public void Processing_command_against_older_version_of_aggregate_should_throw() { Guid aggregateId = Guid.NewGuid(); var creatingCommandMetadata = new CommandMetadata { CommandId = Guid.NewGuid(), TargetType = typeof (TestAggregate), TargetId = aggregateId }; _facade.Execute(creatingCommandMetadata, x => ((TestAggregate) x).TestMethod("Creating...")); var susequentCommandMetadata = new CommandMetadata { CommandId = Guid.NewGuid(), TargetType = typeof (TestAggregate), TargetId = aggregateId }; var yetAnotherCommandMetadata = new CommandMetadata { CommandId = Guid.NewGuid(), TargetType = typeof (TestAggregate), TargetId = aggregateId, LastKnownRevision = 1 }; _facade.Execute(susequentCommandMetadata, x => ((TestAggregate)x).TestMethod("First attempt")); Assert.Throws<ConcurrencyException>(() => _facade.Execute(yetAnotherCommandMetadata, x => ((TestAggregate)x).TestMethod( "Second attempt"))); }
public void Processing_the_same_command_twice_should_trow() { Guid aggregateId = Guid.NewGuid(); var creatingCommandMetadata = new CommandMetadata { CommandId = Guid.NewGuid(), TargetType = typeof (TestAggregate), TargetId = aggregateId }; _facade.Execute(creatingCommandMetadata, x => ((TestAggregate)x).TestMethod("Creating...")); var duplicateCommandMetadata = new CommandMetadata { CommandId = Guid.NewGuid(), TargetType = typeof (TestAggregate), TargetId = aggregateId }; _facade.Execute(duplicateCommandMetadata, x => ((TestAggregate)x).TestMethod("First attempt")); Assert.Throws<DuplicateCommitException>(() => _facade.Execute(duplicateCommandMetadata, x => ((TestAggregate) x).TestMethod( "Second attempt"))); }
public Task <Result> Execute(CommandMetadata data, SocketGuildUser shippieOne, SocketGuildUser shippieTwo) { var succesful = ParentPlugin.Ship(data.AuthorID, shippieOne.Id, shippieTwo.Id); if (succesful) { return(TaskResult(succesful, "Succesfully shipped " + shippieOne.GetShownName() + " and " + shippieTwo.GetShownName() + ", now known as " + ParentPlugin.GetShipName(ParentPlugin.GetShipByShippies(shippieOne.Id, shippieTwo.Id)) + ".")); } return(TaskResult(succesful, $"Failed to ship {shippieOne.GetShownName ()} x {shippieTwo.GetShownName ()} - You've already shipped them.")); }
public Task <Result> Execute(CommandMetadata data, SocketGuildUser shippieOne, SocketGuildUser shippieTwo) { var succesful = ParentPlugin.Sink(data.AuthorID, shippieOne.Id, shippieTwo.Id); if (succesful) { return(TaskResult(true, "Succesfully sunk " + ParentPlugin.GetShipName(ParentPlugin.GetShipByShippies(shippieOne.Id, shippieTwo.Id)) + ", at least for you.")); } return(TaskResult(false, $"Failed to sink that ship, as you have not shipped them yet.")); }
public override string AllowExecution(CommandMetadata metadata) { string baseAllowance = base.AllowExecution(metadata); if (!IsAdmin(metadata.AuthorID)) { baseAllowance += "\t" + "User is not a bot administrator."; } return(baseAllowance); }
/// <summary> /// Generates a new parser that uses the given registry, args, metadata, context, and ID to run /// </summary> /// <param name="registry">Registry from which the parser will obtain <see cref="IObjectConverter"/>s</param> /// <param name="input">The original input string</param> /// <param name="additionalArgs">Any additional arguments to be added to the end of the argument list</param> /// <param name="metadata">CommandMetadata containing information used to parse and execute</param> /// <param name="exeData"><see cref="CommandExecutorData"/> containing the data required for execution</param> /// <param name="ctx">Context object passed to the executed command, and an <see cref="IObjectConverter"/>s that are used</param> /// <param name="callback">Reference to a method used as a callback when processing completes</param> public Parser(CommandRegistry registry, string input, IEnumerable <object> additionalArgs, CommandMetadata metadata, CommandExecutorData exeData, IContextObject ctx, InputResultDelegate callback) : base(registry, input, additionalArgs, metadata, exeData, ctx, callback) { }
public static Variant[] ToVariants(this CommandInfo info, PsHelpInfo helpInfo) { var metadata = new CommandMetadata(info); var privateCmdletName = metadata.Name.Split('!').First(); var parts = privateCmdletName.Split('_'); return(parts.Length > 1 ? new[] { new Variant(parts[0], parts[1], info, metadata, helpInfo: helpInfo) } // Process multiple parameter sets, so we declare a variant per parameter set. : info.ParameterSets.Select(ps => new Variant(privateCmdletName, ps.Name, info, metadata, true, helpInfo)).ToArray()); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public void Authroized <T>(T command, CommandMetadata metadata) where T : ICommand { this.SetBaseInfo( command, info => { info.Authorized = true; }, metadata); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public void Handled <T>(T command, CommandMetadata metadata) where T : ICommand { this.SetBaseInfo( command, info => { info.Handled = true; }, metadata); }
public Task HandleAsync(BasicCommand command, CommandMetadata metadata) { this.TrackingStore.Handled(command, metadata); if (command.Name == "handler-exception") { throw new System.Exception(); } return(Task.CompletedTask); }
public void GetContext_NullMetadata_ReturnsNull() { // Arrange CommandMetadata metadata = null; // Act var result = metadata.GetContext <TestContext1>(); // Assert Assert.Null(result); }
public async Task <Result> Execute(CommandMetadata data, string name) { SocketGuildUser user = data.Message.Author as SocketGuildUser; if (user.VoiceChannel != null) { await ParentPlugin.SetCustomName(user.VoiceChannel, name); return(new Result(null, $"Succesfully set custom voice channel name to {name}.")); } return(new Result(null, "You aren't in a voice channel at the moment. At least not on this server.")); }
public async Task <Result> Execute(CommandMetadata metadata, string query) { JObject result = await ParentPlugin.QueryAsync(SourceUrl, query); Embed embed = ParentPlugin.BuildPageEmbed(result); if (embed == null) { return(new Result(null, "Sorry fam, the wiki fetch failed.")); } return(new Result(embed, string.Empty)); }
public Task <Result> Execute(CommandMetadata data, SocketGuildUser user) { var allShips = ParentPlugin.GetAllShipperShips(user); string result = $"{user.GetShownName ()} has shipped the following ships:```\n"; foreach (Shipping.Ship ship in allShips) { result += ParentPlugin.ShipToString(ship) + "\n"; } result += "```"; return(TaskResult(result, result)); }
public static CommandMetadata CreateCommandMetadata(this BsonDocument doc) { var eventMetadata = new CommandMetadata() { CommandId = doc.GetString("CommandId"), UserId = doc.GetString("UserId"), CreatedDate = doc.GetDateTime("CreatedDate"), TypeName = doc.GetString("TypeName") }; return(eventMetadata); }
public Task <Result> Execute(CommandMetadata data) { var allKarma = ParentPlugin.GetLeaderboard(); var allVotes = allKarma.SelectMany(x => x.GetMessages()).SelectMany(x => _voteSelector(x)); var groups = allVotes.GroupBy(x => x); var dict = groups.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => allVotes.Count(y => x.Key == y)); var users = dict.Keys.ToArray(); return(TaskResult(GetLeaderboardEmbed(users, (x, y) => dict[y] - dict[x], x => ParentPlugin.GuildHandler.FindUser(x), x => dict[x].ToString() + " " + _voteType, $"No one has yet to be {_adjective}", $"{_type} Leaderboard", $"The most {_adjective} people on this server are..", dict.Count), string.Empty)); }
public Task <Result> Execute(CommandMetadata metadata, string pluginName) { ParentPlugin.AddPlugin(pluginName); if (ParentPlugin.GuildHandler.Plugins.IsPluginActive(pluginName)) { return(TaskResult(null, $"Succesfully enabled plugin '{Plugin.GetFullName(PluginLoader.GetPlugin(pluginName))}' in this server.")); } else { return(TaskResult(null, $"Failed to add plugin '{pluginName}'. An error may have occured in its initialization.")); } }
public async Task <Result> Execute(CommandMetadata data, string word) { var def = await UrbanDefinition.Get(word, ParentPlugin.EnableHyperlinkReactions); Embed embed = def.ToEmbed(); var message = await data.Message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(null, false, embed); await ParentPlugin.AddNestedDefReactions(def, message); return(new Result(null, string.Empty)); }
public Task <Result> Execute(CommandMetadata data, SocketGuildUser user) { var allShips = ParentPlugin.GetAllShipperShips(user); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder($"{user.GetShownName ()} has shipped the following ships:```\n"); foreach (Shipping.Ship ship in allShips) { result.Append(ParentPlugin.ShipToString(ship) + "\n"); } result.Append("```"); return(TaskResult(result, result.ToString())); }
public Task <Result> Execute(CommandMetadata _) { StringBuilder credits = new StringBuilder(); credits.AppendLine("Bot core is created by Marcus \"Lomztein\" Jensen *(*, as a hobby passion project and passingly sentient slave.\n"); credits.AppendLine("Additional council and help by the glorious Frederik \"Fred\" Rosenberg *(*, the outrageously attractive Younes \"drcd\" Zakaria *(*, the suave servermaster Thorvald \"Purvaldur\" Kjartansson *(*, and the bona fide baguette Mph!"); credits.AppendLine("Patience for listening to incomprehensible, overly excited ~~and mildly aroused~~ explanations of inner workings provided by the illustrious Victor \"Nyx\" Koch!\n"); credits.AppendLine("Suffering and despair though testing the many awful versions Adminthulhu/Moduthulhu by my magnificant friends of Monster Mash!\n"); credits.AppendLine("Thanks to the following for extending Moduthulhu by creating plugins: " + string.Join(", ", ParentPlugin.GuildHandler.Plugins.GetActivePlugins().Select(x => Plugin.GetAuthor(x.GetType())).Distinct()) + "!\n"); credits.AppendLine("And thanks to you, for ~~unknowingly sacrifising yourself to my ever growing hunger~~ making use of my services :)"); return(TaskResult(credits.ToString(), credits.ToString())); }
public Task <Result> Execute(CommandMetadata metadata, string pluginName) { Type pluginType = Plugin.Find(PluginLoader.GetPlugins(), pluginName); if (pluginType != null) { return(TaskResult(GetModuleEmbed(pluginType), null)); } else { return(TaskResult(null, $"Failed to find any plugins matching '{pluginName}'")); } }
public Task <Result> Execute(CommandMetadata data, string user) { SocketGuildUser userObj = ParentPlugin.GuildHandler.FindUser(user); if (userObj != null) { return(Insult(ParentPlugin.GuildHandler.GetUser(user).GetShownName())); } else { return(Insult(user)); } }
public static CommandRecord FromBson(BsonDocument doc) { var commandDocument = doc.GetBsonDocument("Command"); var record = new CommandRecord { CommandDocument = commandDocument, Metadata = CommandMetadata.FromBson(commandDocument.GetBsonDocument("Metadata")), Handlers = CommandHandlerRecordCollection.FromBson(doc.GetBsonArray("Handlers")) }; return(record); }
private void VerifyParametersWithMetadata(CommandMetadata metadata, string[] parameters) { if (parameters != null) { foreach (string text in parameters) { if (!metadata.Parameters.ContainsKey(text)) { base.WriteError(new ArgumentException(Strings.ParameterDoesNotExist(text)), ErrorCategory.InvalidData, this.DataObject.Id); } } } }
public Task <Result> Execute(CommandMetadata _) { int shardIndex = 0; EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder() .WithTitle("Core Process Status") .WithAuthor(ParentPlugin.GuildHandler.BotUser) .WithDescription(ParentPlugin.GuildHandler.Core.ToString()) .WithCurrentTimestamp(); LargeEmbed embed = new LargeEmbed(builder, ParentPlugin.GuildHandler.Client.GetShardsStatus().Select(x => new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName($"Shard {shardIndex++}").WithValue($"```{x}```"))); return(TaskResult(embed, "")); }
/// <summary> /// Displays details of command usage for the specified <see cref="CommandMetadata"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="commandMetadata">The <see cref="CommandMetadata"/> to display command usage /// for.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="commandMetadata"/> is /// <see langword="null"/>.</exception> public static void WriteCommandUsage(CommandMetadata commandMetadata) { ParameterValidation.IsNotNull(commandMetadata, nameof(commandMetadata)); Console.WriteLine(string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, Resources.CommandUsage, commandMetadata.Name, string.Join(" ", commandMetadata.ParametersMetadata .Select(m => m.Required ? Invariant($"<{m.Name}>") : Invariant($"[<{m.Name}>]"))))); }
public Task <Result> Execute(CommandMetadata data, string user) { SocketGuildUser userObj = ParentPlugin.GuildHandler.FindUser(user); if (userObj != null) { return(Execute(data, ParentPlugin.GuildHandler.GetUser(user))); } else { return(TaskResult(null, ParentPlugin.SelectGenerator().Insult(user))); } }
public void New_ValidParameteresAreAssignedCorrectly() { // Arrange / Act var info = new CommandMetadata( "name", new DateTime(2021, 2, 2), "id"); // Assert Assert.Equal("name", info.CommandName); Assert.Equal(new DateTime(2021, 2, 2), info.Timestamp); Assert.Equal("id", info.CorrelationId); }
public Task AppendEvents(string streamName, CommandMetadata metadata, params object[] events) { if (!events.Any()) { return(Task.CompletedTask); } var preparedEvents = events.Select(e => e.Serialize( Uuid.NewUuid(), EventMetadata.From(metadata) )).ToList(); return(_client.AppendToStreamAsync(_tenantPrefix + streamName, StreamState.Any, preparedEvents)); }
public Task <Result> Execute(CommandMetadata metadata) { LargeEmbed embed = new LargeEmbed(); // TODO: Add status for shards and GuildHandlers. EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder() .WithTitle("Core Process Status") .WithAuthor(ParentPlugin.GuildHandler.BotUser) .WithDescription(ParentPlugin.GuildHandler.Core.GetStatusString()) .WithCurrentTimestamp(); embed.CreateFrom(builder); return(TaskResult(embed, "")); }
public Task <Result> Execute(CommandMetadata metadata, double value, string from) { Converter fromConverter = ParentPlugin.FindConverter(from); if (fromConverter != null) { Converter toConverter = ParentPlugin.FindRandomOfType(fromConverter.Type, fromConverter); return(Execute(metadata, value, from, toConverter.Name)); // don't question it. } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot convert from unit type " + from); } }
public void GetContext_NullContext_ReturnsNull() { // Arrange var metadata = new CommandMetadata( "command", new DateTime(2019, 1, 1), "id"); // Act var result = metadata.GetContext <TestContext2>(); // Assert Assert.Null(result); }
public void Storing_aggregate_should_preserve_values() { Guid aggregateId = Guid.NewGuid(); Guid commandId = Guid.NewGuid(); var commandMetadata = new CommandMetadata { CommandId = commandId, TargetType = typeof(TestAggregate), TargetId = aggregateId }; _facade.Execute(commandMetadata, x => ((TestAggregate) x).TestMethod("Simon")); var restoredRoot = new TestAggregate(aggregateId); _repository.Load(restoredRoot, aggregateId, null); Assert.AreEqual("Simon", restoredRoot.HelloText); }