Esempio n. 1
        private static void Postfix(Rect rect, Pawn pawn, Action randomizeCallback)
            CompSkillPoints spcomp = pawn.TryGetComp <CompSkillPoints>();

            if (spcomp == null)
            float width = Base.panelAddedWidth - margin;
            float x     = CharacterCardUtility.PawnCardSize(pawn).x;

            if (randomizeCallback != null)             // this is how the game checks if we're in the character creation screen (shrug)
                x += 175f;
            Rect extraRect = new Rect(x + margin, rect.y, width, 100f);

            ITab_Skills.DrawRankInfo(extraRect, pawn);
        private static bool Prefix(Pawn p, ref Vector2 offset)
            if (Current.ProgramState != ProgramState.Playing || Current.Game == null || !p.IsColonist)

            CompSkillPoints spcomp = p.TryGetComp <CompSkillPoints>();

            if (spcomp == null)

            FieldInfo       sdiloc = AccessTools.Field(typeof(SkillUI), "skillDefsInListOrderCached");
            List <SkillDef> skillDefsInListOrderCached = sdiloc.GetValue(null) as List <SkillDef>;

            float y = 0;

            bool drawBox = true;

            foreach (SkillDef skill in skillDefsInListOrderCached)
                // highlight rows if set
                if (SkillPointsSettings.highlightAlternate && drawBox)
                    Rect box = new Rect(0 + offset.x, y + offset.y, skillWidth + skillHeight, skillHeight);
                    Widgets.DrawBoxSolid(box, Base.alternateRowColor);
                drawBox = !drawBox;

                // draw buttons
                SkillRecord rec = p.skills.GetSkill(skill);
                if (!rec.TotallyDisabled && rec.Level < 20)
                    // level up (+) button
                    Rect levelUpRect = new Rect(offset.x, y + gap + offset.y, buttonHeight, buttonHeight);
                    bool clicked     = Widgets.ButtonText(levelUpRect, "+");
                    if (clicked)
                        Base.DoSkillLevelUp(p, rec);
                    // autolevel radio button
                    //Rect autoLevelRect = new Rect(skillWidth + gap + offset.x, y + gap + offset.y, buttonHeight, buttonHeight);
                    if (!autoChecked.ContainsKey(rec))
                        autoChecked.Add(rec, false);
                    bool newCheck = autoChecked[rec];
                    Widgets.Checkbox(new Vector2(skillWidth + checkGap + offset.x, y + checkGap + offset.y), ref newCheck, size: checkHeight);
                    if (newCheck)
                        List <SkillRecord> keys = autoChecked.Keys.ToList();
                        foreach (SkillRecord sr in keys)
                            autoChecked[sr] = false;
                        autoChecked[rec] = true;
                        Text.Font        = GameFont.Tiny;
                        Rect autoLabel = new Rect(skillWidth + checkGap + offset.x + checkHeight + margin, y + checkGap + offset.y, 150f, Text.LineHeight);
                        Widgets.Label(autoLabel, "Auto-level " + skill.LabelCap);
                        Text.Font = GameFont.Small;
                        autoChecked[rec] = false;
                y += skillRowHeight;
            bool manualCheck = Base.IsOnManual(p);

            Widgets.Checkbox(new Vector2(skillWidth + checkGap + offset.x, y + checkGap + offset.y), ref manualCheck, size: checkHeight, disabled: manualCheck);
            Rect manualLabel = new Rect(skillWidth + checkGap + offset.x + checkHeight + margin, y + checkGap + offset.y, 100f, Text.LineHeight);

            Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny;
            Widgets.Label(manualLabel, "Manual");
            Text.Font = GameFont.Small;
            // shift actual skill drawing to the right
            offset.x += buttonHeight;