public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { IEnumerator <Gizmo> enumerator = base.GetGizmos().GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { Gizmo current = enumerator.Current; yield return(current); } Command_Toggle toggleDef = new Command_Toggle(); toggleDef.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Command_TogglePower; toggleDef.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Icons/Commands/Mute", true); toggleDef.defaultLabel = "Mute".Translate(); toggleDef.defaultDesc = "MuteDesc".Translate(); toggleDef.isActive = (() => this.isMuted); toggleDef.toggleAction = delegate { ToggleAction(); }; yield return(toggleDef); }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> CompGetGizmosExtra() { if (!Prefs.DevMode) { yield break; } if (OnCooldown) { Command_Action command_Action = new Command_Action(); command_Action.defaultLabel = "Dev: Reset cooldown"; command_Action.action = delegate { lastInterceptTicks = Find.TickManager.TicksGame - Props.cooldownTicks; }; yield return(command_Action); } Command_Toggle command_Toggle = new Command_Toggle(); command_Toggle.defaultLabel = "Dev: Intercept non-hostile"; command_Toggle.isActive = () => debugInterceptNonHostileProjectiles; command_Toggle.toggleAction = delegate { debugInterceptNonHostileProjectiles = !debugInterceptNonHostileProjectiles; }; yield return(command_Toggle); }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> CompGetGizmosExtra() { Command_Toggle com = new Command_Toggle(); com.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc5; com.defaultLabel = "Reconfigure"; com.icon = TexCommand.ToggleVent; com.isActive = new Func <bool>(delegate { return(NeedToReconfigure); }); com.toggleAction = delegate { NeedToReconfigure = !NeedToReconfigure; Designation des = parent.Map.designationManager.DesignationOn(parent, DesignationDefOf_Reconfigure.Reconfigure); if (NeedToReconfigure && des == null) { parent.Map.designationManager.AddDesignation(new Designation(parent, DesignationDefOf_Reconfigure.Reconfigure)); } else if (!NeedToReconfigure && des != null) { des.Delete(); } }; if (NeedToReconfigure) { com.defaultDesc = "This building will be reconfigured by a researcher."; } else { com.defaultDesc = "This building will maintain its current function."; } yield return(com); }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { var armGizmo = new Command_Toggle { toggleAction = ArmGizmoAction, isActive = () => desiredArmState, icon = Resources.Textures.rxUIArm, defaultLabel = ArmButtonLabel, defaultDesc = ArmButtonDesc, hotKey = Resources.KeyBinging.rxArm }; yield return(armGizmo); if (channelsComp != null) { channelsComp.Configure(true, false, false, RemoteTechUtility.GetChannelsUnlockLevel()); var gz = channelsComp.GetChannelGizmo(); if (gz != null) { yield return(gz); } } if (replaceComp != null) { yield return(replaceComp.MakeGizmo()); } if (DebugSettings.godMode) { yield return(new Command_Action { action = () => { if (isArmed) { Disarm(); } else { Arm(); } }, icon = Resources.Textures.rxUIArm, defaultLabel = "DEV: Toggle armed" }); yield return(new Command_Action { action = () => { Arm(); LightFuse(); }, icon = Resources.Textures.rxUIDetonate, defaultLabel = "DEV: Detonate now" }); } foreach (var g in base.GetGizmos()) { yield return(g); } }
private static void VerbGiverExtended(ref IEnumerable <Gizmo> __result, Pawn_DraftController __instance) { List <Gizmo> gizmos = new List <Gizmo>(__result); // normal gizmos List <Gizmo> toggleGizmos = new List <Gizmo>(); List <Gizmo> rangedVerbGizmos = new List <Gizmo>(); // iterates over verbgivercomps foreach (HediffComp_VerbGiverExtended verbGiverExtended in => c is HediffComp_VerbGiverExtended)) { // create a gizmo Command_Toggle command_HediffToggle = new Command_Toggle { isActive = () => verbGiverExtended.canAutoAttack, toggleAction = () => verbGiverExtended.canAutoAttack = !verbGiverExtended.canAutoAttack, defaultLabel = verbGiverExtended.Props.toggleLabel, defaultDesc = verbGiverExtended.Props.toggleDescription.CapitalizeFirst(), icon = PCF_VanillaExtender.GetIcon(verbGiverExtended.Pawn.GetUniqueLoadID() + "_" + verbGiverExtended.parent.GetUniqueLoadID(), verbGiverExtended.Props.toggleIconPath), iconAngle = verbGiverExtended.Props.toggleIconAngle, iconOffset = verbGiverExtended.Props.toggleIconOffset }; if (__instance.pawn.Faction != Faction.OfPlayer) // disable show on enemies { command_HediffToggle.Disable("CannotOrderNonControlled".Translate()); } if (__instance.pawn.Downed) // disable on downed { command_HediffToggle.Disable("IsIncapped".Translate(__instance.pawn.LabelShort, __instance.pawn)); } toggleGizmos.Add(command_HediffToggle); // add to list of toggles // command to use verb Command_HediffVerbRanged command_HediffVerbRanged = new Command_HediffVerbRanged { rangedComp = verbGiverExtended, defaultLabel = verbGiverExtended.rangedVerbLabel, defaultDesc = verbGiverExtended.rangedVerbDescription.CapitalizeFirst(), icon = PCF_VanillaExtender.GetIcon(verbGiverExtended.Pawn.GetUniqueLoadID() + "_" + verbGiverExtended.rangedVerb.loadID, verbGiverExtended.rangedVerbIconPath), iconAngle = verbGiverExtended.rangedVerbIconAngle, iconOffset = verbGiverExtended.rangedVerbIconOffset }; if (__instance.pawn.Faction != Faction.OfPlayer) { command_HediffVerbRanged.Disable("CannotOrderNonControlled".Translate()); } else if (__instance.pawn.IsColonist) { if (__instance.pawn.story.DisabledWorkTagsBackstoryAndTraits.HasFlag(WorkTags.Violent)) { command_HediffVerbRanged.Disable("IsIncapableOfViolence".Translate(__instance.pawn.LabelShort, __instance.pawn)); } else if (!__instance.pawn.drafter.Drafted) { command_HediffVerbRanged.Disable("IsNotDrafted".Translate(__instance.pawn.LabelShort, __instance.pawn)); } } rangedVerbGizmos.Add(command_HediffVerbRanged); } __result = gizmos.Concat(toggleGizmos).Concat(rangedVerbGizmos); }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> CompGetWornGizmosExtra() { foreach (Gizmo item in base.CompGetWornGizmosExtra()) { yield return(item); } if (Pawn != null) { Command_Toggle command_Toggle = new Command_Toggle { defaultLabel = "Hamefura_ToggleableHeadgearCommand_Label".Translate(Props.attachedHeadgearDef.label), defaultDesc = "Hamefura_ToggleableHeadgearCommand_Desc".Translate(Props.attachedHeadgearDef.label), icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(Props.toggleUiIconPath), isActive = () => isHatOn, toggleAction = delegate { isHatOn = !isHatOn;; }, turnOffSound = null, turnOnSound = null }; yield return(command_Toggle); } }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> CompGetGizmosExtra() { foreach (Gizmo item in base.CompGetGizmosExtra()) { yield return(item); } if (parent.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer) { var command_Toggle = new Command_Toggle { hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Command_TogglePower, icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/ToggleDining"), defaultLabel = "CommandToggleDining".Translate(), defaultDesc = "CommandToggleDiningDesc".Translate(), isActive = () => allowDining, toggleAction = ToggleDining }; yield return(command_Toggle); } if (allowDining) { var command_SetDeco = new Command_Action { hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc2, icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get($"Things/DiningSpot/Center{DecoVariation}"), defaultLabel = "CommandSetDeco".Translate(), defaultDesc = "CommandSetDecoDesc".Translate(), action = ChangeDeco }; yield return(command_SetDeco); } }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { Command detonate; if (CanDetonateImmediately()) { detonate = new Command_Action { action = DoDetonation, defaultLabel = "Detonator_detonateNow_label".Translate(), }; } else { detonate = new Command_Toggle { toggleAction = DetonateToggleAction, isActive = () => wantDetonation, defaultLabel = "DetonatorManual_detonate_label".Translate(), }; } detonate.icon = Resources.Textures.rxUIDetonateManual; detonate.defaultDesc = "DetonatorManual_detonate_desc".Translate(); detonate.hotKey = Resources.KeyBinging.rxRemoteTableDetonate; yield return(detonate); foreach (var g in base.GetGizmos()) { yield return(g); } }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> CompGetGizmosExtra() { Command_Toggle com = new Command_Toggle { hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Command_TogglePower, defaultLabel = "CommandGatherSpotToggleLabel".Translate(), icon = TexCommand.GatherSpotActive, isActive = this.get_Active, toggleAction = delegate { ((_003CCompGetGizmosExtra_003Ec__Iterator0) /*Error near IL_0083: stateMachine*/)._0024this.Active = !((_003CCompGetGizmosExtra_003Ec__Iterator0) /*Error near IL_0083: stateMachine*/)._0024this.Active; } }; if (Active) { com.defaultDesc = "CommandGatherSpotToggleDescActive".Translate(); } else { com.defaultDesc = "CommandGatherSpotToggleDescInactive".Translate(); } yield return((Gizmo)com); /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; }
private static Gizmo CreateGizmo_SearchAndDestroy_Ranged(Pawn_DraftController __instance) { string disabledReason = ""; bool disabled = false; PawnDuty duty = __instance.pawn.mindState.duty; ExtendedPawnData pawnData = Base.Instance.GetExtendedDataStorage().GetExtendedDataFor(__instance.pawn); if (__instance.pawn.Downed) { disabled = true; disabledReason = "SD_Reason_Downed".Translate(); } Gizmo gizmo = new Command_Toggle { defaultLabel = "SD_Gizmo_Ranged_Label".Translate(), defaultDesc = "SD_Gizmo_Ranged_Description".Translate(), hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Command_ItemForbid, disabled = disabled, order = 10.6f, disabledReason = disabledReason, icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(("UI/" + "SearchAndDestroy_Gizmo_Ranged"), true), isActive = () => pawnData.SD_enabled, toggleAction = () => { pawnData.SD_enabled = !pawnData.SD_enabled;, true); } }; return(gizmo); }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> CompGetGizmosExtra() { if (EmergencyPowerResearchCompleted) { Command_Toggle command = new Command_Toggle { isActive = () => emergencyPowerEnabled, toggleAction = () => { emergencyPowerEnabled = !emergencyPowerEnabled; }, icon = Resources.emergencyPowerButtonTexture, defaultLabel = "CompRTPowerSwitch_EmergencyPowerToggle".Translate() }; if (emergencyPowerEnabled) { command.defaultDesc = "CompRTPowerSwitch_EmergencyPowerOn".Translate(); } else { command.defaultDesc = "CompRTPowerSwitch_EmergencyPowerOff".Translate(); } yield return(command); } }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { foreach (var gizmo in base.GetGizmos()) { yield return(gizmo); } var command_Toggle = new Command_Toggle { defaultLabel = "ZzZomboRW_AnimalCage_OutsidersToggleLabel".Translate(), defaultDesc = "ZzZomboRW_AnimalCage_OutsidersToggleDesc".Translate(), icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/ForPrisoners", true), isActive = () => this.forPrisoners, toggleAction = delegate() { var value = !this.forPrisoners; (value ? SoundDefOf.Checkbox_TurnedOn : SoundDefOf.Checkbox_TurnedOff).PlayOneShotOnCamera(null); this.SetForPrisoners(value); }, hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc3, turnOffSound = null, turnOnSound = null }; yield return(command_Toggle); yield break; }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> CompGetGizmosExtra() { if (Props.targetFuelLevelConfigurable) { Command_SetTargetFuelLevelMulti command_SetTargetFuelLevel = new Command_SetTargetFuelLevelMulti(); command_SetTargetFuelLevel.refuelable = this; command_SetTargetFuelLevel.defaultLabel = "3 CommandSetTargetFuelLevel".Translate(); command_SetTargetFuelLevel.defaultDesc = "3 CommandSetTargetFuelLevelDesc".Translate(); command_SetTargetFuelLevel.icon = SetTargetFuelLevelCommand; yield return(command_SetTargetFuelLevel); } if (Props.showFuelGizmo && Find.Selector.SingleSelectedThing == parent) { Gizmo_RefuelableFuelStatusMulti gizmo_RefuelableFuelStatus = new Gizmo_RefuelableFuelStatusMulti(); gizmo_RefuelableFuelStatus.refuelable = this; yield return(gizmo_RefuelableFuelStatus); } if (Props.showAllowAutoRefuelToggle) { Command_Toggle command_Toggle = new Command_Toggle(); command_Toggle.defaultLabel = "3 CommandToggleAllowAutoRefuel".Translate(); command_Toggle.defaultDesc = "3 CommandToggleAllowAutoRefuelDesc".Translate(); command_Toggle.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Command_ItemForbid; command_Toggle.icon = (allowAutoRefuel ? TexCommand.ForbidOff : TexCommand.ForbidOn); command_Toggle.isActive = (() => allowAutoRefuel); command_Toggle.toggleAction = delegate { allowAutoRefuel = !allowAutoRefuel; }; yield return(command_Toggle); } }
public override IEnumerable <Command> CompCommands() { Command_Toggle com = new Command_Toggle(); com.hotKey = KeyCode.F; com.icon = ButtonIconForbidden; com.isActive = () => !forbidden; com.toggleAction = () => { forbidden = !forbidden; KnowledgeDatabase.KnowledgeDemonstrated(ConceptDefOf.Forbidding, KnowledgeAmount.SpecificInteraction); }; if (forbidden) { com.defaultDesc = "CommandForbiddenDesc".Translate(); } else { com.defaultDesc = "CommandNotForbiddenDesc".Translate(); } com.groupKey = 125691; com.tutorHighlightTag = "ToggleForbidden"; yield return(com); }
private static Gizmo CreateGizmo_SearchAndDestroy(Pawn __instance, ExtendedPawnData pawnData) { string disabledReason = ""; bool disabled = false; if (__instance.Downed) { disabled = true; disabledReason = "WTH_Reason_MechanoidDowned".Translate(); } else if (__instance.ShouldRecharge()) { disabled = true; disabledReason = "WTH_Reason_PowerLow".Translate(); } else if (__instance.ShouldBeMaintained()) { disabled = true; disabledReason = "WTH_Reason_MaintenanceLow".Translate(); } Gizmo gizmo = new Command_Toggle { defaultLabel = "WTH_Gizmo_SearchAndDestroy_Label".Translate(), defaultDesc = "WTH_Gizmo_SearchAndDestroy_Description".Translate(), disabled = disabled, disabledReason = disabledReason, icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(("UI/" + "Enable_SD"), true), isActive = () => pawnData.isActive, toggleAction = () => { pawnData.isActive = !pawnData.isActive; if (pawnData.isActive) { if (__instance.GetLord() == null || __instance.GetLord().LordJob == null) { LordMaker.MakeNewLord(Faction.OfPlayer, new LordJob_SearchAndDestroy(), __instance.Map, new List <Pawn> { __instance }); }; if (__instance.relations == null) //Added here to fix existing saves. { __instance.relations = new Pawn_RelationsTracker(__instance); } } else {; Building_BaseMechanoidPlatform closestAvailablePlatform = Utilities.GetAvailableMechanoidPlatform(__instance, __instance); if (closestAvailablePlatform != null) { Job job = new Job(WTH_DefOf.WTH_Mechanoid_Rest, closestAvailablePlatform);; } } } }; return(gizmo); }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { foreach (Gizmo g in base.GetGizmos()) { yield return(g); } Gizmo regenerateGizmo = new Command_Toggle { defaultLabel = "WTH_Gizmo_Regenerate_Label".Translate(), defaultDesc = "WTH_Gizmo_Regenerate_Description".Translate(new object[] { MINFUELREGENERATE }), icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(("Things/Mote_HealingCrossGreen"), true), isActive = () => regenerateActive, toggleAction = () => { regenerateActive = !regenerateActive; } }; yield return(regenerateGizmo); Gizmo repairGizmo = new Command_Toggle { defaultLabel = "WTH_Gizmo_Repair_Label".Translate(), defaultDesc = "WTH_Gizmo_Repair_Description".Translate(), icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(("Things/Mote_HealingCrossBlue"), true), isActive = () => repairActive, toggleAction = () => { repairActive = !repairActive; } }; yield return(repairGizmo); }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { IEnumerator <Gizmo> enumerator = base.GetGizmos().GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { Gizmo current = enumerator.Current; yield return(current); } if (isRadio && powerTrader != null) { Command_Toggle toggleDef = new Command_Toggle(); toggleDef.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Command_TogglePower; toggleDef.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Icons/Commands/Autoplay", true); toggleDef.defaultLabel = "Autoplay"; toggleDef.defaultDesc = "Enables automatic playing of music through the radio."; toggleDef.isActive = (() => this.autoPlay); toggleDef.toggleAction = delegate { this.autoPlay = !this.autoPlay; }; toggleDef.disabled = true; if (powerTrader.PowerOn) { toggleDef.disabled = false; } yield return(toggleDef); } yield break; }
private Gizmo GetManagePowerNetworkGizmo() { Command_Toggle command = new Command_Toggle(); command.defaultLabel = "WTH_Gizmo_ManagePowerNetwork_Label".Translate(); command.defaultDesc = "WTH_Gizmo_ManagePowerNetwork_Description".Translate(); command.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/RogueAI_Manage_Network", true); command.disabled = GlobalShouldDisable(out string reason); command.disabledReason = reason; if (DataLevelComp.curLevel < MINLEVELMANAGEPOWER) { command.disabled = true; command.disabledReason += "\n- " + "WTH_Reason_LevelInsufficient".Translate(MINLEVELMANAGEPOWER); } command.isActive = delegate { return(managingPowerNetwork); }; command.toggleAction = delegate { managingPowerNetwork = !managingPowerNetwork; //GoRogue(); }; return(command); }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { foreach (Gizmo baseGizmo in base.GetGizmos()) { yield return(baseGizmo); } if (this.CanSetForcedTarget) { { Command_VerbPewPew attack = new Command_VerbPewPew(); attack.defaultLabel = "CommandSetForceAttackTarget".Translate(); attack.defaultDesc = "CommandSetForceAttackTargetDesc".Translate(); attack.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/Attack", true); attack.verb = GunCompEq.PrimaryVerb; attack.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc4; yield return(attack); } { Command_Action stop = new Command_Action(); stop.defaultLabel = "CommandStopForceAttack".Translate(); stop.defaultDesc = "CommandStopForceAttackDesc".Translate(); stop.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/Halt", true); stop.action = delegate { this.ResetForcedTarget(); SoundDefOf.TickLow.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); }; if (!this.forcedTarget.IsValid) { stop.Disable("CommandStopAttackFailNotForceAttacking".Translate()); } stop.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc5; yield return(stop); } } if (this.CanToggleHoldFire) { Command_Toggle toggleHoldFire = new Command_Toggle(); toggleHoldFire.defaultLabel = "CommandHoldFire".Translate(); toggleHoldFire.defaultDesc = "CommandHoldFireDesc".Translate(); toggleHoldFire.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/HoldFire", true); toggleHoldFire.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc6; toggleHoldFire.toggleAction = delegate { this.holdFire = !this.holdFire; if (this.holdFire) { this.currentTargetInt = LocalTargetInfo.Invalid; this.burstWarmupTicksLeft = 0; } }; toggleHoldFire.isActive = (() => this.holdFire); yield return(toggleHoldFire); } }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { foreach (var g in base.GetGizmos()) { yield return(g); } Command_Toggle com = new Command_Toggle(); if (pather.Stopped) { com.defaultLabel = "Continue"; com.defaultDesc = "Click to continue the cart moving"; } else { com.defaultLabel = "Stop"; com.defaultDesc = "Click to stop the cart"; } com.groupKey = 13008961; //com.icon= com.isActive = () => { return(pather.Stopped); }; com.toggleAction = () => { pather.ToggleStopped(); }; yield return(com); }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> CompGetGizmosExtra() { if (parent == null) { yield break; } var pawn = parent as Pawn; if (SlaveUtility.IsPawnColonySlave(pawn)) { var hediff = SlaveUtility.GetEnslavedHediff(pawn); var freeSlave = new Command_Toggle(); freeSlave.isActive = () => hediff.toBeFreed; freeSlave.defaultLabel = "LabelWordEmancipate".Translate(); freeSlave.defaultDesc = "CommandDescriptionEmancipate".Translate(pawn.Name.ToStringShort); freeSlave.toggleAction = () => hediff.toBeFreed = !hediff.toBeFreed; freeSlave.alsoClickIfOtherInGroupClicked = true; freeSlave.activateSound = SoundDefOf.Click; freeSlave.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/Emancipate", true); yield return(freeSlave); var shackleSlave = new Command_Toggle(); shackleSlave.isActive = () => hediff.shackledGoal; shackleSlave.defaultLabel = "LabelWordShackle".Translate(); shackleSlave.defaultDesc = "CommandDescriptionShackle".Translate(pawn.Name.ToStringShort); shackleSlave.toggleAction = () => hediff.shackledGoal = !hediff.shackledGoal; shackleSlave.alsoClickIfOtherInGroupClicked = true; shackleSlave.activateSound = SoundDefOf.Click; shackleSlave.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/Shackle", true); yield return(shackleSlave); } }
// ===================== Gizmos ===================== public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { int groupKeyBase = 700000114; IList <Gizmo> buttonList = new List <Gizmo>(); foreach (Gizmo gizmo in base.GetGizmos()) { buttonList.Add(gizmo); } Command_Toggle allowFishingButton = new Command_Toggle(); allowFishingButton.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(Util_FishIndustry.BluebladeTexturePath); allowFishingButton.defaultLabel = "FishIndustry.AllowFishingLabel".Translate(); allowFishingButton.defaultDesc = "FishIndustry.AllowFishingDesc".Translate(); allowFishingButton.isActive = (() => this.allowFishing); allowFishingButton.toggleAction = delegate { this.allowFishing = !this.allowFishing; }; allowFishingButton.groupKey = groupKeyBase + 1; buttonList.Add(allowFishingButton); return(buttonList); }
private static void AddIconReplacementSupport(Command_Toggle toggle, Designator standInDesignator) { if (AllowToolController.Instance.Handles.ReplaceIconsSetting.Value) { toggle.icon = standInDesignator.icon; } }
//public override IEnumerable<Gizmo> GetGizmos() static void Postfix(Building_PlantGrower __instance, ref IEnumerable <Gizmo> __result) { if (!Mod.settings.zoneHarvestableToggle) { return; } List <Gizmo> result = new List <Gizmo>(__result); Gizmo harvestGizmo = new Command_Toggle { defaultLabel = "TD.AllowHarvesting".Translate(), defaultDesc = "TD.AllowHarvestingDesc".Translate(), icon = ContentFinder <UnityEngine.Texture2D> .Get("UI/Designators/Harvest", true), isActive = (() => __instance.CanHarvest()), toggleAction = delegate { __instance.ToggleHarvest(); } }; result.Add(harvestGizmo); // make caller use the list __result = result.AsEnumerable(); }
public static void EnhanceStockAllowToggle(Command_Toggle toggle) { var standInDesignator = toggle.isActive() ? allowDesignatorStandIn : forbidDesignatorStandIn; DesignatorContextMenuController.RegisterReverseDesignatorPair(standInDesignator, toggle); AddIconReplacementSupport(toggle, standInDesignator); }
internal IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { Command_Toggle draft = new Command_Toggle(); draft.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Command_ColonistDraft; draft.isActive = new Func <bool>(this.get_Drafted); draft.toggleAction = delegate() { this.Drafted = !this.Drafted; PlayerKnowledgeDatabase.KnowledgeDemonstrated(ConceptDefOf.Drafting, KnowledgeAmount.SpecificInteraction); if (this.Drafted) { LessonAutoActivator.TeachOpportunity(ConceptDefOf.QueueOrders, OpportunityType.GoodToKnow); } }; draft.defaultDesc = "CommandToggleDraftDesc".Translate(); draft.icon = TexCommand.Draft; draft.turnOnSound = SoundDefOf.DraftOn; draft.turnOffSound = SoundDefOf.DraftOff; if (!this.Drafted) { draft.defaultLabel = "CommandDraftLabel".Translate(); } if (this.pawn.Downed) { draft.Disable("IsIncapped".Translate(new object[] { this.pawn.LabelShort })); } if (!this.Drafted) { draft.tutorTag = "Draft"; } else { draft.tutorTag = "Undraft"; } yield return(draft); if (this.Drafted && != null && { yield return(new Command_Toggle { hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc6, isActive = new Func <bool>(this.get_FireAtWill), toggleAction = delegate() { this.FireAtWill = !this.FireAtWill; }, icon = TexCommand.FireAtWill, defaultLabel = "CommandFireAtWillLabel".Translate(), defaultDesc = "CommandFireAtWillDesc".Translate(), tutorTag = "FireAtWillToggle" }); } yield break; }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { foreach (Gizmo g in base.GetGizmos()) { yield return(g); } if (this.def.building.bed_humanlike && base.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer) { Command_Toggle pris = new Command_Toggle(); pris.defaultLabel = "CommandBedSetForPrisonersLabel".Translate(); pris.defaultDesc = "CommandBedSetForPrisonersDesc".Translate(); pris.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/ForPrisoners", true); pris.isActive = new Func <bool>(this.get_ForPrisoners); pris.toggleAction = delegate() { this.ToggleForPrisonersByInterface(); }; if (!Building_Bed.RoomCanBePrisonCell(this.GetRoom(RegionType.Set_Passable)) && !this.ForPrisoners) { pris.Disable("CommandBedSetForPrisonersFailOutdoors".Translate()); } pris.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc3; pris.turnOffSound = null; pris.turnOnSound = null; yield return(pris); yield return(new Command_Toggle { defaultLabel = "CommandBedSetAsMedicalLabel".Translate(), defaultDesc = "CommandBedSetAsMedicalDesc".Translate(), icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/AsMedical", true), isActive = new Func <bool>(this.get_Medical), toggleAction = delegate() { this.Medical = !this.Medical; }, hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc2 }); if (!this.ForPrisoners && !this.Medical) { yield return(new Command_Action { defaultLabel = "CommandBedSetOwnerLabel".Translate(), icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/AssignOwner", true), defaultDesc = "CommandBedSetOwnerDesc".Translate(), action = delegate() { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_AssignBuildingOwner(this)); }, hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc3 }); } } yield break; }
public bool MoveNext() { uint num = (uint)this.$PC; this.$PC = -1; switch (num) { case 0u: if (!(this.parent is Building) || this.parent.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer) { com = new Command_Toggle(); com.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Command_ItemForbid; com.icon = TexCommand.Forbidden; com.isActive = (() => !this.forbiddenInt); com.defaultLabel = "CommandForbid".Translate(); if (this.forbiddenInt) { com.defaultDesc = "CommandForbiddenDesc".Translate(); } else { com.defaultDesc = "CommandNotForbiddenDesc".Translate(); } if (this.parent.def.IsDoor) { com.tutorTag = "ToggleForbidden-Door"; com.toggleAction = delegate() { base.Forbidden = !base.Forbidden; PlayerKnowledgeDatabase.KnowledgeDemonstrated(ConceptDefOf.ForbiddingDoors, KnowledgeAmount.SpecificInteraction); }; } else { com.tutorTag = "ToggleForbidden"; com.toggleAction = delegate() { base.Forbidden = !base.Forbidden; PlayerKnowledgeDatabase.KnowledgeDemonstrated(ConceptDefOf.Forbidding, KnowledgeAmount.SpecificInteraction); }; } this.$current = com; if (!this.$disposing) { this.$PC = 1; } return(true); } break; case 1u: this.$PC = -1; break; } return(false); }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { var armGizmo = new Command_Toggle { toggleAction = ArmGizmoAction, isActive = () => desiredArmState, icon = Resources.Textures.UIArm, defaultLabel = ArmButtonLabel, defaultDesc = ArmButtonDesc, hotKey = Resources.KeyBinging.RemoteExplosiveArm }; yield return(armGizmo); if (RemoteExplosivesUtility.ChannelsUnlocked()) { var channelGizmo = RemoteExplosivesUtility.MakeChannelGizmo(desiredChannel, currentChannel, ChannelGizmoAction); yield return(channelGizmo); } if (replaceComp != null) { yield return(replaceComp.MakeGizmo()); } if (DebugSettings.godMode) { yield return(new Command_Action { action = () => { if (isArmed) { Disarm(); } else { Arm(); } }, icon = Resources.Textures.UIArm, defaultLabel = "DEV: Toggle armed" }); yield return(new Command_Action { action = () => { Arm(); LightFuse(); }, icon = Resources.Textures.UIDetonate, defaultLabel = "DEV: Detonate now" }); } foreach (var g in base.GetGizmos()) { yield return(g); } }
public CustomHoldOpenToggle(Command_Toggle orig, Building door) { defaultLabel = orig.defaultLabel; defaultDesc = orig.defaultDesc; hotKey = orig.hotKey; icon = orig.icon; isActive = orig.isActive; toggleAction = orig.toggleAction + HoldOpenOpensDoors; this.door = door; }
public override IEnumerable<Command> CompCommands() { Command_Toggle com = new Command_Toggle(); com.hotKey = KeyCode.F; com.defaultLabel = "CommandGatherSpotToggleLabel".Translate(); com.icon = ButtonIconActive; com.isActive = ()=>Active; com.toggleAction = ()=>Active = !Active; com.groupKey = 61733; if( Active ) com.defaultDesc = "CommandGatherSpotToggleDescActive".Translate(); else com.defaultDesc = "CommandGatherSpotToggleDescInactive".Translate(); yield return com; }
public override IEnumerable<Gizmo> CompGetGizmosExtra() { Command_Toggle command = new Command_Toggle(); command.isActive = () => sparklesEnabled; command.toggleAction = () => sparklesEnabled = !sparklesEnabled; command.groupKey = 02134657; command.icon = Resources.sparklesButtonTexture; command.defaultLabel = "CompRTQuantumStockpile_SparklesToggle".Translate(); if (sparklesEnabled) { command.defaultDesc = "CompRTQuantumStockpile_SparklesAreOn".Translate(); } else { command.defaultDesc = "CompRTQuantumStockpile_SparklesAreOff".Translate(); } yield return command; }
public override IEnumerable<Gizmo> GetGizmos() { foreach (var g in base.GetGizmos()) { yield return g; } var l = new Command_Toggle { defaultLabel = ResourceBank.StringToggleAirflowLabel, defaultDesc = ResourceBank.StringToggleAirflowDesc, hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.CommandItemForbid, icon = ResourceBank.UILock, groupKey = 912515, isActive = () => isLocked, toggleAction = () => isLocked = !isLocked }; yield return l; }
public override IEnumerable<Command> CompCommands() { Command_Toggle com = new Command_Toggle(); com.hotKey = KeyCode.F; com.icon = ButtonIconForbidden; com.isActive = ()=>!forbidden; com.toggleAction = ()=> { forbidden = !forbidden; KnowledgeDatabase.KnowledgeDemonstrated(ConceptDefOf.Forbidding, KnowledgeAmount.SpecificInteraction); }; if( forbidden ) com.defaultDesc = "CommandForbiddenDesc".Translate(); else com.defaultDesc = "CommandNotForbiddenDesc".Translate(); com.groupKey = 125691; com.tutorHighlightTag = "ToggleForbidden"; yield return com; }
public override IEnumerable<Gizmo> GetGizmos() { foreach(var g in base.GetGizmos()) { yield return g; } Command_Toggle com = new Command_Toggle(); if(pather.Stopped) { com.defaultLabel="Continue"; com.defaultDesc = "Click to continue the cart moving"; } else { com.defaultLabel = "Stop"; com.defaultDesc = "Click to stop the cart"; } com.groupKey = 13008961; //com.icon= com.isActive = () => { return pather.Stopped; }; com.toggleAction = () => { pather.ToggleStopped(); }; yield return com; }
public override IEnumerable<Command> CompGetGizmosExtra() { if( this.parent.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer ) { var lockCommand = new Command_Toggle(); lockCommand.defaultLabel = Data.Strings.DoorLockToggle.Translate(); lockCommand.defaultDesc = Data.Strings.DoorLockToggleDesc.Translate(); lockCommand.groupKey = 912515; //lockCommand.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.CommandItemForbid; lockCommand.icon = Data.Icons.Lock; lockCommand.isActive = () => { return locked; }; lockCommand.toggleAction = () => { if( setLockState == locked ) { Locked = !Locked; } else { Locked = locked; } }; yield return lockCommand; } foreach( var baseCommand in base.CompGetGizmosExtra() ) { yield return baseCommand; } }
public override IEnumerable<Command> CompGetGizmosExtra() { IEnumerator<Command> cmd = base.CompGetGizmosExtra().GetEnumerator(); while (cmd.MoveNext()) { yield return cmd.Current; } cmd.Dispose(); if (this.parent.Faction == Faction.OfColony) { GasCompProperties GasCompProps = this.props as GasCompProperties; if ((GasCompProps != null) && GasCompProps.pressureToggleable) { Command_Toggle togglePressure = new Command_Toggle(); //togglePressure.hotKey = togglePressure.icon = CompGasTrader.ButtonIconDesireGas; togglePressure.defaultLabel = "Toggle Pressure"; togglePressure.defaultDesc = "Activate heat transfer to Gas network: pressure and temperature will increase"; togglePressure.isActive = new Func<bool>(() => { return this.wantTransfer; }); togglePressure.toggleAction = new Action(() => { this.wantTransfer = !this.wantTransfer; FlickUtility.UpdateFlickDesignation(this.parent); }); yield return togglePressure; } } }
public override IEnumerable<Gizmo> GetGizmos() { Command_Toggle c = new Command_Toggle(); c.isActive = () => stripBodies; c.toggleAction = () => stripBodies = !stripBodies; c.icon = ShirtIcon; c.defaultLabel = stripBodies ? "DontStripBodies".Translate() : "StripBodies".Translate(); c.defaultDesc = stripBodies ? "DontStripBodiesDesc".Translate() : "StripBodiesDesc".Translate(); c.groupKey = 1500055; yield return c; }
public override IEnumerable<Gizmo> CompGetGizmosExtra() { Command_Toggle commandSparkles = new Command_Toggle(); commandSparkles.isActive = () => sparklesEnabled; commandSparkles.toggleAction = () => sparklesEnabled = !sparklesEnabled; commandSparkles.groupKey = 95918723; commandSparkles.icon = Resources.sparklesButtonTexture; commandSparkles.defaultLabel = "CompRTQuantumRelay_SparklesToggle".Translate(); if (sparklesEnabled) { commandSparkles.defaultDesc = "CompRTQuantumRelay_SparklesAreOn".Translate(); } else { commandSparkles.defaultDesc = "CompRTQuantumRelay_SparklesAreOff".Translate(); } yield return commandSparkles; Command_Action commandWarehousePrev = new Command_Action(); commandWarehousePrev.icon = Resources.leftArrowTexture; commandWarehousePrev.groupKey = 56182375; commandWarehousePrev.defaultLabel = "CompRTQuantumRelay_WarehousePrevLabel".Translate(); commandWarehousePrev.defaultDesc = "CompRTQuantumRelay_WarehousePrevDesc".Translate(); commandWarehousePrev.action = delegate { registered = false; if (compWarehouse != null) compWarehouse.DeRegisterRelay(this); List<Zone> zones = parent.Map.zoneManager.AllZones; if (zones != null && zones.Count != 0) { List<Zone_Stockpile> stockpileZones = (from zone in zones where zone.GetType() == typeof(Zone_Stockpile) select zone as Zone_Stockpile).ToList(); if (stockpileZones != null && stockpileZones.Count != 0) { List<CompRTQuantumWarehouse> warehouses = (from zone in stockpileZones where zone.FindWarehouse() != null select zone.FindWarehouse()).ToList(); if (warehouses != null && warehouses.Count != 0) { if (compWarehouse != null) { CompRTQuantumWarehouse warehouse = warehouses.Find((CompRTQuantumWarehouse t) => t == compWarehouse); if (warehouse != null) { int warehouseIndex = warehouses.FindIndex((CompRTQuantumWarehouse t) => t == compWarehouse); if (warehouseIndex == 0) { compWarehouse = warehouses[warehouses.Count - 1]; } else { compWarehouse = warehouses[warehouseIndex - 1]; } } else { compWarehouse = warehouses.First(); } } else { compWarehouse = warehouses.First(); } } } } }; yield return commandWarehousePrev; Command_Action commandWarehouseNext = new Command_Action(); commandWarehouseNext.icon = Resources.rightArrowTexture; commandWarehouseNext.groupKey = 91915621; commandWarehouseNext.defaultLabel = "CompRTQuantumRelay_WarehouseNextLabel".Translate(); commandWarehouseNext.defaultDesc = "CompRTQuantumRelay_WarehouseNextDesc".Translate(); commandWarehouseNext.action = delegate { registered = false; if (compWarehouse != null) compWarehouse.DeRegisterRelay(this); List<Zone> zones = parent.Map.zoneManager.AllZones; if (zones != null && zones.Count != 0) { List<Zone_Stockpile> stockpileZones = (from zone in zones where zone.GetType() == typeof(Zone_Stockpile) select zone as Zone_Stockpile).ToList(); if (stockpileZones != null && stockpileZones.Count != 0) { List<CompRTQuantumWarehouse> warehouses = (from zone in stockpileZones where zone.FindWarehouse() != null select zone.FindWarehouse()).ToList(); if (warehouses != null && warehouses.Count != 0) { if (compWarehouse != null) { CompRTQuantumWarehouse warehouse = warehouses.Find((CompRTQuantumWarehouse t) => t == compWarehouse); if (warehouse != null) { int warehouseIndex = warehouses.FindIndex((CompRTQuantumWarehouse t) => t == compWarehouse); if (warehouseIndex == warehouses.Count - 1) { compWarehouse = warehouses.First(); } else { compWarehouse = warehouses[warehouseIndex + 1]; } } else { compWarehouse = warehouses.First(); } } else { compWarehouse = warehouses.First(); } } } } }; yield return commandWarehouseNext; }
public override IEnumerable<Gizmo> GetGizmos() { if (base.GetGizmos() != null) { foreach (Gizmo c in base.GetGizmos()) { yield return c; } } Command_Toggle a = new Command_Toggle(); a.toggleAction = () => { stripBodies = !stripBodies; }; a.activateSound = SoundDefOf.Click; if (this.stripBodies) { a.defaultDesc = "Click to toggle off stripping bodies"; a.defaultLabel = "Stripping bodies"; } else { a.defaultDesc = "Click to toggle on stripping bodies"; a.defaultLabel = "Not stripping bodies"; } a.isActive = () => { return this.stripBodies; }; a.hotKey = Keys.Named("CrematoriusToggleStripBodies"); a.disabled = false; a.groupKey = 313740005; a.icon = this.ShirtIcon; yield return a; }
public override IEnumerable<Gizmo> GetGizmos() { //Hunt Gizmo is not needed. //foreach (var baseGizmo in base.GetGizmos()) // yield return baseGizmo; if (this.Faction == Faction.OfColony && IsMounted) { Command_Action dismountGizmo = new Command_Action(); dismountGizmo.defaultLabel = "Dismount"; dismountGizmo.icon = ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get("UI/Commands/IconDismount"); dismountGizmo.activateSound = SoundDef.Named("Click"); dismountGizmo.defaultDesc = "Dismount"; dismountGizmo.action = () => { this.Dismount(); }; yield return dismountGizmo; Command_Toggle draftGizmo = new Command_Toggle(); draftGizmo.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.CommandColonistDraft; draftGizmo.isActive = () => this.drafter.Drafted; draftGizmo.toggleAction = () => { this.drafter.Drafted = !this.drafter.Drafted; ConceptDatabase.KnowledgeDemonstrated(ConceptDefOf.Drafting, KnowledgeAmount.SpecificInteraction); }; draftGizmo.defaultDesc = Translator.Translate("CommandToggleDraftDesc"); draftGizmo.icon = ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get("UI/Commands/Draft", true); draftGizmo.turnOnSound = SoundDef.Named("DraftOn"); draftGizmo.turnOffSound = SoundDef.Named("DraftOff"); draftGizmo.defaultLabel = (!this.drafter.Drafted) ? Translator.Translate("CommandDraftLabel") : Translator.Translate("CommandUndraftLabel"); if (this.drafter.pawn.Downed) { Command_Toggle commandToggle = draftGizmo; string key = "IsIncapped"; object[] objArray = new object[1]; int index = 0; string nameStringShort = this.drafter.pawn.NameStringShort; objArray[index] = (object)nameStringShort; string reason = Translator.Translate(key, objArray); commandToggle.Disable(reason); } draftGizmo.tutorHighlightTag = "ToggleDrafted"; yield return draftGizmo; Designator_Move designator = new Designator_Move(); designator.vehicle = this; designator.defaultLabel = "Move"; designator.defaultDesc = "Move vehicle"; designator.icon = ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get("UI/Commands/IconMove"); designator.activateSound = SoundDef.Named("Click"); designator.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc1; yield return designator; if (!turretGuns.NullOrEmpty()) { Designator_ForcedTarget designator2 = new Designator_ForcedTarget(); designator2.turretGuns = turretGuns; designator2.defaultLabel = "Set forced target"; designator2.defaultDesc = "Set forced target"; designator2.icon = ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get("UI/Commands/Attack"); designator2.activateSound = SoundDef.Named("Click"); designator2.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc2; yield return designator2; Command_Action haltGizmo = new Command_Action(); haltGizmo.defaultLabel = "Stop forced target"; haltGizmo.icon = ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get("UI/Commands/Halt"); haltGizmo.activateSound = SoundDef.Named("Click"); haltGizmo.defaultDesc = "Stop forced target "; haltGizmo.action = () => { foreach (Parts_TurretGun turretGun in turretGuns) turretGun.forcedTarget = null; }; yield return haltGizmo; } } else if (!IsMounted && this.Faction == Faction.OfColony) { Designator_Mount designator = new Designator_Mount(); designator.vehicle = this; designator.mountPos = MountPos; designator.defaultLabel = "Mount"; designator.defaultDesc = "Mount"; designator.icon = ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get("UI/Commands/IconMount"); designator.activateSound = SoundDef.Named("Click"); yield return designator; } else if (!IsMounted && this.Faction != Faction.OfColony) { Designator_Claim designatorClaim = new Designator_Claim(); designatorClaim.vehicle = this; designatorClaim.defaultLabel = "Claim"; designatorClaim.defaultDesc = "Claim"; designatorClaim.icon = ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get("UI/Commands/Claim"); designatorClaim.activateSound = SoundDef.Named("Click"); yield return designatorClaim; } if (this.Faction == Faction.OfColony && vehicleDef.vehicle.boardableNum > 0 && this.inventory.container.Count(x => x is Pawn) < vehicleDef.vehicle.boardableNum) { Designator_Board designatorBoard = new Designator_Board(); designatorBoard.vehicle = this; designatorBoard.mountPos = MountPos; designatorBoard.defaultLabel = "Board"; designatorBoard.defaultDesc = "Board"; designatorBoard.icon = ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get("UI/Commands/IconBoard"); designatorBoard.activateSound = SoundDef.Named("Click"); yield return designatorBoard; } if (this.Faction == Faction.OfColony && vehicleDef.vehicle.boardableNum > 0 && this.inventory.container.Count(x => x is Pawn) > 0) { Command_Action commandUnboardAll = new Command_Action(); commandUnboardAll.defaultLabel = "UnboardAll"; commandUnboardAll.defaultDesc = "UnboardAll"; commandUnboardAll.icon = ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get("UI/Commands/IconUnboardAll"); commandUnboardAll.activateSound = SoundDef.Named("Click"); commandUnboardAll.action = () => { this.UnboardAll(); }; yield return commandUnboardAll; } }
public override IEnumerable<Gizmo> CompGetGizmosExtra() { Command_Toggle commandSparkles = new Command_Toggle(); commandSparkles.isActive = () => sparklesEnabled; commandSparkles.toggleAction = () => sparklesEnabled = !sparklesEnabled; commandSparkles.groupKey = 4719905; commandSparkles.icon = Resources.sparklesButtonTexture; commandSparkles.defaultLabel = "CompRTQuantumChunkSilo_SparklesToggle".Translate(); if (sparklesEnabled) { commandSparkles.defaultDesc = "CompRTQuantumChunkSilo_SparklesAreOn".Translate(); } else { commandSparkles.defaultDesc = "CompRTQuantumChunkSilo_SparklesAreOff".Translate(); } yield return commandSparkles; }
public override IEnumerable<Gizmo> GetGizmos() { Command_Toggle com = new Command_Toggle(); if (isActive) { com.defaultDesc = "Click to deactivate this building"; com.defaultLabel = "Active"; com.icon = Icon; } else { com.icon = Icon; com.defaultLabel = "Not active"; com.defaultDesc = "Click to activate this building"; } com.disabled = false; com.groupKey = 313740004; com.hotKey = Keys.BuildingOnOffToggle; com.toggleAction = () => { this.isActive = !this.isActive; }; com.isActive = () => { return this.isActive; }; yield return com; com = new Command_Toggle(); if (takingResources) { com.defaultDesc = "Click to stop this building from taking fuel"; com.defaultLabel = "Fuel intake enabled"; com.icon = Icon; } else { com.icon = Icon; com.defaultLabel = "Fuel intake disabled"; com.defaultDesc = "Click to this building to take fuel"; } com.disabled = false; com.groupKey = 313740005; com.hotKey = Keys.Named("CoalPowerToggleFuelConsume"); com.toggleAction = () => { this.takingResources = !this.takingResources; }; com.isActive = () => { return this.takingResources; }; yield return com; foreach (Command c in base.GetGizmos()) { yield return c; } }