Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Copies the contents of the "packed" folder into the game mod directory
        /// </summary>
        public void InstallMod()
            var activeMod = _projectManager.ActiveProject;
            var logPath   = Path.Combine(activeMod.ProjectDirectory, "install_log.xml");

                //Check if we have installed this mod before. If so do a little cleanup.
                if (File.Exists(logPath))
                    var log  = XDocument.Load(logPath);
                    var dirs = log.Root.Element("Files")?.Descendants("Directory").ToList();
                    if (dirs != null)
                        //Loop throught dirs and delete the old files in them.
                        foreach (var d in dirs)
                            foreach (var f in d.Elements("file"))
                                if (File.Exists(f.Value))
                                    Debug.WriteLine("File delete: " + f.Value);
                        //Delete the empty directories.
                        foreach (var d in dirs)
                            if (d.Attribute("Path") != null &&
                                Directory.Exists(d.Attribute("Path").Value) &&
                                !Directory.GetFiles(d.Attribute("Path").Value, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Any())
                                Directory.Delete(d.Attribute("Path").Value, true);
                                Debug.WriteLine("Directory delete: " + d.Attribute("Path").Value);
                    //Delete the old install log. We will make a new one so this is not needed anymore.

                var installlog = new XDocument(
                    new XElement("InstalLog",
                                 new XAttribute("Project", activeMod.Name),
                                 new XAttribute("Build_date", DateTime.Now.ToString())
                var fileroot = new XElement("Files");

                //Copy and log the files.
                var packedmoddir = activeMod.PackedRootDirectory;
                if (!Directory.Exists(packedmoddir))
                    _loggerService.Error("Failed to install the mod! The packed directory doesn't exist!");

                fileroot.Add(Commonfunctions.DirectoryCopy(packedmoddir, _settingsManager.GetRED4GameRootDir(), true));

                //var packeddlcdir = Path.Combine(ActiveMod.ProjectDirectory, "packed", "DLC");
                //if (Directory.Exists(packeddlcdir))
                //    fileroot.Add(Commonfunctions.DirectoryCopy(packeddlcdir, MainController.Get().Configuration.CP77GameDlcDir, true));


                _loggerService.Success($"{activeMod.Name} installed!");
                _notificationService.Success($"{activeMod.Name} installed!");
            catch (Exception ex)
                //If we screwed up something. Log it.
Esempio n. 2
        private static void InstallMod()
            var ActiveMod = MainController.Get().ActiveMod;
            var _logger   = ServiceLocator.Default.ResolveType <ILoggerService>();

                //Check if we have installed this mod before. If so do a little cleanup.
                if (File.Exists(ActiveMod.ProjectDirectory + "\\install_log.xml"))
                    XDocument log  = XDocument.Load(ActiveMod.ProjectDirectory + "\\install_log.xml");
                    var       dirs = log.Root.Element("Files")?.Descendants("Directory");
                    if (dirs != null)
                        //Loop throught dirs and delete the old files in them.
                        foreach (var d in dirs)
                            foreach (var f in d.Elements("file"))
                                if (File.Exists(f.Value))
                                    Debug.WriteLine("File delete: " + f.Value);
                        //Delete the empty directories.
                        foreach (var d in dirs)
                            if (d.Attribute("Path") != null)
                                if (Directory.Exists(d.Attribute("Path").Value))
                                    if (!(Directory.GetFiles(d.Attribute("Path").Value, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Any()))
                                        Directory.Delete(d.Attribute("Path").Value, true);
                                        Debug.WriteLine("Directory delete: " + d.Attribute("Path").Value);
                    //Delete the old install log. We will make a new one so this is not needed anymore.
                    File.Delete(ActiveMod.ProjectDirectory + "\\install_log.xml");
                var installlog = new XDocument(new XElement("InstalLog", new XAttribute("Project", ActiveMod.Name), new XAttribute("Build_date", DateTime.Now.ToString())));
                var fileroot   = new XElement("Files");
                //Copy and log the files.
                if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(ActiveMod.ProjectDirectory, "packed")))
                    _logger.LogString("Failed to install the mod! The packed directory doesn't exist! You forgot to tick any of the packing options?", Logtype.Important);

                var packedmoddir = Path.Combine(ActiveMod.ProjectDirectory, "packed", "Mods");
                if (Directory.Exists(packedmoddir))
                    fileroot.Add(Commonfunctions.DirectoryCopy(packedmoddir, MainController.Get().Configuration.GameModDir, true));

                var packeddlcdir = Path.Combine(ActiveMod.ProjectDirectory, "packed", "DLC");
                if (Directory.Exists(packeddlcdir))
                    fileroot.Add(Commonfunctions.DirectoryCopy(packeddlcdir, MainController.Get().Configuration.GameDlcDir, true));

                //Save the log.
                installlog.Save(ActiveMod.ProjectDirectory + "\\install_log.xml");
                _logger.LogString(ActiveMod.Name + " installed!" + "\n", Logtype.Success);
            catch (Exception ex)
                //If we screwed up something. Log it.
                _logger.LogString(ex.ToString() + "\n", Logtype.Error);