Esempio n. 1
        public void SuccessfulCompletionTestInBetween()
            var logic = new CompletionLogic();

            Assert.IsTrue(logic.MatchFunc("Tagname", "XY and T and AB", 7), "first char");
            Assert.IsTrue(logic.MatchFunc("Tagname", "XY and tagnam and AB", 12), "except one char, different casing");
Esempio n. 2
        public void SuccessfulCompletionTestWithAndOperator()
            var logic = new CompletionLogic();

            Assert.IsTrue(logic.MatchFunc("Tagname", "XY and T", 7), "first char, after operator");
            Assert.IsTrue(logic.MatchFunc("Tagname", "XY and tagnam", 12), "except one char, different casing, after operator");
            Assert.IsTrue(logic.MatchFunc("Tagname", "T and XY", 0), "first char, before operator");
            Assert.IsTrue(logic.MatchFunc("Tagname", "tagnam and XY", 5), "except one char, different casing, before operator");
Esempio n. 3
        public void SuccessfulCompletionTestWithParenthesis()
            var logic = new CompletionLogic();

            Assert.IsTrue(logic.MatchFunc("Tagname", "(T", 1), "first char");
            Assert.IsTrue(logic.MatchFunc("Tagname", "(tagnam", 6), "except one char, different casing");
            Assert.IsTrue(logic.MatchFunc("Tagname", "(Ta)", 2), "with closing parenthesis");
            Assert.IsTrue(logic.MatchFunc("Tagname", "(Tagnam)", 2), "with closing parenthesis, caret in between");
Esempio n. 4
        public void UnsuccessfulCompletionTest()
            var logic = new CompletionLogic();

            Assert.IsFalse(logic.MatchFunc("Tagname", "", 0), "empty string");
            Assert.IsFalse(logic.MatchFunc("Tagname", "a", 0), "single char, no match");
            Assert.IsFalse(logic.MatchFunc("Tagname", "tagname", 6), "complete tag name");
            Assert.IsFalse(logic.MatchFunc("Tagname", "Tagname ", 7), "complete tag with space");
Esempio n. 5
        public void MatchTagsWithDiacritics()
            var logic = new CompletionLogic();

            Assert.IsTrue(logic.MatchFunc("àáâãäåa", "àáâãäå", 5), "chars with diacritics");
            Assert.IsTrue(logic.MatchFunc("ÒÓÔÕÖØO", "òóôõöø", 5), "chars with diacritics, different casing");
            Assert.IsTrue(logic.MatchFunc("àáâãäåa", "aaaaaa", 5), "remove diacritics");
            Assert.IsTrue(logic.MatchFunc("ÒÓÔÕÖØO", "oooooo", 5), "remove diacritics, different casing");
Esempio n. 6
        public void SuccessfulCompletionTestWithOrOperator()
            var logic = new CompletionLogic();

            Assert.IsTrue(logic.MatchFunc("Tagname", "XY or T", 6), "first char");
            Assert.IsTrue(logic.MatchFunc("Tagname", "XY or tagnam", 11), "except one char, different casing");
            Assert.IsTrue(logic.MatchFunc("Tagname", "T or XY", 0), "first char");
            Assert.IsTrue(logic.MatchFunc("Tagname", "tagnam or XY", 5), "except one char, different casing");
Esempio n. 7
        public void MatchTagsWithDiacritics()
            CompletionLogic logic = new CompletionLogic ();

            Assert.IsTrue (logic.MatchFunc ("àáâãäåa", "àáâãäå", 5), "chars with diacritics");
            Assert.IsTrue (logic.MatchFunc ("ÒÓÔÕÖØO", "òóôõöø", 5), "chars with diacritics, different casing");
            Assert.IsTrue (logic.MatchFunc ("àáâãäåa", "aaaaaa", 5), "remove diacritics");
            Assert.IsTrue (logic.MatchFunc ("ÒÓÔÕÖØO", "oooooo", 5), "remove diacritics, different casing");
Esempio n. 8
        public void ReplaceKeyTest()
            int pos;
            var logic = new CompletionLogic();

            pos = 0;
            logic.MatchFunc("Tagname", "T", pos);
            Assert.AreEqual(logic.ReplaceKey("T", "Tagname", ref pos), "Tagname");
            Assert.AreEqual(pos, 7);

            pos = 2;
            logic.MatchFunc("Tagname", "Tagn", pos);
            Assert.AreEqual(logic.ReplaceKey("Tagn", "Tagname", ref pos), "Tagname");
            Assert.AreEqual(pos, 7);

            pos = 4;
            logic.MatchFunc("Tagname", "(Tagn and XY)", pos);
            Assert.AreEqual(logic.ReplaceKey("(Tagn and XY)", "Tagname", ref pos), "(Tagname and XY)");
            Assert.AreEqual(pos, 8);
Esempio n. 9
        public void ReplaceKeyTest()
            int pos;
            CompletionLogic logic = new CompletionLogic ();

            pos = 0;
            logic.MatchFunc ("Tagname", "T", pos);
            Assert.AreEqual (logic.ReplaceKey ("T", "Tagname", ref pos), "Tagname");
            Assert.AreEqual (pos, 7);

            pos = 2;
            logic.MatchFunc ("Tagname", "Tagn", pos);
            Assert.AreEqual (logic.ReplaceKey ("Tagn", "Tagname", ref pos), "Tagname");
            Assert.AreEqual (pos, 7);

            pos = 4;
            logic.MatchFunc ("Tagname", "(Tagn and XY)", pos);
            Assert.AreEqual (logic.ReplaceKey ("(Tagn and XY)", "Tagname", ref pos), "(Tagname and XY)");
            Assert.AreEqual (pos, 8);
Esempio n. 10
        public void MatchTagsWithSpaces()
            var logic = new CompletionLogic();

            Assert.IsTrue(logic.MatchFunc("Tag with spaces", "Ta", 1), "");
            Assert.IsTrue(logic.MatchFunc("Tag with spaces", "Tag", 2), "");
            Assert.IsTrue(logic.MatchFunc("Tag with spaces", "Tag ", 3), "");
            Assert.IsTrue(logic.MatchFunc("Tag with spaces", "Tag w", 4), "");
            Assert.IsTrue(logic.MatchFunc("Tag with spaces", "Tag with", 7), "");

            Assert.IsFalse(logic.MatchFunc("Tag with spaces", "Tag with spaces", 14), "");

            Assert.IsFalse(logic.MatchFunc("Tag with spaces", "wit", 2), "");
            Assert.IsFalse(logic.MatchFunc("Tag with spaces", "with s", 5), "");
Esempio n. 11
        public void MatchTagsWithSpaces()
            CompletionLogic logic = new CompletionLogic ();

            Assert.IsTrue (logic.MatchFunc ("Tag with spaces", "Ta", 1), "");
            Assert.IsTrue (logic.MatchFunc ("Tag with spaces", "Tag", 2), "");
            Assert.IsTrue (logic.MatchFunc ("Tag with spaces", "Tag ", 3), "");
            Assert.IsTrue (logic.MatchFunc ("Tag with spaces", "Tag w", 4), "");
            Assert.IsTrue (logic.MatchFunc ("Tag with spaces", "Tag with", 7), "");

            Assert.IsFalse (logic.MatchFunc ("Tag with spaces", "Tag with spaces", 14), "");

            Assert.IsFalse (logic.MatchFunc ("Tag with spaces", "wit", 2), "");
            Assert.IsFalse (logic.MatchFunc ("Tag with spaces", "with s", 5), "");
Esempio n. 12
        public void SuccessfulCompletionTest()
            var logic = new CompletionLogic();

            Assert.IsTrue(logic.MatchFunc("Tagname", "T", 0), "first char");
            Assert.IsTrue(logic.MatchFunc("Tagname", "t", 0), "first char, different casing");
            Assert.IsTrue(logic.MatchFunc("Tagname", "Ta", 1), "two chars");
            Assert.IsTrue(logic.MatchFunc("Tagname", "tA", 1), "two chars, different casing");
            Assert.IsTrue(logic.MatchFunc("Tagname", "tagnam", 5), "except one char, different casing");
            Assert.IsTrue(logic.MatchFunc("Tagname", "Tagnam", 3), "except one char, caret in between");
Esempio n. 13
        public void SuccessfulCompletionTestInBetween()
            CompletionLogic logic = new CompletionLogic ();

            Assert.IsTrue (logic.MatchFunc ("Tagname", "XY and T and AB", 7), "first char");
            Assert.IsTrue (logic.MatchFunc ("Tagname", "XY and tagnam and AB", 12), "except one char, different casing");
Esempio n. 14
        public void SuccessfulCompletionTestWithOrOperator()
            CompletionLogic logic = new CompletionLogic ();

            Assert.IsTrue (logic.MatchFunc ("Tagname", "XY or T", 6), "first char");
            Assert.IsTrue (logic.MatchFunc ("Tagname", "XY or tagnam", 11), "except one char, different casing");
            Assert.IsTrue (logic.MatchFunc ("Tagname", "T or XY", 0), "first char");
            Assert.IsTrue (logic.MatchFunc ("Tagname", "tagnam or XY", 5), "except one char, different casing");
Esempio n. 15
        public void SuccessfulCompletionTestWithAndOperator()
            CompletionLogic logic = new CompletionLogic ();

            Assert.IsTrue (logic.MatchFunc ("Tagname", "XY and T", 7), "first char, after operator");
            Assert.IsTrue (logic.MatchFunc ("Tagname", "XY and tagnam", 12), "except one char, different casing, after operator");
            Assert.IsTrue (logic.MatchFunc ("Tagname", "T and XY", 0), "first char, before operator");
            Assert.IsTrue (logic.MatchFunc ("Tagname", "tagnam and XY", 5), "except one char, different casing, before operator");
Esempio n. 16
        public void SuccessfulCompletionTest()
            CompletionLogic logic = new CompletionLogic ();

            Assert.IsTrue (logic.MatchFunc ("Tagname", "T", 0), "first char");
            Assert.IsTrue (logic.MatchFunc ("Tagname", "t", 0), "first char, different casing");
            Assert.IsTrue (logic.MatchFunc ("Tagname", "Ta", 1), "two chars");
            Assert.IsTrue (logic.MatchFunc ("Tagname", "tA", 1), "two chars, different casing");
            Assert.IsTrue (logic.MatchFunc ("Tagname", "tagnam", 5), "except one char, different casing");
            Assert.IsTrue (logic.MatchFunc ("Tagname", "Tagnam", 3), "except one char, caret in between");
Esempio n. 17
        public void UnsuccessfulCompletionTest()
            CompletionLogic logic = new CompletionLogic ();

            Assert.IsFalse (logic.MatchFunc ("Tagname", "", 0), "empty string");
            Assert.IsFalse (logic.MatchFunc ("Tagname", "a", 0), "single char, no match");
            Assert.IsFalse (logic.MatchFunc ("Tagname", "tagname", 6), "complete tag name");
            Assert.IsFalse (logic.MatchFunc ("Tagname", "Tagname ", 7), "complete tag with space");
Esempio n. 18
        public void SuccessfulCompletionTestWithParenthesis()
            CompletionLogic logic = new CompletionLogic ();

            Assert.IsTrue (logic.MatchFunc ("Tagname", "(T", 1), "first char");
            Assert.IsTrue (logic.MatchFunc ("Tagname", "(tagnam", 6), "except one char, different casing");
            Assert.IsTrue (logic.MatchFunc ("Tagname", "(Ta)", 2), "with closing parenthesis");
            Assert.IsTrue (logic.MatchFunc ("Tagname", "(Tagnam)", 2), "with closing parenthesis, caret in between");