Esempio n. 1
        public ActionResult Blog(FormCollection form)
            var svCompany = new Company.CompanyService();
            var svArticle = new ArticleService();

            List <view_b2bArticle> Blogs;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(form["SearchBlog"]))
                var ArticleTypeID = "";
                if (form["SearchType"] == "ArticleName")
                    Blogs = svCompany.SelectData <view_b2bArticle>("*", "IsDelete = 0 and ArticleName LIKE N'%" + form["SearchBlog"] + "%' and CompID = " + LogonCompID, null, (int)ViewBag.PageIndex, (int)ViewBag.PageSize);
                    var articletype = svArticle.SelectData <b2bArticleType>("ArticleTypeID,ArticleTypeName", "ArticleTypeName LIKE N'%" + form["SearchBlog"] + "%'");
                    foreach (var it in (List <b2bArticleType>)articletype)
                        ArticleTypeID = ArticleTypeID + "ArticleTypeID = " + it.ArticleTypeID.ToString() + " or ";
                    if (ArticleTypeID != "")
                        ArticleTypeID = ArticleTypeID.Substring(0, ArticleTypeID.Length - 4);
                        Blogs         = svCompany.SelectData <view_b2bArticle>("*", "IsDelete = 0 and (" + ArticleTypeID + ") and CompID = " + LogonCompID, null, (int)ViewBag.PageIndex, (int)ViewBag.PageSize);
                        Blogs = svCompany.SelectData <view_b2bArticle>("*", "IsDelete = 0 and ArticleType = 0 and CompID = " + LogonCompID, null, (int)ViewBag.PageIndex, (int)ViewBag.PageSize);
                Blogs = svCompany.SelectData <view_b2bArticle>("*", "IsDelete = 0 and CompID = " + LogonCompID, null, (int)ViewBag.PageIndex, (int)ViewBag.PageSize);

            ViewBag.Blogs     = Blogs;
            ViewBag.TotalPage = svCompany.TotalPage;
            ViewBag.TotalRow  = svCompany.TotalRow;
Esempio n. 2
        public ActionResult EditBlog(FormCollection form)
            var Articles  = new b2bArticle();
            var svCompany = new Company.CompanyService();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(form["ArticleID"]))
                Articles = svCompany.SelectData <b2bArticle>("*", " IsDelete = 0 AND ArticleID =" + form["ArticleID"]).First();
            return(Json(new { ArticleID = Articles.ArticleID, CompID = Articles.CompID, RowVersion = Articles.RowVersion, ArticleTypeID = Articles.ArticleTypeID, ArticleName = Articles.ArticleName, pageTitle = Articles.PageTitle, ImgPath = Articles.ImgPath, Description = Articles.Description, ShortDescription = Articles.ShortDescription }));
Esempio n. 3
        public bool SaveBlog(FormCollection form)
            int objState   = DataManager.ConvertToInteger(form["objState"]);//objState 1 คือ insert objState 2 คือ update
            var Articles   = new b2bArticle();
            var emArticles = new emArticle();
            var svMember   = new Common.MemberService();
            var svCompany  = new Company.CompanyService();

            if (objState == 2)// update
                Articles = svCompany.SelectData <b2bArticle>("*", " ArticleID = " + form["ArticleID"] + " AND RowVersion = " + form["RowVersion"]).First();

            #region set ค่า b2bArticle
            var ArticleImgPath = Articles.ImgPath;
            Articles.CompID           = DataManager.ConvertToInteger(LogonCompID);
            Articles.ArticleName      = form["ArticleName"];
            Articles.ArticleTypeID    = DataManager.ConvertToInteger(form["ArticleTypeID"]);
            Articles.Description      = ReplaceText(form["Description"]);
            Articles.ShortDescription = ReplaceText(form["ShortDescription"]);
            Articles.ImgPath          = form["ImgPath"];
            Articles.PageTitle        = form["PageTitle"];
            if (objState == 2)// update
                Articles.RowVersion   = DataManager.ConvertToShort(Articles.RowVersion + 1);
                emArticles.RowVersion = DataManager.ConvertToShort(emArticles.RowVersion + 1);
                Articles.ViewCount    = 0;
                Articles.RowFlag      = 1;
                Articles.RowVersion   = 1;
                Articles.CreatedBy    = "sa";
                Articles.ModifiedBy   = "sa";
                Articles.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
                Articles.CreatedDate  = DateTime.Now;

            #region Save b2bArticle
            Articles = svCompany.SaveData <b2bArticle>(Articles, "ArticleID");
            if (svCompany.IsResult)
                if (objState == 2)// update
                    emArticles.RowVersion = Articles.RowVersion;
                    emArticles.CompID           = DataManager.ConvertToInteger(Request.Cookies[res.Common.lblWebsite].Values["emCompID"]);
                    emArticles.ArticleName      = Articles.ArticleName;
                    emArticles.ArticleTypeID    = Articles.ArticleTypeID;
                    emArticles.Description      = Articles.Description;
                    emArticles.ShortDescription = Articles.ShortDescription;
                    emArticles.ImgPath          = Articles.ImgPath;
                    emArticles.PageTitle        = Articles.PageTitle;
                    emArticles.ViewCount        = Articles.ViewCount;

                #region Save emArticle
                emArticles = svMember.SaveData <emArticle>(emArticles, "ArticleID");

                if (svCompany.IsResult && svMember.IsResult)
                    #region SaveArticleImg
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(form["ImgPath"]))
                        if (Articles.ImgPath != ArticleImgPath)
                            imgManager             = new FileHelper();
                            imgManager.DirPath     = "Article/" + LogonCompID + "/" + Articles.ArticleID;
                            imgManager.DirTempPath = "Temp/Article/" + LogonCompID;
                            imgManager.ImageName   = form["ImgPath"];
                            //imgManager.ImageThumbName = "Thumb_" + form["ImgPath"];
                            imgManager.FullHeight  = 0;
                            imgManager.FullWidth   = 0;
                            imgManager.ThumbHeight = 150;
                            imgManager.ThumbWidth  = 150;

