Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Check whether an output amount is considered dust for a given transaction relay fee.
        /// Transactions with dust outputs are rejected by mempool.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="amount">Output amount</param>
        /// <param name="scriptSize">Size of the output script in bytes</param>
        /// <param name="relayFeePerKb">Mempool relay fee/kB</param>
        /// <returns>Whether the output is dust</returns>
        public static bool IsDustAmount(Amount amount, int scriptSize, Amount relayFeePerKb)
            // Calculate the total (estimated) cost to the network.  This is
            // calculated using the serialize size of the output plus the serial
            // size of a transaction input which redeems it.  The output is assumed
            // to be compressed P2PKH as this is the most common script type.  Use
            // the average size of a compressed P2PKH redeem input (165) rather than
            // the largest possible (Transaction.RedeemPayToPubKeyHashInputSize).
            var totalSize = 8 + 2 + CompactInt.SerializeSize((ulong)scriptSize) + scriptSize + 165;

            // Dust is defined as an output value where the total cost to the network
            // (output size + input size) is greater than 1/3 of the relay fee.
            return(amount * 1000 / (3 * totalSize) < relayFeePerKb);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Estimates the signed serialize size of an unsigned transaction, assuming all
        /// inputs spend P2PKH outputs.  The estimate is a worst case, so the actual
        /// serialize size after signing should always be less than or equal to this value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputCount">Number of P2PKH outputs the transaction will redeem</param>
        /// <param name="outputs">Transaction output array</param>
        /// <param name="addChangeOutput">Add the serialize size for an additional P2PKH change output</param>
        /// <returns>Estimated signed serialize size of the transaction</returns>
        public static int EstimateSerializeSize(int inputCount, Output[] outputs, bool addChangeOutput)
            if (outputs == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(outputs));

            var changeSize  = 0;
            var outputCount = outputs.Length;

            if (addChangeOutput)
                changeSize = PayToPubKeyHashOutputSize;

                (12 + (2 * CompactInt.SerializeSize((ulong)inputCount)) + CompactInt.SerializeSize((ulong)outputCount) +
                 inputCount * RedeemPayToPubKeyHashInputSize +
                 outputs.Sum(o => o.SerializeSize) +