public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("ComplicationID,ComplicationName,ComplicationInfo")] Complication complication) { if (id != complication.ComplicationID) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { _context.Update(complication); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!ComplicationExists(complication.ComplicationID)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(complication)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("ComplicationID,ComplicationName,ComplicationInfo")] Complication complication) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(complication); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(complication)); }
public override IDeepCopyable CopyTo(IDeepCopyable other) { var dest = other as Procedure; if (dest != null) { base.CopyTo(dest); if (Identifier != null) { dest.Identifier = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.Identifier>(Identifier.DeepCopy()); } if (Subject != null) { dest.Subject = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.ResourceReference)Subject.DeepCopy(); } if (StatusElement != null) { dest.StatusElement = (Code <Hl7.Fhir.Model.Procedure.ProcedureStatus>)StatusElement.DeepCopy(); } if (Category != null) { dest.Category = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.CodeableConcept)Category.DeepCopy(); } if (Code != null) { dest.Code = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.CodeableConcept)Code.DeepCopy(); } if (NotPerformedElement != null) { dest.NotPerformedElement = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.FhirBoolean)NotPerformedElement.DeepCopy(); } if (ReasonNotPerformed != null) { dest.ReasonNotPerformed = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.CodeableConcept>(ReasonNotPerformed.DeepCopy()); } if (BodySite != null) { dest.BodySite = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.CodeableConcept>(BodySite.DeepCopy()); } if (Reason != null) { dest.Reason = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.Element)Reason.DeepCopy(); } if (Performer != null) { dest.Performer = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.Procedure.PerformerComponent>(Performer.DeepCopy()); } if (Performed != null) { dest.Performed = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.Element)Performed.DeepCopy(); } if (Encounter != null) { dest.Encounter = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.ResourceReference)Encounter.DeepCopy(); } if (Location != null) { dest.Location = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.ResourceReference)Location.DeepCopy(); } if (Outcome != null) { dest.Outcome = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.CodeableConcept)Outcome.DeepCopy(); } if (Report != null) { dest.Report = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.ResourceReference>(Report.DeepCopy()); } if (Complication != null) { dest.Complication = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.CodeableConcept>(Complication.DeepCopy()); } if (FollowUp != null) { dest.FollowUp = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.CodeableConcept>(FollowUp.DeepCopy()); } if (Request != null) { dest.Request = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.ResourceReference)Request.DeepCopy(); } if (Notes != null) { dest.Notes = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.Annotation>(Notes.DeepCopy()); } if (FocalDevice != null) { dest.FocalDevice = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.Procedure.FocalDeviceComponent>(FocalDevice.DeepCopy()); } if (Used != null) { dest.Used = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.ResourceReference>(Used.DeepCopy()); } return(dest); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Can only copy to an object of the same type", "other"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { bool showTree = false; var _variables = new Dictionary <string, object>(); while (true) { Console.Write("> "); var line = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line)) { return; } if (line == "#showTree") { showTree = !showTree; Console.WriteLine(showTree ? "Showing parse trees." : "Not showing parse trees"); continue; } else if (line == "#cls") { Console.Clear(); continue; } var syntaxTree = SyntaxTree.Parse(line); var comp = new Complication(syntaxTree); var result = comp.evaluate(_variables); if (showTree) { var color = Console.ForegroundColor; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray; PrettyPrint(syntaxTree.Root); Console.ResetColor(); } if (!result.Diagnostics.Any()) { Console.WriteLine(result.Value); } else { foreach (var diagnostic in result.Diagnostics) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; Console.WriteLine(diagnostic); Console.ResetColor(); var prefix = line.Substring(0, diagnostic.Span.Start); var error = line.Substring(diagnostic.Span.Start, diagnostic.Span.Length); var suffix = line.Substring(diagnostic.Span.End); Console.Write(" "); Console.Write(prefix); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; Console.Write(error); Console.ResetColor(); Console.Write(suffix); Console.WriteLine(); } Console.WriteLine(); // Console.ForegroundColor=ConsoleColor.DarkRed; // foreach (var diagnostic in result.Diagnostics) // Console.WriteLine(diagnostic); // Console.ResetColor(); } } }
public static void Initialize(AgrarianContext context) { context.Database.EnsureCreated(); // Look for any students. if (context.VillageCouncils.Any()) { return; // DB has been seeded } var villageCounsils = new VillageCouncil[] { new VillageCouncil { VCName = "Бабин" }, new VillageCouncil { VCName = "Лубни" }, new VillageCouncil { VCName = "Пирятин" } }; foreach (VillageCouncil vc in villageCounsils) { context.VillageCouncils.Add(vc); } context.SaveChanges(); var fields = new Field[] { new Field { FieldName = 11, VCID = 1 }, new Field { FieldName = 12, VCID = 1 }, new Field { FieldName = 13, VCID = 1 }, new Field { FieldName = 14, VCID = 1 }, new Field { FieldName = 21, VCID = 2 }, new Field { FieldName = 22, VCID = 2 }, new Field { FieldName = 23, VCID = 2 }, new Field { FieldName = 24, VCID = 2 }, new Field { FieldName = 25, VCID = 2 }, new Field { FieldName = 31, VCID = 3 }, new Field { FieldName = 32, VCID = 3 } }; foreach (Field f in fields) { context.Fields.Add(f); } context.SaveChanges(); var complications = new Complication[] { new Complication { ComplicationName = "немає", ComplicationInfo = "" }, new Complication { ComplicationName = "болото", ComplicationInfo = "" }, new Complication { ComplicationName = "ліс", ComplicationInfo = "" }, new Complication { ComplicationName = "рельєф", ComplicationInfo = "" } }; foreach (Complication c in complications) { context.Complications.Add(c); } context.SaveChanges(); var shares = new Share[] { new Share { ShareName = 111, FiledID = 1, ComplicationID = 1, ShareArea = 6.05, ShareRealArea = 6.05, ShareCN = "1234567891:34:345:2345" }, new Share { ShareName = 112, FiledID = 1, ComplicationID = 1, ShareArea = 7.05, ShareRealArea = 7.00, ShareCN = "1234567891:34:345:2346" }, new Share { ShareName = 113, FiledID = 2, ComplicationID = 1, ShareArea = 8.05, ShareRealArea = 8.00, ShareCN = "1234567891:34:345:2347" }, new Share { ShareName = 114, FiledID = 2, ComplicationID = 2, ShareArea = 5.05, ShareRealArea = 4.05, ShareCN = "1234567891:34:345:2348" }, new Share { ShareName = 211, FiledID = 2, ComplicationID = 1, ShareArea = 2.05, ShareRealArea = 1.05, ShareCN = "1234567891:34:345:2349" }, new Share { ShareName = 212, FiledID = 3, ComplicationID = 1, ShareArea = 5.45, ShareRealArea = 3.05, ShareCN = "1234567891:34:345:2323" }, new Share { ShareName = 311, FiledID = 4, ComplicationID = 1, ShareArea = 7.45, ShareRealArea = 7.45, ShareCN = "1234567891:34:345:2324" }, new Share { ShareName = 411, FiledID = 5, ComplicationID = 3, ShareArea = 2.05, ShareRealArea = 2.05, ShareCN = "1234567891:34:345:2325" }, new Share { ShareName = 234, FiledID = 5, ComplicationID = 1, ShareArea = 6.35, ShareRealArea = 6.05, ShareCN = "1234567891:34:345:2326" }, new Share { ShareName = 345, FiledID = 6, ComplicationID = 1, ShareArea = 34.5, ShareRealArea = 34.5, ShareCN = "1234567891:34:345:2327" }, new Share { ShareName = 657, FiledID = 7, ComplicationID = 1, ShareArea = 3.05, ShareRealArea = 3.05, ShareCN = "1234567891:34:345:2328" }, new Share { ShareName = 745, FiledID = 8, ComplicationID = 1, ShareArea = 4.05, ShareRealArea = 6.05, ShareCN = "1234567891:34:345:2329" }, new Share { ShareName = 239, FiledID = 9, ComplicationID = 2, ShareArea = 6.05, ShareRealArea = 6.05, ShareCN = "1234567891:34:345:2330" }, new Share { ShareName = 269, FiledID = 9, ComplicationID = 1, ShareArea = 6.05, ShareRealArea = 6.05, ShareCN = "1234567891:34:345:2331" }, new Share { ShareName = 568, FiledID = 9, ComplicationID = 1, ShareArea = 1.05, ShareRealArea = 1.05, ShareCN = "1234567891:34:345:2332" }, new Share { ShareName = 340, FiledID = 10, ComplicationID = 4, ShareArea = 3.05, ShareRealArea = 3.05, ShareCN = "1234567891:34:345:2333" }, new Share { ShareName = 415, FiledID = 10, ComplicationID = 1, ShareArea = 4.05, ShareRealArea = 4.05, ShareCN = "1234567891:34:345:2334" }, new Share { ShareName = 336, FiledID = 10, ComplicationID = 1, ShareArea = 8.05, ShareRealArea = 6.05, ShareCN = "1234567891:34:345:2335" }, new Share { ShareName = 444, FiledID = 10, ComplicationID = 3, ShareArea = 3.05, ShareRealArea = 3.05, ShareCN = "1234567891:34:345:2336" }, new Share { ShareName = 555, FiledID = 11, ComplicationID = 1, ShareArea = 6.05, ShareRealArea = 6.05, ShareCN = "1234567891:34:345:2337" }, new Share { ShareName = 666, FiledID = 11, ComplicationID = 1, ShareArea = 4.05, ShareRealArea = 4.05, ShareCN = "1234567891:34:345:2338" }, new Share { ShareName = 777, FiledID = 11, ComplicationID = 1, ShareArea = 6.05, ShareRealArea = 6.05, ShareCN = "1234567891:34:345:2339" } }; foreach (Share sh in shares) { context.Shares.Add(sh); } context.SaveChanges(); var landLords = new LandLord[] { new LandLord { LLName = "Ткаленко Наталія Павлівна", LLPassID = "1234567891", LLPhone = "+380501234567", LLAdress = "Київ" }, new LandLord { LLName = "Іванчук Віктор Сергійович", LLPassID = "1234567892", LLPhone = "+380502234567", LLAdress = "Київ" }, new LandLord { LLName = "Мельник Іван Степанович", LLPassID = "1234567893", LLPhone = "+380503234567", LLAdress = "ЛЬвів" }, new LandLord { LLName = "Пшенична Любов Олександрівна", LLPassID = "1234567894", LLPhone = "+380504234567", LLAdress = "Львів" }, new LandLord { LLName = "Панасюк Антоніна Ярославівна", LLPassID = "1234567895", LLPhone = "+380505234567", LLAdress = "Тернопіль" }, new LandLord { LLName = "Максимчук Олександр Григорович", LLPassID = "1234567896", LLPhone = "+380506234567", LLAdress = "Тернопіль" }, new LandLord { LLName = "Абрамчук Віталій Ігорович", LLPassID = "1234567897", LLPhone = "+380507234567", LLAdress = "Тернопіль" }, new LandLord { LLName = "Василенко Ігор Васильвоич", LLPassID = "1234567898", LLPhone = "+380508234567", LLAdress = "Суми" }, new LandLord { LLName = "Дивак Галина Володимирівна", LLPassID = "1234567899", LLPhone = "+380509234567", LLAdress = "Суми" }, new LandLord { LLName = "Ковальчук Олег Павлович", LLPassID = "1234567811", LLPhone = "+380501034567", LLAdress = "Суми" } }; foreach (LandLord ll in landLords) { context.LandLords.Add(ll); } context.SaveChanges(); var contracts = new Contract[] { new Contract { LLID = 1, ShareID = 1, ContractBegin = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"), ContractEnd = DateTime.Parse("2023-09-01") }, new Contract { LLID = 1, ShareID = 2, ContractBegin = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"), ContractEnd = DateTime.Parse("2023-09-01") }, new Contract { LLID = 1, ShareID = 3, ContractBegin = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"), ContractEnd = DateTime.Parse("2023-09-01") }, new Contract { LLID = 2, ShareID = 4, ContractBegin = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"), ContractEnd = DateTime.Parse("2023-09-01") }, new Contract { LLID = 2, ShareID = 5, ContractBegin = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"), ContractEnd = DateTime.Parse("2023-09-01") }, new Contract { LLID = 2, ShareID = 6, ContractBegin = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"), ContractEnd = DateTime.Parse("2023-09-01") }, new Contract { LLID = 3, ShareID = 7, ContractBegin = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"), ContractEnd = DateTime.Parse("2023-09-01") }, new Contract { LLID = 3, ShareID = 8, ContractBegin = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"), ContractEnd = DateTime.Parse("2023-09-01") }, new Contract { LLID = 4, ShareID = 9, ContractBegin = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"), ContractEnd = DateTime.Parse("2023-09-01") }, new Contract { LLID = 4, ShareID = 10, ContractBegin = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"), ContractEnd = DateTime.Parse("2023-09-01") }, new Contract { LLID = 5, ShareID = 11, ContractBegin = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"), ContractEnd = DateTime.Parse("2023-09-01") }, new Contract { LLID = 5, ShareID = 12, ContractBegin = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"), ContractEnd = DateTime.Parse("2023-09-01") }, new Contract { LLID = 6, ShareID = 13, ContractBegin = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"), ContractEnd = DateTime.Parse("2023-09-01") }, new Contract { LLID = 6, ShareID = 14, ContractBegin = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"), ContractEnd = DateTime.Parse("2023-09-01") }, new Contract { LLID = 7, ShareID = 15, ContractBegin = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"), ContractEnd = DateTime.Parse("2023-09-01") }, new Contract { LLID = 7, ShareID = 16, ContractBegin = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"), ContractEnd = DateTime.Parse("2023-09-01") }, new Contract { LLID = 8, ShareID = 17, ContractBegin = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"), ContractEnd = DateTime.Parse("2023-09-01") }, new Contract { LLID = 8, ShareID = 18, ContractBegin = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"), ContractEnd = DateTime.Parse("2023-09-01") }, new Contract { LLID = 9, ShareID = 19, ContractBegin = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"), ContractEnd = DateTime.Parse("2023-09-01") }, new Contract { LLID = 9, ShareID = 20, ContractBegin = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"), ContractEnd = DateTime.Parse("2023-09-01") }, new Contract { LLID = 10, ShareID = 21, ContractBegin = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"), ContractEnd = DateTime.Parse("2023-09-01") }, new Contract { LLID = 10, ShareID = 22, ContractBegin = DateTime.Parse("2018-09-01"), ContractEnd = DateTime.Parse("2023-09-01") }, }; foreach (Contract c in contracts) { context.Contracts.Add(c); } context.SaveChanges(); }
public override IDeepCopyable CopyTo(IDeepCopyable other) { var dest = other as Procedure; if (dest != null) { base.CopyTo(dest); if (Identifier != null) { dest.Identifier = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.Identifier>(Identifier.DeepCopy()); } if (Subject != null) { dest.Subject = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.ResourceReference)Subject.DeepCopy(); } if (Type != null) { dest.Type = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.CodeableConcept)Type.DeepCopy(); } if (BodySite != null) { dest.BodySite = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.CodeableConcept>(BodySite.DeepCopy()); } if (Indication != null) { dest.Indication = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.CodeableConcept>(Indication.DeepCopy()); } if (Performer != null) { dest.Performer = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.Procedure.ProcedurePerformerComponent>(Performer.DeepCopy()); } if (Date != null) { dest.Date = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.Period)Date.DeepCopy(); } if (Encounter != null) { dest.Encounter = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.ResourceReference)Encounter.DeepCopy(); } if (OutcomeElement != null) { dest.OutcomeElement = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.FhirString)OutcomeElement.DeepCopy(); } if (Report != null) { dest.Report = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.ResourceReference>(Report.DeepCopy()); } if (Complication != null) { dest.Complication = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.CodeableConcept>(Complication.DeepCopy()); } if (FollowUpElement != null) { dest.FollowUpElement = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.FhirString)FollowUpElement.DeepCopy(); } if (RelatedItem != null) { dest.RelatedItem = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.Procedure.ProcedureRelatedItemComponent>(RelatedItem.DeepCopy()); } if (NotesElement != null) { dest.NotesElement = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.FhirString)NotesElement.DeepCopy(); } return(dest); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Can only copy to an object of the same type", "other"); } }
public override IDeepCopyable CopyTo(IDeepCopyable other) { var dest = other as Procedure; if (dest != null) { base.CopyTo(dest); if (Identifier != null) { dest.Identifier = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.Identifier>(Identifier.DeepCopy()); } if (Patient != null) { dest.Patient = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.ResourceReference)Patient.DeepCopy(); } if (StatusElement != null) { dest.StatusElement = (Code <Hl7.Fhir.Model.Procedure.ProcedureStatus>)StatusElement.DeepCopy(); } if (Category != null) { dest.Category = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.CodeableConcept)Category.DeepCopy(); } if (Type != null) { dest.Type = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.CodeableConcept)Type.DeepCopy(); } if (BodySite != null) { dest.BodySite = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.Procedure.ProcedureBodySiteComponent>(BodySite.DeepCopy()); } if (Indication != null) { dest.Indication = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.CodeableConcept>(Indication.DeepCopy()); } if (Performer != null) { dest.Performer = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.Procedure.ProcedurePerformerComponent>(Performer.DeepCopy()); } if (Performed != null) { dest.Performed = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.Element)Performed.DeepCopy(); } if (Encounter != null) { dest.Encounter = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.ResourceReference)Encounter.DeepCopy(); } if (Location != null) { dest.Location = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.ResourceReference)Location.DeepCopy(); } if (Outcome != null) { dest.Outcome = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.CodeableConcept)Outcome.DeepCopy(); } if (Report != null) { dest.Report = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.ResourceReference>(Report.DeepCopy()); } if (Complication != null) { dest.Complication = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.CodeableConcept>(Complication.DeepCopy()); } if (FollowUp != null) { dest.FollowUp = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.CodeableConcept>(FollowUp.DeepCopy()); } if (RelatedItem != null) { dest.RelatedItem = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.Procedure.ProcedureRelatedItemComponent>(RelatedItem.DeepCopy()); } if (NotesElement != null) { dest.NotesElement = (Hl7.Fhir.Model.FhirString)NotesElement.DeepCopy(); } if (Device != null) { dest.Device = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.Procedure.ProcedureDeviceComponent>(Device.DeepCopy()); } if (Used != null) { dest.Used = new List <Hl7.Fhir.Model.ResourceReference>(Used.DeepCopy()); } return(dest); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Can only copy to an object of the same type", "other"); } }