Esempio n. 1
        public override Wrapper VisitPose(PreposeGesturesParser.PoseContext context)
            var bt = new CompositeBodyTransform();
            var br = new CompositeBodyRestriction();
            var ds = new CompositeDelayedStatement();

            foreach (var s in context.statement())
                Contract.Assert(s != null);
                var w = this.Visit(s);
                Contract.Assert(w != null);
                var statement = w.GetValue();
                if (statement != null)
                    if (statement is CompositeBodyTransform)
                        bt = bt.Compose((CompositeBodyTransform)statement);

                    if (statement is CompositeBodyRestriction)
                        br = br.And((CompositeBodyRestriction)statement);

                    if (statement is CompositeDelayedStatement)
                        ds = ds.Compose((CompositeDelayedStatement)statement);

                    throw new ArgumentException("Wrong return type");

            var pose = new Pose(context.ID().GetText(), bt, br, ds);

            if (this.Poses.ContainsKey(pose.Name))
                throw new ArgumentException("Pose " + pose.Name + " has been previosly seen.");

            this.Poses.Add(pose.Name, pose);

            return(new Wrapper(pose));
Esempio n. 2
        // this is the rotate action working as a transform
        // this was temporarily changed to make the rotate action work as a restriction as shown blow
        public override Wrapper VisitRotate_direction_transform(PreposeGesturesParser.Rotate_direction_transformContext context)
            var delayed     = new CompositeDelayedStatement();
            var direction   = (Direction)this.Visit(context.direction());
            var degreesText = context.NUMBER().GetText();
            var degrees     = Convert.ToInt32(degreesText);

            foreach (var b in context.body_part())
                var converted = (JointGroup)this.Visit(b);
                delayed = delayed.Compose(
                    converted.Aggregate(joint =>
                                        new CompositeDelayedStatement(
                                            new RotateDelayedStatement(joint, direction, degrees))));

            return(new Wrapper(delayed));