public ActionResult INDUS_Post4(UserViewModel etudiants) { for (int i = 0; i < etudiants.Cne.Count; i++) { ConcourOral con = _context.CouncourOrals.Find(etudiants.Cne[i]); con.Classement = etudiants.Classement[i]; _context.SaveChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("index")); }
public ActionResult INDUS_Post4() { GestionConcourDbContext db = new GestionConcourDbContext(); var NOTES = Request["etudiants.Classement"].ToString().Split(','); var CNE = Request["etudiants.Cne"].ToString().Split(','); String d; for (int i = 0; i < CNE.Length; i++) { d = CNE[i].ToString(); ConcourOral con = db.CouncourOrals.Find(d); con.Classement = Int32.Parse(NOTES[i]); db.SaveChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("index")); }
public ActionResult Register(Candidat candidat) { GestionConcourDbContext db = new GestionConcourDbContext(); if (candidat.Niveau == 0) { ModelState.AddModelError("selectNiveau", "Selectionner un niveau"); } var y = db.Candidats.Where(c => c.Cne == candidat.Cne).SingleOrDefault(); if (y != null) { ModelState.AddModelError("UniqueCne", "Cne need to be unique"); } var z = db.Candidats.Where(c => c.Cin == candidat.Cin).SingleOrDefault(); if (z != null) { ModelState.AddModelError("UniqueCin", "Cin need to be unique"); } var w = db.Candidats.Where(c => c.Email == candidat.Email).SingleOrDefault(); if (w != null) { ModelState.AddModelError("UniqueEmail", "Email need to be unique"); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { candidat.DateInscription = DateTime.Now; candidat.DateNaissance = DateTime.Now; Random random = new Random(); const string pool = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; var chars = Enumerable.Range(0, 7) .Select(x => pool[random.Next(0, pool.Length)]); var charsMatricule = Enumerable.Range(0, 8) .Select(ww => pool[random.Next(0, pool.Length)]); candidat.Matricule = new string(charsMatricule.ToArray()).ToUpper(); candidat.Password = new string(chars.ToArray()); candidat.Verified = 0; candidat.Photo = "icon.jpg"; db.Candidats.Add(candidat); db.SaveChanges(); Diplome dip = new Diplome(); AnneeUniversitaire annUn = new AnneeUniversitaire(); Baccalaureat bac = new Baccalaureat(); ConcourEcrit concE = new ConcourEcrit(); ConcourOral concO = new ConcourOral(); //add row in diplome dip.Cne = candidat.Cne; db.Diplomes.Add(dip); db.SaveChanges(); //add row in anne annUn.Cne = candidat.Cne; db.AnneeUniversitaires.Add(annUn); db.SaveChanges(); //add row in bac bac.Cne = candidat.Cne; //bac.DateObtentionBac = DateTime.Now; db.Baccalaureats.Add(bac); db.SaveChanges(); //add in concours ecrit concE.Cne = candidat.Cne; db.CouncourEcrits.Add(concE); db.SaveChanges(); //add in concours oral concO.Cne = candidat.Cne; db.CouncourOrals.Add(concO); db.SaveChanges(); var fromAddress = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", "From ENSAS"); var toAddress = new MailAddress(candidat.Email, "To Name"); const string fromPassword = "******"; const string subject = "Récupération du mot de passe"; //string body = "<a href=\"http://localhost:49969/Auth/Verify?cne="+candidat.Cne+" \">Link</a><br /><p> this is the password : "******"</p>"; string body = "<div class=\"container\"><div class=\"row\"><img src=\" \" /></div><div class=\"row text-center\"><h2>Vous avez créer un compte dans la platforme d'acces au cycle d'ingénieur a ENSAS .</h2></div><div class=\"alert alert-danger\"><strong><span style=\"color:'red'\">Vous trouverez votre mot de pass au dessouss</span></strong><br></div><div class=\"row\"><div class=\"card\" style=\"width: 18rem;\"><div class=\"card-body\"><strong>Nom :</strong><span>" + candidat.Nom + "</span><br /><strong>Prenom : </strong><span>" + candidat.Prenom + "</span><br /><strong>CNE : </strong><span>" + candidat.Cne + "</span><br /><strong>CIN : </strong><span>" + candidat.Cin + "</span><br /><strong>Password : </strong><span>" + candidat.Password + "</span><br /></div></div></div></div>"; var smtp = new SmtpClient { Host = "", Port = 587, EnableSsl = true, DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network, Credentials = new NetworkCredential(fromAddress.Address, fromPassword), Timeout = 60000 }; using (var message = new MailMessage(fromAddress, toAddress) { Subject = subject, Body = body }) { message.IsBodyHtml = true; smtp.Send(message); } TempData["message"] = "Votre mot de passe est : '" + candidat.Password + "'." + " Vous le trouverez sur votre email aussi."; return(Redirect("Login")); } return(View(candidat)); }