public void TestCanExecute_ShouldReturnTrue_IfActualCommandCanExecute()
            ICommand command = new DelegateCommand(delegate { }); //command cannot execute as action is not null
            command = new CommandDecoratorStub(command);

        public void TestCanExecute_ShouldReturnFalse_IfActualCommandCannotExecute()
            ICommand command = new DelegateCommand(null);  //command cannot execute as its action is null
            command = new CommandDecoratorStub(command);

        public void TestCanExecuteChanged_ShouldBeAbleToSubscribeThisEventFromDecorator()
            var command = new DelegateCommand(null);
            var decoratedCommand = new CommandDecoratorStub(command);

            bool raised = false;
            EventHandler handler = (sender, args) => raised = true;
            decoratedCommand.CanExecuteChanged += handler;

            command.Action = delegate { };  //This will cause CanExecuteChanged raise from actual command

            Assert.IsTrue(raised);          //Should be able to subscrib this event from the decorator
        public void TestCanExecuteChanged_ShouldBeAbleToUnSubscribeThisEventFromDecorator()
            var command = new DelegateCommand(null);
            var decoratedCommand = new CommandDecoratorStub(command);

            bool raised = false;
            EventHandler handler = (sender, args) => raised = true;
            decoratedCommand.CanExecuteChanged += handler;
            decoratedCommand.CanExecuteChanged -= handler;

            command.Action = delegate { };
