Esempio n. 1
 private void OnGetState(EntityUid uid, FixturesComponent component, ref ComponentGetState args)
     args.State = new FixtureManagerComponentState
         Fixtures = component.Fixtures.Values.ToList(),
 private void OnFootGetState(EntityUid uid, FootstepModifierComponent component, ref ComponentGetState args)
     args.State = new FootstepModifierComponentState()
         Sound = component.Sound,
 private void OnRiderGetState(EntityUid uid, RiderComponent component, ref ComponentGetState args)
     args.State = new RiderComponentState()
         Entity = component.Vehicle,
 private void OnParallaxGetState(EntityUid uid, ParallaxComponent component, ref ComponentGetState args)
     args.State = new ParallaxComponentState
         Parallax = component.Parallax
 private void OnRelayGetState(EntityUid uid, RelayInputMoverComponent component, ref ComponentGetState args)
     args.State = new RelayInputMoverComponentState()
         Entity = component.RelayEntity,
Esempio n. 6
 private void OnGetState(EntityUid uid, RadarConsoleComponent component, ref ComponentGetState args)
     args.State = new RadarConsoleComponentState()
         Range = component.MaxRange
Esempio n. 7
 private void OnGetState(EntityUid uid, FlyBySoundComponent component, ref ComponentGetState args)
     args.State = new FlyBySoundComponentState()
         Sound = component.Sound,
         Range = component.Range,
Esempio n. 8
 private void GetCompState(EntityUid uid, AmbientSoundComponent component, ref ComponentGetState args)
     args.State = new AmbientSoundComponentState
         Enabled = component.Enabled,
         Range   = component.Range,
         Volume  = component.Volume,
    private void OnInjectorGetState(EntityUid uid, InjectorComponent component, ref ComponentGetState args)
        _solutions.TryGetSolution(uid, InjectorComponent.SolutionName, out var solution);

        var currentVolume = solution?.CurrentVolume ?? FixedPoint2.Zero;
        var maxVolume     = solution?.MaxVolume ?? FixedPoint2.Zero;

        args.State = new SharedInjectorComponent.InjectorComponentState(currentVolume, maxVolume, component.ToggleState);
Esempio n. 10
        private void GetCompState(EntityUid uid, JointComponent component, ref ComponentGetState args)
            var states = new Dictionary<string, JointState>(component.Joints.Count);

            foreach (var (_, joint) in component.Joints)
                states.Add(joint.ID, joint.GetState());

            args.State = new JointComponent.JointComponentState(states);
Esempio n. 11
    private static void OnTagGetState(EntityUid uid, TagComponent component, ref ComponentGetState args)
        var tags = new string[component.Tags.Count];
        var i    = 0;

        foreach (var tag in component.Tags)
            tags[i] = tag;

        args.State = new TagComponentState(tags);
Esempio n. 12
 private void OnGetState(EntityUid uid, GunComponent component, ref ComponentGetState args)
     args.State = new GunComponentState
         FireRate               = component.FireRate,
         CurrentAngle           = component.CurrentAngle,
         MinAngle               = component.MinAngle,
         MaxAngle               = component.MaxAngle,
         NextFire               = component.NextFire,
         ShotCounter            = component.ShotCounter,
         SelectiveFire          = component.SelectedMode,
         AvailableSelectiveFire = component.AvailableModes,
Esempio n. 13
    private void OnPumpGetState(EntityUid uid, PumpBarrelComponent component, ref ComponentGetState args)
        (int, int)? count = (component.ShotsLeft, component.Capacity);
        var chamberedExists = component.ChamberContainer.ContainedEntity != null;
        // (Is one chambered?, is the bullet spend)
        var chamber = (chamberedExists, false);

        if (chamberedExists && TryComp <AmmoComponent?>(component.ChamberContainer.ContainedEntity !.Value, out var ammo))
            chamber.Item2 = ammo.Spent;

        args.State = new PumpBarrelComponentState(
Esempio n. 14
 private void OnGetState(EntityUid uid, StatusEffectsComponent component, ref ComponentGetState args)
     args.State = new StatusEffectsComponentState(component.ActiveEffects, component.AllowedEffects);
 private void OnStackGetState(EntityUid uid, SharedStackComponent component, ref ComponentGetState args)
     args.State = new StackComponentState(component.Count, component.MaxCount);
 private void OnKnockGetState(EntityUid uid, KnockedDownComponent component, ref ComponentGetState args)
     args.State = new KnockedDownComponentState(component.HelpInterval, component.HelpTimer);
 private void OnSlowGetState(EntityUid uid, SlowedDownComponent component, ref ComponentGetState args)
     args.State = new SlowedDownComponentState(component.SprintSpeedModifier, component.WalkSpeedModifier);
Esempio n. 18
 private void OnMultipleToolGetState(EntityUid uid, MultipleToolComponent multiple, ref ComponentGetState args)
     args.State = new MultipleToolComponentState(multiple.CurrentQualityName);
 private void OnRevolverGetState(EntityUid uid, RevolverAmmoProviderComponent component, ref ComponentGetState args)
     args.State = new RevolverAmmoProviderComponentState
         CurrentIndex = component.CurrentIndex,
         AmmoSlots    = component.AmmoSlots,
         Chambers     = component.Chambers,
 private void OnAppearanceGetState(EntityUid uid, HumanoidAppearanceComponent component, ref ComponentGetState args)
     args.State = new HumanoidAppearanceComponentState(component.Appearance, component.Sex, component.Gender);
 private void DamageableGetState(EntityUid uid, DamageableComponent component, ref ComponentGetState args)
     args.State = new DamageableComponentState(component.Damage.DamageDict, component.DamageModifierSetId);
Esempio n. 22
    private void OnRevolverGetState(EntityUid uid, RevolverBarrelComponent component, ref ComponentGetState args)
        var slotsSpent = new bool?[component.Capacity];

        for (var i = 0; i < component.Capacity; i++)
            slotsSpent[i] = null;
            var ammoEntity = component.AmmoSlots[i];
            if (ammoEntity != default && TryComp(ammoEntity, out AmmoComponent? ammo))
                slotsSpent[i] = ammo.Spent;

        //TODO: make yaml var to not sent currentSlot/UI? (for russian roulette)
        args.State = new RevolverBarrelComponentState(
 private void GetState(EntityUid uid, ActionsComponent component, ref ComponentGetState args)
     args.State = new ActionsComponentState(component.Actions.ToList());
Esempio n. 24
 private void OnGetState(EntityUid uid, StandingStateComponent component, ref ComponentGetState args)
     args.State = new StandingComponentState(component.Standing);
Esempio n. 25
 private void OnGetState(EntityUid uid, RgbLightControllerComponent component, ref ComponentGetState args)
     args.State = new RgbLightControllerState(component.CycleRate, component.Layers);
Esempio n. 26
 private void OnGetState(EntityUid uid, SharedAirlockComponent airlock, ref ComponentGetState args)
     // Need to network airlock safety state to avoid mis-predicts when a door auto-closes as the client walks through the door.
     args.State = new AirlockComponentState(airlock.Safety);
Esempio n. 27
 private void GetComponentState(EntityUid uid, HandsComponent hands, ref ComponentGetState args)
     args.State = new HandsComponentState(hands);
 private void OnGetState(EntityUid uid, ThrownItemComponent component, ref ComponentGetState args)
     args.State = new ThrownItemComponentState(component.Thrower?.Uid);
 private void OnGetState(EntityUid uid, JitteringComponent component, ref ComponentGetState args)
     args.State = new JitteringComponentState(component.Amplitude, component.Frequency);
Esempio n. 30
 private void GetItemSlotsState(EntityUid uid, ItemSlotsComponent component, ref ComponentGetState args)
     args.State = new ItemSlotsComponentState(component.Slots);