Esempio n. 1
        public async Task <int> RefreshAllCommunityInfo()
            SeashellContext context = new SeashellContext();

            List <AdministrativeDistrict> districts = context.AdministrativeDistrict.ToList();

            List <Community> communities = new List <Community>();

            foreach (AdministrativeDistrict district in districts)
                List <Community> communitiesByDistrict = await ReadAllCommunities(district.CommunityMainPageURL);

                communities = communities.Concat(communitiesByDistrict).ToList();

            communities = await ReadCommunityDetailInfo(communities);

            CommunityRepository repo = new CommunityRepository(context);



Esempio n. 2
    public async static Task HandleInformationCommand(SocketMessage message, CommunityRepository repository)
        string originalMessage = message.Content;

        string[] splitMessage = originalMessage.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 2);
        string   stageName    = splitMessage[1];

        Stage stage = new Stage()
            Name = stageName.ToLower(),

        if (!repository.StageExists(stage))
            string possibleStrings = repository.GetPossibleStageNames(stage.Name);

            if (possibleStrings != String.Empty)
                string reply = String.Format("Failed to grab information for the stage \"{0}\" because it does not exist in the repository.\n\n Could you mean one of these?\n\n{1}", stageName, possibleStrings);
                await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(reply);


            string response = String.Format(@"Failed to grab information for the stage ""{0}""  because it does not exist in the community repository", stageName);
            await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(response);


        Stage foundStage = repository.GetStage(stage.Name);

        string reponse = String.Format("Information for stage {0}\n\nAuthor: {1}\n\nUpload Date: {2}\n\nDescription: {3}", foundStage.Name, foundStage.Author, foundStage.Date, foundStage.Description);
        await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(reponse);
Esempio n. 3
    public async static Task HandleSearchCommand(SocketMessage message, CommunityRepository repository)
        string originalMessage = message.Content;

        string[] splitMessage = originalMessage.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 2);
        string   stageName    = splitMessage[1];

        Stage stage = new Stage()
            Name = stageName.ToLower(),

        string possibleStrings = repository.GetPossibleStageNames(stage.Name);

        if (possibleStrings == String.Empty)
            await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("I did not found any stages matching your query :(");


        string response = String.Format("Here are the stages that I have found that contains the search query \"{0}\" within the stage name.\n\n{1}", stageName, possibleStrings);
        await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(response);

Esempio n. 4
    public async static Task HandleGetCommand(SocketMessage message, CommunityRepository repository)
        string originalMessage = message.Content;

        string[] splitMessage = originalMessage.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 2);
        string   stageName    = splitMessage[1];

        Stage stage = new Stage()
            Name = stageName

        string filePath = repository.GetPathToStageInCommunityRepository(stage);

        if (filePath == String.Empty)
            string reply = String.Format(@"Failed  to find the stage ""{0}"". because it does not exist in the community repository. If you are not sure what you are looking for, use !search instead.", stageName);
            await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(reply);


        await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Uploading the stage now...");

        string response = "Here is the requested stage that you asked for.";
        await message.Channel.SendFileAsync(filePath, response);
Esempio n. 5
        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            //==Repository config============================
            var config = new ServerConfig();

            //_logger.LogInformation("config.MongoDB : " + config.MongoDB.ConnectionString);
            var cmnContext = new CommunityContext(config.MongoDB);
            var cmnRepo    = new CommunityRepository(cmnContext);

            services.AddSingleton <ICommunityRepository>(cmnRepo);

            //==Seed config==================================
            var cmnSeeder = new CommunitySeeder(cmnRepo);

            services.AddSingleton <ISeed>(cmnSeeder);


            //===Auto Mapper Configurations==================
            var mappingConfig = new MapperConfiguration(mc =>
                mc.AddProfile(new MappingProfile());
            IMapper mapper = mappingConfig.CreateMapper();

Esempio n. 6
        public void Setup()
            _communityDao = Substitute.For <ICommunityDao>();
            Func <HttpRequestMessage> fakeFunc = () => FakeHttpMessageBuilder.CreateFakeHttpMessage();

            _modelFactory  = new ModelFactory(new ObjectDifferenceManager(), fakeFunc);
            _communityRepo = new CommunityRepository(_communityDao, _modelFactory);
            _fixture       = new Fixture();
 public ProdutCommandHandler(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork,
                             CommunityRepository domainRepository,
                             // IEventBus eventBus,
                             IMessageContext commandContext)
     _UnitOfWork       = unitOfWork;
     _DomainRepository = domainRepository;
     _CommandContext   = commandContext;
     // _EventBus = eventBus;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes this instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The instance context.</param>
        public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context)
            var contentEvents = context.Locate.ContentEvents();

            groupRepository      = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance <CommunityRepository>();
            moderationRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance <CommunityMembershipModerationRepository>();

            contentEvents.CreatingContent += SociaCommunityPage_CreationEvent;
            contentEvents.SavedContent    += SociaCommunityPage_PublishedEvent;
 public CommunityCommandHandler(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork,
                                CommunityRepository domainRepository,
                                IEventBus eventBus,
                                IMessageContext commandContext,
                                IContainer container)
     _UnitOfWork       = unitOfWork;
     _DomainRepository = domainRepository;
     _CommandContext   = commandContext;
     _EventBus         = eventBus;
     _container        = container;
Esempio n. 10
    public async Task StartBot(string token)
        Client = new DiscordSocketClient();
        Client.MessageReceived += MessageReceived;
        const string COMMUNITY_REPOSITORY_FILE = "CommunityStages.json";

        Repository = CommunityRepository.Load(COMMUNITY_REPOSITORY_FILE);
        await Client.LoginAsync(TokenType.Bot, token);

        await Client.StartAsync();

        await Task.Delay(-1);
Esempio n. 11
    public static async Task HandleAuthorCommand(SocketMessage message, CommunityRepository repository)
        string originalMessage = message.Content;

        string[] splitMessages = originalMessage.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 3);

        if (splitMessages.Length < 3)
            await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(@"You did not specify a stage name or author. Type in ""!help author"" if you need help.");


        string author    = splitMessages[1];
        string stageName = splitMessages[2];

        Stage stage = new Stage()
            Name   = stageName,
            Author = author,
            Date   = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds().ToString()

        if (!repository.StageExists(stage))
            await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(String.Format(@"Failed to update the author for the stage ""{0}"" because the stage does not exist in the community repository.", stageName));


        Stage oldStage = repository.GetStage(stage.Name);

        string messageAuthor = String.Format("{0}#{1}", message.Author.Username.ToLower(), message.Author.Discriminator.ToLower());

        if (oldStage.Author != messageAuthor)
            await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Failed to update the author of the stage because you are not the author");


        repository.UpdateStage(oldStage, stage);
        await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Updating the author for the stage in the community repository now...");

        string commitMessage = String.Format(@"Updated the author for the stage {0} from ""{1}"" to ""{2}"".", stageName, oldStage.Author, stage.Author);

        await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Successfully updated the author of the stage!");
        private void RefreshDataView()
            string link = "";

            if (!(DamnedFiles.DownloadFile(link, JSON_FILE_NAME)))
                MessageBox.Show("Failed to download the latest stages listing from the community repository. Do you have a valid internet connection?", "Failed To Update the Stage Listing", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            CommunityRepository repository = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CommunityRepository>(File.ReadAllText(JSON_FILE_NAME));

            for (int i = 0; i < repository.Stages.Count; i++)
                Stage  stage       = repository.Stages[i];
                string stageToFind = String.Format("{0}.stage", stage.Name).Replace(" ", "_");

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(stage.Description))
                    stage.Description = "No description provided.";

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(stage.Date))
                    stage.Date = "Unknown upload date.";

                if (damnedStages.StageExists(stageToFind))
                    string[] newRow   = new string[] { stage.Name, stage.Author, stage.Date, stage.Description, "Yes" };
                    int      newIndex = damnedDataView.Rows.Add(newRow);
                    damnedDataView.Rows[newIndex].ReadOnly = true;
                    damnedDataView.Rows[newIndex].DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 168, 38);

                    string[] newRow   = new string[] { stage.Name, stage.Author, stage.Date, stage.Description, "No" };
                    int      newIndex = damnedDataView.Rows.Add(newRow);
                    damnedDataView.Rows[newIndex].ReadOnly = true;
                    damnedDataView.Rows[newIndex].DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = Color.White;

Esempio n. 13
        public async Task <int> GetHistoryInfoForAllCommunities()
            SeashellContext context = new SeashellContext();

            List <Community> communities = context.Communities.ToList();

            communities = await ReadCommunityDetailInfo(communities);

            CommunityRepository repo = new CommunityRepository(context);



Esempio n. 14
    public async static Task HandleRemoveCommand(SocketMessage message, CommunityRepository repository)
        string originalMessage = message.Content;

        string[] splitMessage = originalMessage.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 2);
        string   stageName    = splitMessage[1];

        Stage stage = new Stage()
            Name   = stageName.ToLower(),
            Author = String.Format("{0}#{1}", message.Author.Username.ToLower(), message.Author.Discriminator.ToLower())

        if (!repository.StageExists(stage))
            string reply = String.Format(@"Failed to remove the stage ""{0}"" from the community repository because it does not exist", stageName);
            await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(reply);


        Stage repositoryStage = repository.GetStage(stage.Name);

        if (repositoryStage.Author.ToLower() != stage.Author.ToLower())
            string reply = String.Format(@"Failed to remove the stage ""{0}"" from the community repository because you are not the author for that stage.", stageName);
            await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(reply);


        await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Removing your stage from the community repository now...");

        string commitMessage = String.Format("Removed the stage {0} from the community repository", repositoryStage.Name);

        string response = String.Format(@"Successfully removed the stage ""{0}"" from the community repository!", stageName);
        await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(response);
Esempio n. 15
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PositionRepository repo2 = new PositionRepository();

            repo = new CommunityRepository();
            Location locTest = new Location();

            locTest.x  = 1.635;
            locTest.y  = 0;
            locTest.W1 = 27;
            locTest.W2 = 14;
            locTest.W3 = 7;
            communities = repo.GetCommunities();
            foreach (var community in communities)
                CommunityCmbx.DataSource    = new BindingSource(communities, null);
                CommunityCmbx.DisplayMember = "Name";
                CommunityCmbx.ValueMember   = "ID";
Esempio n. 16
 public CommunityGateway(ApplicationContext context)
     _communityRepository = new CommunityRepository(context);
Esempio n. 17
 public static async Task <ResultsItem> VoteBBComment(int commentId, bool isUpvote, PegaUser user)
     return(await CommunityRepository.VoteBBComment(commentId, isUpvote, user));
Esempio n. 18
 public static async Task <ResultsItem> VoteBBThread(int threadId, bool isUpvote, PegaUser user)
     return(await CommunityRepository.VoteBBThread(threadId, isUpvote, user));
Esempio n. 19
 public static async Task <ResultsItem> DeleteBBComment(int commentId, PegaUser user)
     return(await CommunityRepository.DeleteBBComment(commentId, user));
Esempio n. 20
 public static async Task <ResultsItem> CreateBBComment(BBComment comment, PegaUser user)
     return(await CommunityRepository.CreateBBComment(comment, user));
Esempio n. 21
 public static async Task <ResultsItem> DeleteBBThread(int threadId, PegaUser user)
     return(await CommunityRepository.DeleteBBThread(threadId, user));
Esempio n. 22
 public static async Task <ResultsItem> CreateBBThread(BBThread thread, PegaUser user)
     return(await CommunityRepository.CreateBBThread(thread, user));
Esempio n. 23
        public static async Task <BBThread> GetThreadWithComments(int threadId, PegaUser user)
            BBThread thread = await CommunityRepository.GetBBThreadWithComments(threadId, user);

Esempio n. 24
        public static async Task <List <BBThread> > GetMessageThreads(int take, List <Types.ConvThreadCategory> categories, PegaUser currentUser, int officialCoinId = 0)
            List <BBThread> threads = await CommunityRepository.GetBBThreads(take, categories, currentUser, officialCoinId);

Esempio n. 25
 public void initialize()
     com = new CommunityRepository();
Esempio n. 26
    public async static Task HandleUploadCommand(SocketMessage message, CommunityRepository repository)
        var attachments = message.Attachments;

        if (attachments.Count == 0)
            await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("You did not attach a zip file to your message. Please try again.");


        if (attachments.Count > 1)
            await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Please upload only one stage package at a time.");


        Attachment attachment  = attachments.ElementAt(0);
        string     oldFileName = attachment.Filename;
        bool       changesMade = false;

        if (oldFileName.Contains("-") || oldFileName.Contains("_"))
            changesMade = true;

        string fileName = oldFileName.Replace("-", " ").Replace("_", " ");

        Stage stage = new Stage()
            Name   = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName),
            Author = String.Format("{0}#{1}", message.Author.Username.ToLower(), message.Author.Discriminator.ToLower()),
            Date   = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds().ToString()

        if (repository.StageExists(stage))
            string response = String.Format("This stage already exists in the community repository. If you are the author of the existing stage, please use !update instead to update your stage.");
            await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(response);


        string URL = attachment.Url;

        using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
            client.DownloadFile(new Uri(URL), fileName);

        DamnedPackage package = new DamnedPackage();

        await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Checking your stage archive now...");

        if (!package.Check(fileName))
            string reason = package.reasonForFailedCheck;
            await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(reason);

            Directory.Delete(package.tempDirectory, true);

        await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Stage check successful! I am adding your stage into the community repository now...");

        string commitMessage = String.Format("Added in new stage {0} to the community repository", stage.Name);

        Directory.Delete(package.tempDirectory, true);

        if (changesMade)
            string response = String.Format("Success! Your stage has been added into the community repository!\n\nBy the way, I have renamed your zip file from \"{0}\" to \"{1}.zip\" because it looks nicer and is slightly easier to search for", fileName, stage.Name);
            await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(response);


        await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Success! Your stage has been added into the community repository!");
Esempio n. 27
 public void TestInit()
     IApplicationUnitOfWork unitOfWork = new DapperUnitOfWork();
     ICommunityRepository communityReposity = new CommunityRepository(unitOfWork);
     _areaContract = new AreaService(unitOfWork, communityReposity);
Esempio n. 28
    public async static Task HandleUpdateCommand(SocketMessage message, CommunityRepository repository)
        var attachments = message.Attachments;

        if (attachments.Count == 0)
            await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("You did not upload a file for me to update in the community repository");


        if (attachments.Count > 1)
            await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Please only send one file at a time.");


        var    attachment = message.Attachments.ElementAt(0);
        string stageName  = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(attachment.Filename).Replace("_", " ").Replace("-", " ");

        Stage stage = new Stage()
            Name   = stageName,
            Author = String.Format("{0}#{1}", message.Author.Username.ToLower(), message.Author.Discriminator.ToLower()),
            Date   = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds().ToString()

        if (!repository.StageExists(stage))
            await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Failed to update the stage because the stage does not exist in the community repository.");


        Stage repositoryStage = repository.GetStage(stage.Name);

        if (stage.Author != repositoryStage.Author)
            await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Failed to update the stage because you are not the author of the stage.");


        string URL          = attachment.Url;
        string fileName     = attachment.Filename.Replace("_", " ").Replace("-", " ");
        int    randomNumber = new Random().Next();
        string damnedStageCheckerDirectoryName = String.Format("DamnedStageChecker_{0}", randomNumber);
        string tempArchive       = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), damnedStageCheckerDirectoryName, fileName);
        string parentTempArchive = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), damnedStageCheckerDirectoryName);

        if (Directory.Exists(parentTempArchive))
            Directory.Delete(parentTempArchive, true);


        using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
            client.DownloadFile(new Uri(URL), tempArchive);

        DamnedPackage package = new DamnedPackage();

        await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Checking your updated stage archive now...");

        if (!package.Check(tempArchive))
            Directory.Delete(parentTempArchive, true);
            Directory.Delete(package.tempDirectory, true);
            await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(package.reasonForFailedCheck);


        await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Stage check successful! I am updating your stage in the community repository now...");

        string oldFilePath = repository.GetPathToStageInCommunityRepository(repositoryStage);

        File.Copy(tempArchive, fileName);
        Directory.Delete(parentTempArchive, true);
        Directory.Delete(package.tempDirectory, true);
        repository.UpdateStage(repositoryStage, stage);

        string commitMessage = String.Format("Updated the stage {0} in the community repository", stage.Name);

        await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Succcessfully updated your stage that is in the community repository!");
    // Called once when the bot is started.
    public static CommunityRepository Load(string jsonFile)
        CommunityRepository repository = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CommunityRepository>(File.ReadAllText(jsonFile));

Esempio n. 30
 private CommunityService()
     communityRepo       = new CommunityRepository();
     communitySocialRepo = new CommunitySocialRepository();