bool OnInput(InputOnce input) { if (input.type == InputType.Tap) { //CommonLogger.Log ("Tap"); foreach (TapTaper t in m_RegTaps) { t.TapInput(input); } } if (input.type == InputType.Slice) { if ((input.second_point - input.tap_point).magnitude >= 20) { CommonLogger.Log("Slice"); if (input.slice_cb != null) { input.slice_cb(); } return(true); } } return(false); }
public void UseSkill() { OnActionStarted(); CommonLogger.Log("Programmer::UseSkill => 프로그래머의 스킬 사용이 시작됨."); StartCoroutine(StartUseSkill()); }
public void SetUnits(IEnumerable <Programmer> programmers, AbstractProject boss, Field stageField) { CommonLogger.Log("UnitManager::SetUnits => 초기화 시작."); if (programmers == null || boss == null || stageField == null) { DebugLogger.LogError("UnitManager::SetUnits => 주어진 프로그래머, 보스 또는 필드 중 Null이 존재함."); throw new ArgumentNullException(); } CurrentAppliedFormation = null; OnTurnChanged += RemoveDeadPlayerIfTurnChangedToPlayer; OnTurnChanged += RequestBossActionIfTurnChangedToBoss; OnTurnChanged += PermitProgrammersActionIfTurnChangedToPlayer; OnTurnChanged += ApplyBurfsIfTurnChangedToPlayer; OnTurnChanged += DecreaseActiveSkillCooldownIfTurnChangedToPlayer; programmerActingDictionary = programmers.ToDictionary(keySelector: programmer => programmer, elementSelector: programmer => false); this.boss = boss; this.stageField = stageField; SubscribeToBoss(); SubscribeToProgrammers(); Turn = TurnState.Player; SetVacationLimitToProgrammers(); CommonLogger.Log("UnitManager::SetUnits => 초기화 완료."); }
private void PermitProgrammersActionIfTurnChangedToPlayer(TurnState turn) { if (turn == TurnState.Player) { foreach (var programmer in programmerActingDictionary.Keys.ToArray()) { programmerActingDictionary[programmer] = false; } //Burf Turn Decrease and Remove expired Burf foreach (var iter in Programmers) { for (int i = 0, delete = 0; i < iter.Status.Deburf.Count; i++) { iter.Status.Deburf[i - delete].DecreaseTurn(); if (iter.Status.Deburf[i - delete].Turn < 1) { iter.Status.Deburf.RemoveAt(i - delete); delete++; } } } CommonLogger.Log("UnitManager::PermitProgrammersActionIfTurnChangedToPlayer => 모든 프로그래머의 행동 여부가 초기화됨."); } }
private void DecayProgrammerBurfs() { CommonLogger.Log("UnitManager::DecayBurfsIfTurnChangedToBoss => 프로그래머의 버프 유지 시간을 감소시킴."); foreach (var programmer in Programmers) { programmer.DecayBurfs(); } }
public void DisposeRegisteredEvents() { OnStatusChanged = delegate { }; OnElapsedDayChanged = delegate { }; OnStageDirectionChanged = delegate { }; CommonLogger.Log("StageStatusManager::DisposeRegisteredEvents => 이벤트 Disposing 완료."); }
private void Awake() { CommonLogger.SetMask(LoggerLevel.Error, LoggerLevel.Warning, LoggerLevel.Debug); var path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/ " + System.DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(); CommonLogger.Log(LoggerLevel.Debug, "path is " + path); CommonLogger.SetWritePath(path); CommonLogger.Log(LoggerLevel.Warning, "Awake",; }
private void Rotate(Vector3 direction) { CommonLogger.LogFormat("Programmer::Rotate => 프로그래머가 회전 명령을 받음. RotateDirection = {0}", direction); var normalizedDirection = direction.normalized; var newRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(normalizedDirection); transform.rotation = newRotation; CommonLogger.Log("Programmer::Rotate => 프로그래머가 회전이 완료됨."); }
private void ChangeTurnToBossIfAllProgrammersPerformAction() { if (programmerActingDictionary.Values.All(actingState => actingState) && currentTurn != TurnState.GameEnd) { CommonLogger.Log("UnitManager::ChangeTurnToBossIfAllProgrammersPerformAction => 모든 프로그래머가 행동을 수행해 턴이 보스로 넘어감."); Turn = TurnState.Boss; } else if (currentTurn == TurnState.GameEnd) { CommonLogger.Log("UnitManager::ChangeTurnToBossIfAllProgrammersPerformAction => 모든 프로그래머가 행동을 수행했고, 보스가 사망함."); } }
private IEnumerator StartMove(Vector3 deltaPosition) { var rotationBeforeMoving = transform.rotation; OnMovingStarted(deltaPosition); yield return(Translate(deltaPosition)); transform.rotation = rotationBeforeMoving; CommonLogger.Log("Programmer::Move => 프로그래머의 이동이 종료됨."); OnMovingEnded(transform.position); OnActionFinished(); }
public void SetStage() { CommonLogger.Log("StageManager::SetStage => 초기화 시작"); CurrentStage = LobbyManager.Instance.SelectedStage.Clone(); StageField = fieldSpawner.SpawnField(); Status.InitializeStageStatus(maximumDayLimit: CurrentStage.ElapsedDayLimit, unitManager: Unit); InitializeProgrammers(); InitializeBoss(); Unit.SetUnits(Programmers, Boss, StageField); Status.RegisterEventAfterInit(unitManager: Unit); Status.OnStageDirectionChanged += AdjustStageDirectionView; }
public void Burf(List <BurfStructure> burf) { foreach (var iter in burf) { switch (iter.Type) { case BurfType.Cure: int healedHP = (int)(Status.FullHealth * iter.Factor); Status.Health = Mathf.Clamp(Status.Health + healedHP, 0, Status.FullHealth); CommonLogger.Log("Boss Cured " + healedHP + "\n"); break; default: Status.Burf.Add(iter); break; } } }
private IEnumerator StartUseSkill() { OnSkillStarted(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f)); var particle = Instantiate(testEffect, skillSpellPositionObject.transform); particle.transform.position = skillSpellPositionObject.transform.position; particle.gameObject.SetActive(true); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.5f)); Destroy(particle.gameObject); CommonLogger.Log("Programmer::UseSkill => 프로그래머의 스킬 사용이 끝남."); OnSkillEnded(); OnActionFinished(); }
private void ChangeTurnToBossIfAllProgrammersPerformAction() { if (programmerActingDictionary.Values.All(actingState => actingState) && currentTurn != TurnState.GameEnd) { CommonLogger.Log("UnitManager::ChangeTurnToBossIfAllProgrammersPerformAction => 모든 프로그래머가 행동을 수행해 턴이 보스로 넘어감."); StageManager.Instance.StageField.BlockCellClicking(); StageManager.Instance.StageUi.SetBlockUiState(true); foreach (var prog in Programmers) { prog.gameObject.layer = 2; } StartCoroutine(Delay(0.25f, () => Turn = TurnState.Boss)); } else if (currentTurn == TurnState.GameEnd) { CommonLogger.Log("UnitManager::ChangeTurnToBossIfAllProgrammersPerformAction => 모든 프로그래머가 행동을 수행했고, 보스가 사망함."); } }
public void InitializeStageStatus(int maximumDayLimit, UnitManager unitManager) { CommonLogger.Log("StageStatusManager::InitializeStageStatus => 초기화 시작"); OnElapsedDayChanged += SetToGameOverIfDayExceeded; unitManager.OnTurnChanged += SetToGameOverIfDayIsEqualToLimitAndTurnChangedToBoss; unitManager.OnTurnChanged += IncreaseDayIfTurnChangedToPlayer; OnStatusChanged += SetTurnStageToEnd; OnStatusChanged += ForceReturningFromVacationWhenStageFinished; OnStatusChanged += ForceUnapplyAllBurfsWhenStageFinished; this.MaximumDayLimit = maximumDayLimit; this.unitManager = unitManager; StageDirection = Direction.Right; CurrentStatus = StageStatus.InProgress; ElapsedDays = 0; CommonLogger.Log("StageStatusManager::InitializeStageStatus => 초기화 완료"); }
public void DisposeRegisteredEvents() { OnTurnChanged = delegate { }; CommonLogger.Log("UnitManager::DisposeRegisteredEvents => 이벤트 Disposing 완료."); }
public VMDtoJSON_Converter(string[] args) { VMD_Format_Struct.FORMAT_Expansion.CoordinateSystemList coordinate_system = VMD_Format_Struct.FORMAT_Expansion.CoordinateSystemList.LeftHand; bool flag_LeftHand_agrs = false; bool flag_RightHand_agrs = false; bool flag_MMDHand_agrs = false; bool flag_help = false; bool flag_version = false; string input_filename = string.Empty; string output_filename = string.Empty; //////////////////////// VMDtoJSON vmdtojson = new VMDtoJSON(); vmdtojson.SetOutputJsonType(false); //vmdtojson.Setting(...)); 関数は用意してますが、この関数では使わない //////////////////////// /// 設定 //////////////////////// for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if ("-F".Equals(args[i])) { // 変換対象のVMDファイル if (i + 1 < args.Length) { input_filename = args[i + 1]; i = i + 1; } } else if ("-O".Equals(args[i])) { // 出力ファイルパス if (i + 1 < args.Length) { output_filename = args[i + 1]; i = i + 1; } } else if ("-S".Equals(args[i])) { // スタートフレーム番号 if (i + 1 < args.Length) { int startFrameNo = 0; int.TryParse(args[i + 1], out startFrameNo); vmdtojson.SetStartFrame(startFrameNo); i = i + 1; } } else if ("-T".Equals(args[i])) { // ターゲットID if (i + 1 < args.Length) { int startFrameNo = 0; int.TryParse(args[i + 1], out startFrameNo); vmdtojson.SetTargetID(startFrameNo); i = i + 1; } } else if ("-M".Equals(args[i])) { // minimum json vmdtojson.SetOutputJsonType(true); } else if ("--lefthand".Equals(args[i].ToLower())) { // 座標を左手系に変更する。(デフォルト) flag_LeftHand_agrs = true; } else if ("--righthand".Equals(args[i].ToLower())) { // 座標を右手系に変更する。 [--LeftHand] が指定されていると無効になります。 flag_RightHand_agrs = true; } else if ("--mmdhand".Equals(args[i].ToLower())) { // 座標を右手系に変更する。 [--LeftHand] が指定されていると無効になります。 flag_MMDHand_agrs = true; } else if (("-v".Equals(args[i].ToLower()) || ("--version".Equals(args[i].ToLower())))) { // バージョン flag_version = true; } else if (("-q".Equals(args[i]))) { // ログを出力させない CommonLogger.OutputBorderLevel = CommonLogger.LEVEL.REPORT; } else if (("-h".Equals(args[i].ToLower()) || ("--help".Equals(args[i].ToLower())))) { // ヘルプ flag_version = true; flag_help = true; break; } } //////////////////////// /// 入力設定の変更 //////////////////////// if (true == flag_LeftHand_agrs) { coordinate_system = VMD_Format_Struct.FORMAT_Expansion.CoordinateSystemList.LeftHand; } else if (true == flag_RightHand_agrs) { coordinate_system = VMD_Format_Struct.FORMAT_Expansion.CoordinateSystemList.RightHand; } else if (true == flag_MMDHand_agrs) { coordinate_system = VMD_Format_Struct.FORMAT_Expansion.CoordinateSystemList.MMDHand; } else { coordinate_system = VMD_Format_Struct.FORMAT_Expansion.CoordinateSystemList.LeftHand; } vmdtojson.SetCoordinateSystem(coordinate_system); //////////////////////// /// 変換 //////////////////////// if (false == flag_help) { if (true == flag_version) { CommonLogger.Log(CommonLogger.LEVEL.INFO, "=================="); CommonLogger.Log(CommonLogger.LEVEL.INFO, CommonFunction.ProductName() + " Ver." + CommonFunction.ProductVersion()); } if (0 != input_filename.Length) { vmdtojson.Convert(input_filename); if (0 != output_filename.Length) { vmdtojson.OutputFile(output_filename); } else { CommonLogger.Log(CommonLogger.LEVEL.INFO, "=================="); CommonLogger.Log(Common.CommonLogger.LEVEL.REPORT, vmdtojson.GetJsonTest()); } } else { if (true != flag_version) { CommonLogger.Log(CommonLogger.LEVEL.ERROR, "NOT found VMD FILE."); } } } else { CommonLogger.Log(CommonLogger.LEVEL.REPORT, "==================" + System.Environment.NewLine + CommonFunction.ProductName() + " Ver." + CommonFunction.ProductVersion() + System.Environment.NewLine + "=================="); // usage CommonLogger.Log(Common.CommonLogger.LEVEL.REPORT, " usage: VMDtoJSON" + " [-v | --version] [-h | --help]" + " [-F <Input VMD file path>]" + " [-O <Output JSON file path>]" + " [-S <FrameNo>]" + " [-T <TargetID>]" + " [-M]" + " [-q]" + System.Environment.NewLine ); // Get application information CommonLogger.Log(Common.CommonLogger.LEVEL.REPORT, " Options and arguments" + System.Environment.NewLine + " Get application information" + System.Environment.NewLine + " -v : " + "print this software version number (also --version)" + System.Environment.NewLine + " -h : " + "print this help message and exit (also --help)" + System.Environment.NewLine ); // Manipulating output data CommonLogger.Log(Common.CommonLogger.LEVEL.REPORT, " Manipulating output data" + System.Environment.NewLine + " -F input_file : " + "convert this file. <input_file>" + System.Environment.NewLine + " -O output_file : " + "output JSON file to this path. <output_file>" + System.Environment.NewLine + " -S frame_no : " + "start the frame number<frame_no> from the specified number." + System.Environment.NewLine + " -T targetID : " + "set the <targetID> in the extension header." + System.Environment.NewLine + " -M : " + "make a JSON file with no line breaks or spaces." + System.Environment.NewLine + " -q : " + "don't print version and copyright messages on interactive startup." + System.Environment.NewLine ); // Manipulating output data CommonLogger.Log(Common.CommonLogger.LEVEL.REPORT, " CoordinateSystem(" + System.Environment.NewLine + " --LeftHand : " + "Output Left hand Coordinate System. Priorty Hight (defalut) " + System.Environment.NewLine + " --RightHand : " + "Output Left hand Coordinate System. Priorty Middle" + System.Environment.NewLine + " --MMDtHand : " + "Output Left hand Coordinate System. Priorty Low" + System.Environment.NewLine ); } }
public void OnStartButtonClicked() { CommonLogger.Log("Goes To Game"); UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.LoadScene("InGame"); }
public static void Log(object message) { #if UNITY_EDITOR CommonLogger.Log(message); #endif }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { CommonLogger.Log("StartMain"); ConfigMng.Instance.Init(); }
private void RequestBossActionIfTurnChangedToBoss(TurnState turn) { if (Turn == TurnState.Boss) { if (Programmers.Where(programmer => programmer.Status.IsOnVacation).Count() == Programmers.Count()) { CommonLogger.Log("UnitManager::RequestBossActionIfTurnChangedToBoss => 보스에게 행동을 요청하려 했으나, 모든 프로그래머가 휴가 중이므로 취소됨."); StageManager.Instance.StageUi.RenderPlayerText("프로젝트가 아무런 행동도 수행하지 않았습니다."); boss.InvokeFinished(); return; } CommonLogger.Log("UnitManager::RequestBossActionIfTurnChangedToBoss => 보스에게 행동을 요청함."); //Decrease Boss Skill Cool foreach (ProjectSkill iter in Boss.Ability.ProjectSkills) { iter.DecreaseCooldown(); } //Decrease Boss Burf Cool and Remove if it's Cool down for (int i = 0, delete = 0; i < Boss.Status.Burf.Count; i++) { Boss.Status.Burf[i - delete].DecreaseTurn(); if (Boss.Status.Burf[i - delete].Turn < 1) { Boss.Status.Burf.RemoveAt(i - delete); delete++; } } if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 12) > 9) { //MOVE StageManager.Instance.MoveBoss(); StageManager.Instance.StageUi.RenderPlayerText("프로젝트의 방향이 전환되었습니다!"); } else { //DO Attack or Skill var usedSkill = boss.Invoke(); if (usedSkill is ISoundProducible) { var clip = (usedSkill as ISoundProducible).EffectSound; SoundManager.Instance.FetchAvailableSource().PlayOneShot(clip); } StageManager.Instance.StageUi.RenderBossSkillNotice(usedSkill); CommonLogger.LogFormat("UnitManager::RequestBossActionIfTurnChangedToBoss => 보스가 {0} 스킬을 사용함.", usedSkill.Information.Name); switch (usedSkill.Information.Type) { case ProjectSkillType.SingleAttack: InvokeSkill((ProjectSingleAttackSkill)usedSkill); break; case ProjectSkillType.MultiAttack: InvokeSkill((ProjectMultiAttackSkill)usedSkill); break; case ProjectSkillType.SingleDeburf: InvokeSkill((ProjectSingleDeburfSkill)usedSkill); break; case ProjectSkillType.MultiDeburf: InvokeSkill((ProjectMultiDeburfSkill)usedSkill); break; case ProjectSkillType.Burf: InvokeSkill((ProjectBurfSkill)usedSkill); break; } } if (Turn != TurnState.GameEnd) { boss.InvokeFinished(); } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { DoTest(); CommonLogger.Log(LoggerLevel.Warning, "ab",; CommonLogger.Log(LoggerLevel.Debug, "abc", new LogColor(1, 1f, 0.0f)); }
void OnUnitDead() { CommonLogger.Log( + " Dead"); m_AniCtrl.SetTrigger("Dead"); GameHelper.Game.ReleaseStandPos(this.m_StandPos); }