 1;
            const int  ExpectedCounterValueAfterWaitingEvenMore = 2;

            TimeSpan overheadDelay        = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100);
            TimeSpan twoSecondsTimeSpan   = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2);
            TimeSpan threeSecondsTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3);
            TimeSpan fiveSecondsTimeSpan  = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);

            var scheduledEventFiredCounter = 0;

            Mock <BaseEvent>    bEventMockForScheduled = new Mock <BaseEvent>(RequestorId);
            ConcreteMockedEvent testConcreteEvent      = new ConcreteMockedEvent(RequestorId, true);

            Scheduler scheduler = this.SetupSchedulerWithLoggerMock();

            using CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource();

            scheduler.EventFired += (sender, eventArgs) =>
                // test that sender is the same scheduler instance, while we're here.
                Assert.AreEqual(scheduler, sender);

                // check that event has a reference.


            // start the scheduler.
            Task schedulerTask = scheduler.RunAsync(cts.Token);

            // fire a scheduled event that shall be fired only after some seconds.
            scheduler.ScheduleEvent(bEventMockForScheduled.Object, fiveSecondsTimeSpan);
            scheduler.ScheduleEvent(testConcreteEvent, threeSecondsTimeSpan);

            // delay for 100 ms (to account for setup overhead and multi threading) and check that the counter has NOT gone up for scheduled
            await Task.Delay(overheadDelay).ContinueWith(prev =>
                Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedCounterValueBeforeRun, scheduledEventFiredCounter, $"Expected events counter to be {ExpectedCounterValueBeforeRun} before first run but got {scheduledEventFiredCounter}.");

            // expedite this event.
            var expedited = testConcreteEvent.Expedite();

            Assert.IsTrue(expedited, "Expected event to confirm being expedited.");

            // delay for two seconds and check that the counter has gone up for scheduled, meaning the event actually got expedited.
            await Task.Delay(twoSecondsTimeSpan).ContinueWith(prev =>
                Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedCounterValueAfterRun, scheduledEventFiredCounter, $"Expected events counter to be {ExpectedCounterValueAfterRun} after first run but got {scheduledEventFiredCounter}.");

            // delay for two more seconds and check that the counter has gone NOT up, meaning the event didn't run again.
            await Task.Delay(twoSecondsTimeSpan).ContinueWith(prev =>
                Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedCounterValueAfterWaitingMore, scheduledEventFiredCounter, $"Expected events counter to be {ExpectedCounterValueAfterRun} after waiting more but got {scheduledEventFiredCounter}.");

            // delay for two more seconds and check that the counter has gone up, since the original 5 second event finally ran.
            await Task.Delay(twoSecondsTimeSpan).ContinueWith(prev =>
                Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedCounterValueAfterWaitingEvenMore, scheduledEventFiredCounter, $"Expected events counter to be {ExpectedCounterValueAfterWaitingEvenMore} after waiting even more but got {scheduledEventFiredCounter}.");