Esempio n. 1
        public void ActorOrganisation_Returns_ValidViewModel()
            var orgs = MongoActorOrganisations.ActorOrganisations;

            var orgViewModel = orgs.Select(ActorOrganisation.ToViewModel).First();

            var expectedViewModel = new ActorOrganisationViewModel
                Id       = "5a82f9ffcb969daa58d33377",
                Type     = ActorType.Consumer,
                Name     = "Ambulance Service",
                ImageUrl = "....",
                Context  = new List <ContentView>()
                    new ContentView
                        Title   = "Title Text",
                        Content = new List <string> {
                            "Content Text"
                        CssClass = "CssClass Text",
                        Order    = 1
                OrgCode  = "AMSR01",
                Benefits = new List <string> {
                PersonnelLinkId = "testlink"

            Assert.Equal(expectedViewModel, orgViewModel, Comparers.ModelComparer <ActorOrganisationViewModel>());
        public async void Find_Search_Valid_Summary()
            var search = new NrlsSearch(_nrlsApiSettings, _fhirSearch, _cache, _fhirValidation);

            var actualBundle = await search.Find <DocumentReference>(FhirRequests.Valid_Search_Summary) as Bundle;

            Assert.Equal(_expectedBundle, actualBundle, Comparers.ModelComparer <Bundle>());
Esempio n. 3
        public async void Find_Search_Valid()
            var search = new NrlsSearch(_nrlsApiSettings, _fhirSearch, _sdsService, _fhirValidation);

            var actualBundle = await search.Find(FhirRequests.Valid_Search) as Bundle;

            Assert.Equal(_expectedBundle, actualBundle, Comparers.ModelComparer <Bundle>());
        public void CreateOrg_Returns_Valid_Search()
            var request = NrlsPointerHelper.CreateOrgSearch(FhirRequests.Valid_Create, "TestOrg");

            var expected = new List <Tuple <string, string> >
                new Tuple <string, string>("identifier", $"{FhirConstants.SystemOrgCode}|TestOrg")

            Assert.Equal(expected, request.QueryParameters, Comparers.ModelComparer <IEnumerable <Tuple <string, string> > >());
Esempio n. 5
        public void ValidPointer_TooMany_Author()
            var validationService = new FhirValidation(_iValidationHelper);
            var pointer           = NrlsPointers.TooMany_Author;

            var validPoiner = validationService.ValidPointer(pointer);

            var notexpected = OperationOutcomes.Ok;

            Assert.NotEqual(notexpected, validPoiner, Comparers.ModelComparer <OperationOutcome>());
Esempio n. 6
        public void CommandResponse_Set_Matches()
            var validCommandResponse = new CommandResponse {
                Message = "Success",
                Success = true

            var commandResponse = CommandResponse.Set(true, "Success");

            Assert.Equal(validCommandResponse, commandResponse, Comparers.ModelComparer <CommandResponse>());
Esempio n. 7
        public void FhirResponse_ValidOrganizationResources()
            var organizationModels = MongoOrganizations.Organizations.ToList();
            var organizationBundle = FhirBundle.GetBundle <Organization>(organizationModels);

            var actual = new FhirResponse();

            actual.Resource = organizationBundle;

            Assert.Equal(organizationModels, actual.GetResources <Organization>(), Comparers.ModelComparer <Organization>());
Esempio n. 8
        public void ValidPointer_Invalid_MasterId_System()
            var validationService = new FhirValidation(_iValidationHelper);
            var pointer           = NrlsPointers.Invalid_MasterId_System;

            var validPoiner = validationService.ValidPointer(pointer);

            var notexpected = OperationOutcomes.Ok;

            Assert.NotEqual(notexpected, validPoiner, Comparers.ModelComparer <OperationOutcome>());
Esempio n. 9
        public void ValidPointer_Invalid_RelatesTo_Value()
            var validationService = new FhirValidation(_iValidationHelper);
            var pointer           = NrlsPointers.Missing_RelatesTo_Value;

            var validPoiner = validationService.ValidPointer(pointer);

            var notexpected = OperationOutcomes.Ok;

            Assert.NotEqual(notexpected, validPoiner, Comparers.ModelComparer <OperationOutcome>());
Esempio n. 10
        public void FhirResponse_ValidPatientResources()
            var patientModels = MongoPatients.Patients.ToList();
            var patientBundle = FhirBundle.GetBundle <Patient>(patientModels);

            var actual = new FhirResponse();

            actual.Resource = patientBundle;

            Assert.Equal(patientModels, actual.GetResources <Patient>(), Comparers.ModelComparer <Patient>());
Esempio n. 11
        public void CommandResult_Set_Matches()
            var validCommandResponse = new CommandResult <string>
                Message = "Success",
                Result  = null,
                Success = true

            var commandResponse = CommandResult <string> .Set(true, "Success", null);

            Assert.Equal(validCommandResponse, commandResponse, Comparers.ModelComparer <CommandResult <string> >());
Esempio n. 12
        public void NrlsPointerRequest_Read_Valid()
            var viewModel = NrlsPointerRequest.Read("id001", "0001", "org1");

            var expectedViewModel = new NrlsPointerRequest
                Asid       = "0001",
                PointerId  = "id001",
                JwtOrgCode = "org1"

            Assert.Equal(expectedViewModel, viewModel, Comparers.ModelComparer <NrlsPointerRequest>());
        public async void PointerService_Returns_ValidPointerList()
            var patientModels           = MongoPatients.Patients.ToList();
            var organizationModels      = MongoOrganizations.Organizations.ToList();
            var documentReferenceModels = MongoDocumentReferences.DocumentReferences_3656987882;

            var testNhsNumber = "3656987882";
            var testAsid      = "200000000116";
            var testOrgCode   = "AMS01";

            var _docRefService = new Mock <IDocumentReferenceServices>();

            _docRefService.Setup(m => m.GetPointersBundle(It.IsAny <NrlsPointerRequest>())).Returns(SystemTasks.Task.Run(() => FhirBundle.GetBundle <DocumentReference>(documentReferenceModels) as Resource)).Verifiable();

            var _patientService = new Mock <IPatientServices>();

            _patientService.Setup(m => m.GetPatients()).Returns(SystemTasks.Task.Run(() => patientModels)).Verifiable();

            var _organisationServices = new Mock <IOrganisationServices>();

            _organisationServices.Setup(m => m.GetOrganisations()).Returns(SystemTasks.Task.Run(() => organizationModels)).Verifiable();

            var pointerService = new PointerService(_docRefService.Object, _patientService.Object, _organisationServices.Object);

            var request = RequestViewModel.Create(testNhsNumber);

            request.Asid    = testAsid;
            request.OrgCode = testOrgCode;

            var actual = await pointerService.GetPointers(request);

            var pointers = MongoPointerViewModels.PointerViewModels_3656987882;
            var patient  = MongoPatientViewModels.PatientViewModel_3656987882;
            var org      = MongoOrganizationViewModels.OrganizationViewModel_00003X;

            var expected = new List <PointerViewModel>();

            foreach (var exp in pointers)
                exp.SubjectViewModel   = patient;
                exp.AuthorViewModel    = org;
                exp.CustodianViewModel = org;


            Assert.Equal(expected, actual, Comparers.ModelComparer <PointerViewModel>());
Esempio n. 14
        public void Returns_CleanedModel()
            var model = new CrisisPlanViewModel {
                ActionForDependants = "test <",
                Active            = true,
                Asid              = "test <",
                CrisisNumber      = "test <",
                EmergencyLocation = "test <",
                EmergencyNumber   = "test <",
                Id = "test <",
                InvolveFamilyOrCarer = true,
                OrgCode               = "test <",
                PatientAcceptsPlan    = true,
                PatientNhsNumber      = "test <",
                PlanCreatedBy         = "test <",
                PlanCreatedByJobTitle = "test <",
                PotentialTriggers     = "test <",
                RecordType            = RecordType.MentalHealthCrisisPlan,
                SignsFeelingUnwell    = "test <",
                Version               = 1,
                WhatHelpsInCrisis     = "test <"

            var cleanedModel = model.Cleaned();

            var expected = new CrisisPlanViewModel
                ActionForDependants = "test ",
                Active            = true,
                Asid              = "test ",
                CrisisNumber      = "test ",
                EmergencyLocation = "test ",
                EmergencyNumber   = "test ",
                Id = "test ",
                InvolveFamilyOrCarer = true,
                OrgCode               = "test ",
                PatientAcceptsPlan    = true,
                PatientNhsNumber      = "test ",
                PlanCreatedBy         = "test ",
                PlanCreatedByJobTitle = "test ",
                PotentialTriggers     = "test ",
                RecordType            = RecordType.MentalHealthCrisisPlan,
                SignsFeelingUnwell    = "test ",
                Version               = 1,
                WhatHelpsInCrisis     = "test "

            Assert.Equal(expected, cleanedModel, Comparers.ModelComparer <CrisisPlanViewModel>());
Esempio n. 15
        public void NrlsPointerRequest_Search_Valid()
            var viewModel = NrlsPointerRequest.Search("Test", "0001", "0001", "0001", null);

            var expectedViewModel = new NrlsPointerRequest
                Asid             = "0001",
                TypeCode         = "0001",
                JwtOrgCode       = "Test",
                NhsNumber        = "0001",
                CustodianOrgCode = null

            Assert.Equal(expectedViewModel, viewModel, Comparers.ModelComparer <NrlsPointerRequest>());
        public void CreatePatient_Returns_Valid_Search()
            var request = NrlsPointerHelper.CreatePatientSearch(FhirRequests.Valid_Create, "1445545101");

            var expected = new List <Tuple <string, string> >
                new Tuple <string, string>("identifier", $"{FhirConstants.SystemNhsNumber}|1445545101")

            Assert.Equal(expected, request.QueryParameters, Comparers.ModelComparer <IEnumerable <Tuple <string, string> > >());

            Assert.Equal("Patient", request.StrResourceType);

            Assert.Equal("", request.ProfileUri);
        public void CreateMasterId_Returns_Valid_Search()
            var masterIdentifier = new Identifier("validSystem", "validValue");

            var request = NrlsPointerHelper.CreateMasterIdentifierSearch(FhirRequests.Valid_Create, masterIdentifier, "nhsNumber");

            var expectedParams = new List <Tuple <string, string> >
                new Tuple <string, string>("identifier", "validSystem|validValue"),
                new Tuple <string, string>("subject", $"{FhirConstants.SystemPDS}nhsNumber")

            Assert.Equal(expectedParams, request.QueryParameters, Comparers.ModelComparer <IEnumerable <Tuple <string, string> > >());

            Assert.Contains("identifier", request.AllowedParameters);
Esempio n. 18
        public void ToResource_Is_Valid()
            var bsonDocItems = new BsonElement[] { new BsonElement("_id", "5ae838bf461bbbf5792a5460"), new BsonElement("resourceType", "Organization"), new BsonElement("name", "test") };

            var bsonDoc = new BsonDocument();


            var expected = new Organization
                Id   = "5ae838bf461bbbf5792a5460",
                Name = "test"

            var actual = BsonToResourceFactory.ToResource <Organization>(bsonDoc);

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual, Comparers.ModelComparer <Organization>());
Esempio n. 19
        public void NrlsPointerRequest_Create_Valid()
            var viewModel = NrlsPointerRequest.Create("TestOrg", "TestCustodian", "0001", "", "test/test", "0001", "test", "0001");

            var expectedViewModel = new NrlsPointerRequest
                Asid              = "0001",
                NhsNumber         = "0001",
                JwtOrgCode        = "TestOrg",
                CustodianOrgCode  = "TestCustodian",
                PointerId         = null,
                RecordContentType = "test/test",
                RecordUrl         = "",
                TypeCode          = "0001",
                TypeDisplay       = "test"

            Assert.Equal(expectedViewModel, viewModel, Comparers.ModelComparer <NrlsPointerRequest>());
        public void Benefit_Returns_ValidViewModel()
            var models = MongoBenefit.EfficiencyBenefits;

            var viewModel = models.Select(Benefit.ToViewModel).First();

            var expectedViewModel = new BenefitViewModel
                Id         = "5a8417f68317338c8e080a62",
                Text       = "Benefit E1",
                Categories = new List <string> {
                Order  = 1,
                Type   = "Test",
                Active = true

            Assert.Equal(expectedViewModel, viewModel, Comparers.ModelComparer <BenefitViewModel>());
        public void GenericSystem_Returns_ValidViewModel()
            var models = MongoGenericSystems.GenericSystems;

            var viewModel = models.Select(GenericSystem.ToViewModel).First();

            var expectedViewModel = new GenericSystemViewModel
                Id          = "5a8417338317338c8e0809e5",
                Name        = "Ambulance Service Call Handler",
                FModule     = "Ambulance_Service_Call_Handler",
                Asid        = "200000000115",
                Context     = "Some context...",
                ActionTypes = new List <ActorType> {

            Assert.Equal(expectedViewModel, viewModel, Comparers.ModelComparer <GenericSystemViewModel>());
Esempio n. 22
        public void Personnel_Returns_ValidViewModel()
            var models = MongoPersonnel.Personnel;

            var viewModel = models.Select(Personnel.ToViewModel).First();

            var expectedViewModel = new PersonnelViewModel
                Id       = "5a8417f68317338c8e080a62",
                Name     = "999 Call Handler",
                ImageUrl = "....",
                Context  = new List <ContentView>()
                    new ContentView
                        Title   = "Title Text",
                        Content = new List <string> {
                            "Content Text"
                        CssClass = "CssClass Text",
                        Order    = 1
                UsesNrls            = true,
                ActorOrganisationId = "5a82f9ffcb969daa58d33377",
                CModule             = "CModule-Type",
                SystemIds           = new List <string> {
                Benefits = new List <string> {

            Assert.Equal(expectedViewModel, viewModel, Comparers.ModelComparer <PersonnelViewModel>());
        public void NrlsConformance_Valid()
            var expected = new CapabilityStatement
                Url       = "",
                Version   = ModelInfo.Version,
                Name      = "NRL-CapabilityStatement-1",
                Status    = PublicationStatus.Draft,
                Date      = "2017-10-11T10:20:38+00:00",
                Publisher = "NHS Digital",
                Contact   = new List <ContactDetail>
                    new ContactDetail
                        Name    = "Interoperability Team",
                        Telecom = new List <ContactPoint>
                            new ContactPoint
                                System = ContactPoint.ContactPointSystem.Email,
                                Use    = ContactPoint.ContactPointUse.Work,
                                Value  = "*****@*****.**"
                Description   = new Markdown("This profile defines the expected capabilities of the NRL STU3 FHIR server when conforming to the NRL API IG. The Capability Statement resource includes a complete list of actual profiles, RESTful operations, and search parameters that are expected to be supported by NRL STU3 FHIR Server."),
                Copyright     = new Markdown("Copyright © 2017 NHS Digital"),
                Kind          = CapabilityStatement.CapabilityStatementKind.Requirements,
                FhirVersion   = "3.0.1",
                AcceptUnknown = CapabilityStatement.UnknownContentCode.No,
                Format        = new List <string>
                Rest = new List <CapabilityStatement.RestComponent>
                    new CapabilityStatement.RestComponent
                        Mode     = CapabilityStatement.RestfulCapabilityMode.Server,
                        Security = new CapabilityStatement.SecurityComponent
                            Cors = true
                        Resource = new List <CapabilityStatement.ResourceComponent>
                            new CapabilityStatement.ResourceComponent
                                Extension = new List <Extension>
                                    new Extension
                                        Url       = "",
                                        Extension = new List <Extension>
                                            new Extension
                                                Url   = "required",
                                                Value = new FhirString("_id")
                                    new Extension
                                        Url       = "",
                                        Extension = new List <Extension>
                                            new Extension
                                                Url   = "required",
                                                Value = new FhirString("subject")
                                            new Extension
                                                Url   = "optional",
                                                Value = new FhirString("custodian")
                                            new Extension
                                                Url   = "optional",
                                                Value = new FhirString("type")
                                    new Extension
                                        Url       = "",
                                        Extension = new List <Extension>
                                            new Extension
                                                Url   = "required",
                                                Value = new FhirString("subject")
                                            new Extension
                                                Url   = "required",
                                                Value = new FhirString("_summary")
                                    new Extension
                                        Url       = "",
                                        Extension = new List <Extension>
                                            new Extension
                                                Url   = "required",
                                                Value = new FhirString("subject")
                                            new Extension
                                                Url   = "required",
                                                Value = new FhirString("identifier")
                                        FhirComments = new List <string>
                                            "This combination can only be used for Supersede, Patch, and Delete interactions."
                                Type    = ResourceType.DocumentReference,
                                Profile = new ResourceReference
                                    Reference = ""
                                Interaction = new List <CapabilityStatement.ResourceInteractionComponent>
                                    new CapabilityStatement.ResourceInteractionComponent
                                        Code          = CapabilityStatement.TypeRestfulInteraction.SearchType,
                                        Documentation = "Allows discovery of existing NRL document reference resources using different search criteria"
                                    new CapabilityStatement.ResourceInteractionComponent
                                        Code          = CapabilityStatement.TypeRestfulInteraction.Read,
                                        Documentation = "Allows retrieval of specific NRL document references by id"
                                    new CapabilityStatement.ResourceInteractionComponent
                                        Code          = CapabilityStatement.TypeRestfulInteraction.Patch,
                                        Documentation = "Allows update of specific NRL document references by id"
                                    new CapabilityStatement.ResourceInteractionComponent
                                        Code          = CapabilityStatement.TypeRestfulInteraction.Delete,
                                        Documentation = "Allows deletion of specific NRL document references by id"
                                    new CapabilityStatement.ResourceInteractionComponent
                                        Code          = CapabilityStatement.TypeRestfulInteraction.Create,
                                        Documentation = "Allows creation of NRL document references"
                                SearchParam = new List <CapabilityStatement.SearchParamComponent>
                                    new CapabilityStatement.SearchParamComponent
                                        Extension = new List <Extension>
                                            new Extension
                                                Url   = "",
                                                Value = new FhirString("SHOULD")
                                        Name          = "subject",
                                        Definition    = "",
                                        Type          = SearchParamType.Reference,
                                        Documentation = "The Patient the DocumentReference relates to. This is MUST when searching by patient."
                                    new CapabilityStatement.SearchParamComponent
                                        Extension = new List <Extension>
                                            new Extension
                                                Url   = "",
                                                Value = new FhirString("MAY")
                                        Name          = "custodian",
                                        Definition    = "",
                                        Type          = SearchParamType.Reference,
                                        Documentation = "The owner of the DocumentReference"
                                    new CapabilityStatement.SearchParamComponent
                                        Extension = new List <Extension>
                                            new Extension
                                                Url   = "",
                                                Value = new FhirString("SHOULD")
                                        Name          = "_id",
                                        Definition    = "",
                                        Type          = SearchParamType.String,
                                        Documentation = "Logical id of the DocumentReference. This is MUST when searching by _id"
                                    new CapabilityStatement.SearchParamComponent
                                        Extension = new List <Extension>
                                            new Extension
                                                Url   = "",
                                                Value = new FhirString("MAY")
                                        Name          = "type",
                                        Definition    = "",
                                        Type          = SearchParamType.Token,
                                        Documentation = "Clinical type the DocumentReference refers too"
                                    new CapabilityStatement.SearchParamComponent
                                        Extension = new List <Extension>
                                            new Extension
                                                Url   = "",
                                                Value = new FhirString("MAY")
                                        Name          = "_summary",
                                        Definition    = "",
                                        Type          = SearchParamType.String,
                                        Documentation = "Type of summary to return"
                                    new CapabilityStatement.SearchParamComponent
                                        Extension = new List <Extension>
                                            new Extension
                                                Url   = "",
                                                Value = new FhirString("MAY")
                                        Name          = "identifier",
                                        Definition    = "",
                                        Type          = SearchParamType.Token,
                                        Documentation = "The MasterIdentifer associated to the DocumentReference. Used in Supersede, Patch, and Delete interactions."
                                    new CapabilityStatement.SearchParamComponent
                                        Extension = new List <Extension>
                                            new Extension
                                                Url   = "",
                                                Value = new FhirString("MAY")
                                        Name          = "_format",
                                        Definition    = "",
                                        Type          = SearchParamType.String,
                                        Documentation = "Content Type of returned result"

            var actual = new NrlsConformance().GetConformance();

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual, Comparers.ModelComparer <CapabilityStatement>());
Esempio n. 24
        public void FhirResponse_ValidDocumentReferenceResources()
            var documentReferenceModels = MongoDocumentReferences.DocumentReferences.ToList();
            var documentReferenceBundle = FhirBundle.GetBundle <DocumentReference>(documentReferenceModels);

            var actual = new FhirResponse();

            actual.Resource = documentReferenceBundle;

            Assert.Equal(documentReferenceModels, actual.GetResources <DocumentReference>(), Comparers.ModelComparer <DocumentReference>());
        public async void PointerService_Returns_ValidPointerList()
            var patientModels           = MongoPatients.Patients.ToList();
            var organizationModels      = MongoOrganizations.Organizations.ToList();
            var documentReferenceModels = MongoDocumentReferences.DocumentReferences_3656987882;

            var testNhsNumber = "3656987882";
            var testAsid      = "200000000116";
            var testOrgCode   = "AMS01";

            var _docRefService = new Mock <IDocumentReferenceServices>();

            _docRefService.Setup(m => m.GetPointersBundle(It.IsAny <NrlsPointerRequest>())).Returns(SystemTasks.Task.Run(() => FhirBundle.GetBundle <DocumentReference>(documentReferenceModels) as Resource)).Verifiable();

            var _patientService = new Mock <IPatientServices>();

            _patientService.Setup(m => m.GetPatients()).Returns(SystemTasks.Task.Run(() => patientModels)).Verifiable();

            var _organisationServices = new Mock <IOrganisationServices>();

            _organisationServices.Setup(m => m.GetOrganisations()).Returns(SystemTasks.Task.Run(() => organizationModels)).Verifiable();

            var pointerCache = new PatientPointers
                Pointers = MongoPointerViewModels.PointerViewModels_3656987882

            var cacheMock = MemoryCacheStub.MockMemoryCacheService.GetMemoryCache(pointerCache);

            var pdfBinaryId       = "TestBinaryPdf1";
            var _documentServices = new Mock <IDocumentsServices>();

            _documentServices.Setup(m => m.GetPointerDocument(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(SystemTasks.Task.Run(() => MongoBinaries.Binaries.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == pdfBinaryId) as Resource)).Verifiable();

            var opts = new ApiSetting
                BaseUrl               = "://localhost",
                DefaultPort           = "55448",
                Secure                = false,
                SecureOnly            = false,
                SecurePort            = "55443",
                SupportedContentTypes = new List <string> {

            var _apiSettings = new Mock <IOptions <ApiSetting> >();

            _apiSettings.Setup(op => op.Value).Returns(opts);

            var pointerService = new PointerService(_apiSettings.Object, _docRefService.Object, _patientService.Object, _organisationServices.Object, cacheMock, _documentServices.Object);

            var request = RequestViewModel.Create(testNhsNumber);

            request.Asid    = testAsid;
            request.OrgCode = testOrgCode;

            var actual = await pointerService.GetPointers(request);

            var pointers = MongoPointerViewModels.PointerViewModels_3656987882;
            var patient  = MongoPatientViewModels.PatientViewModel_3656987882;
            var org      = MongoOrganizationViewModels.OrganizationViewModel_00003X;

            var expected = new List <PointerViewModel>();

            foreach (var exp in pointers)
                exp.SubjectViewModel   = patient;
                exp.AuthorViewModel    = org;
                exp.CustodianViewModel = org;


            Assert.Equal(expected, actual, Comparers.ModelComparer <PointerViewModel>());