public void ReaderTest()
            /* CSV Contents:
             *  foo,bar,  whitespace  ," quotes "" , and commas "
             *  "quoted, with
             *  newline"
             *  ,
             *  ,,
             *  blarg
             *  blarg,"quoted, with
             *  newline"
             *  "quoted, with
             *  newline",blarg
             *  blarg,"quoted, with
             *  newline",blarg

            CommaSeparatedValueReader reader = new CommaSeparatedValueReader();
            string filename = Path.Combine(InputDirectory, WellFormedCsvFile);

            var expected = new List <string[]>(new string[][] {
                new string[] { "foo", "bar", "  whitespace  ", @" quotes "" , and commas " },
                new string[] { "quoted, with\r\nnewline" },
                new string[] { "" },                  //empty line
                new string[] { "", "" },              //single ,
                new string[] { "", "", "" },          //,,
                new string[] { "blarg" },
                new string[] { "blarg", "quoted, with\r\nnewline" },
                new string[] { "quoted, with\r\nnewline", "blarg" },
                new string[] { "blarg", "quoted, with\r\nnewline", "blarg" }


            int i = 0;

            foreach (var row in reader)
                IList <string> expectedRow = expected[i] as IList <string>;

                Assert.AreEqual(expectedRow.Count, row.Count,
                                string.Format("Number of actual fields differs from number of expected at line {0} in file {1}", i, filename));

                for (int j = 0; j < row.Count; j++)
                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedRow[j], row[j]);

        public void ReaderTest()
            /* CSV Contents:
                foo,bar,  whitespace  ," quotes "" , and commas "
                "quoted, with

                blarg,"quoted, with
                "quoted, with
                blarg,"quoted, with

            CommaSeparatedValueReader reader = new CommaSeparatedValueReader();
            string filename = Path.Combine(InputDirectory, WellFormedCsvFile);

            var expected = new List<string[]>(new string[][] {
                new string[] { "foo", "bar", "  whitespace  ", @" quotes "" , and commas " },
                new string[] { "quoted, with\r\nnewline" },
                new string[] { "" },                  //empty line
                new string[] { "", "" },              //single ,
                new string[] { "", "", "" },          //,,
                new string[] { "blarg" },
                new string[] { "blarg", "quoted, with\r\nnewline" },
                new string[] { "quoted, with\r\nnewline", "blarg" },
                new string[] { "blarg", "quoted, with\r\nnewline", "blarg" }


            int i = 0;
            foreach (var row in reader)
                IList<string> expectedRow = expected[i] as IList<string>;

                Assert.AreEqual(expectedRow.Count, row.Count,
                    string.Format("Number of actual fields differs from number of expected at line {0} in file {1}", i, filename));

                for (int j = 0; j < row.Count; j++)
                    Assert.AreEqual(expectedRow[j], row[j]);

Esempio n. 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var csvReader             = new CommaSeparatedValueReader("data.csv");
            var customerRepository    = new CustomerRepository(csvReader);
            var customerBusinessRules = new CustomerService(customerRepository);
            var frequencyList         = customerBusinessRules.GetFrequencyList();
            var sortedAddressList     = customerBusinessRules.GetSortedAddressList();

            File.WriteAllLines("frequencyList.txt", frequencyList);
            File.WriteAllLines("addressList.txt", sortedAddressList);

            Console.WriteLine("Display Frequency List");

            Console.WriteLine("Display Address List Sorted");
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the filtered LogicalRecordNumbers, and the requested variables, and builds a table of their crossjoin
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool CheckBuildVariableTable(string tableName)
                using (var conn = DbClient.GetConnection())
                    if (DataClient.HasTable(conn, DbClient, tableName))
                        if (!ReusePreviousJobTable)
                            DbClient.GetCommand(string.Format("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \"{0}\";", tableName), conn).ExecuteNonQuery();
                            _log.DebugFormat("Table {0} was already built", tableName);
                            return true;

                    //gets a list of the LRUs we want
                    HashSet<string> requestedLRNs = GetFilteredLRUs(conn);

                    //gets all the variable mapping information we need
                    DataTable reqVariablesDT = GetRequestedVariables(conn);
                    if ((reqVariablesDT == null) || (reqVariablesDT.Rows.Count == 0))
                        _log.Info("Zero variables found: I couldn't understand those variables, can you check them and try again?");
                        //_log.Warn("I didn't understand those variables, can you check them and try again?");
                        return false;

                    DataTable newTable = new DataTable();
                    newTable.Columns.Add("LOGRECNO", typeof(string));
                    Dictionary<string, DataRow> rowsByLRN = new Dictionary<string, DataRow>(requestedLRNs.Count);
                    foreach (var id in requestedLRNs)
                        var row = newTable.NewRow();
                        row[0] = id;

                        rowsByLRN[id] = row;

                    bool shouldNotParseErrorValues = PreserveJam;

                    _log.Debug("Importing Columns");
                    int varNum = 0;
                    foreach (DataRow variableRow in reqVariablesDT.Rows)
                        if (this.IsCancelled()) { return false; }


                        var sequenceNo = Utilities.GetAs<int>(variableRow["SEQNO"] as string, -1);
                        var seqFile = Directory.GetFiles(this.GetAggregateDataPath(), "e*" + sequenceNo.ToString("0000") + "000.txt");    //0001000
                        if ((seqFile == null) || (seqFile.Length == 0))
                            _log.DebugFormat("Couldn't find sequence file {0}", sequenceNo);

                        var errorFile = Directory.GetFiles(this.GetAggregateDataPath(), "m*" + sequenceNo.ToString("0000") + "000.txt");    //0001000
                        if ((errorFile == null) || (errorFile.Length == 0))
                            _log.DebugFormat("Couldn't find error margin file {0}", sequenceNo);

                        //These next two if statement checks should probably be removed once
                        //#19869 is resolved
                        //Until that case is resolved, we can't guarantee rows in reqVariablesDT will be
                        //unique so they should stay.

                        //TODO: alternate column naming?
                        string newColumnName = variableRow["COLNAME"] as string;
                        if (newTable.Columns.Contains(newColumnName))
                            newColumnName = newColumnName + varNum;
                        newTable.Columns.Add(newColumnName, typeof(double));

                        //this really ought to be unique.
                        string newErrorMarginColumnName = "m" + newColumnName;
                        if (newTable.Columns.Contains(newErrorMarginColumnName))
                            newErrorMarginColumnName = newErrorMarginColumnName + varNum;

                        if (shouldNotParseErrorValues)
                            newTable.Columns.Add(newErrorMarginColumnName, typeof(string));
                            newTable.Columns.Add(newErrorMarginColumnName, typeof(double));

                        _log.DebugFormat("Importing {0}...", newColumnName);
                        int columnIDX = Utilities.GetAs<int>(variableRow["COLNO"] as string, -1);

                        CommaSeparatedValueReader reader = new CommaSeparatedValueReader(seqFile[0], false);
                        foreach (List<string> values in reader)
                            string lrn = values[5];
                            if (!requestedLRNs.Contains(lrn))

                            if (columnIDX < values.Count)
                                double val = Utilities.GetAs<double>(values[columnIDX], double.NaN);
                                if (!double.IsNaN(val))
                                    rowsByLRN[lrn][newColumnName] = val;

                            if (this.IsCancelled()) { break; }

                        //these error files better have the exact same format!
                        reader = new CommaSeparatedValueReader(errorFile[0], false);
                        foreach (List<string> values in reader)
                            string lrn = values[5];
                            if (!requestedLRNs.Contains(lrn))

                            if (columnIDX < values.Count)
                                if (shouldNotParseErrorValues)
                                    rowsByLRN[lrn][newErrorMarginColumnName] = values[columnIDX];
                                    double val = Utilities.GetAs<double>(values[columnIDX], double.NaN);
                                    if (!double.IsNaN(val))
                                        rowsByLRN[lrn][newErrorMarginColumnName] = val;
                                    rowsByLRN[lrn][newErrorMarginColumnName] = val;

                            if (this.IsCancelled()) { break; }

                    if (this.IsCancelled()) { return false; }
                    _log.DebugFormat("Creating Table {0}", tableName);
                    string createTableSQL = SqliteDataClient.GenerateTableSQLFromTable(tableName, newTable, "LOGRECNO");
                    DbClient.GetCommand(createTableSQL, conn).ExecuteNonQuery();

                    if (this.IsCancelled()) { return false; }
                    _log.DebugFormat("Saving Table {0}...", tableName);
                    var dba = DataClient.GetMagicAdapter(conn, DbClient, string.Format("SELECT * FROM \"{0}\"", tableName));

                    _log.Debug("Import complete!");

                    //TODO: save the table to the database
                return true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                _log.Error("Error while building table", ex);

            return false;