Esempio n. 1
        public void Parse(Dictionary <ushort, List <ulong> > track, Dictionary <ulong, Record> map, CASCHandler handler, bool quiet, OverToolFlags flags)
            List <ulong> ids = new List <ulong>();

            foreach (string arg in flags.Positionals.Skip(2))
                ids.Add(ulong.Parse(arg.Split('.')[0], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber));
            Console.Out.WriteLine("Scanning for textures...");
            foreach (ulong f003 in track[0x3])
                STUD record = new STUD(Util.OpenFile(map[f003], handler), true, STUDManager.Instance, false, true);
                if (record.Instances == null)
                foreach (ISTUDInstance instance in record.Instances)
                    if (instance == null)
                    if (instance.Name == record.Manager.GetName(typeof(ComplexModelRecord)))
                        ComplexModelRecord r = (ComplexModelRecord)instance;
                        if (ids.Contains(GUID.LongKey(r.Data.model.key)))
                            Dictionary <ulong, List <ImageLayer> > layers = new Dictionary <ulong, List <ImageLayer> >();
                            ExtractLogic.Skin.FindTextures(r.Data.material.key, layers, new Dictionary <ulong, ulong>(), new HashSet <ulong>(), map, handler);
                            Console.Out.WriteLine("Model ID {0:X12}", GUID.LongKey(r.Data.model.key));
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <ulong, List <ImageLayer> > pair in layers)
                                Console.Out.WriteLine("Material ID {0:X16}", pair.Key);
                                HashSet <ulong> dedup = new HashSet <ulong>();
                                foreach (ImageLayer layer in pair.Value)
                                    if (dedup.Add(layer.Key))
                                        Console.Out.WriteLine("Texture ID {0:X12}", GUID.LongKey(layer.Key));
Esempio n. 2
        private void Extract(ulong model, Lootbox lootbox, Dictionary <ushort, List <ulong> > track, Dictionary <ulong, Record> map, CASCHandler handler, bool quiet, OverToolFlags flags)
            if (model == 0 || !map.ContainsKey(model))

            string output = $"{flags.Positionals[2]}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{Util.SanitizePath(lootbox.EventName)}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}";

            STUD stud = new STUD(Util.OpenFile(map[model], handler));

            HashSet <ulong>           models              = new HashSet <ulong>();
            Dictionary <ulong, ulong> animList            = new Dictionary <ulong, ulong>();
            HashSet <ulong>           parsed              = new HashSet <ulong>();
            Dictionary <ulong, List <ImageLayer> > layers = new Dictionary <ulong, List <ImageLayer> >();
            Dictionary <ulong, ulong>         replace     = new Dictionary <ulong, ulong>();
            Dictionary <ulong, List <ulong> > sound       = new Dictionary <ulong, List <ulong> >();

            foreach (ISTUDInstance inst in stud.Instances)
                if (inst == null)
                if (inst.Name == stud.Manager.GetName(typeof(ComplexModelRecord)))
                    ComplexModelRecord r = (ComplexModelRecord)inst;
                    ulong modelKey       = r.Data.model.key;
                    Skin.FindAnimations(r.Data.animationList.key, sound, animList, replace, parsed, map, handler, models, layers, modelKey);
                    Skin.FindAnimations(r.Data.secondaryAnimationList.key, sound, animList, replace, parsed, map, handler, models, layers, modelKey);
                    Skin.FindTextures(r.Data.material.key, layers, replace, parsed, map, handler);

            Skin.Save(null, output, "", "", replace, parsed, models, layers, animList, flags, track, map, handler, model, false, quiet, sound, 0);
Esempio n. 3
        public void Parse(Dictionary <ushort, List <ulong> > track, Dictionary <ulong, Record> map, CASCHandler handler, bool quiet, OverToolFlags flags)
            string        output = flags.Positionals[2];
            List <string> maps   = flags.Positionals.Skip(3).ToList();

            bool skipCmodel = !flags.ExportCollision;

            for (int i = 0; i < maps.Count; ++i)
                maps[i] = maps[i].ToUpperInvariant().TrimStart('0');
            bool mapWildcard = maps.Count == 0;

            if (maps.Count > 0 && maps.Contains("*"))
                mapWildcard = true;

            char animEncoding = flags.AnimFormat;

            if (flags.Raw)
                animEncoding = '+';
            bool suppressAnimations = flags.SkipAnimations;

            if (animEncoding == '+' && !flags.RawAnimation)
                suppressAnimations = true;

            char modelEncoding = flags.ModelFormat;

            if (flags.Raw)
                modelEncoding = '+';
            bool suppressModels = flags.SkipModels;

            if (modelEncoding == '+' && !flags.RawModel)
                suppressModels = true;

            IDataWriter animWriter = null;

            if (animEncoding != 0 && animEncoding != '+')
                Assembly    asm   = typeof(IDataWriter).Assembly;
                Type        t     = typeof(IDataWriter);
                List <Type> types = asm.GetTypes().Where(tt => tt != t && t.IsAssignableFrom(tt)).ToList();
                foreach (Type tt in types)
                    if (animWriter != null)
                    if (tt.IsInterface)

                    IDataWriter tmp = (IDataWriter)Activator.CreateInstance(tt);
                    for (int i = 0; i < tmp.Identifier.Length; ++i)
                        if (tmp.Identifier[i] == animEncoding)
                            animWriter = tmp;

            IDataWriter modelWriter = null;

            if (modelEncoding != 0 && modelEncoding != '+')
                Assembly    asm   = typeof(IDataWriter).Assembly;
                Type        t     = typeof(IDataWriter);
                List <Type> types = asm.GetTypes().Where(tt => tt != t && t.IsAssignableFrom(tt)).ToList();
                foreach (Type tt in types)
                    if (modelWriter != null)
                    if (tt.IsInterface)

                    IDataWriter tmp = (IDataWriter)Activator.CreateInstance(tt);
                    for (int i = 0; i < tmp.Identifier.Length; ++i)
                        if (tmp.Identifier[i] == modelEncoding)
                            modelWriter = tmp;

            List <ulong> masters = track[0x9F];
            List <byte>  LODs    = new List <byte>(new byte[5] {
                0, 1, 128, 254, 255
            Dictionary <ulong, ulong> replace = new Dictionary <ulong, ulong>();

            foreach (ulong masterKey in masters)
                if (!map.ContainsKey(masterKey))
                STUD masterStud = new STUD(Util.OpenFile(map[masterKey], handler));
                if (masterStud.Instances == null)
                MapMaster master = (MapMaster)masterStud.Instances[0];
                if (master == null)

                string name = Util.GetString(, map, handler);
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
                    name = $"Unknown{GUID.Index(}";
                if (!mapWildcard && !(maps.Contains(name.ToUpperInvariant()) || maps.Contains($"{GUID.Index(masterKey):X}")))
                string outputPath = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{1}{3:X}{1}", output, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Util.SanitizePath(name), GUID.Index(;

                if (!map.ContainsKey(

                HashSet <ulong>                   parsed    = new HashSet <ulong>();
                Dictionary <ulong, ulong>         animList  = new Dictionary <ulong, ulong>();
                Dictionary <ulong, List <ulong> > soundData = new Dictionary <ulong, List <ulong> >();
                if (!map.ContainsKey(master.DataKey(1)))
                if (!map.ContainsKey(master.DataKey(2)))
                if (!map.ContainsKey(master.DataKey(8)))
                if (!map.ContainsKey(master.DataKey(0xB)))
                if (!map.ContainsKey(master.DataKey(0x11)))
                if (!map.ContainsKey(master.DataKey(0x10)))
                using (Stream mapStream = Util.OpenFile(map[master.DataKey(1)], handler)) {
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("Extracting map {0} with ID {1:X8}", name, GUID.Index(;
                    Map         mapData = new Map(mapStream);
                    IDataWriter owmap   = new OWMAPWriter();
                    Dictionary <ulong, List <string> >[] used = null;
                    if (!Directory.Exists(outputPath))
                    HashSet <ulong> soundDone = new HashSet <ulong>();
                    Sound.FindSoundsEx(, soundDone, soundData, map, handler, replace,;
                    using (Stream map2Stream = Util.OpenFile(map[master.DataKey(2)], handler)) {
                        if (map2Stream != null)
                            Map map2Data = new Map(map2Stream);
                            using (Stream map8Stream = Util.OpenFile(map[master.DataKey(8)], handler)) {
                                if (map8Stream != null)
                                    Map map8Data = new Map(map8Stream);
                                    using (Stream mapBStream = Util.OpenFile(map[master.DataKey(0xB)], handler)) {
                                        if (mapBStream != null)
                                            Map mapBData = new Map(mapBStream, true);
                                            using (Stream map11Stream = Util.OpenFile(map[master.DataKey(0x11)], handler)) {
                                                if (map11Stream != null)
                                                    Map11 map11 = new Map11(map11Stream);
                                                    Sound.FindSoundsSTUD(map11.main, soundDone, soundData, map, handler, replace, masterKey, master.DataKey(0x11));
                                                    Sound.FindSoundsSTUD(map11.secondary, soundDone, soundData, map, handler, replace, masterKey, master.DataKey(0x11));

                                            mapBStream.Position = (long)(Math.Ceiling((float)mapBStream.Position / 16.0f) * 16); // Future proofing

                                            for (int i = 0; i < mapBData.STUDs.Count; ++i)
                                                STUD stud = mapBData.STUDs[i];
                                                Sound.FindSoundsSTUD(stud, soundDone, soundData, map, handler, replace, master.DataKey(0xB), master.DataKey(0xB));

                                            for (int i = 0; i < mapBData.Records.Length; ++i)
                                                if (mapBData.Records[i] != null && mapBData.Records[i].GetType() != typeof(MapEntity))
                                                MapEntity mapprop = (MapEntity)mapBData.Records[i];
                                                if (!map.ContainsKey(mapprop.Header.Entity))
                                                Sound.FindSoundsEx(mapprop.Header.Entity, soundDone, soundData, map, handler, replace, master.DataKey(0xB));
                                                HashSet <ulong> bindingModels = new HashSet <ulong>();
                                                Dictionary <ulong, List <ImageLayer> > bindingTextures = new Dictionary <ulong, List <ImageLayer> >();

                                                using (Stream bindingFile = Util.OpenFile(map[mapprop.Header.Entity], handler)) {
                                                    STUD binding = new STUD(bindingFile, true, STUDManager.Instance, false, true);
                                                    foreach (ISTUDInstance instance in binding.Instances)
                                                        if (instance == null)
                                                        if (instance.Name != binding.Manager.GetName(typeof(ComplexModelRecord)))
                                                        ComplexModelRecord cmr = (ComplexModelRecord)instance;
                                                        mapprop.ModelLook = cmr.Data.material.key;
                                                        mapprop.Model     = cmr.Data.model.key;
                                                        Skin.FindAnimations(cmr.Data.animationList.key, soundData, animList, replace, parsed, map, handler, bindingModels, bindingTextures, mapprop.Model);
                                                        Skin.FindAnimations(cmr.Data.secondaryAnimationList.key, soundData, animList, replace, parsed, map, handler, bindingModels, bindingTextures, mapprop.Model);
                                                mapBData.Records[i] = mapprop;

                                            using (Stream mapLStream = Util.OpenFile(map[master.DataKey(9)], handler)) {
                                                Map mapLData = new Map(mapLStream);
                                                using (Stream outputStream = File.Open($"{outputPath}{Util.SanitizePath(name)}{owmap.Format}", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) {
                                                    used = owmap.Write(outputStream, mapData, map2Data, map8Data, mapBData, mapLData, name, modelWriter);
                    IDataWriter owmat = new OWMATWriter();
                    using (Stream map10Stream = Util.OpenFile(map[master.DataKey(0x10)], handler)) {
                        Map10 physics = new Map10(map10Stream);
                        using (Stream outputStream = File.Open($"{outputPath}physics{modelWriter.Format}", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) {
                            modelWriter.Write(physics, outputStream, new object[0]);
                    if (used != null)
                        Dictionary <ulong, List <string> > models    = used[0];
                        Dictionary <ulong, List <string> > materials = used[1];
                        Dictionary <ulong, Dictionary <ulong, List <ImageLayer> > > cache = new Dictionary <ulong, Dictionary <ulong, List <ImageLayer> > >();

                        if (!suppressModels)
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <ulong, List <string> > modelpair in models)
                                if (!map.ContainsKey(modelpair.Key))
                                if (!parsed.Add(modelpair.Key))
                                HashSet <string> extracted = new HashSet <string>();
                                using (Stream modelStream = Util.OpenFile(map[modelpair.Key], handler)) {
                                    Chunked mdl = new Chunked(modelStream, true);
                                    modelStream.Position = 0;
                                    if (modelEncoding != '+' && modelWriter != null)
                                        foreach (string modelOutput in modelpair.Value)
                                            if (!extracted.Add(modelOutput))
                                            using (Stream outputStream = File.Open($"{outputPath}{modelOutput}", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) {
                                                if (modelWriter.Write(mdl, outputStream, LODs, new Dictionary <ulong, List <ImageLayer> >(), new object[5] {
                                                    null, null, null, null, skipCmodel
                                                    if (!quiet)
                                                        Console.Out.WriteLine("Wrote model {0}", modelOutput);
                                                    if (!quiet)
                                                        Console.Out.WriteLine("Failed to write model");
                                    if (flags.RawModel)
                                        using (Stream outputStream = File.Open($"{outputPath}{GUID.LongKey(modelpair.Key):X12}.{GUID.Type(modelpair.Key):X3}", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) {
                                            if (modelWriter.Write(mdl, outputStream, LODs, new Dictionary <ulong, List <ImageLayer> >(), new object[5] {
                                                null, null, null, null, skipCmodel
                                                if (!quiet)
                                                    Console.Out.WriteLine("Wrote raw model {0:X12}.{1:X3}", GUID.LongKey(modelpair.Key), GUID.Type(modelpair.Key));
                                                if (!quiet)
                                                    Console.Out.WriteLine("Failed to write model");
                        if (!suppressAnimations)
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <ulong, ulong> kv in animList)
                                ulong  parent     = kv.Value;
                                ulong  key        = kv.Key;
                                Stream animStream = Util.OpenFile(map[key], handler);
                                if (animStream == null)

                                Animation anim = new Animation(animStream);
                                animStream.Position = 0;

                                string outpath = string.Format("{0}Animations{1}{2:X12}{1}{5}{1}{3:X12}.{4:X3}", outputPath, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, GUID.Index(parent), GUID.LongKey(key), GUID.Type(key), anim.Header.priority);
                                if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(outpath)))
                                if (flags.RawAnimation)
                                    using (Stream outp = File.Open(outpath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) {
                                        if (!quiet)
                                            Console.Out.WriteLine("Wrote raw animation {0}", outpath);
                                if (animEncoding != '+' && animWriter != null)
                                    outpath = string.Format("{0}Animations{1}{2:X12}{1}{5}{1}{3:X12}.{4}", outputPath, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, GUID.Index(parent), GUID.LongKey(key), animWriter.Format, anim.Header.priority);
                                    using (Stream outp = File.Open(outpath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) {
                                        animWriter.Write(anim, outp);
                                        if (!quiet)
                                            Console.Out.WriteLine("Wrote animation {0}", outpath);

                        if (!flags.SkipSound)
                            Console.Out.WriteLine("Dumping sounds...");
                            string soundPath = $"{outputPath}Sounds{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}";
                            if (!Directory.Exists(soundPath))

                            DumpVoice.Save(soundPath, soundData, map, handler, quiet);

                        if (!flags.SkipTextures)
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <ulong, List <string> > matpair in materials)
                                Dictionary <ulong, List <ImageLayer> > tmp = new Dictionary <ulong, List <ImageLayer> >();
                                if (cache.ContainsKey(matpair.Key))
                                    tmp = cache[matpair.Key];
                                    Skin.FindTextures(matpair.Key, tmp, new Dictionary <ulong, ulong>(), new HashSet <ulong>(), map, handler);
                                    cache.Add(matpair.Key, tmp);
                                Dictionary <string, TextureType> types = new Dictionary <string, TextureType>();
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <ulong, List <ImageLayer> > kv in tmp)
                                    ulong             materialId     = kv.Key;
                                    List <ImageLayer> sublayers      = kv.Value;
                                    HashSet <ulong>   materialParsed = new HashSet <ulong>();
                                    foreach (ImageLayer layer in sublayers)
                                        if (!materialParsed.Add(layer.Key))
                                        KeyValuePair <string, TextureType> pair = Skin.SaveTexture(layer.Key, materialId, map, handler, outputPath, quiet, $"Textures/{GUID.Index(matpair.Key):X8}");
                                        if (pair.Key == null)
                                        types.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);

                                foreach (string matOutput in matpair.Value)
                                    if (File.Exists($"{outputPath}{matOutput}"))
                                    using (Stream outputStream = File.Open($"{outputPath}{matOutput}", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) {
                                        if (owmat.Write(null, outputStream, null, tmp, new object[1] {
                                            if (!quiet)
                                                Console.Out.WriteLine("Wrote material {0}", matOutput);
                                            if (!quiet)
                                                Console.Out.WriteLine("Failed to write material");