Esempio n. 1
    private string CreateExport(DataTable filtered_data)
        string   FileExtension = "EXCEL";
        DateTime now           = DateTime.Now;
        string   user_id       = HttpContext.Current.Session["employee_id"].ToString();

        Warning[] warnings  = null;
        string[]  streamids = null;
        string    mimeType  = string.Empty;
        string    encoding  = string.Empty;
        string    extension = string.Empty;
        string    file_name = "LeaveRegisterReport" + user_id + "-" + now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss") + ".";

        byte[]           bytes  = null;
        ReportDataSource rds    = new ReportDataSource("LeaveRegister_templregister1", filtered_data);
        ReportViewer     viewer = new ReportViewer();

        viewer.ProcessingMode         = ProcessingMode.Local;
        viewer.LocalReport.ReportPath = Server.MapPath("~/exports/templates/lrgster.rdlc");

        #region  Code for showing logo
        HttpContext      context          = Context;
        string           imageUrl         = context.Server.MapPath("~/uploads/CompanyLogo/");
        DBConnection     db_connection    = new DBConnection();
        string           query            = "select compname from templregister1";
        string           companyName      = db_connection.ExecuteQuery_WithReturnValueString(query);
        CompanyLogoStuff companyLogoStuff = new CompanyLogoStuff();
        string           companyCode      = companyLogoStuff.getCompanyImageUrl(companyName);
        imageUrl = imageUrl + companyCode;
        viewer.LocalReport.EnableExternalImages = true;

        ReportParameter[] params1 = new ReportParameter[1];
        params1[0] = new ReportParameter("image_path", "file:///" + imageUrl, false);
        #endregion   //commented after anand modifications
        bytes = viewer.LocalReport.Render(FileExtension, null, out mimeType, out encoding, out extension, out streamids, out warnings);

        using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/exports/data/").ToString() + file_name + extension, FileMode.Create))
            fs.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

        return(file_name + extension);
Esempio n. 2
    private string CreateExport(DataTable filtered_data, string companyname)
        string   FileExtension = "EXCEL";
        DateTime now           = DateTime.Now;
        string   user_id       = HttpContext.Current.Session["employee_id"].ToString();

        Warning[] warnings  = null;
        string[]  streamids = null;
        string    mimeType  = string.Empty;
        string    encoding  = string.Empty;
        string    extension = string.Empty;
        string    file_name = "PayRollLinkReport" + user_id + "-" + now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss") + ".";

        byte[]           bytes  = null;
        ReportDataSource rds    = new ReportDataSource("PayrollLink_Payrolllinkreport1", filtered_data);
        ReportViewer     viewer = new ReportViewer();

        viewer.ProcessingMode         = ProcessingMode.Local;
        viewer.LocalReport.ReportPath = Server.MapPath("~/exports/templates/payroll_link_report.rdlc");

        #region Code for showing logo
        HttpContext context  = Context;
        string      imageUrl = context.Server.MapPath("~/uploads/CompanyLogo/");

        CompanyLogoStuff companyLogoStuff = new CompanyLogoStuff();
        string           companyCode      = companyLogoStuff.getCompanyImageUrl(companyname);
        imageUrl = imageUrl + companyCode;
        viewer.LocalReport.EnableExternalImages = true;

        ReportParameter[] params1 = new ReportParameter[1];
        params1[0] = new ReportParameter("image_path", "file:///" + imageUrl, false);
        bytes = viewer.LocalReport.Render(FileExtension, null, out mimeType, out encoding, out extension, out streamids, out warnings);

        using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/exports/data/").ToString() + file_name + extension, FileMode.Create))
            fs.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

        return(file_name + extension);
Esempio n. 3
        public static void ExportDataToExcel(string file_name, string report_title, DataTable data, HttpContext context, string[] column_names, string company_name)
            string       imagePath = context.Server.MapPath("~/uploads/CompanyLogo/");
            DBConnection db_connection = new DBConnection();
            DataTable    leave_status = new DataTable();
            string       query = string.Empty;
            string       status_description = string.Empty;
            var          work_book = new XLWorkbook();
            var          work_sheet = work_book.Worksheets.Add("Sheet 1");
            var          dataForExport = new List <string[]>();
            string       export_path = context.Server.MapPath("~/exports/data/");
            int          counter = 0, data_count = 0;
            DataTable    totals = new DataTable();

            var title_styles = work_book.Style;

            data_count = data.Rows.Count;
            // Background color for the cell
            title_styles.Fill.BackgroundColor = XLColor.FromTheme(XLThemeColor.Accent1, 0.5);

            // Font configuration
            title_styles.Font.Bold      = true;
            title_styles.Font.FontColor = XLColor.White;
            title_styles.Font.FontSize  = 30;

            // Text Alignment
            title_styles.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center;

            // Adding the Title in the Cell A1,1
            work_sheet.Cell(1, 1).Value = report_title;

            // Get workbook range for Title
            var title_range = work_sheet.Range(1, 1, 3, 24);

            // Merge the cells in the above range to form the title.

            // Apply the styles defined before
            title_range.Style = title_styles;

            // For Showing Company Name below report title
            work_sheet.Cell(4, 1).Value = "Company:  " + company_name;
            work_sheet.Range(4, 1, 4, 20).Style.Font.Bold     = true;
            work_sheet.Range(4, 1, 4, 20).Style.Font.FontSize = 16;

            // Manually adding the column names, as the data adding functions don't display the column names.
            for (counter = 0; counter < column_names.Length; counter++)
                work_sheet.Cell(5, counter + 1).Value               = column_names[counter];
                work_sheet.Cell(5, counter + 1).Style.Font.Bold     = true;
                work_sheet.Cell(5, counter + 1).Style.Font.FontSize = 16;

            // Adding the datatable to the selected range
            work_sheet.Cell(6, 1).Value = data.AsEnumerable();

            //  Added for showing various count //

            if (report_title == "DAILY PERFORMANCE REPORT")
                work_sheet.Cell(7 + data_count, 7).Value               = "Summary Sheet";
                work_sheet.Cell(7 + data_count, 7).Style.Font.Bold     = true;
                work_sheet.Cell(7 + data_count, 7).Style.Font.FontSize = 16;

                // Getting all the calculated data from function
                query  = "select * from [FetchTotalCounts]('1')";
                totals = db_connection.ReturnDataTable(query);

                work_sheet.Cell(8 + data_count, 1).Value                = "Total Count";
                work_sheet.Cell(8 + data_count, 1).Style.Font.Bold      = true;
                work_sheet.Cell(8 + data_count, 1).Style.Font.FontSize  = 10;
                work_sheet.Cell(8 + data_count, 3).Value                = "Days";
                work_sheet.Cell(8 + data_count, 3).Style.Font.Bold      = true;
                work_sheet.Cell(8 + data_count, 3).Style.Font.FontSize  = 10;
                work_sheet.Cell(8 + data_count, 4).Value                = totals.Rows[0]["TotalDays"].ToString();
                work_sheet.Cell(8 + data_count, 6).Value                = "Employees";
                work_sheet.Cell(8 + data_count, 6).Style.Font.Bold      = true;
                work_sheet.Cell(8 + data_count, 6).Style.Font.FontSize  = 10;
                work_sheet.Cell(8 + data_count, 7).Value                = totals.Rows[0]["TotalEmployee"].ToString();
                work_sheet.Cell(8 + data_count, 9).Value                = "Work Hours";
                work_sheet.Cell(8 + data_count, 9).Style.Font.Bold      = true;
                work_sheet.Cell(8 + data_count, 9).Style.Font.FontSize  = 10;
                work_sheet.Cell(8 + data_count, 10).Value               = totals.Rows[0]["Total_Hours"].ToString();
                work_sheet.Cell(8 + data_count, 12).Value               = "Early Hours";
                work_sheet.Cell(8 + data_count, 12).Style.Font.Bold     = true;
                work_sheet.Cell(8 + data_count, 12).Style.Font.FontSize = 10;
                work_sheet.Cell(8 + data_count, 13).Value               = totals.Rows[0]["Total_Earlyby"].ToString();
                work_sheet.Cell(8 + data_count, 15).Value               = "Late Hours";
                work_sheet.Cell(8 + data_count, 15).Style.Font.Bold     = true;
                work_sheet.Cell(8 + data_count, 15).Style.Font.FontSize = 10;
                work_sheet.Cell(8 + data_count, 16).Value               = totals.Rows[0]["Total_Lateby"].ToString();

            status_description = "Description:- P=Present, A=Absent, L=Leave, AHL=Half Absent Half Leave, PHL=Half Day Present Half Day Leave, V=Vacation, OD=On Duty,CO=Comp. Off,MI=Manual in punch,MO=Manual Out Punch,M=Manual Punch,MS=Missing Swipe";
            //getting Leave code description

            leave_status = db_connection.ReturnDataTable("select  leavecode,status from leavemaster where CompanyCode in  ( select companycode from CompanyMaster where CompanyName='" + company_name + "') ");
            string leaveCodeColumn = string.Empty, leaveStatusColumn = string.Empty;
            string leaveStatus = string.Empty;
            int    count       = 0;

            foreach (DataRow row in leave_status.Rows)
                foreach (DataColumn col in leave_status.Columns)
                    leaveCodeColumn   = row["leavecode"].ToString();
                    leaveStatusColumn = row["status"].ToString();
                if (count == 1)
                    leaveStatus = leaveCodeColumn + " = " + leaveStatusColumn;
                    leaveStatus = leaveStatus + "," + leaveCodeColumn + " = " + leaveStatusColumn;

            var description_styles = work_book.Style;

            description_styles.Fill.BackgroundColor = XLColor.FromTheme(XLThemeColor.Accent1, 0.5);
            description_styles.Font.Bold            = false;
            description_styles.Font.FontColor       = XLColor.AliceBlue;
            description_styles.Font.FontSize        = 11;
            description_styles.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center;

            work_sheet.Cell(9 + data_count, 1).Value = status_description;

            // description_range = work_sheet.Range(10 + data_count, 1, 10 + data_count, 24);

            work_sheet.Range(9 + data_count, 1, 9 + data_count, 24).Merge();
            work_sheet.Range(9 + data_count, 1, 9 + data_count, 24).Style = description_styles;

            work_sheet.Cell(11 + data_count, 1).Value = leaveStatus;
            work_sheet.Range(11 + data_count, 1, 11 + data_count, 21).Style = description_styles;
            work_sheet.Range(11 + data_count, 1, 11 + data_count, 15).Merge();
            work_book.SaveAs(export_path + file_name);

            CompanyLogoStuff companyStuff = new CompanyLogoStuff();

            imagePath = imagePath + companyStuff.getCompanyImageUrl(company_name);

            string fullPath = export_path + file_name;
            // createLogo(fullPath, imagePath);