     * w$ = (Base$ * (Base$ * (% Demand/100)))
     * $PI = ((w$ * (Qty - (Tx Qty/Qty))) + w$)

    public int CurrentPrice(int SectorID, int StationID, int CommodityID)
        int ppi = 0;

        //Provides class modifiers
        SectorDataObject sdo = (from sl in DataController.DataAccess.SectorList where sl.sectorID.Equals(SectorID) select sl).FirstOrDefault();
        //Provides qty and price property
        CommodityShopInventoryDataObject csi = (from cs in DataController.DataAccess.CommodityShopInventoryList where cs.stationID.Equals(StationID) && cs.commodityID.Equals(CommodityID) select cs).FirstOrDefault();
        //Provides class of item
        CommodityDataObject cdo = (from c in DataController.DataAccess.commodityMasterList where c.commodityID.Equals(CommodityID) select c).FirstOrDefault();

        int demandPercent = 0;

        switch (cdo.commodityClass)
        case CommodityDataObject.COMMODITYCLASS.Common:
            demandPercent = sdo.common;

        case CommodityDataObject.COMMODITYCLASS.Luxury:
            demandPercent = sdo.luxury;

        case CommodityDataObject.COMMODITYCLASS.Food:
            demandPercent = sdo.food;

        case CommodityDataObject.COMMODITYCLASS.Minerals:
            demandPercent = sdo.minerals;

        case CommodityDataObject.COMMODITYCLASS.Medical:
            demandPercent = sdo.medical;

        case CommodityDataObject.COMMODITYCLASS.Military:
            demandPercent = sdo.military;

        case CommodityDataObject.COMMODITYCLASS.Industrial:
            demandPercent = sdo.industrial;


        int workingPrice = (cdo.commodityBasePrice * (cdo.commodityBasePrice * (demandPercent / 100)));

        ppi = ((workingPrice * (csi.commodityQuantity - (csi.commodityLastQuantity / csi.commodityQuantity))) + workingPrice);

    /// <summary>
    /// Will be loaded during initial game setup; Here only for testing purposes
    /// </summary>
    internal void LoadCommodityShopInventories()
        //Only happens on a NEW GAME
        //loop through all stores
        foreach (CommodityShopDataObject csd in DataController.DataAccess.commodityShopMasterList)

            List<CommodityShopInventoryDataObject> tempShopInventory = new List<CommodityShopInventoryDataObject>();

            //create an inventory item for each master item record we have
            //  and assign it a quantity
            foreach (CommodityDataObject cd in DataController.DataAccess.commodityMasterList)
                int even = (int)perItemMax / DataController.DataAccess.commodityMasterList.Count;
                int share = even - (DataController.DataAccess.GetRandomInt(0, 100) / 10);
                string shopBuysOrSells = DataController.DataAccess.GetRandomInt(0, 50) > 25 ? "B" : "S";

                CommodityShopInventoryDataObject cid = new CommodityShopInventoryDataObject(csd.stationID, cd.commodityID, share, 0, shopBuysOrSells);


            //move some of the inventory quantity around so it's not so uniform.
            //TODO: Check perItemMin and keep it under perItemMax
            foreach (CommodityShopInventoryDataObject cid in tempShopInventory)
                int rndAmt = DataController.DataAccess.GetRandomInt(1, cid.commodityQuantity);
                int rndItem = DataController.DataAccess.GetRandomInt(0, tempShopInventory.Count - 1);

                tempShopInventory.ElementAt(rndItem).commodityQuantity += rndAmt;
                cid.commodityQuantity -= rndAmt;

            //The DataController property is a pass-through to the SaveGame object
/// <summary>
    /// Will be loaded during initial game setup; Here only for testing purposes
    /// </summary>
    internal void LoadCommodityShopInventories()
        //Only happens on a NEW GAME
        //loop through all stores
        foreach (CommodityShopDataObject csd in DataController.DataAccess.commodityShopMasterList)
            List <CommodityShopInventoryDataObject> tempShopInventory = new List <CommodityShopInventoryDataObject>();

            //create an inventory item for each master item record we have
            //  and assign it a quantity
            foreach (CommodityDataObject cd in DataController.DataAccess.commodityMasterList)
                int    even            = (int)perItemMax / DataController.DataAccess.commodityMasterList.Count;
                int    share           = even - (DataController.DataAccess.GetRandomInt(0, 100) / 10);
                string shopBuysOrSells = DataController.DataAccess.GetRandomInt(0, 50) > 25 ? "B" : "S";

                CommodityShopInventoryDataObject cid = new CommodityShopInventoryDataObject(csd.stationID, cd.commodityID, share, 0, shopBuysOrSells);


            //move some of the inventory quantity around so it's not so uniform.
            //TODO: Check perItemMin and keep it under perItemMax
            foreach (CommodityShopInventoryDataObject cid in tempShopInventory)
                int rndAmt  = DataController.DataAccess.GetRandomInt(1, cid.commodityQuantity);
                int rndItem = DataController.DataAccess.GetRandomInt(0, tempShopInventory.Count - 1);

                tempShopInventory.ElementAt(rndItem).commodityQuantity += rndAmt;
                cid.commodityQuantity -= rndAmt;

            //The DataController property is a pass-through to the SaveGame object
Esempio n. 4
    * Merchant NPCs should be loaded into GDC from MDS and augmented from the state file if a
    * save game has been loaded.
    * ---
    * The simulation runs on a timer, and that timer actually acts based on an interval value
    * that has a base setting defined above, and a random value for each NPC that is assigned
    * when the NPC is added to the data pool. This allows us to stagger the activity of NPCs so
    * they don't all act at the exact same time.
    * When a tick happens, NPCs will:
    * * Check to see if the next action will take place in the player's current sector or not.
    *      This will determine if we only simulate or have to instantiate
    * * Simulation:
    *      If at a station, they will find a station that buys their goods for less than they
    *      paid for them, calc the route, and jump to the first sector.
    *      If in a sector on their route, they'll jump to the next sector in the route
    *      If the next sector in the route is the destination sector, they'll dock immediately
    *          at the station, sell their goods, and buy the lowest cost good that they can
    *          afford/fit into their cargo hold
    *  * Instantiation
    *  If at any time any of the sim steps coincide with the player's current sector
    *      If at a station, we instantiate the prefab at the spawn point outside of that station
    *          and assign any data we need from the data object to the component (at least the
    *          ID of the data object and the name of the pilot). We also generate the route as
    *          per the sim verion and the NPC will start their trip to the necessary gate.
    *      If in a sector, we instantiate the prefab at the gate that leads to the previous
    *          sector. The NPC will move to the gate that leads to the next sector, and the
    *          gate mechanics will take over at that point.
    *      If in the destination sector, the NPC will spawn at the inbound gate and will move
    *          to the destination station where the docking process will take over.
    * ---
    * The tick might happen before or after the player arrives in the system. In this case, the tick
    *      will be SIMULATED and will not invoke the instantiation, so the NPC will "ghost in" while
    *      the player isn't looking.
    * Certain instantiated activities will force a tick and reset the tick timer for that NPC:
    *  * Jumping out of a system - gate mechanics transfer the NPC and resets the timer
    *  * Docking at a station - triggers the buying and selling, and resets the timer

    public void LoadNewMerchants()
        //Takes the records from the DataController and puts them into the
        //  working collection for use in the game.
        List <MerchantNPCDataObject> Merchs = DataController.DataAccess.merchantMasterList;

        //But we need to set them up with initial locations and purposes.

        foreach (MerchantNPCDataObject merch in Merchs)
            //Each merchant will start at a station (currently 37)
            StationDataObject sdo = (from s in DataController.DataAccess.stationMasterList orderby System.Guid.NewGuid() select s).First();

            merch.CurrentSectorID  = sdo.sectorID;
            merch.CurrentStationID = sdo.stationID;

            //Now it needs to BUY stuff from that station
            //  Go for the LOWEST PRICED ITEM
            List <CommodityShopInventoryDataObject> shopInv  = DataController.DataAccess.GetShopInventory(sdo.stationID);
            CommodityShopInventoryDataObject        csidoBuy = (from si in shopInv where si.currentPrice.Equals(shopInv.Min(s => s.currentPrice)) && si.shopBuysOrSells.Equals("S") select si).First();

            int shopQty = csidoBuy.commodityQuantity;

            //How much can we hold?
            int cargoCap = (from cgo in DataController.DataAccess.cargoHoldMasterList where cgo.iD.Equals(merch.CargoID) select cgo).FirstOrDefault().capacity;
            //Do we have anything in there already?
            int cargoNow = merch.Inventory.inventoryQuantity;

            if (cargoNow == 0)
                //They can only carry one item, and since this is the only way for them to get
                //  items into their cargo hold, we assume they have something or they don't
                if (cargoNow < cargoCap)
                    int canBuy = cargoCap - cargoNow;
                    if (shopQty > canBuy && (csidoBuy.currentPrice * canBuy) < merch.Wallet)
                        //Buy the canBuy amount.
                        merch.Inventory.inventoryQuantity    = canBuy;
                        merch.Inventory.inventoryObjectType  = PlayerInventoryDataObject.INVENTORY_TYPE.Commodity;
                        merch.Inventory.inventoryObjectID    = csidoBuy.commodityID;
                        merch.Inventory.inventoryObjectClass = PlayerInventoryDataObject.INVENTORY_CLASS.Commodity;
                        merch.InventoryPurchaseTotal         = (canBuy * csidoBuy.currentPrice);

                        merch.Wallet -= merch.InventoryPurchaseTotal;
                        //Need to find another low price item to buy.
                        //Need to excise the item finding part into it's own method.
                        //Also need to track the ID's of the items we've already tried.

            //So we have cargo (theoretically). Figure out where in the universe we can sell this crap
            CommodityShopInventoryDataObject csidoSell = (from si in DataController.DataAccess.CommodityShopInventoryList where
                                                          si.commodityID.Equals(csidoBuy.commodityID) &&
                                                          si.stationID != sdo.stationID &&
                                                          si.currentPrice > csidoBuy.currentPrice
                                                          select si).FirstOrDefault();

            //Ideally we have values. Set them
            merch.DestinationSectorID = 0; //Crap. Need to get this from the record we have in csidoSell  :(