Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ops"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public HttpResult batch(string[] ops)
            HttpResult batchResult = null;
            string batchUrl = string.Format("{0}{1}", Config.ZONE.RsHost, "/batch");

            StringBuilder opsBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 0; i < ops.Length; i++)
                opsBuilder.AppendFormat("op={0}", ops[i]);
                if (i < ops.Length - 1)
            string accessToken = Auth.createManageToken(batchUrl, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(opsBuilder.ToString()), this.mac);
            Dictionary<string, string> batchHeaders = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            batchHeaders.Add("Authorization", accessToken);
            CompletionHandler batchCompletionHandler = new CompletionHandler(delegate(ResponseInfo respInfo, string response)
                batchResult = new FetchResult();
                batchResult.Response = response;
                batchResult.ResponseInfo = respInfo;

            Dictionary<string, string[]> batchParams = new Dictionary<string, string[]>();
            batchParams.Add("op", ops);
            this.mHttpManager.postForm(batchUrl, batchHeaders, batchParams, batchCompletionHandler);
            return batchResult;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        ///   Fetch from the <see cref = "Remote" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="remote">The remote to fetch</param>
        /// <param name="tagFetchMode">Optional parameter indicating what tags to download.</param>
        /// <param name="onProgress">Progress callback. Corresponds to libgit2 progress callback.</param>
        /// <param name="onCompletion">Completion callback. Corresponds to libgit2 completion callback.</param>
        /// <param name="onUpdateTips">UpdateTips callback. Corresponds to libgit2 update_tips callback.</param>
        /// <param name="onTransferProgress">Callback method that transfer progress will be reported through.
        ///   Reports the client's state regarding the received and processed (bytes, objects) from the server.</param>
        /// <param name="credentials">Credentials to use for username/password authentication.</param>
        public virtual void Fetch(
            Remote remote,
            TagFetchMode tagFetchMode = TagFetchMode.Auto,
            ProgressHandler onProgress = null,
            CompletionHandler onCompletion = null,
            UpdateTipsHandler onUpdateTips = null,
            TransferProgressHandler onTransferProgress = null,
            Credentials credentials = null)
            Ensure.ArgumentNotNull(remote, "remote");

            // We need to keep a reference to the git_cred_acquire_cb callback around
            // so it will not be garbage collected before we are done with it.
            // Note that we also have a GC.KeepAlive call at the end of the method.
            NativeMethods.git_cred_acquire_cb credentialCallback = null;

            using (RemoteSafeHandle remoteHandle = Proxy.git_remote_load(repository.Handle, remote.Name, true))
                var callbacks = new RemoteCallbacks(onProgress, onCompletion, onUpdateTips);
                GitRemoteCallbacks gitCallbacks = callbacks.GenerateCallbacks();

                Proxy.git_remote_set_autotag(remoteHandle, tagFetchMode);

                if (credentials != null)
                    credentialCallback = (out IntPtr cred, IntPtr url, IntPtr username_from_url, uint types, IntPtr payload) =>
                        NativeMethods.git_cred_userpass_plaintext_new(out cred, credentials.Username, credentials.Password);


                // It is OK to pass the reference to the GitCallbacks directly here because libgit2 makes a copy of
                // the data in the git_remote_callbacks structure. If, in the future, libgit2 changes its implementation
                // to store a reference to the git_remote_callbacks structure this would introduce a subtle bug
                // where the managed layer could move the git_remote_callbacks to a different location in memory,
                // but libgit2 would still reference the old address.
                // Also, if GitRemoteCallbacks were a class instead of a struct, we would need to guard against
                // GC occuring in between setting the remote callbacks and actual usage in one of the functions afterwords.
                Proxy.git_remote_set_callbacks(remoteHandle, ref gitCallbacks);

                    Proxy.git_remote_connect(remoteHandle, GitDirection.Fetch);
                    Proxy.git_remote_download(remoteHandle, onTransferProgress);

            // To be safe, make sure the credential callback is kept until
            // alive until at least this point.
Esempio n. 3
 public void reqGetTest()
     HttpManager target = new HttpManager();
     string url = "";
     Dictionary<string, string> pHeaders = new Dictionary<string, string>();
     pHeaders.Add("X-Reqid", "TestReqId");
     CompletionHandler pCompletionHandler = new CompletionHandler(delegate(ResponseInfo respInfo, string response)
         Assert.AreEqual(respInfo.StatusCode, 200);
     target.get(url, pHeaders, pCompletionHandler);
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the specified inputFiles, using the other specified parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputFiles">A list of one or more raw data text files.</param>
        /// <param name="startDate">Any timestamp prior to this ISO 8601 date will be trimmed.</param>
        /// <param name="endDate">Any timestamp after to this ISO 8601 date will be trimmed.</param>
        /// <param name="space">A smoothing value for x/y/z coordinates.</param>
        /// <param name="time">A smoothing value for time.</param>
        /// <param name="disaggregateTime">If set to <c>true</c> events that match in space but not time will not be aggregated.</param>
        /// <param name="events">A list of events to explicitly include.</param>
        public void Process(CompletionHandler completionHandler,
            List<string> inputFiles, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate,
            float space, float time, float angle,
            bool disaggregateTime, bool disaggregateAngle,
            List<string> events = null)
            m_CompletionHandler = completionHandler;

            string outputFileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(inputFiles[0]).Replace(".txt", ".json");
            var outputData = new Dictionary<string, List<Dictionary<string, float>>>();

            m_ReportFiles = 0;
            m_ReportLegalPoints = 0;
            m_ReportRows = 0;
            m_PointDict = new Dictionary<Tuplish, Dictionary<string, float>>();

            foreach (string file in inputFiles)
                LoadStream(outputData, file, startDate, endDate, space, time, angle, disaggregateTime, disaggregateAngle, events, outputFileName);

            // Test if any data was generated
            bool hasData = false;
            var reportList = new List<int>{ };
            foreach (var generated in outputData)
                hasData = generated.Value.Count > 0;
                if (!hasData)
            if (hasData)
                var reportArray = reportList.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray();

                //Output what happened
                string report = "Report of " + m_ReportFiles + " files:\n";
                report += "Total of " + reportList.Count + " groups numbering [" + string.Join(",", reportArray) + "]\n";
                report += "Total rows: " + m_ReportRows + "\n";
                report += "Total points analyzed: " + m_ReportLegalPoints;

                SaveFile(outputFileName, outputData);
                Debug.LogWarning("The aggregation process yielded no results.");
Esempio n. 5
        public void reqPostTest()
            HttpManager target = new HttpManager();
            string pUrl = "";
            Dictionary<string, string> pHeaders = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            Dictionary<string, string[]> pPostParams = new Dictionary<string, string[]>();
            pPostParams.Add("ip", new string[] { "", "" });

            CompletionHandler pCompletionHandler = new CompletionHandler(delegate(ResponseInfo respInfo, string response)
                Assert.AreEqual(respInfo.StatusCode, 200);
            target.postForm(pUrl, pHeaders, pPostParams, pCompletionHandler);
Esempio n. 6
        public HttpResult batch(string ops)
            HttpResult batchResult = null;
            string batchUrl = string.Format("{0}{1}", Config.ZONE.RsHost, "/batch");
            string accessToken = Auth.createManageToken(batchUrl, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ops), this.mac);
            Dictionary<string, string> batchHeaders = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            batchHeaders.Add("Authorization", accessToken);
            CompletionHandler batchCompletionHandler = new CompletionHandler(delegate(ResponseInfo respInfo, string response)
                batchResult = new FetchResult();
                batchResult.Response = response;
                batchResult.ResponseInfo = respInfo;

            this.mHttpManager.postData(batchUrl, batchHeaders, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ops),
                HttpManager.FORM_MIME_URLENCODED, batchCompletionHandler);
            return batchResult;
Esempio n. 7
        public PfopResult pfop(string bucket, string key, string fops, string pipeline, string notifyUrl, bool force)
            PfopResult pfopResult = null;

            Dictionary<string, string[]> pfopParams = new Dictionary<string, string[]>();
            pfopParams.Add("bucket", new string[] { bucket });
            pfopParams.Add("key", new string[] { key });
            pfopParams.Add("fops", new string[] { fops });
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(notifyUrl))
                pfopParams.Add("notifyURL", new string[] { notifyUrl });
            if (force)
                pfopParams.Add("force", new string[] { "1" });
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pipeline))
                pfopParams.Add("pipeline", new string[] { pipeline });

            string pfopUrl = Config.ZONE.ApiHost + "/pfop/";

            string accessToken = Auth.createManageToken(pfopUrl, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(StringUtils.urlValuesEncode(pfopParams)), this.Mac);
            Dictionary<string, string> pfopHeaders = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            pfopHeaders.Add("Authorization", accessToken);

            CompletionHandler pfopCompletionHandler = new CompletionHandler(delegate (ResponseInfo respInfo, string response)
                if (respInfo.isOk())
                    pfopResult = StringUtils.jsonDecode<PfopResult>(response);
                    pfopResult = new PfopResult();
                pfopResult.ResponseInfo = respInfo;
                pfopResult.Response = response;

            this.mHttpManager.postForm(pfopUrl, pfopHeaders, pfopParams, pfopCompletionHandler);
            return pfopResult;
Esempio n. 8
        public PrefopResult prefop()
            PrefopResult prefopResult = null;

            CompletionHandler prefopCompletionHandler = new CompletionHandler(delegate(ResponseInfo respInfo, string response)
                if (respInfo.isOk())
                    prefopResult = StringUtils.jsonDecode<PrefopResult>(response);
                    prefopResult = new PrefopResult();
                prefopResult.ResponseInfo = respInfo;
                prefopResult.Response = response;
            string qUrl = string.Format(Config.ZONE.ApiHost + "/status/get/prefop?id={0}", this.PersistentId);
            this.mHttpManager.get(qUrl, null, prefopCompletionHandler);
            return prefopResult;
 public void DownloadFileAsync(string url, string filePath, CompletionHandler handler)
     this.downloadCompletionHandler = handler;
     base.DownloadFileAsync(new Uri(url), filePath);
Esempio n. 10
 private void makeBlock(string upHost, long offset, int blockSize, int chunkSize,
     ProgressHandler progressHandler, CompletionHandler completionHandler)
     string url = string.Format("{0}/mkblk/{1}", upHost, blockSize);
         this.fileStream.Read(this.chunkBuffer, 0, chunkSize);
     catch (Exception ex)
         this.upCompletionHandler(this.key, ResponseInfo.fileError(ex), "");
     this.crc32 = CRC32.CheckSumBytes(this.chunkBuffer, chunkSize);
     post(url, this.chunkBuffer, chunkSize, progressHandler, completionHandler);
Esempio n. 11
        public ServerCapabilities GetCapabilities(ClientCapabilities clientCapabilities)
            var capabilities = new ServerCapabilities();

            if (clientCapabilities is VSInternalClientCapabilities vsClientCapabilities && vsClientCapabilities.SupportsVisualStudioExtensions)
                capabilities = GetVSServerCapabilities();

            var commitCharacters  = CompletionRules.Default.DefaultCommitCharacters.Select(c => c.ToString()).ToArray();
            var triggerCharacters = _completionProviders.SelectMany(
                lz => CompletionHandler.GetTriggerCharacters(lz.Value)).Distinct().Select(c => c.ToString()).ToArray();

            capabilities.DefinitionProvider     = true;
            capabilities.RenameProvider         = true;
            capabilities.ImplementationProvider = true;
            capabilities.CodeActionProvider     = new CodeActionOptions {
                CodeActionKinds = new[] { CodeActionKind.QuickFix, CodeActionKind.Refactor }, ResolveProvider = true
            capabilities.CompletionProvider = new VisualStudio.LanguageServer.Protocol.CompletionOptions
                ResolveProvider     = true,
                AllCommitCharacters = commitCharacters,
                TriggerCharacters   = triggerCharacters,

            capabilities.SignatureHelpProvider = new SignatureHelpOptions {
                TriggerCharacters = new[] { "(", "," }
            capabilities.DocumentSymbolProvider           = true;
            capabilities.WorkspaceSymbolProvider          = true;
            capabilities.DocumentFormattingProvider       = true;
            capabilities.DocumentRangeFormattingProvider  = true;
            capabilities.DocumentOnTypeFormattingProvider = new DocumentOnTypeFormattingOptions {
                FirstTriggerCharacter = "}", MoreTriggerCharacter = new[] { ";", "\n" }
            capabilities.ReferencesProvider     = true;
            capabilities.FoldingRangeProvider   = true;
            capabilities.ExecuteCommandProvider = new ExecuteCommandOptions();
            capabilities.TextDocumentSync       = new TextDocumentSyncOptions
                Change    = TextDocumentSyncKind.Incremental,
                OpenClose = true

            capabilities.HoverProvider = true;

            capabilities.SemanticTokensOptions = new SemanticTokensOptions
                Full = new SemanticTokensFullOptions {
                    Delta = true
                Range  = true,
                Legend = new SemanticTokensLegend
                    TokenTypes     = SemanticTokenTypes.AllTypes.Concat(SemanticTokensHelpers.RoslynCustomTokenTypes).ToArray(),
                    TokenModifiers = new string[] { SemanticTokenModifiers.Static }

Esempio n. 12
        private void makeFile(string upHost, CompletionHandler completionHandler)
            string fname = this.key;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.filePath))
                fname = Path.GetFileName(this.filePath);

            string fnameStr = "";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fname))
                fnameStr = string.Format("/fname/{0}", StringUtils.urlSafeBase64Encode(fname));

            string mimeTypeStr = string.Format("/mimeType/{0}", StringUtils.urlSafeBase64Encode(this.uploadOptions.MimeType));

            string keyStr = "";
            if (this.key != null)
                keyStr = string.Format("/key/{0}", StringUtils.urlSafeBase64Encode(this.key));

            string paramsStr = "";
            if (this.uploadOptions.ExtraParams.Count > 0)
                string[] paramArray = new string[this.uploadOptions.ExtraParams.Count];
                int j = 0;
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in this.uploadOptions.ExtraParams)
                    paramArray[j++] = string.Format("{0}/{1}", kvp.Key, StringUtils.urlSafeBase64Encode(kvp.Value));
                paramsStr = "/" + StringUtils.join(paramArray, "/");

            string url = string.Format("{0}/mkfile/{1}{2}{3}{4}{5}", upHost, this.size, mimeTypeStr, fnameStr, keyStr, paramsStr);
            string postBody = StringUtils.join(this.contexts, ",");
            byte[] postBodyData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postBody);
            this.mHttpManager.postData(url, upHeaders, postBodyData, HttpManager.FORM_MIME_URLENCODED, completionHandler);
Esempio n. 13
 private void putChunk(string upHost, long offset, int chunkSize, string context,
     ProgressHandler progressHandler, CompletionHandler completionHandler)
     int chunkOffset = (int)(offset % Config.BLOCK_SIZE);
     string url = string.Format("{0}/bput/{1}/{2}", upHost, context, chunkOffset);
         this.fileStream.Read(this.chunkBuffer, 0, chunkSize);
     catch (Exception ex)
         this.upCompletionHandler(this.key, ResponseInfo.fileError(ex), "");
     this.crc32 = CRC32.CheckSumSlice(this.chunkBuffer, 0, chunkSize);
     this.mHttpManager.postData(url, this.upHeaders, this.chunkBuffer, 0, chunkSize,
         HttpManager.FORM_MIME_OCTECT, new CompletionHandler(delegate(ResponseInfo respInfo,string response)
             progressHandler(offset, this.size);
             completionHandler(respInfo, response);
Esempio n. 14
        public HttpResult updateLifecycle(string bucket,string key,int deleteAfterDays)
            HttpResult updateResult = null;

            string updateUrl = string.Format("{0}{1}", Config.ZONE.RsHost, updateLifecycleOp(bucket, key, deleteAfterDays));
            string accessToken = Auth.createManageToken(updateUrl, null, this.mac);
            Dictionary<string, string> updateHeaders = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            updateHeaders.Add("Authorization", accessToken);
            CompletionHandler updateCompletionHandler = new CompletionHandler(delegate (ResponseInfo respInfo, string response)
                updateResult = new HttpResult();
                updateResult.Response = response;
                updateResult.ResponseInfo = respInfo;

            this.mHttpManager.postForm(updateUrl, updateHeaders, null, updateCompletionHandler);
            return updateResult;
Esempio n. 15
        public BucketsResult buckets()
            BucketsResult bucketsResult = null;
            List<string> buckets = new List<string>();
            string bucketsUrl = string.Format("{0}/buckets", Config.ZONE.RsHost);
            string accessToken = Auth.createManageToken(bucketsUrl, null, this.mac);
            Dictionary<string, string> bucketsHeaders = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            bucketsHeaders.Add("Authorization", accessToken);
            CompletionHandler bucketsCompletionHandler = new CompletionHandler(delegate(ResponseInfo respInfo, string response)
                bucketsResult = new BucketsResult();
                bucketsResult.Response = response;
                bucketsResult.ResponseInfo = respInfo;
                if (respInfo.isOk())
                    buckets = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<string>>(response);
                    bucketsResult.Buckets = buckets;

            this.mHttpManager.get(bucketsUrl, bucketsHeaders, bucketsCompletionHandler);
            return bucketsResult;
Esempio n. 16
 static StoreItemFactory()
     // Always null out the thread when the job is done to ensure cleanup
     OnTaskCompleted += items => _backgroundThread = null;
Esempio n. 17
        public VSServerCapabilities GetCapabilities()
            var commitCharacters = CompletionRules.Default.DefaultCommitCharacters
                                   .Select(c => c.ToString())
            var triggerCharacters = _completionProviders
                                    .SelectMany(lz => CompletionHandler.GetTriggerCharacters(lz.Value))
                                    .Select(c => c.ToString())

            return(new VSServerCapabilities
                DefinitionProvider = true,
                RenameProvider = true,
                ImplementationProvider = true,
                CodeActionProvider = new CodeActionOptions
                    CodeActionKinds = new[] { CodeActionKind.QuickFix, CodeActionKind.Refactor }
                CodeActionsResolveProvider = true,
                CompletionProvider = new LanguageServer.Protocol.CompletionOptions
                    ResolveProvider = true,
                    AllCommitCharacters = commitCharacters,
                    TriggerCharacters = triggerCharacters
                SignatureHelpProvider = new SignatureHelpOptions
                    TriggerCharacters = new[] { "(", "," }
                DocumentSymbolProvider = true,
                WorkspaceSymbolProvider = true,
                DocumentFormattingProvider = true,
                DocumentRangeFormattingProvider = true,
                DocumentOnTypeFormattingProvider = new DocumentOnTypeFormattingOptions
                    FirstTriggerCharacter = "}",
                    MoreTriggerCharacter = new[] { ";", "\n" }
                OnAutoInsertProvider = new DocumentOnAutoInsertOptions
                    TriggerCharacters = new[] { "'", "/", "\n" }
                DocumentHighlightProvider = true,
                ReferencesProvider = true,
                ProjectContextProvider = true,
                FoldingRangeProvider = true,
                SemanticTokensOptions = new SemanticTokensOptions
                    DocumentProvider = new SemanticTokensDocumentProviderOptions {
                        Edits = true
                    RangeProvider = true,
                    Legend = new SemanticTokensLegend
                        TokenTypes = SemanticTokenTypes.AllTypes
                        TokenModifiers = new string[] { SemanticTokenModifiers.Static }
                ExecuteCommandProvider = new ExecuteCommandOptions(),
                TextDocumentSync = new TextDocumentSyncOptions
                    Change = TextDocumentSyncKind.Incremental,
                    OpenClose = true
                // Always support hover - if any LSP client for a content type advertises support,
                // then the liveshare provider is disabled.  So we must provide for both C# and razor
                // until is fixed
                // or we have different content types.
                HoverProvider = true,
                // Diagnostic requests are only supported from PullDiagnosticsInProcLanguageClient.
                SupportsDiagnosticRequests = false,
Esempio n. 18
        public void DidReceivePushNotification(MSNotificationHub notificationHub, MSNotificationHubMessage message, CompletionHandler completionHandler)
            homeViewController.ProcessNotification(message.Title, message.Body);

            Console.WriteLine("Notification Title: " + message.Title);
            Console.WriteLine("Notification Body: " + message.Body);

Esempio n. 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the specified inputFiles, using the other specified parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputFiles">A list of one or more raw data text files.</param>
        /// <param name="startDate">Any timestamp prior to this ISO 8601 date will be trimmed.</param>
        /// <param name="endDate">Any timestamp after to this ISO 8601 date will be trimmed.</param>
        /// <param name="aggregateOn">A list of properties on which to specify point uniqueness.</param>
        /// <param name="smoothOn">A dictionary of properties that are smoothable, along with their smoothing values. <b>Must be a subset of aggregateOn.</b></param>
        /// <param name="groupOn">A list of properties on which to group resulting lists (supports arbitrary data, plus 'eventName', 'userID', 'sessionID', 'platform', and 'debug').</param>
        /// <param name="remapDensityToField">If not blank, remaps density (aka color) to the value of the field.</param>
        /// <param name="aggregationMethod">Determines the calculation with which multiple points aggregate (default is Increment).</param>
        /// <param name="percentile">For use with the AggregationMethod.Percentile, a value between 0-1 indicating the percentile to use.</param>
        public void Process(CompletionHandler completionHandler,
                            List <string> inputFiles, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate,
                            List <string> aggregateOn,
                            Dictionary <string, float> smoothOn,
                            List <string> groupOn,
                            string remapDensityToField,
                            AggregationMethod aggregationMethod = AggregationMethod.Increment,
                            float percentile = 0)
            m_CompletionHandler = completionHandler;

            string outputFileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(inputFiles[0]).Replace(".gz", ".json");

            // Histograms stores all the data
            // Tuplish is the key, holding the combo that makes the point unique(often, x/y/z/t)
            // List maintains the individual lists of points
            // The HistogramHeatPoint stores all the data in the list, compacted right before saving
            var histograms = new Dictionary <Tuplish, List <HistogramHeatPoint> >();

            m_ReportFiles       = 0;
            m_ReportLegalPoints = 0;
            m_ReportRows        = 0;
            m_PointDict         = new Dictionary <Tuplish, HistogramHeatPoint>();

            var headers = GetHeaders();

            if (headers["name"] == -1 || headers["submit_time"] == -1 || headers["custom_params"] == -1)
                Debug.LogWarning("No headers found. The likeliest cause of this is that you have no custom_headers.gz file. Perhaps you need to download a raw data job?");
                foreach (string file in inputFiles)
                    LoadStream(histograms, headers, file, startDate, endDate,
                               aggregateOn, smoothOn, groupOn,

                // Test if any data was generated
                bool       hasData    = false;
                List <int> reportList = new List <int>();

                Dictionary <Tuplish, List <Dictionary <string, float> > > outputData = new Dictionary <Tuplish, List <Dictionary <string, float> > >();

                foreach (var generated in histograms)
                    // Convert to output. Perform accretion calcs
                    var list       = generated.Value;
                    var outputList = new List <Dictionary <string, float> >();
                    foreach (var pt in list)
                        var outputPt = new Dictionary <string, float>();
                        outputPt["x"]  = (float)pt["x"];
                        outputPt["y"]  = (float)pt["y"];
                        outputPt["z"]  = (float)pt["z"];
                        outputPt["rx"] = (float)pt["rx"];
                        outputPt["ry"] = (float)pt["ry"];
                        outputPt["rz"] = (float)pt["rz"];
                        outputPt["dx"] = (float)pt["dx"];
                        outputPt["dy"] = (float)pt["dy"];
                        outputPt["dz"] = (float)pt["dz"];
                        outputPt["t"]  = (float)pt["t"];
                        outputPt["d"]  = Accrete(pt, aggregationMethod, percentile);

                    outputData.Add(generated.Key, outputList);

                    hasData = generated.Value.Count > 0;
                    if (!hasData)

                if (hasData)
                    var reportArray = reportList.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray();

                    //Output what happened
                    string report = "Report of " + m_ReportFiles + " files:\n";
                    report += "Total of " + reportList.Count + " groups numbering [" + string.Join(",", reportArray) + "]\n";
                    report += "Total rows: " + m_ReportRows + "\n";
                    report += "Total points analyzed: " + m_ReportLegalPoints;

                    SaveFile(outputFileName, outputData);
                    Debug.LogWarning("The aggregation process yielded no results.");
Esempio n. 20
 public static void StartRecording(int width, int height, float framerate, int sampleRate, int channelCount, int bitrate, CompletionHandler callback, IntPtr context)
Esempio n. 21
        private void upload(HttpFormFile fFile, string key, string token,
                            UploadOptions uploadOptions, UpCompletionHandler upCompletionHandler)
            // 使用uploadHost -- REMINDME-0
            // 是否使用CDN(默认:是)
            string uploadHost = Config.UploadFromCDN ? Config.ZONE.UploadHost : Config.ZONE.UpHost;

            if (uploadOptions == null)
                uploadOptions = UploadOptions.defaultOptions();
            Dictionary <string, string> vPostParams = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
                vPostParams.Add("key", key);
            vPostParams.Add("token", token);
            if (uploadOptions.CheckCrc32)
                switch (fFile.BodyType)
                case HttpFileType.DATA_SLICE:
                    vPostParams.Add("crc32", string.Format("{0}", CRC32.CheckSumSlice(fFile.BodyBytes, fFile.Offset, fFile.Count)));

                case HttpFileType.DATA_BYTES:
                    vPostParams.Add("crc32", string.Format("{0}", CRC32.CheckSumBytes(fFile.BodyBytes)));

                case HttpFileType.FILE_STREAM:
                    long   streamLength = fFile.BodyStream.Length;
                    byte[] buffer       = new byte[streamLength];
                    int    cnt          = fFile.BodyStream.Read(buffer, 0, (int)streamLength);
                    vPostParams.Add("crc32", string.Format("{0}", CRC32.CheckSumSlice(buffer, 0, cnt)));
                    fFile.BodyStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                case HttpFileType.FILE_PATH:
                    vPostParams.Add("crc32", string.Format("{0}", CRC32.CheckSumFile(fFile.BodyFile)));

            // FIX: (添加了下一行代码)
            // 修正上传文件MIME总为octect-stream(原因:未初始化FormFile.ContentType)的问题
            // @fengyh 2016-08-17 14:50
            fFile.ContentType = uploadOptions.MimeType;
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in uploadOptions.ExtraParams)
                vPostParams.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
            ProgressHandler fUpProgressHandler = new ProgressHandler(delegate(long bytesWritten, long totalBytes)
                double percent = (double)bytesWritten / totalBytes;
                if (percent > 0.95)
                    percent = 0.95;
                uploadOptions.ProgressHandler(key, percent);

            CancellationSignal fCancelSignal = new CancellationSignal(delegate()

            // [x]第一次失败后使用备用域名重试一次
            // FIX 2016-11-22 17:11
            // 网络错误(网络断开)恢复正常后,重试会出现“流不可读”的错误,因此原域名和重试域名一致
            CompletionHandler fUpCompletionHandler = new CompletionHandler(delegate(ResponseInfo respInfo, string response)
                Console.WriteLine("form upload result, {0}", respInfo.StatusCode);
                if (respInfo.needRetry())
                    if (fFile.BodyStream != null)
                        fFile.BodyStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                    CompletionHandler retried = new CompletionHandler(delegate(ResponseInfo retryRespInfo, string retryResponse)
                        Console.WriteLine("form upload retry result, {0}", retryRespInfo.StatusCode);
                        if (respInfo.isOk())
                            uploadOptions.ProgressHandler(key, 1.0);

                        if (fFile.BodyStream != null)

                        if (upCompletionHandler != null)
                                upCompletionHandler(key, retryRespInfo, retryResponse);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                Console.WriteLine("form upload retry completion error, {0}", ex.Message);

                    // 使用uploadHost -- REMINDME-1
                    this.mHttpManager.postMultipartDataForm(uploadHost, null, vPostParams, fFile, fUpProgressHandler, retried);
                    if (respInfo.isOk())
                        uploadOptions.ProgressHandler(key, 1.0);

                    if (fFile.BodyStream != null)

                    if (upCompletionHandler != null)
                            upCompletionHandler(key, respInfo, response);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Console.WriteLine("form upload completion error, {0}", ex.Message);

            // // 使用uploadHost -- REMINDME-2
            this.mHttpManager.postMultipartDataForm(uploadHost, null, vPostParams, fFile, fUpProgressHandler, fUpCompletionHandler);
 public void SubCompletion(CompletionHandler dl)
     _audioPlayer.ComplectionEvent += dl;
Esempio n. 23
        /// <summary>
        /// post binary data to remote server
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pUrl"></param>
        /// <param name="pHeaders"></param>
        /// <param name="pPostData"></param>
        /// <param name="offset"></param>
        /// <param name="count"></param>
        /// <param name="pCompletionHandler"></param>
        public void postData(string pUrl, Dictionary<string, string> pHeaders,
            byte[] pPostData, int offset, int count, string contentType,
            CompletionHandler pCompletionHandler)
            HttpWebRequest vWebReq = null;
            HttpWebResponse vWebResp = null;
                vWebReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(pUrl);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (pCompletionHandler != null)
                    pCompletionHandler(ResponseInfo.invalidRequest(ex.Message), "");

                vWebReq.UserAgent = this.getUserAgent();
                vWebReq.AllowAutoRedirect = false;
                vWebReq.Method = "POST";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentType))
                    vWebReq.ContentType = contentType;
                    vWebReq.ContentType = FORM_MIME_OCTECT;
                if (pHeaders != null)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in pHeaders)
                        if (!kvp.Key.Equals("Content-Type"))
                            vWebReq.Headers.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

                vWebReq.AllowWriteStreamBuffering = true;
                // write data
                using (Stream vWebReqStream = vWebReq.GetRequestStream())
                    vWebReqStream.Write(pPostData, offset, count);

                //fire request
                vWebResp = (HttpWebResponse)vWebReq.GetResponse();
                handleWebResponse(vWebResp, pCompletionHandler);
            catch (WebException wexp)
                // FIX-HTTP 4xx/5xx Error 2016-11-22, 17:00 @fengyh
                HttpWebResponse xWebResp = wexp.Response as HttpWebResponse;
                handleErrorWebResponse(xWebResp, pCompletionHandler, wexp);
            catch (Exception exp)
                handleErrorWebResponse(vWebResp, pCompletionHandler, exp);
                if (vWebResp != null)
                    vWebResp = null;

                if (vWebReq != null)
                    vWebReq = null;
Esempio n. 24
        private void upload(HttpManager httpManager, PostArgs postArgs, string key, string token,
                            UploadOptions uploadOptions, UpCompletionHandler upCompletionHandler)
            if (uploadOptions == null)
                uploadOptions = UploadOptions.defaultOptions();
            postArgs.Params = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
                postArgs.Params.Add("key", key);
            postArgs.Params.Add("token", token);
            if (uploadOptions.CheckCrc32)
                switch (httpManager.FileContentType)
                case PostContentType.BYTES:
                    postArgs.Params.Add("crc32", string.Format("{0}", CRC32.CheckSumBytes(postArgs.Data, postArgs.Data.Length)));

                case PostContentType.STREAM:
                    long   streamLength = postArgs.Stream.Length;
                    byte[] buffer       = new byte[streamLength];
                    int    cnt          = postArgs.Stream.Read(buffer, 0, (int)streamLength);
                    postArgs.Params.Add("crc32", string.Format("{0}", CRC32.CheckSumBytes(buffer, cnt)));
                    postArgs.Stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                case PostContentType.FILE:
                    postArgs.Params.Add("crc32", string.Format("{0}", CRC32.CheckSumFile(postArgs.File)));

            postArgs.MimeType = uploadOptions.MimeType;
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in uploadOptions.ExtraParams)
                postArgs.Params.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
            httpManager.ProgressHandler = new ProgressHandler(delegate(int bytesWritten, int totalBytes)
                double percent = (double)bytesWritten / totalBytes;
                if (percent > 0.95)
                    percent = 0.95;
                uploadOptions.ProgressHandler(key, percent);

            httpManager.CancellationSignal = new CancellationSignal(delegate()
            httpManager.PostArgs = postArgs;
            httpManager.CompletionHandler = new CompletionHandler(delegate(ResponseInfo respInfo, string response)
                if (respInfo.needRetry())
                    if (httpManager.PostArgs.Stream != null)
                        httpManager.PostArgs.Stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    CompletionHandler retried = new CompletionHandler(delegate(ResponseInfo retryRespInfo, string retryResponse)
                        uploadOptions.ProgressHandler(key, 1.0);

                        if (httpManager.PostArgs.Stream != null)

                        if (upCompletionHandler != null)
                            upCompletionHandler(key, retryRespInfo, retryResponse);
                    httpManager.CompletionHandler = retried;
                    uploadOptions.ProgressHandler(key, 1.0);

                    if (httpManager.PostArgs.Stream != null)

                    if (upCompletionHandler != null)
                        upCompletionHandler(key, respInfo, response);
        private void nextTask(long offset, int retried, string upHost)
            if (this.isCancelled())
                this.upCompletionHandler(this.key, ResponseInfo.cancelled(), null);
            if (offset == this.size)
                this.makeFile(upHost, new CompletionHandler(delegate(ResponseInfo respInfo, string response)
                    if (respInfo.isOk())
                        Console.WriteLine("mkfile ok, upload done!");
                        this.upCompletionHandler(this.key, respInfo, response);

                    if (respInfo.StatusCode != 614)
                        if (respInfo.needRetry() && retried < Config.RETRY_MAX)
                            Console.WriteLine("mkfile retrying due to {0}...", respInfo.StatusCode);
                            string upHost2 = Config.ZONE.UploadHost;
                            nextTask(offset, retried + 1, upHost2);

                    Console.WriteLine("mkfile error, upload failed due to {0}", respInfo.StatusCode);
                    this.upCompletionHandler(key, respInfo, response);

            int             chunkSize       = calcBPutChunkSize(offset);
            ProgressHandler progressHandler = new ProgressHandler(delegate(long bytesWritten, long totalBytes)
                double percent = (double)(offset) / this.size;
                Console.WriteLine("resumable upload progress {0}", percent);
                if (percent > 0.95)
                    percent = 0.95;
                this.uploadOptions.ProgressHandler(this.key, percent);

            CompletionHandler completionHandler = new CompletionHandler(delegate(ResponseInfo respInfo, string response)
                if (offset % Config.BLOCK_SIZE == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("mkblk result {0}, offset {1}", respInfo.StatusCode, offset);
                    Console.WriteLine("bput result {0}, offset {1}", respInfo.StatusCode, offset);
                if (!respInfo.isOk())
                    if (respInfo.StatusCode == 701)
                        nextTask((offset / Config.BLOCK_SIZE) * Config.BLOCK_SIZE, retried, upHost);

                    if (retried >= Config.RETRY_MAX || !respInfo.needRetry())
                        this.upCompletionHandler(key, respInfo, response);

                    String upHost2 = upHost;
                    if (respInfo.needRetry())
                        upHost2 = Config.ZONE.UploadHost;
                    nextTask(offset, retried + 1, upHost2);

                string chunkContext = null;
                if (response == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(response))
                    nextTask(offset, retried + 1, upHost);

                long chunkCrc32 = 0;
                Dictionary <string, string> respDict = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(response);
                if (respDict.ContainsKey("ctx"))
                    chunkContext = respDict["ctx"];
                if (respDict.ContainsKey("crc32"))
                    chunkCrc32 = Convert.ToInt64(respDict["crc32"]);

                if (chunkContext == null || chunkCrc32 != this.crc32)
                    nextTask(offset, retried + 1, upHost);

                this.contexts[offset / Config.BLOCK_SIZE] = chunkContext;
                record(offset + chunkSize);
                nextTask(offset + chunkSize, retried, upHost);

            if (offset % Config.BLOCK_SIZE == 0)
                int blockSize = calcMakeBlockSize(offset);
                this.makeBlock(upHost, offset, blockSize, chunkSize, progressHandler, completionHandler);

            string context = this.contexts[offset / Config.BLOCK_SIZE];

            this.putChunk(upHost, offset, chunkSize, context, progressHandler, completionHandler);
Esempio n. 26
 public override void DidReceivePushNotification(MSNotificationHub notificationHub, MSNotificationHubMessage message, CompletionHandler completionHandler)
Esempio n. 27
        private void handleErrorWebResponse(HttpWebResponse pWebResp, CompletionHandler pCompletionHandler, Exception pExp)
            DateTime startTime  = DateTime.Now;
            int      statusCode = ResponseInfo.NetworkError;
            //parse self defined code from the error message
            string expMsg     = pExp.Message;
            int    indexStart = expMsg.IndexOf("(");

            if (indexStart != -1)
                int indexEnd = expMsg.IndexOf(")", indexStart);
                if (indexStart != -1 && indexEnd != -1)
                    string statusCodeStr = expMsg.Substring(indexStart + 1, indexEnd - indexStart - 1);
                        statusCode = Convert.ToInt32(statusCodeStr);
                    catch (Exception) { }
            //check for exception
            string reqId         = null;
            string xlog          = null;
            string ip            = null;
            string xvia          = null;
            string error         = null;
            string host          = null;
            string respData      = null;
            int    contentLength = -1;
            bool   recvInvalid   = false;

            if (pWebResp != null)
                if (pWebResp.Headers != null)
                    WebHeaderCollection respHeaders = pWebResp.Headers;
                    foreach (string headerName in respHeaders.AllKeys)
                        if (headerName.Equals("X-Reqid"))
                            reqId = respHeaders[headerName].ToString();
                        else if (headerName.Equals("X-Log"))
                            xlog = respHeaders[headerName].ToString();
                        else if (headerName.Equals("X-Via"))
                            xvia = respHeaders[headerName].ToString();
                        else if (headerName.Equals("X-Px"))
                            xvia = respHeaders[headerName].ToString();
                        else if (headerName.Equals("Fw-Via"))
                            xvia = respHeaders[headerName].ToString();
                        else if (headerName.Equals("Host"))
                            host = respHeaders[headerName].ToString();
                        else if (headerName.Equals("Content-Length"))
                            contentLength = int.Parse(respHeaders[headerName].ToString());

                using (StreamReader respStream = new StreamReader(pWebResp.GetResponseStream()))
                    respData = respStream.ReadToEnd();

                    if (contentLength > 0)
                        if (respData.Length != contentLength)
                            recvInvalid = true;

                    // 改进Response的error解析, 根据HttpStatusCode
                    // @fengyh 2016-08-17 18:29
                    if (statusCode != (int)HCODE.OK)
                        bool isOtherCode = HttpCode.GetErrorMessage(statusCode, out error);

                        if (isOtherCode)
                            Dictionary <string, string> errorDict = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(respData);
                            error = errorDict["error"];
                catch (Exception) { }

                if (recvInvalid)
                    statusCode = -1;
                    string err = string.Format("response-recv is not complete RECV={0},TOTAL={1} {2}", respData.Length, contentLength, error);
                    error = err;

                error = pExp.Message;

            double       duration = DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime).TotalSeconds;
            ResponseInfo respInfo = new ResponseInfo(statusCode, reqId, xlog, xvia, host, ip, duration, error);

            if (pCompletionHandler != null)
                pCompletionHandler(respInfo, respData);
Esempio n. 28
        private void upload(HttpFormFile fFile, string key, string token,
                            UploadOptions uploadOptions, UpCompletionHandler upCompletionHandler)
            string uploadHost      = "<UPLOAD_HOST>";
            string uploadHostRetry = "<UPLOAD_HOST_RETRY>";

            if (Config.UploadFromCDN)
                uploadHost      = Config.ZONE.UploadHost;
                uploadHostRetry = Config.ZONE.UpHost;
                uploadHost      = Config.ZONE.UpHost;
                uploadHostRetry = Config.ZONE.UploadHost;

            if (uploadOptions == null)
                uploadOptions = UploadOptions.defaultOptions();
            Dictionary <string, string> vPostParams = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
                vPostParams.Add("key", key);
            vPostParams.Add("token", token);
            if (uploadOptions.CheckCrc32)
                switch (fFile.BodyType)
                case HttpFileType.DATA_SLICE:
                    vPostParams.Add("crc32", string.Format("{0}", CRC32.CheckSumSlice(fFile.BodyBytes, fFile.Offset, fFile.Count)));

                case HttpFileType.DATA_BYTES:
                    vPostParams.Add("crc32", string.Format("{0}", CRC32.CheckSumBytes(fFile.BodyBytes)));

                case HttpFileType.FILE_STREAM:
                    long   streamLength = fFile.BodyStream.Length;
                    byte[] buffer       = new byte[streamLength];
                    int    cnt          = fFile.BodyStream.Read(buffer, 0, (int)streamLength);
                    vPostParams.Add("crc32", string.Format("{0}", CRC32.CheckSumSlice(buffer, 0, cnt)));
                    fFile.BodyStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                case HttpFileType.FILE_PATH:
                    vPostParams.Add("crc32", string.Format("{0}", CRC32.CheckSumFile(fFile.BodyFile)));

            // FIX: (添加了下一行代码)
            // 修正上传文件MIME总为octect-stream(原因:未初始化FormFile.ContentType)的问题
            // @fengyh 2016-08-17 14:50
            fFile.ContentType = uploadOptions.MimeType;
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in uploadOptions.ExtraParams)
                vPostParams.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
            ProgressHandler fUpProgressHandler = new ProgressHandler(delegate(long bytesWritten, long totalBytes)
                double percent = (double)bytesWritten / totalBytes;
                if (percent > 0.95)
                    percent = 0.95;
                uploadOptions.ProgressHandler(key, percent);

            CancellationSignal fCancelSignal = new CancellationSignal(delegate()

            // 第一次失败后使用备用域名重试一次
            CompletionHandler fUpCompletionHandler = new CompletionHandler(delegate(ResponseInfo respInfo, string response)
                Console.WriteLine("form upload result, {0}", respInfo.StatusCode);

                if (respInfo.needRetry()) // 需要重试
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("form upload retry"));

                    if (Config.RetryWaitForNext)
                        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("wait for {0} milisecond(s)", Config.RETRY_INTERVAL_MILISEC));

                    if (fFile.BodyStream != null)
                        fFile.BodyStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                    CompletionHandler retried = new CompletionHandler(delegate(ResponseInfo retryRespInfo, string retryResponse)
                        Console.WriteLine("form upload retry result, {0}", retryRespInfo.StatusCode);
                        if (respInfo.isOk())
                            uploadOptions.ProgressHandler(key, 1.0);

                        if (fFile.BodyStream != null)

                        if (upCompletionHandler != null)
                                upCompletionHandler(key, retryRespInfo, retryResponse);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                Console.WriteLine("form upload retry completion error, {0}", ex.Message);

                    // 使用UPLOAD_HOST_RETRY重试
                    this.mHttpManager.postMultipartDataForm(uploadHostRetry, null, vPostParams, fFile, fUpProgressHandler, retried);
                else // 不需要重试
                    if (respInfo.isOk())
                        uploadOptions.ProgressHandler(key, 1.0);

                    if (fFile.BodyStream != null)

                    if (upCompletionHandler != null)
                            upCompletionHandler(key, respInfo, response);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Console.WriteLine("form upload completion error, {0}", ex.Message);

            // 使用UPLOAD_HOST上传
            this.mHttpManager.postMultipartDataForm(uploadHost, null, vPostParams, fFile, fUpProgressHandler, fUpCompletionHandler);
Esempio n. 29
 private void makeBlock(string upHost, long offset, int blockSize, int chunkSize,
     ProgressHandler progressHandler, CompletionHandler completionHandler)
     string url = string.Format("{0}/mkblk/{1}", upHost, blockSize);
         this.fileStream.Read(this.chunkBuffer, 0, chunkSize);
     catch (Exception ex)
         this.upCompletionHandler(this.key, ResponseInfo.fileError(ex), "");
     this.crc32 = CRC32.CheckSumSlice(this.chunkBuffer, 0, chunkSize);
     this.mHttpManager.postData(url, this.upHeaders, this.chunkBuffer, 0, chunkSize,
         HttpManager.FORM_MIME_OCTECT, new CompletionHandler(delegate (ResponseInfo respInfo, string response)
             progressHandler(offset, this.size);
             completionHandler(respInfo, response);
Esempio n. 30
 public override void DidFinishEventsForBackgroundSession(NSUrlSession session)
     this.manager.Session = null;
Esempio n. 31
        private void nextTask(long offset, int retried, string upHost)
            if (this.isCancelled())
                this.upCompletionHandler(this.key, ResponseInfo.cancelled(), null);
            if (offset == this.size)
                this.makeFile(upHost, new CompletionHandler(delegate(ResponseInfo respInfo, string response)
                    if (respInfo.isOk())
                        Console.WriteLine("mkfile ok, upload done!");
                        this.upCompletionHandler(this.key, respInfo, response);

                    if (respInfo.StatusCode != 614)
                        if (respInfo.needRetry() && retried < Config.RETRY_MAX)
                            Console.WriteLine("mkfile retrying due to {0}...", respInfo.StatusCode);
                            //string upHost2 = Config.ZONE.UploadHost;
                            fileStream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            nextTask(offset, retried + 1, upHost);

                    Console.WriteLine("mkfile error, upload failed due to {0}", respInfo.StatusCode);
                    this.upCompletionHandler(key, respInfo, response);

            int chunkSize = calcBPutChunkSize(offset);
            ProgressHandler progressHandler = new ProgressHandler(delegate(long bytesWritten, long totalBytes)
                double percent = (double)(offset) / this.size;
                Console.WriteLine("resumable upload progress {0}", percent);
                // why 0.95
                //if (percent > 0.95)
                //    percent = 0.95;
                this.uploadOptions.ProgressHandler(this.key, percent);

            CompletionHandler completionHandler = new CompletionHandler(delegate (ResponseInfo respInfo, string response)
                if (offset % Config.BLOCK_SIZE == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("mkblk result {0}, offset {1}", respInfo.StatusCode, offset);
                    Console.WriteLine("bput result {0}, offset {1}", respInfo.StatusCode, offset);

                if (!respInfo.isOk())
                    if (respInfo.StatusCode == 701)
                        Console.WriteLine("mkblk ctx is out of date, re-do upload");
                        offset = (offset / Config.BLOCK_SIZE) * Config.BLOCK_SIZE;
                        fileStream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        nextTask(offset, retried, upHost);

                    if (retried >= Config.RETRY_MAX || !respInfo.needRetry())
                        Console.WriteLine("retried " + retried + " times, all failed");
                        this.upCompletionHandler(key, respInfo, response);

                    // 下一个任务,使用uploadHost
                    string uploadHost = upHost;
                    if (respInfo.needRetry())
                        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("upload-retry #{0}", retried + 1));

                        if (Config.RetryWaitForNext)
                            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("wait for {0} milisecond(s)", Config.RETRY_INTERVAL_MILISEC));
                            // 如果需要重试,并且设置了多次重试之间的时间间隔

                        //// 交替使用两个域名重试
                        //if (retried % 2 != 0)
                        //    uploadHost = Config.UploadFromCDN ? Config.ZONE.UploadHost : Config.ZONE.UpHost;
                        //    uploadHost = Config.UploadFromCDN ? Config.ZONE.UpHost : Config.ZONE.UploadHost;
                    fileStream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    nextTask(offset, retried + 1, uploadHost);

                string chunkContext = null;
                if (response == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(response))
                    fileStream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    nextTask(offset, retried + 1, upHost);

                long chunkCrc32 = 0;

                Dictionary<string, string> respDict = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, string>>(response);
                if (respDict.ContainsKey("ctx"))
                    chunkContext = respDict["ctx"];
                if (respDict.ContainsKey("crc32"))
                    chunkCrc32 = Convert.ToInt64(respDict["crc32"]);
                //    upHost = respDict["host"];

                if (chunkContext == null || chunkCrc32 != this.crc32)
                    fileStream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    nextTask(offset, retried + 1, upHost);

                this.contexts[offset / Config.BLOCK_SIZE] = chunkContext;
                record(offset + chunkSize);
                nextTask(offset + chunkSize, retried, upHost);

            if (offset % Config.BLOCK_SIZE == 0)
                int blockSize = calcMakeBlockSize(offset);
                this.makeBlock(upHost, offset, blockSize, chunkSize, progressHandler, completionHandler);

            string context = this.contexts[offset / Config.BLOCK_SIZE];
            this.putChunk(upHost, offset, chunkSize, context, progressHandler, completionHandler);
Esempio n. 32
        private void nextTask(long offset, int retried, string upHost)
            if (this.isCancelled())
                this.upCompletionHandler(this.key, ResponseInfo.cancelled(), null);
            if (offset == this.size)
                this.makeFile(upHost, new CompletionHandler(delegate(ResponseInfo respInfo, string response)
                    if (respInfo.isOk())
                        this.upCompletionHandler(this.key, respInfo, response);

                    if (respInfo.needRetry() && retried < Config.RETRY_MAX)
                        string upHost2 = Config.UP_HOST;
                        nextTask(offset, retried + 1, upHost2);

                    this.upCompletionHandler(key, respInfo, response);

            int chunkSize = calcBPutChunkSize(offset);
            ProgressHandler progressHandler = new ProgressHandler(delegate(int bytesWritten, int totalBytes)
                double percent = (double)(offset + bytesWritten) / this.size;
                if (percent > 0.95)
                    percent = 0.95;
                this.uploadOptions.ProgressHandler(this.key, percent);

            CompletionHandler completionHandler = new CompletionHandler(delegate(ResponseInfo respInfo, string response)
                if (!respInfo.isOk())
                    if (respInfo.StatusCode == 701)
                        nextTask((offset / Config.BLOCK_SIZE) * Config.BLOCK_SIZE, retried, upHost);

                    if (retried >= Config.RETRY_MAX || !respInfo.needRetry())
                        this.upCompletionHandler(key, respInfo, response);

                    String upHost2 = upHost;
                    if (respInfo.needRetry())
                        upHost2 = Config.UP_HOST;
                    nextTask(offset, retried + 1, upHost2);

                string chunkContext = null;
                if (response == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(response))
                    nextTask(offset, retried + 1, upHost);

                long chunkCrc32 = 0;
                Dictionary<string, string> respDict = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, string>>(response);
                if (respDict.ContainsKey("ctx"))
                    chunkContext = respDict["ctx"];
                if (respDict.ContainsKey("crc32"))
                    chunkCrc32 = Convert.ToInt64(respDict["crc32"]);

                if (chunkContext == null || chunkCrc32 != this.crc32)
                    nextTask(offset, retried + 1, upHost);

                this.contexts[offset / Config.BLOCK_SIZE] = chunkContext;
                record(offset + chunkSize);
                nextTask(offset + chunkSize, retried, upHost);

            if (offset % Config.BLOCK_SIZE == 0)
                int blockSize = calcMakeBlockSize(offset);
                this.makeBlock(upHost, offset, blockSize, chunkSize, progressHandler, completionHandler);

            string context = this.contexts[offset / Config.BLOCK_SIZE];
            this.putChunk(upHost, offset, chunkSize, context, progressHandler, completionHandler);
Esempio n. 33
 internal RemoteCallbacks(ProgressHandler onProgress = null, CompletionHandler onCompletion = null, UpdateTipsHandler onUpdateTips = null)
     Progress = onProgress;
     Completion = onCompletion;
     UpdateTips = onUpdateTips;
Esempio n. 34
 private void putChunk(string upHost, long offset, int chunkSize, string context,
     ProgressHandler progressHandler, CompletionHandler completionHandler)
     int chunkOffset = (int)(offset % Config.BLOCK_SIZE);
     string url = string.Format("{0}/bput/{1}/{2}", upHost, context, chunkOffset);
         this.fileStream.Read(this.chunkBuffer, 0, chunkSize);
     catch (Exception ex)
         this.upCompletionHandler(this.key, ResponseInfo.fileError(ex), "");
     this.crc32 = CRC32.CheckSumBytes(this.chunkBuffer, chunkSize);
     post(url, this.chunkBuffer, chunkSize, progressHandler, completionHandler);
Esempio n. 35
        private void makeFile(string upHost, CompletionHandler completionHandler)
            string mimeTypeStr = string.Format("/mimeType/{0}", StringUtils.urlSafeBase64Encode(this.uploadOptions.MimeType));

            string keyStr = "";
            if (this.key != null)
                keyStr = string.Format("/key/{0}", StringUtils.urlSafeBase64Encode(this.key));

            string paramsStr = "";
            if (this.uploadOptions.ExtraParams.Count > 0)
                string[] paramArray = new string[this.uploadOptions.ExtraParams.Count];
                int j = 0;
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in this.uploadOptions.ExtraParams)
                    paramArray[j++] = string.Format("{0}/{1}", kvp.Key, StringUtils.urlSafeBase64Encode(kvp.Value));
                paramsStr = "/" + StringUtils.join(paramArray, "/");

            string url = string.Format("{0}/mkfile/{1}{2}{3}{4}", upHost, this.size, mimeTypeStr, keyStr, paramsStr);
            string postBody = StringUtils.join(this.contexts, ",");
            byte[] postBodyData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postBody);
            post(url, postBodyData, postBodyData.Length, null, completionHandler);
Esempio n. 36
        // Override this to handle received RPC requests & notifications.
        // Call this method with `await super.DidReceiveCall(...)` to implement default calls like `getVersion`.
        // Call the completion handler when done with a request:
        // - pass your call's "return value" (or null) as `result` on success
        // - pass an instance of `JsonRpcException` for `error` on failure
        // You may also throw a `JsonRpcException` (or any other `Exception`) to signal failure.
        // Exceptions are caught even when thrown in an `async` method after `await`:
        protected virtual async Task DidReceiveCall(string method, JObject parameters, CompletionHandler completion)
            switch (method)
            case "pingMe":
                await completion("willPing", null);

                SendRemoteRequest("ping", null, (result, error) =>
                    Debug.Print($"Got result from ping: {result}");

            case "getVersion":
                await completion(GetVersion(), null);


                // unrecognized method
                throw JsonRpcException.MethodNotFound(method);
Esempio n. 37
 private void post(string url, byte[] data, int chunkSize, ProgressHandler progressHandler, CompletionHandler completionHandler)
     byte[] uploadData = new byte[chunkSize];
     Array.Copy(data, uploadData, chunkSize);
     PostArgs postArgs = new PostArgs();
     postArgs.Data = uploadData;
     this.httpManager.PostArgs = postArgs;
     this.httpManager.ProgressHandler = progressHandler;
     this.httpManager.CompletionHandler = completionHandler;
Esempio n. 38
        /// <summary>
        /// get info from remote server
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pUrl"></param>
        /// <param name="pHeaders"></param>
        /// <param name="pCompletionHandler"></param>
        public void get(string pUrl, Dictionary<string, string> pHeaders,
            CompletionHandler pCompletionHandler)
            HttpWebRequest vWebReq = null;
            HttpWebResponse vWebResp = null;
                vWebReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(pUrl);
            catch(WebException wexp)
                // FIX-HTTP 4xx/5xx Error 2016-11-22, 17:00 @fengyh
                HttpWebResponse xWebResp = wexp.Response as HttpWebResponse;
                handleErrorWebResponse(xWebResp, pCompletionHandler, wexp);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (pCompletionHandler != null)
                    pCompletionHandler(ResponseInfo.invalidRequest(ex.Message), "");

                vWebReq.AllowAutoRedirect = false;
                vWebReq.Method = "GET";
                vWebReq.UserAgent = this.getUserAgent();
                if (pHeaders != null)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in pHeaders)
                        if (!kvp.Key.Equals("Content-Type"))
                            vWebReq.Headers.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

                //fire request
                vWebResp = (HttpWebResponse)vWebReq.GetResponse();
                handleWebResponse(vWebResp, pCompletionHandler);
            catch (WebException wexp)
                // FIX-HTTP 4xx/5xx Error 2016-11-22, 17:00 @fengyh
                HttpWebResponse xWebResp = wexp.Response as HttpWebResponse;
                handleErrorWebResponse(xWebResp, pCompletionHandler, wexp);
            catch (Exception exp)
                handleErrorWebResponse(vWebResp, pCompletionHandler, exp);
                    vWebResp = null;

                    vWebReq = null;
Esempio n. 39
        /// <summary>
        /// post multi-part data form to remote server
        /// used to upload data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pUrl"></param>
        /// <param name="pHeaders"></param>
        /// <param name="httpFormFile"></param>
        /// <param name="pProgressHandler"></param>
        /// <param name="pCompletionHandler"></param>
        public void postMultipartDataRaw(string pUrl, Dictionary <string, string> pHeaders,
                                         HttpFormFile pFormFile, ProgressHandler pProgressHandler, CompletionHandler pCompletionHandler)
            if (pFormFile == null)
                if (pCompletionHandler != null)
                    pCompletionHandler(ResponseInfo.fileError(new Exception("no file specified")), "");

            HttpWebRequest  vWebReq  = null;
            HttpWebResponse vWebResp = null;

                vWebReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(pUrl);
                vWebReq.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (pCompletionHandler != null)
                    pCompletionHandler(ResponseInfo.invalidRequest(ex.Message), "");

                vWebReq.UserAgent         = this.getUserAgent();
                vWebReq.AllowAutoRedirect = false;
                vWebReq.Method            = "POST";

                //create boundary
                string formBoundaryStr = this.createFormDataBoundary();
                string contentType     = string.Format("multipart/form-data; boundary={0}", formBoundaryStr);
                vWebReq.ContentType = contentType;
                if (pHeaders != null)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in pHeaders)
                        if (!kvp.Key.Equals("Content-Type"))
                            vWebReq.Headers.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

                //write post body
                vWebReq.AllowWriteStreamBuffering = true;

                byte[] formBoundaryBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Format("{0}{1}\r\n",
                                                                                FORM_BOUNDARY_TAG, formBoundaryStr));
                byte[] formBoundaryEndBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Format("\r\n{0}{1}{2}\r\n",
                                                                                   FORM_BOUNDARY_TAG, formBoundaryStr, FORM_BOUNDARY_TAG));

                using (Stream vWebReqStream = vWebReq.GetRequestStream())
                    vWebReqStream.Write(formBoundaryBytes, 0, formBoundaryBytes.Length);

                    //write file name
                    string filename = pFormFile.Filename;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename))
                        filename = this.createRandomFilename();
                    byte[] filePartTitleData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(
                        string.Format("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"data\"; filename=\"{0}\"\r\n", filename));
                    vWebReqStream.Write(filePartTitleData, 0, filePartTitleData.Length);
                    //write content type
                    string mimeType = FORM_MIME_OCTECT;  //!!!注意这里 @fengyh 2016-08-17 15:00
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pFormFile.ContentType))
                        mimeType = pFormFile.ContentType;
                    byte[] filePartMimeData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Format("Content-Type: {0}\r\n\r\n", mimeType));
                    vWebReqStream.Write(filePartMimeData, 0, filePartMimeData.Length);

                    //write file data
                    switch (pFormFile.BodyType)
                    case HttpFileType.FILE_PATH:
                            FileStream fs = File.Open(pFormFile.BodyFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                            this.writeHttpRequestBody(fs, vWebReqStream);
                        catch (Exception fex)
                            if (pCompletionHandler != null)
                                pCompletionHandler(ResponseInfo.fileError(fex), "");

                    case HttpFileType.FILE_STREAM:
                        this.writeHttpRequestBody(pFormFile.BodyStream, vWebReqStream);

                    case HttpFileType.DATA_BYTES:
                        vWebReqStream.Write(pFormFile.BodyBytes, 0, pFormFile.BodyBytes.Length);

                    case HttpFileType.DATA_SLICE:
                        vWebReqStream.Write(pFormFile.BodyBytes, pFormFile.Offset, pFormFile.Count);

                    vWebReqStream.Write(formBoundaryEndBytes, 0, formBoundaryEndBytes.Length);

                //fire request
                vWebResp = (HttpWebResponse)vWebReq.GetResponse();
                handleWebResponse(vWebResp, pCompletionHandler);
            catch (WebException wexp)
                // FIX-HTTP 4xx/5xx Error 2016-11-22, 17:00 @fengyh
                HttpWebResponse xWebResp = wexp.Response as HttpWebResponse;
                handleErrorWebResponse(xWebResp, pCompletionHandler, wexp);
            catch (Exception exp)
                handleErrorWebResponse(vWebResp, pCompletionHandler, exp);
Esempio n. 40
        private void handleWebResponse(HttpWebResponse pWebResp, CompletionHandler pCompletionHandler)
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
            //check for exception
            int statusCode = ResponseInfo.NetworkError;
            string reqId = null;
            string xlog = null;
            string ip = null;
            string xvia = null;
            string error = null;
            string host = null;
            string respData = null;
            int contentLength = -1;

            if (pWebResp != null)
                statusCode = (int)pWebResp.StatusCode;

                if (pWebResp.Headers != null)
                    WebHeaderCollection respHeaders = pWebResp.Headers;
                    foreach (string headerName in respHeaders.AllKeys)
                        if (headerName.Equals("X-Reqid"))
                            reqId = respHeaders[headerName].ToString();
                        else if (headerName.Equals("X-Log"))
                            xlog = respHeaders[headerName].ToString();
                        else if (headerName.Equals("X-Via"))
                            xvia = respHeaders[headerName].ToString();
                        else if (headerName.Equals("X-Px"))
                            xvia = respHeaders[headerName].ToString();
                        else if (headerName.Equals("Fw-Via"))
                            xvia = respHeaders[headerName].ToString();
                        else if (headerName.Equals("Host"))
                            host = respHeaders[headerName].ToString();
                        else if (headerName.Equals("Content-Length"))
                            contentLength = int.Parse(respHeaders[headerName].ToString());

                if (contentLength > 0)
                    Stream ps = pWebResp.GetResponseStream();
                    byte[] raw = new byte[contentLength];
                    int bytesRead = 0; // 已读取的字节数
                    int bytesLeft = contentLength; // 剩余字节数
                    while (bytesLeft > 0)
                        bytesRead = ps.Read(raw, contentLength - bytesLeft, bytesLeft);
                        bytesLeft -= bytesRead;

                    respData = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(raw);

                        // 改进Response的error解析, 根据HttpStatusCode
                        // @fengyh 2016-08-17 18:29
                        if (statusCode != (int)HCODE.OK)
                            bool isOtherCode = HttpCode.GetErrorMessage(statusCode, out error);

                            if (isOtherCode)
                                Dictionary<string, string> errorDict = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, string>>(respData);
                                error = errorDict["error"];
                    catch (Exception) { }
                    //statusCode = -1;
                    //error = "response err";
                error = "invalid response";
                statusCode = -1;

            double duration = DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime).TotalSeconds;
            ResponseInfo respInfo = new ResponseInfo(statusCode, reqId, xlog, xvia, host, ip, duration, error);
            if (pCompletionHandler != null)
                pCompletionHandler(respInfo, respData);
Esempio n. 41
 public PaypalDelegate(CompletionHandler del)
     _del = del;
Esempio n. 42
        /// <summary>
        /// post binary data to remote server
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pUrl"></param>
        /// <param name="pHeaders"></param>
        /// <param name="pPostData"></param>
        /// <param name="offset"></param>
        /// <param name="count"></param>
        /// <param name="pCompletionHandler"></param>
        public void postData(string pUrl, Dictionary <string, string> pHeaders,
                             byte[] pPostData, int offset, int count, string contentType,
                             CompletionHandler pCompletionHandler)
            HttpWebRequest  vWebReq  = null;
            HttpWebResponse vWebResp = null;

                vWebReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(pUrl);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (pCompletionHandler != null)
                    pCompletionHandler(ResponseInfo.invalidRequest(ex.Message), "");

                vWebReq.UserAgent         = this.getUserAgent();
                vWebReq.AllowAutoRedirect = false;
                vWebReq.Method            = "POST";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentType))
                    vWebReq.ContentType = contentType;
                    vWebReq.ContentType = FORM_MIME_OCTECT;
                if (pHeaders != null)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in pHeaders)
                        if (!kvp.Key.Equals("Content-Type"))
                            vWebReq.Headers.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

                vWebReq.AllowWriteStreamBuffering = true;
                // write data
                using (Stream vWebReqStream = vWebReq.GetRequestStream())
                    vWebReqStream.Write(pPostData, offset, count);

                //fire request
                vWebResp = (HttpWebResponse)vWebReq.GetResponse();
                handleWebResponse(vWebResp, pCompletionHandler);
            catch (WebException wexp)
                // FIX-HTTP 4xx/5xx Error 2016-11-22, 17:00 @fengyh
                HttpWebResponse xWebResp = wexp.Response as HttpWebResponse;
                handleErrorWebResponse(xWebResp, pCompletionHandler, wexp);
            catch (Exception exp)
                handleErrorWebResponse(vWebResp, pCompletionHandler, exp);
Esempio n. 43
        /// <summary>
        /// post the url encoded form to remote server
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pUrl"></param>
        /// <param name="pHeaders"></param>
        /// <param name="pParamDict"></param>
        /// <param name="pCompletionHandler"></param>
        public void postForm(string pUrl, Dictionary<string, string> pHeaders,
            Dictionary<string, string[]> pPostParams, CompletionHandler pCompletionHandler)
            HttpWebRequest vWebReq = null;
            HttpWebResponse vWebResp = null;
                vWebReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(pUrl);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (pCompletionHandler != null)
                    pCompletionHandler(ResponseInfo.invalidRequest(ex.Message), "");

                vWebReq.UserAgent = this.getUserAgent();
                vWebReq.AllowAutoRedirect = false;
                vWebReq.Method = "POST";
                vWebReq.ContentType = FORM_MIME_URLENCODED;
                if (pHeaders != null)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in pHeaders)
                        if (!kvp.Key.Equals("Content-Type"))
                            vWebReq.Headers.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

                // format the post body
                StringBuilder vPostBody = new StringBuilder();
                if (pPostParams != null)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string[]> kvp in pPostParams)
                        foreach (string vVal in kvp.Value)
                                Uri.EscapeDataString(kvp.Key), Uri.EscapeDataString(vVal));
                    // write data
                    vWebReq.AllowWriteStreamBuffering = true;
                    using (Stream vWebReqStream = vWebReq.GetRequestStream())
                            0, vPostBody.Length - 1);

                //fire request
                vWebResp = (HttpWebResponse)vWebReq.GetResponse();
                handleWebResponse(vWebResp, pCompletionHandler);
            catch (WebException wexp)
                // FIX-HTTP 4xx/5xx Error 2016-11-22, 17:00 @fengyh
                HttpWebResponse xWebResp = wexp.Response as HttpWebResponse;
                handleErrorWebResponse(xWebResp, pCompletionHandler, wexp);
            catch (Exception exp)
                handleErrorWebResponse(vWebResp, pCompletionHandler, exp);
                if (vWebResp != null)
                    vWebResp = null;

                if (vWebReq != null)
                    vWebReq = null;
Esempio n. 44
        private void post(string url, byte[] data, int chunkSize, ProgressHandler progressHandler, CompletionHandler completionHandler)
            byte[] uploadData = new byte[chunkSize];
            Array.Copy(data, uploadData, chunkSize);
            PostArgs postArgs = new PostArgs();

            postArgs.Data                      = uploadData;
            this.httpManager.PostArgs          = postArgs;
            this.httpManager.ProgressHandler   = progressHandler;
            this.httpManager.CompletionHandler = completionHandler;
Esempio n. 45
        /// <summary>
        /// post multi-part data form to remote server
        /// used to upload file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pUrl"></param>
        /// <param name="pHeaders"></param>
        /// <param name="pPostParams"></param>
        /// <param name="httpFormFile"></param>
        /// <param name="pProgressHandler"></param>
        /// <param name="pCompletionHandler"></param>
        public void postMultipartDataForm(string pUrl, Dictionary<string, string> pHeaders,
           Dictionary<string, string> pPostParams, HttpFormFile pFormFile,
            ProgressHandler pProgressHandler, CompletionHandler pCompletionHandler)
            if (pFormFile == null)
                if (pCompletionHandler != null)
                    pCompletionHandler(ResponseInfo.fileError(new Exception("no file specified")), "");

            HttpWebRequest vWebReq = null;
            HttpWebResponse vWebResp = null;
                vWebReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(pUrl);
                vWebReq.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (pCompletionHandler != null)
                    pCompletionHandler(ResponseInfo.invalidRequest(ex.Message), "");

                vWebReq.UserAgent = this.getUserAgent();
                vWebReq.AllowAutoRedirect = false;
                vWebReq.Method = "POST";

                //create boundary
                string formBoundaryStr = this.createFormDataBoundary();
                string contentType = string.Format("multipart/form-data; boundary={0}", formBoundaryStr);
                vWebReq.ContentType = contentType;
                if (pHeaders != null)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in pHeaders)
                        if (!kvp.Key.Equals("Content-Type"))
                            vWebReq.Headers.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

                //write post body
                vWebReq.AllowWriteStreamBuffering = true;

                byte[] formBoundaryBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Format("{0}{1}\r\n",
                    FORM_BOUNDARY_TAG, formBoundaryStr));
                byte[] formBoundaryEndBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Format("\r\n{0}{1}{2}\r\n",
                    FORM_BOUNDARY_TAG, formBoundaryStr, FORM_BOUNDARY_TAG));

                using (Stream vWebReqStream = vWebReq.GetRequestStream())
                    //write params
                    if (pPostParams != null)
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in pPostParams)
                            vWebReqStream.Write(formBoundaryBytes, 0, formBoundaryBytes.Length);

                            byte[] formPartTitleData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(
                                string.Format("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"{0}\"\r\n", kvp.Key));
                            vWebReqStream.Write(formPartTitleData, 0, formPartTitleData.Length);

                            byte[] formPartBodyData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Format("\r\n{0}\r\n", kvp.Value));
                            vWebReqStream.Write(formPartBodyData, 0, formPartBodyData.Length);

                    vWebReqStream.Write(formBoundaryBytes, 0, formBoundaryBytes.Length);

                    //write file name
                    string filename = pFormFile.Filename;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename))
                        filename = this.createRandomFilename();
                    byte[] filePartTitleData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(
                                string.Format("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"{0}\"\r\n", filename));
                    vWebReqStream.Write(filePartTitleData, 0, filePartTitleData.Length);
                    //write content type
                    string mimeType = FORM_MIME_OCTECT;  //!!!注意这里 @fengyh 2016-08-17 15:00
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pFormFile.ContentType))
                        mimeType = pFormFile.ContentType;
                    byte[] filePartMimeData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Format("Content-Type: {0}\r\n\r\n", mimeType));
                    vWebReqStream.Write(filePartMimeData, 0, filePartMimeData.Length);

                    //write file data
                    switch (pFormFile.BodyType)
                        case HttpFileType.FILE_PATH:
                                FileStream fs = File.Open(pFormFile.BodyFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                                this.writeHttpRequestBody(fs, vWebReqStream);
                            catch (Exception fex)
                                if (pCompletionHandler != null)
                                    pCompletionHandler(ResponseInfo.fileError(fex), "");
                        case HttpFileType.FILE_STREAM:
                            this.writeHttpRequestBody(pFormFile.BodyStream, vWebReqStream);
                        case HttpFileType.DATA_BYTES:
                            vWebReqStream.Write(pFormFile.BodyBytes, 0, pFormFile.BodyBytes.Length);
                        case HttpFileType.DATA_SLICE:
                            vWebReqStream.Write(pFormFile.BodyBytes, pFormFile.Offset, pFormFile.Count);

                    vWebReqStream.Write(formBoundaryEndBytes, 0, formBoundaryEndBytes.Length);

                //fire request
                vWebResp = (HttpWebResponse)vWebReq.GetResponse();
                handleWebResponse(vWebResp, pCompletionHandler);
            catch (WebException wexp)
                // FIX-HTTP 4xx/5xx Error 2016-11-22, 17:00 @fengyh
                HttpWebResponse xWebResp = wexp.Response as HttpWebResponse;
                handleErrorWebResponse(xWebResp, pCompletionHandler, wexp);
            catch (Exception exp)
                handleErrorWebResponse(vWebResp, pCompletionHandler, exp);
                if (vWebResp != null)
                    vWebResp = null;

                if (vWebReq != null)
                    vWebReq = null;
Esempio n. 46
        // ADD 'force' param
        // 2016-08-22 14:58 @fengyh
        public HttpResult move(string srcBucket, string srcKey, string destBucket, string destKey, bool force)
            HttpResult moveResult = null;
            string moveUrl = string.Format("{0}{1}", Config.ZONE.RsHost, moveOp(srcBucket, srcKey, destBucket, destKey, force));
            string accessToken = Auth.createManageToken(moveUrl, null, this.mac);
            Dictionary<string, string> moveHeaders = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            moveHeaders.Add("Authorization", accessToken);
            CompletionHandler moveCompletionHandler = new CompletionHandler(delegate(ResponseInfo respInfo, string response)
                moveResult = new HttpResult();
                moveResult.Response = response;
                moveResult.ResponseInfo = respInfo;

            this.mHttpManager.postForm(moveUrl, moveHeaders, null, moveCompletionHandler);
            return moveResult;
Esempio n. 47
        private void upload(HttpManager httpManager, PostArgs postArgs, string key, string token,
            UploadOptions uploadOptions, UpCompletionHandler upCompletionHandler)
            if (uploadOptions == null)
                uploadOptions = UploadOptions.defaultOptions();
            postArgs.Params = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
                postArgs.Params.Add("key", key);
            postArgs.Params.Add("token", token);
            if (uploadOptions.CheckCrc32)
                switch (httpManager.FileContentType)
                    case PostContentType.BYTES:
                        postArgs.Params.Add("crc32", string.Format("{0}", CRC32.CheckSumBytes(postArgs.Data, postArgs.Data.Length)));
                    case PostContentType.STREAM:
                        long streamLength = postArgs.Stream.Length;
                        byte[] buffer = new byte[streamLength];
                        int cnt = postArgs.Stream.Read(buffer, 0, (int)streamLength);
                        postArgs.Params.Add("crc32", string.Format("{0}", CRC32.CheckSumBytes(buffer, cnt)));
                        postArgs.Stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    case PostContentType.FILE:
                        postArgs.Params.Add("crc32", string.Format("{0}", CRC32.CheckSumFile(postArgs.File)));

            postArgs.MimeType = uploadOptions.MimeType;
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in uploadOptions.ExtraParams)
                postArgs.Params.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
            httpManager.ProgressHandler = new ProgressHandler(delegate(int bytesWritten, int totalBytes)
                double percent = (double)bytesWritten / totalBytes;
                if (percent > 0.95)
                    percent = 0.95;
                uploadOptions.ProgressHandler(key, percent);

            httpManager.CancellationSignal = new CancellationSignal(delegate()
                return uploadOptions.CancellationSignal();
            httpManager.PostArgs = postArgs;
            httpManager.CompletionHandler = new CompletionHandler(delegate(ResponseInfo respInfo, string response)
                if (respInfo.needRetry())
                    if (httpManager.PostArgs.Stream != null)
                        httpManager.PostArgs.Stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    CompletionHandler retried = new CompletionHandler(delegate(ResponseInfo retryRespInfo, string retryResponse)
                        uploadOptions.ProgressHandler(key, 1.0);

                        if (httpManager.PostArgs.Stream != null)

                        if (upCompletionHandler != null)
                            upCompletionHandler(key, retryRespInfo, retryResponse);
                    httpManager.CompletionHandler = retried;
                    uploadOptions.ProgressHandler(key, 1.0);

                    if (httpManager.PostArgs.Stream != null)

                    if (upCompletionHandler != null)
                        upCompletionHandler(key, respInfo, response);
Esempio n. 48
        public HttpResult prefetch(string bucket, string key)
            HttpResult prefetchResult = null;
            string prefetchUrl = string.Format("{0}{1}", Config.ZONE.IovipHost, prefetchOp(bucket, key));
            string accessToken = Auth.createManageToken(prefetchUrl, null, this.mac);
            Dictionary<string, string> prefetchHeaders = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            prefetchHeaders.Add("Authorization", accessToken);
            CompletionHandler prefetchCompletionHandler = new CompletionHandler(delegate(ResponseInfo respInfo, string response)
                prefetchResult = new FetchResult();
                prefetchResult.Response = response;
                prefetchResult.ResponseInfo = respInfo;

            this.mHttpManager.postForm(prefetchUrl, prefetchHeaders, null, prefetchCompletionHandler);
            return prefetchResult;
Esempio n. 49
        public StatResult stat(string bucket, string key)
            StatResult statResult = null;
            string statUrl = string.Format("{0}{1}", Config.ZONE.RsHost, statOp(bucket, key));
            string accessToken = Auth.createManageToken(statUrl, null, this.mac);

            Dictionary<string, string> statHeaders = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            statHeaders.Add("Authorization", accessToken);
            CompletionHandler statCompletionHandler = new CompletionHandler(delegate(ResponseInfo respInfo, string response)
                if (respInfo.isOk())
                    statResult = StringUtils.jsonDecode<StatResult>(response);
                    statResult = new StatResult();
                statResult.Response = response;
                statResult.ResponseInfo = respInfo;

            this.mHttpManager.get(statUrl, statHeaders, statCompletionHandler);
            return statResult;
Esempio n. 50
        /// <summary>
        /// post the url encoded form to remote server
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pUrl"></param>
        /// <param name="pHeaders"></param>
        /// <param name="pParamDict"></param>
        /// <param name="pCompletionHandler"></param>
        public void postForm(string pUrl, Dictionary <string, string> pHeaders,
                             Dictionary <string, string[]> pPostParams, CompletionHandler pCompletionHandler)
            HttpWebRequest  vWebReq  = null;
            HttpWebResponse vWebResp = null;

                vWebReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(pUrl);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (pCompletionHandler != null)
                    pCompletionHandler(ResponseInfo.invalidRequest(ex.Message), "");

                vWebReq.UserAgent         = this.getUserAgent();
                vWebReq.AllowAutoRedirect = false;
                vWebReq.Method            = "POST";
                vWebReq.ContentType       = FORM_MIME_URLENCODED;
                if (pHeaders != null)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in pHeaders)
                        if (!kvp.Key.Equals("Content-Type"))
                            vWebReq.Headers.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

                // format the post body
                StringBuilder vPostBody = new StringBuilder();
                if (pPostParams != null)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string[]> kvp in pPostParams)
                        foreach (string vVal in kvp.Value)
                                                   Uri.EscapeDataString(kvp.Key), Uri.EscapeDataString(vVal));
                    // write data
                    vWebReq.AllowWriteStreamBuffering = true;
                    using (Stream vWebReqStream = vWebReq.GetRequestStream())
                                            0, vPostBody.Length - 1);

                //fire request
                vWebResp = (HttpWebResponse)vWebReq.GetResponse();
                handleWebResponse(vWebResp, pCompletionHandler);
            catch (WebException wexp)
                // FIX-HTTP 4xx/5xx Error 2016-11-22, 17:00 @fengyh
                HttpWebResponse xWebResp = wexp.Response as HttpWebResponse;
                handleErrorWebResponse(xWebResp, pCompletionHandler, wexp);
            catch (Exception exp)
                handleErrorWebResponse(vWebResp, pCompletionHandler, exp);