Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Diff the given columns of two given files using a given tolerance and method reporting any information back to the StringBuilder passed by ref
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="origfile">the original file</param>
        /// <param name="newfile">the new file to diff against the original file</param>
        /// <param name="colnames">the colnames to focus on</param>
        /// <param name="tolerance">the toleracne to use (absolute value/dp/%age depedning on 'method')</param>
        /// <param name="method">the method to use when diffing (absolute value/dp/%age)</param>
        /// <param name="output">a StringBuilder for reporting</param>
        /// <returns>true if files are approximately the same (within the given tolerance)</returns>
        internal static bool Diff(InputFile origfile, InputFile newfile, List <string> colnames, decimal tolerance, DiffMethod method, ref StringBuilder output)
            Dictionary <string, int>
            orig_lookup    = new Dictionary <string, int>(),
                new_lookup = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            List <string>
            orig_cols    = new List <string>(origfile.ColNames),
                new_cols = new List <string>(newfile.ColNames);

            //basic little factory for setting up our comparer object
            CompareMethod comparer =
                method == DiffMethod.pct ? (CompareMethod) new PctCompare(tolerance) :
                method == DiffMethod.abs ? (CompareMethod) new AbsCompare(tolerance) :
                (CompareMethod) new DPCompare(tolerance);

            //set up a lookup dictionary to translate between column name and index
            foreach (string col in colnames)
                orig_lookup.Add(col, orig_cols.IndexOf(col));
                new_lookup.Add(col, new_cols.IndexOf(col));

            //grab the raw data to diff
            origdata = origfile.GetData(true),
            newdata = newfile.GetData(true);

            string result = "";

            if (origdata.Length != newdata.Length)
                result += "The 2 files had different lengths, diff will end at bottom of shortest file" + Environment.NewLine;

            object diff;

                badhits  = 0,
                ibadline = -1,
                numlines = (int)Math.Min(origdata.Length, newdata.Length);

            //for each line in our files
            for (int i = 0; i < numlines; i++)
                //for each column of interest
                foreach (string col in colnames)
                    //if we don't have a 'match' (comparer.match takes care of the tolerances for us)
                    if (!comparer.match(origdata[i][orig_lookup[col]], newdata[i][new_lookup[col]], out diff))
                        //if we haven't picked up any fails on this line yet
                        if (ibadline != i)
                            //if this isn't the first line of our report then make sure we add a newline
                            if (ibadline >= 0)
                            //if it is the first line then make sure we make it clear the file failed

                            //print the line number (remember this is the first fail for this line)
                            output.AppendFormat("\t{0,-4}:", i);
                            ibadline = i;

                        //print out the column name of the value that failed, along with the difference
                        output.AppendFormat("\t{0}:{1}", col, diff);

            if (badhits == 0)

            return(badhits == 0);