public override TableTimeRuleConditionShift GetTableObject()
            var obj = new TableTimeRuleConditionShift();

            obj.time_rule_condition_shift_id   = Id;
            obj.time_rule_condition_shift_guid = Guid;
            obj.time_series_id = TimeSeriesId;
            obj.time_rule_condition_date_type_id = (int)CommUtils.ParseEnum <TimeRuleDateType>(TimeRuleDateType);
            obj.time_interval          = TimeInterval;
            obj.time_rule_unit_type_id = (int)CommUtils.ParseEnum <TimeRuleUnitType>(TimeRuleUnitType);
            obj.create_time            = CreateTime;
            obj.create_user_name       = CreateUserName;
            obj.last_modify_time       = LastModifyTime;
            obj.last_modify_user_name  = LastModifyUserName;
            obj.record_status_id       = (int)RecordStatus;

Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Привязать соединение к КП, используя библиотеку КП
 /// </summary>
 protected void BindConnByDeviceLibrary(TcpConnection tcpConn, KPLogic kpLogic)
     if (kpLogic != null)
         WriteToLog(string.Format(Localization.UseRussian ?
                                  "{0} Клиент {1} привязан к {2}, используя библиотеку КП" :
                                  "{0} The client {1} is bound to the {2} using a device library",
                                  CommUtils.GetNowDT(), tcpConn.RemoteAddress, kpLogic.Caption));
         SetConnection(kpLogic, tcpConn);
         WriteToLog(string.Format(Localization.UseRussian ?
                                  "{0} Не удалось привязать клиента {1} к КП, используя библиотеку КП" :
                                  "{0} Unable to bind the client {1} to a device using a device library",
                                  CommUtils.GetNowDT(), tcpConn.RemoteAddress));
Esempio n. 3
        private void LoadSubFolders(DMSFolderLogicModel parentFolderLogicModel, List <DMSFolder> allfolders, int folderDepth)
            CommUtils.Assert(folderDepth < DMSLogicModel.MaxFolderDepth, "Load folder failed, folder depth > {0}", DMSLogicModel.MaxFolderDepth);

            var parentFolderId = parentFolderLogicModel.Instance.Id;
            var subFolders     = allfolders.Where(x => x.ParentFolderId == parentFolderId);

            parentFolderLogicModel.SubFolders = new List <DMSFolderLogicModel>();
            foreach (var subFolder in subFolders)
                var subFolderLogicModel = new DMSFolderLogicModel(m_project);
                subFolderLogicModel.Instance     = subFolder;
                subFolderLogicModel.ParentFolder = parentFolderLogicModel;

                LoadSubFolders(subFolderLogicModel, allfolders, folderDepth + 1);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// 普通标
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ShowModel GetModel()
            var    para = new Dapper.DynamicParameters();
            string sql  = string.Empty;

            sql = @"select top 1 Id,0 AS IsWeFQB,InterestRate AS YearRate,Deadline,DeadType,Amount,CastedShares,LowerUnit,TotalShares,Type as TypeId from project with(nolock) where IsNewHand!=1 and type != 15  AND AddDate>dateadd(day,-15,getdate()) and Status =2 order by InterestRate desc";
            ShowModel model = PublicConn.QuerySingle <ShowModel>(sql, ref para);

            if (model != null)
                model.ProductName = invest_list.GetTypeName(model.TypeId, 1);
                model.DetailUrl   = "/pages/invest/detail.aspx?id=" + model.Id;
                model.OrderCount  = CommUtils.GetSubscribeUserCount(model.Id);

Esempio n. 5
        public void ModifyTaskGroup(string taskGroupGuid, string name, string description)
            ValidateUtils.Name(name, "名称");
            ValidateUtils.Description(description, "描述");

            var hasTaskGroupGuid = TaskGroups.Any(x => x.Instance.Guid == taskGroupGuid);

            CommUtils.Assert(hasTaskGroupGuid, "此工作组不存在");

            var taskGroupLogicModel = TaskGroups.Single(x => x.Instance.Guid == taskGroupGuid);
            var taskGroup           = taskGroupLogicModel.Instance;

            taskGroup.Name        = name;
            taskGroup.Description = description;

            m_taskGroups = null;
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Остановить работу канала связи
        /// </summary>
        public override void Stop()
            // очистка ссылки на соединение для всех КП на линии связи
            foreach (KPLogic kpLogic in kpList)
                kpLogic.Connection = null;

            // очистка словаря КП по позывным

            // закрытие соединения
            WriteToLog(string.Format(Localization.UseRussian ?
                                     "{0} Завершение приёма данных по UDP" :
                                     "{0} Stop receiving data via UDP", CommUtils.GetNowDT()));
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Остановить работу канала связи
        /// </summary>
        public override void Stop()
            // отключение события приёма данных в режиме ведомого
            serialConn.SerialPort.DataReceived -= serialPort_DataReceived;

            // очистка ссылки на соединение для всех КП на линии связи
            foreach (KPLogic kpLogic in kpList)
                kpLogic.Connection = null;

            // закрытие последовательного порта
            WriteToLog(string.Format(Localization.UseRussian ?
                                     "{0} Последовательный порт '{1}' закрыт" :
                                     "{0} Serial port '{1}' is closed", CommUtils.GetNowDT(), serialConn.SerialPort.PortName));
        public ActionResult AddUserGroup(string name)
            return(ActionUtils.Json(() =>
                ValidateUtils.Name(name, "组名");
                var userGroups = m_dbAdapter.UserGroup.GetByOwner(CurrentUserName);
                var userGroupNames = userGroups.Select(x => x.Name).ToList();
                CommUtils.Assert(!userGroupNames.Contains(name), "[{0}]组名已存在,请重新输入", name);
                var userGroup = new UserGroup
                    Name = name,
                    Owner = CurrentUserName
                var result = m_dbAdapter.UserGroup.New(userGroup);

                return ActionUtils.Success(result);
        public ActionResult GetProjects(string projectType)
            return(ActionUtils.Json(() =>
                CommUtils.AssertEquals(projectType, "存续期", "目前仅支持获取存续期产品列表");

                var projectIds = m_dbAdapter.Authority.GetAuthorizedProjectIds();
                var projects = m_dbAdapter.Project.GetProjects(projectIds);
                var result = projects.ConvertAll(x => new
                    name = x.Name,
                    guid = x.ProjectGuid

                return ActionUtils.Success(result);
Esempio n. 10
        private string GetCellValue(IWorkbook book, CellKeyword keyword)
            var sheet = FindSheetByTitle(book, 2, 0, keyword.TitleName);

            if (sheet == null)
                CommUtils.AssertNotNull(sheet, "找不到标题[{0}]", keyword.TitleName);

            Tuple <int, int> findByRow = null;

            if (!keyword.RowName.Any(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace))
                findByRow = FindCell(sheet, keyword.RowName);
                CommUtils.AssertNotNull(findByRow, "找不到关键字[{0}]", keyword.RowName);

            Tuple <int, int> findByColumn = null;

            if (!keyword.ColumnName.Any(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace))
                findByColumn = FindCell(sheet, keyword.ColumnName);
                CommUtils.AssertNotNull(findByColumn, "找不到关键字[{0}]", keyword.ColumnName);

            CommUtils.Assert(!(findByRow == null && findByColumn == null), "行列关键字不能同时为空");

            string cellValue = string.Empty;

            if (findByRow != null && findByColumn != null)
                cellValue = GetCellValue(sheet, findByRow.Item1, findByColumn.Item2);
            else if (findByRow != null && findByColumn == null)
                cellValue = GetCellValue(sheet, findByRow.Item1, findByRow.Item2 + 1);
            else if (findByRow == null && findByColumn != null)
                cellValue = GetCellValue(sheet, findByColumn.Item1 + 1, findByColumn.Item2);

        public ActionResult GetProjectSeriesProcessInfo(string projectSeriesGuid)
            return(ActionUtils.Json(() =>
                var projectSeriesLogicModel = new ProjectSeriesLogicModel(CurrentUserName, projectSeriesGuid);
                CheckPermission(PermissionObjectType.ProjectSeries, projectSeriesGuid, PermissionType.Read);
                var tasks = m_dbAdapter.Task.GetTasksByProjectId(projectSeriesLogicModel.CurrentProject.Instance.ProjectId);
                var finishedTaskCount = tasks.Count(x => x.TaskStatus == TaskStatus.Finished);
                var percentCompleted = CommUtils.Percent(finishedTaskCount, tasks.Count);

                var projectSeries = projectSeriesLogicModel.Instance;

                var personInChargeInfo = Platform.UserProfile.Get(projectSeries.PersonInCharge);
                var createUserInfo = Platform.UserProfile.Get(projectSeries.CreateUserName);

                var result = new
                    name = projectSeries.Name,
                    personInCharge = new {
                        userName = personInChargeInfo.UserName,
                        realName = personInChargeInfo.RealName
                    createUser = new
                        userName = createUserInfo.UserName,
                        realName = createUserInfo.RealName
                    createTimeStamp = projectSeries.CreateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                    estimatedFinishTime = Toolkit.DateToString(projectSeries.EstimatedFinishTime),
                    remainingDayCount = projectSeries.EstimatedFinishTime.HasValue ? ((int)(projectSeries.EstimatedFinishTime.Value - DateTime.Today).TotalDays).ToString() : "-",

                    stage = projectSeries.Stage.ToString(),

                    taskCount = tasks.Count,
                    finishedTaskCount = finishedTaskCount,
                    percentCompleted = percentCompleted,
                    projectType = projectSeries.Type.ToString(),
                    email = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(projectSeries.Email)? null:projectSeries.Email,

                return ActionUtils.Success(result);
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates OPC server child nodes.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateChildNodes(FolderState rootFolder)
            foreach (ILineContext lineContext in commContext.GetCommLines())
                List <DeviceLogic> devices = new List <DeviceLogic>();
                devices.AddRange(deviceFilter == null ?
                                 lineContext.SelectDevices() :
                                 lineContext.SelectDevices(d => deviceFilter.Contains(d.DeviceNum)));

                if (devices.Count > 0)
                    FolderState lineFolder = CreateFolder(rootFolder,
                                                          CommUtils.GetLineLogFileName(lineContext.CommLineNum, ""), lineContext.Title);

                    foreach (DeviceLogic deviceLogic in devices)
                        FolderState deviceFolder = CreateFolder(lineFolder,
                                                                CommUtils.GetDeviceLogFileName(deviceLogic.DeviceNum, ""), deviceLogic.Title);
                        DeviceVars deviceVars = new DeviceVars();
                        varByDevice[deviceLogic.DeviceNum] = deviceVars;

                        if (deviceLogic.DeviceTags.FlattenGroups)
                            foreach (TagGroup tagGroup in deviceLogic.DeviceTags.TagGroups)
                                CreateDeviceTagNodes(deviceFolder, deviceLogic, tagGroup, deviceVars);
                            int groupNum = 1;

                            foreach (TagGroup tagGroup in deviceLogic.DeviceTags.TagGroups)
                                FolderState groupFolder = CreateFolder(deviceFolder,
                                                                       "group" + groupNum.ToString("D3"), tagGroup.Name);
                                CreateDeviceTagNodes(groupFolder, deviceLogic, tagGroup, deviceVars);
        public ActionResult CreateInvestment(string projectGuid, string name, double money,
                                             string yieldDue, string startTime, string endTime, string description)
            return(ActionUtils.Json(() =>
                ValidateUtils.Name(name, "投资标的");
                CommUtils.AssertHasContent(startTime, "[开始时间]不能为空");
                CommUtils.AssertHasContent(endTime, "[到期时间]不能为空");
                CommUtils.Assert(money <= 1000000000000, "[投资金额]不能大于10,000亿元");
                CommUtils.Assert(money > 0, "[投资金额]必须大于0元");

                var valStartTime = DateTime.Parse(startTime);
                var valEndTime = DateTime.Parse(endTime);
                CommUtils.Assert(DateTime.Compare(valEndTime, valStartTime) > 0, "[到期时间]必须大于[开始时间]");

                var investment = new Investment();
                var project = m_dbAdapter.Project.GetProjectByGuid(projectGuid);
                investment.ProjectId = project.ProjectId;
                investment.Name = name;
                investment.Money = money;
                investment.StartTime = valStartTime;
                investment.EndTime = valEndTime;
                investment.Description = description;
                investment.YieldDue = null;

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(yieldDue))
                    var percentValue = 0.0;
                    if (yieldDue.Contains('%'))
                        CommUtils.Assert(double.TryParse(yieldDue.Substring(0, yieldDue.Length - 1), out percentValue), "预计收益率必须为数字");
                        CommUtils.Assert(double.TryParse(yieldDue, out percentValue), "预计收益率必须为数字");
                    CommUtils.Assert(percentValue >= 365.00 * (-1) / (valEndTime - valStartTime).TotalDays, "预计收益率过低,请重新填写");
                    investment.YieldDue = percentValue / 100;

                return ActionUtils.Success(1);
Esempio n. 14
        private List <string> GetTimeListByTimeRuleOrigin(TimeRuleViewModel timeRule, TimeOriginViewModel timeOrigin)
            var timeOriginType = CommUtils.ParseEnum <TimeOriginType>(timeOrigin.TimeOriginType);
            TimeSeriesFactory timeSeriesFactory;
            var result = new List <string>();

            if (timeOriginType == TimeOriginType.CustomInput)
                var customTimeList = CommUtils.Split(timeOrigin.CustomInput.CustomTimeList).Select(x => DateTime.Parse(x));
                timeSeriesFactory = new TimeSeriesFactory(customTimeList);
                result            = CalculateTimeByTimeRule(timeRule, timeSeriesFactory);

            if (timeOriginType == TimeOriginType.Loop)
                var startTime    = DateTime.Parse(timeOrigin.Loop.BeginTime);
                var endTime      = DateTime.Parse(timeOrigin.Loop.EndTime);
                var ruleUnitType = CommUtils.ParseEnum <TimeUnit>(timeOrigin.Loop.RuleUnitType);

                timeSeriesFactory = new TimeSeriesFactory(
                    new DateTime(startTime.Year, startTime.Month, startTime.Day),
                    new TimeStep {
                    Interval = timeOrigin.Loop.Interval, Unit = ruleUnitType
                    new DateTime(endTime.Year, endTime.Month, endTime.Day));
                result = CalculateTimeByTimeRule(timeRule, timeSeriesFactory);

            if (timeOriginType == TimeOriginType.MetaTask)
                result = GetTimeListByPrevMetaTask(timeRule, timeOrigin.PrevMetaTask.MetaTaskGuid, timeOrigin.PrevMetaTask.MetaTaskTimeType);

            if (timeOriginType == TimeOriginType.TaskSelfTime)
                var timeSeries     = m_dbAdapter.TimeSeries.GetByGuid(timeOrigin.TaskSelfTime.TimeSeriesGuid);
                var CurrTimeRule   = GetTimeRuleDetail(timeSeries.Id);
                var CurrTimeOrigin = GetTimeOriginDetail(timeSeries.Guid, timeSeries.Id);
                var timeList       = GetTimeListByTimeRuleOrigin(CurrTimeRule, CurrTimeOrigin).Select(x => DateTime.Parse(x));
                timeSeriesFactory = new TimeSeriesFactory(timeList);
                result            = CalculateTimeByTimeRule(timeRule, timeSeriesFactory);
Esempio n. 15
        private NoteInfo GetNoteInfo()
            var datasets     = m_dbAdapter.Dataset.GetDatasetByProjectId(m_project.ProjectId);
            var findDatasets = datasets.Where(x => x.PaymentDate.HasValue && x.PaymentDate.Value == m_paymentDay).ToList();

            findDatasets.Sort((l, r) => l.AsOfDate.CompareTo(r.AsOfDate));
            CommUtils.Assert(findDatasets.Count >= 1, "Can' find any dataset of [" + m_paymentDay.ToString() + "].");
            var dataset    = findDatasets[0];
            var notes      = m_dbAdapter.Dataset.GetNotes(m_project.ProjectId);
            var noteDatas  = m_dbAdapter.Dataset.GetNoteDatas(dataset.DatasetId);
            var cnabsNotes = new ProjectLogicModel(m_userName, m_project).Notes;

            Func <Note, bool> filterSecurityCode = (x) =>
                                                   m_docName.Contains("(" + x.SecurityCode + ")") ||
                                                   m_docName.Contains("(" + x.SecurityCode + ")");

            Func <Note, bool> filterNoteShortName = (x) =>
                                                    m_docName.Contains("(" + x.ShortName + ")") ||
                                                    m_docName.Contains("(" + x.ShortName + ")");

            var filters = new [] { filterSecurityCode, filterNoteShortName };

            foreach (var filter in filters)
                if (cnabsNotes.Any(filter))
                    var cnabsNote = cnabsNotes.First(filter);

                    CommUtils.Assert(notes.Any(x => x.NoteName == cnabsNote.NoteName),
                                     "找不到证券[{0}]相关信息", cnabsNote.NoteName);

                    var note = notes.First(x => x.NoteName == cnabsNote.NoteName);
                    m_usesAndComment = cnabsNote.SecurityCode + "兑付兑息款";
                    var noteData = noteDatas.Single(x => x.NoteId == note.NoteId);
                    return(new NoteInfo
                        Note = note,
                        NoteData = noteData,

Esempio n. 16
        public ActionResult ModifyUserGroup(string userGroupGuid, string name)
            return(ActionUtils.Json(() =>
                var userGroup = m_dbAdapter.UserGroup.GetByGuid(userGroupGuid);
                CommUtils.Assert(IsCurrentUser(userGroup.Owner), "当前用户[{0}]不是[{1}]的创建者", CurrentUserName, userGroup.Name);

                ValidateUtils.Name(name, "组名");

                var userGroups = m_dbAdapter.UserGroup.GetByOwner(CurrentUserName);
                var userGroupNames = userGroups.Select(x => x.Name).ToList();
                CommUtils.Assert(!userGroupNames.Contains(name), "[{0}]组名已存在,请重新输入", name);

                userGroup.Name = name;

                return ActionUtils.Success(1);
 public ActionResult CreateMessageReminding(string uid, string userid, string remark, DateTime remindTime, string type)
     return(ActionUtils.Json(() =>
         CommUtils.AssertHasContent(userid, "提醒人员不能为空");
         CommUtils.AssertHasContent(remindTime.ToString(), "提醒时间不能为空");
         CommUtils.Assert(remindTime > DateTime.Now, "提醒时间要大于现在时间");
         var msgType = CommUtils.ParseEnum <MessageUidType>(type);
         CheckRemindingPermission(uid, msgType);
         userid.Split(',').ToList().ForEach(x =>
             if (x != "")
                 m_dbAdapter.MessageReminding.New(uid, x, remark, remindTime, msgType);
         return ActionUtils.Success(1);
Esempio n. 18
        public ActionResult SubscribeNews(string projectGuids)
            return(ActionUtils.Json(() =>
                var projectGuidList = CommUtils.Split(projectGuids).ToList();
                CommUtils.Assert(m_dbAdapter.NegativeNews.CheckProjectsPermission(projectGuidList), "当前用户没有操作该产品权限,请刷新重试");

                projectGuidList.ForEach(x =>
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x))
                        var projectId = m_dbAdapter.Project.GetProjectByGuid(x).ProjectId;
                        m_dbAdapter.NegativeNews.New(m_dbAdapter.Project.GetProjectByGuid(x).ProjectId, CurrentUserName);

                return ActionUtils.Success(1);
Esempio n. 19
 public CollateralAssetViewModel(AssetLogicModel asset)
     AssetId           = asset.AssetId;
     SecurityName      = asset.SecurityData.SecurityName;
     PaymentMethod     = asset.AmortizationType.ToString();
     Currency          = asset.SecurityData.Currency.ToString();
     IsFloating        = asset.SecurityData.IsFloating;
     AllInRate         = asset.SecurityData.AllInRate;
     FloatingIndex     = asset.SecurityData.FloatingIndex.ToString();
     FloatingIndexCode = asset.SecurityData.FloatingIndexCode.ToString();
     PaymentFrequency  = asset.SecurityData.PaymentFrequency.ToString();
     AccrualMethod     = Toolkit.AccrualMethod(asset.SecurityData.AccrualMethod);
     LegalMaturityDate = DateUtils.IsNormalDate(asset.SecurityData.LegalMaturityDate) ?
                         Toolkit.DateToString(asset.SecurityData.LegalMaturityDate) : "-";
     PenultimateDate = DateUtils.IsNormalDate(asset.SecurityData.PenultimateDate) ?
                       Toolkit.DateToString(asset.SecurityData.PenultimateDate) : "-";
     Region        = asset.SecurityData.Region;
     ChineseRating = CommUtils.FormatChineseRating(asset.SecurityData.ChineseRating);
Esempio n. 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the device to the communication line.
        /// </summary>
        private void AddDevice(DeviceLogic deviceLogic)
            if (!deviceMap.ContainsKey(deviceLogic.DeviceNum))
                DeviceWrapper deviceWrapper = new DeviceWrapper(deviceLogic, Log)
                    InfoFileName = Path.Combine(coreLogic.AppDirs.LogDir,
                                                CommUtils.GetDeviceLogFileName(deviceLogic.DeviceNum, ".txt"))

                deviceMap.Add(deviceLogic.DeviceNum, deviceWrapper);

                if (maxDeviceTitleLength < deviceLogic.Title.Length)
                    maxDeviceTitleLength = deviceLogic.Title.Length;
Esempio n. 21
        public override TableTimeOriginLoop GetTableObject()
            var obj = new TableTimeOriginLoop();

            obj.time_origin_loop_id   = Id;
            obj.time_origin_loop_guid = Guid;
            obj.time_series_id        = TimeSeriesId;
            obj.loop_begin            = LoopBegin;
            obj.loop_end               = LoopEnd;
            obj.loop_interval          = LoopInterval;
            obj.time_rule_unit_type_id = (int)CommUtils.ParseEnum <TimeRuleUnitType>(TimeRuleUnitType);
            obj.create_time            = CreateTime;
            obj.create_user_name       = CreateUserName;
            obj.last_modify_time       = LastModifyTime;
            obj.last_modify_user_name  = LastModifyUserName;
            obj.record_status_id       = (int)RecordStatus;

Esempio n. 22
        public ActionResult UploadTemplateFile(HttpPostedFileBase file)
            return(ActionUtils.Json(() =>
                CommUtils.AssertNotNull(file, "文件不能为空,请选择文件");
                CommUtils.Assert(file.ContentLength > 0, "文件内容不能为空");

                CommUtils.Assert(file.FileName.EndsWith(".docx", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase),
                                 "文件[{0}]格式错误,请选择.docx格式的文件", file.FileName);

                CommUtils.Assert(!CommUtils.IsWPS(file.InputStream), "不支持wps编辑过的.docx格式文件,仅支持office编辑的.docx文件");

                var path = DemoJianYuanUtils.GetTemplateFilePath();


                return ActionUtils.Success(1);
Esempio n. 23
        public ActionResult CheckPrevMetaTaskCount(string projectGuid, string endTimeSeriesGuid, string prevMetaTaskGuidText)
            return(ActionUtils.Json(() =>
                var project = m_dbAdapter.Project.GetProjectByGuid(projectGuid);

                var prevMetaTaskGuids = CommUtils.Split(prevMetaTaskGuidText).ToList();
                var prevMetaTasks = m_dbAdapter.MetaTask.GetMetaTaskByGuids(prevMetaTaskGuids);

                prevMetaTasks.ForEach(x => CommUtils.Assert(x.ProjectId == project.ProjectId, "前置工作的projectId[{0}]与当前产品的projectId[{1}]不一致", x.ProjectId, project.ProjectId));

                var endTimeSeries = m_dbAdapter.TimeSeries.GetByGuid(endTimeSeriesGuid);
                var endTimeListCount = CheckStartAndEndTimeCount(null, endTimeSeries);

                CheckPrevMetaTaskGenerateCount(endTimeListCount, prevMetaTasks);

                return ActionUtils.Success("");
Esempio n. 24
        public ActionResult RemoveUsers(string userGroupGuid, string userNames)
            return(ActionUtils.Json(() =>
                var userGroup = m_dbAdapter.UserGroup.GetByGuid(userGroupGuid);
                CommUtils.Assert(IsCurrentUser(userGroup.Owner), "当前用户[{0}]不是[{1}]的创建者", CurrentUserName, userGroup.Name);

                var userGroupMaps = m_dbAdapter.UserGroupMap.GetByUserGroupGuid(userGroupGuid);
                var userGroupMapDic = userGroupMaps.ToDictionary(x => x.UserName);

                var userNameList = CommUtils.Split(userNames);
                foreach (var userName in userNameList)

                return ActionUtils.Success(1);
Esempio n. 25
        private List <AmortizationScheduleRecord> ParseDistributionDetail(int assetId, string distributionDetail)
            var records = new List <AmortizationScheduleRecord>();
            var items   = distributionDetail.Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            foreach (var item in items)
                var subStrs = item.Split('|');
                CommUtils.AssertEquals(subStrs.Length, 2, "解析自定义偿付信息失败[" + distributionDetail + "]");
                records.Add(new AmortizationScheduleRecord
                    AssetId         = assetId,
                    ReductionDate   = DateUtils.ParseDigitDate(subStrs[0]),
                    ReductionAmount = double.Parse(subStrs[1])

Esempio n. 26
        private TimeOriginViewModel GetTimeOriginDetail(string timeSeriesGuid, int timeSeriesId)
            var timeOriginViewModel = new TimeOriginViewModel();
            var timeOrigin          = m_dbAdapter.TimeOrigin.GetByTimeSeriesId(timeSeriesId);
            var timeOriginType      = CommUtils.ParseEnum <TimeOriginType>(timeOrigin.TimeOriginType);

            timeOriginViewModel.TimeSeriesGuid = timeSeriesGuid;
            timeOriginViewModel.TimeOriginType = timeOrigin.TimeOriginType;

            switch (timeOriginType)
            case TimeOriginType.CustomInput:
                var timeOriginCustomInput = m_dbAdapter.TimeOriginCustomInput.GetById(timeOrigin.TimeOriginInstanceId);
                timeOriginViewModel.CustomInput.CustomTimeList = timeOriginCustomInput.CustomTimeSeries;

            case TimeOriginType.Loop:
                var timeOriginLoop = m_dbAdapter.TimeOriginLoop.GetById(timeOrigin.TimeOriginInstanceId);
                timeOriginViewModel.Loop.Interval     = timeOriginLoop.LoopInterval;
                timeOriginViewModel.Loop.BeginTime    = timeOriginLoop.LoopBegin.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                timeOriginViewModel.Loop.EndTime      = timeOriginLoop.LoopEnd.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                timeOriginViewModel.Loop.RuleUnitType = timeOriginLoop.TimeRuleUnitType;

            case TimeOriginType.MetaTask:
                var timeOriginMetaTask = m_dbAdapter.TimeOriginMetaTask.GetById(timeOrigin.TimeOriginInstanceId);
                var prevMetaTask       = m_dbAdapter.MetaTask.GetById(timeOriginMetaTask.MetaTaskId);
                timeOriginViewModel.PrevMetaTask.MetaTaskGuid     = prevMetaTask.Guid;
                timeOriginViewModel.PrevMetaTask.MetaTaskTimeType = timeOriginMetaTask.MetaTaskTimeType;

            case TimeOriginType.TaskSelfTime:
                var timeOriginTaskSelfTime = m_dbAdapter.TimeOriginTaskSelfTime.GetById(timeOrigin.TimeOriginInstanceId);
                timeOriginViewModel.TaskSelfTime.TimeSeriesGuid = timeOriginTaskSelfTime.TimeOriginTimeSeriesGuid;
                timeOriginViewModel.TaskSelfTime.TimeType       = timeOriginTaskSelfTime.TimeType;


Esempio n. 27
        public ActionResult GetTeamAdminsOfUserGroup(string projectSeriesGuid, string userGroupGuid)
            return(ActionUtils.Json(() =>
                var projectSeriesLogicModel = new ProjectSeriesLogicModel(CurrentUserName, projectSeriesGuid);
                var projectSeries = projectSeriesLogicModel.Instance;
                CommUtils.Assert(IsAdmin(projectSeriesLogicModel.Instance, CurrentUserName),
                                 "当前用户[{0}]不是项目[{1}]的创建者/负责人", Platform.UserProfile.GetDisplayRealNameAndUserName(CurrentUserName),

                var userGroup = m_dbAdapter.UserGroup.GetByGuid(userGroupGuid);
                CommUtils.Assert(IsCurrentUser(userGroup.Owner), "当前用户[{0}]不是[{1}]的创建者", CurrentUserName, userGroup.Name);

                var projectId = projectSeriesLogicModel.CurrentProject.Instance.ProjectId;
                var teamAdmins = m_dbAdapter.TeamAdmin.GetByProjectId(projectId);
                var teamAdminUserNames = teamAdmins.Select(x => x.UserName).ToList();

                var userGroupMaps = m_dbAdapter.UserGroupMap.GetByUserGroupGuid(userGroupGuid);
                var userGroupMapUserNames = userGroupMaps.Select(x => x.UserName).ToList();

                var teamAdminsOfUserGroup = teamAdminUserNames.Intersect(userGroupMapUserNames).ToList();
                var result = new
                    UserGroupUsers = userGroupMapUserNames.ConvertAll(x => new
                        UserName = Platform.UserProfile.Get(x).UserName,
                        RealName = Platform.UserProfile.Get(x).RealName,
                        IsTeamAdminOfUserGroup = teamAdminsOfUserGroup.Contains(x) ? true : false,
                        IsCreator = projectSeries.CreateUserName.Equals(x, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) ? true : false,
                        IsPersonInCharge = projectSeries.PersonInCharge.Equals(x, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) ? true : false
                    StatisticInfo = new
                        TotalUserGroupUser = userGroupMapUserNames.Count(),
                        TotalteamAdminOfUserGroup = teamAdminsOfUserGroup.Count()

                return ActionUtils.Success(result);
Esempio n. 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Выполнить действия перед сеансом опроса КП или отправкой команды
        /// </summary>
        public override void BeforeSession(KPLogic kpLogic)
            // установка соединения при необходимости
            TcpConnection tcpConn = kpLogic.Connection as TcpConnection;

            if (tcpConn != null && !tcpConn.Connected)
                    // определение IP-адреса и TCP-порта
                    IPAddress addr;
                    int       port;

                    if (tcpConn == sharedTcpConn)
                        addr = IPAddress.Parse(settings.IpAddress);
                        port = settings.TcpPort;
                        CommUtils.ExtractAddrAndPort(kpLogic.CallNum, settings.TcpPort, out addr, out port);

                    // установка соединения
                    WriteToLog(string.Format(Localization.UseRussian ?
                                             "{0} Установка TCP-соединения с {1}:{2}" :
                                             "{0} Establish a TCP connection with {1}:{2}", CommUtils.GetNowDT(), addr, port));

                    if (tcpConn.NetStream != null) // соединение уже было открыто, но разорвано

                    tcpConn.Open(addr, port);
                catch (Exception ex)
Esempio n. 29
        public ActionResult GetFileSeriesDetail(string projectGuid, string fileSeriesGuid)
            return(ActionUtils.Json(() =>
                var dms = GetDMSAndCheckPermission(projectGuid, PermissionType.Read);

                var dmsFileSeries = m_dbAdapter.DMSFileSeries.GetByGuid(fileSeriesGuid);
                var dmsFolder = m_dbAdapter.DMSFolder.GetById(dmsFileSeries.DMSFolderId);
                CommUtils.AssertEquals(dmsFolder.DMSId, dms.Instance.Id, "文件[fileSeriesGuid={0}]不在DMS[{1}]中",
                                       fileSeriesGuid, dms.Instance.Guid);

                var allFiles = m_dbAdapter.DMSFile.GetFilesByFileSeriesId(dmsFileSeries.Id);
                allFiles = allFiles.OrderByDescending(x => x.Version).ToList();

                Platform.UserProfile.Precache(allFiles.Select(x => x.CreateUserName));
                Platform.UserProfile.Precache(allFiles.Select(x => x.LastModifyUserName));

                var result = allFiles.Select(x =>
                    fileSeriesName = dmsFileSeries.Name,
                    fileSeriesGuid = dmsFileSeries.Guid,
                    fileGuid = x.Guid,
                    fileName = x.Name,
                    version = x.Version,
                    description = x.Description,
                    size = FileUtils.FormatSize(x.Size),
                    createTime = Toolkit.DateTimeToString(x.CreateTime),
                    createUser = Platform.UserProfile.Get(x.CreateUserName) == null? x.CreateUserName:Platform.UserProfile.Get(x.CreateUserName).RealName,
                    lastModifyTime = Toolkit.DateTimeToString(x.LastModifyTime),
                    lastModifyUser = Platform.UserProfile.Get(x.LastModifyUserName) == null?x.LastModifyUserName: Platform.UserProfile.Get(x.LastModifyUserName).RealName,

                var fileSeriesTemplate = m_dbAdapter.DMSFileSeriesTemplate.GetByFileSeriesId(dmsFileSeries.Id);
                var templateType = fileSeriesTemplate == null ? "None" : fileSeriesTemplate.TemplateType.ToString();
                return ActionUtils.Success(new {
                    historicalFiles = result,
                    templateType = templateType,
Esempio n. 30
        private string GetCellValue(ISheet sheet, int findRowIndex, int findColumnIndex)
            var rowIndex      = 0;
            var rowEnumerator = sheet.GetRowEnumerator();

            while (rowEnumerator.MoveNext())
                IRow row = rowEnumerator.Current as IRow;
                if (row != null)
                    var cellIndex      = 0;
                    var cellEnumerator = row.GetEnumerator();
                    while (cellEnumerator.MoveNext())
                        ICell cell = cellEnumerator.Current as ICell;
                        if (cell != null)
                            if (rowIndex == findRowIndex && cellIndex == findColumnIndex)
                                if (cell.CellType == NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellType.Formula)
                                    if (cell.CachedFormulaResultType == CellType.Numeric)
                                        CommUtils.Assert(false, "cell.CachedFormulaResultType != CellType.Numeric");


Esempio n. 31
 /// <summary>
 /// Сформировать текст считывания данных для вывода в журнал
 /// </summary>
 public static string BuildReadLogText(byte[] buffer, int offset, int readCnt,
     CommUtils.ProtocolLogFormats logFormat)
     return CommPhrases.ReceiveNotation + " (" + readCnt + "): " +
         (logFormat == CommUtils.ProtocolLogFormats.Hex ?
             CommUtils.BytesToHex(buffer, offset, readCnt) :
             CommUtils.BytesToString(buffer, offset, readCnt));
Esempio n. 32
        /// <summary>
        /// Записать данные
        /// </summary>
        public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, 
            CommUtils.ProtocolLogFormats logFormat, out string logText)

                    SerialPort.Write(buffer, offset, count);
                    logText = BuildWriteLogText(buffer, offset, count, logFormat);
                catch (TimeoutException ex)
                    logText = CommPhrases.WriteDataError + ": " + ex.Message;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(CommPhrases.WriteDataError + ": " + ex.Message, ex);
Esempio n. 33
        /// <summary>
        /// Считать данные
        /// </summary>
        public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, int timeout, 
            CommUtils.ProtocolLogFormats logFormat, out string logText)
                int readCnt = 0;
                DateTime nowDT = DateTime.Now;
                DateTime startDT = nowDT;
                DateTime stopDT = startDT.AddMilliseconds(timeout);
                IPEndPoint endPoint = CreateIPEndPoint();
                UdpClient.Client.ReceiveTimeout = DatagramReceiveTimeout;

                while (readCnt < count && startDT <= nowDT && nowDT <= stopDT)
                    // считывание данных
                    int readPos;
                    bool isNew;
                    byte[] datagram = ReceiveDatagram(ref endPoint, out readPos, out isNew);

                    // копирование полученных данных в заданный буфер
                    if (datagram != null && datagram.Length > 0)
                        int requiredCnt = count - readCnt;
                        int copyCnt = Math.Min(datagram.Length - readPos, requiredCnt);
                        Array.Copy(datagram, readPos, buffer, readCnt, copyCnt);
                        readCnt += copyCnt;
                        readPos += copyCnt;

                    // накопление данных во внутреннем буфере соединения
                    if (readCnt < count && isNew)

                    StoreDatagram(datagram, readPos);
                    nowDT = DateTime.Now;

                logText = BuildReadLogText(buffer, offset, count, readCnt, logFormat);
                return readCnt;
            catch (SocketException ex)
                logText = CommPhrases.ReadDataError + ": " + ex.Message;
                return 0;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(CommPhrases.ReadDataError + ": " + ex.Message, ex);
Esempio n. 34
 /// <summary>
 /// Считать данные с условиями остановки чтения
 /// </summary>
 public abstract int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int maxCount, int timeout, BinStopCondition stopCond,
     out bool stopReceived, CommUtils.ProtocolLogFormats logFormat, out string logText);
Esempio n. 35
        /// <summary>
        /// Записать данные
        /// </summary>
        public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, 
            CommUtils.ProtocolLogFormats logFormat, out string logText)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(RemoteAddress))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("RemoteAddress is undefined.");
                if (RemotePort <= 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("RemotePort is undefined.");

                byte[] datagram;
                if (offset > 0)
                    datagram = new byte[count];
                    Array.Copy(buffer, offset, datagram, 0, count);
                    datagram = buffer;

                    int sentCnt = UdpClient.Send(datagram, count, RemoteAddress, RemotePort);
                    logText = BuildWriteLogText(datagram, 0, count, logFormat);
                catch (SocketException ex)
                    logText = CommPhrases.WriteDataError + ": " + ex.Message;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(CommPhrases.WriteDataError + ": " + ex.Message, ex);
Esempio n. 36
 /// <summary>
 /// Сформировать текст записи данных для вывода в журнал
 /// </summary>
 public static string BuildWriteLogText(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, 
     CommUtils.ProtocolLogFormats logFormat)
     return CommPhrases.SendNotation + " (" + count + "): " +
         (logFormat == CommUtils.ProtocolLogFormats.Hex ?
             CommUtils.BytesToHex(buffer, offset, count) :
             CommUtils.BytesToString(buffer, offset, count));
Esempio n. 37
 /// <summary>
 /// Считать данные
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>Количество считанных байт</returns>
 public abstract int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, int timeout,
     CommUtils.ProtocolLogFormats logFormat, out string logText);
Esempio n. 38
        /// <summary>
        /// Считать данные
        /// </summary>
        public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, int timeout, 
            CommUtils.ProtocolLogFormats logFormat, out string logText)
                int readCnt = 0;
                DateTime nowDT = DateTime.Now;
                DateTime startDT = nowDT;
                DateTime stopDT = startDT.AddMilliseconds(timeout);
                NetStream.ReadTimeout = timeout; // таймаут не выдерживается, если считаны все доступные данные

                while (readCnt < count && startDT <= nowDT && nowDT <= stopDT)
                    // считывание данных
                    try { readCnt += NetStream.Read(buffer, readCnt + offset, count - readCnt); }
                    catch (IOException) { }

                    // накопление данных во внутреннем буфере соединения
                    if (readCnt < count)

                    nowDT = DateTime.Now;

                logText = BuildReadLogText(buffer, offset, count, readCnt, logFormat);

                if (readCnt > 0)

                return readCnt;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(CommPhrases.ReadDataError + ": " + ex.Message, ex);
Esempio n. 39
 /// <summary>
 /// Записать данные
 /// </summary>
 public abstract void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count,
     CommUtils.ProtocolLogFormats logFormat, out string logText);
Esempio n. 40
        /// <summary>
        /// Считать данные с условием остановки чтения
        /// </summary>
        public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int maxCount, int timeout, BinStopCondition stopCond,
            out bool stopReceived, CommUtils.ProtocolLogFormats logFormat, out string logText)
                int readCnt = 0;
                DateTime nowDT = DateTime.Now;
                DateTime startDT = nowDT;
                DateTime stopDT = startDT.AddMilliseconds(timeout);
                NetStream.ReadTimeout = OneByteReadTimeout;

                stopReceived = false;
                int curOffset = offset;
                byte stopCode = stopCond.StopCode;

                while (readCnt < maxCount && !stopReceived && startDT <= nowDT && nowDT <= stopDT)
                    // считывание одного байта данных
                    bool readOk;
                    try { readOk = NetStream.Read(buffer, curOffset, 1) > 0; }
                    catch (IOException) { readOk = false; }

                    if (readOk)
                        stopReceived = buffer[curOffset] == stopCode;
                        // накопление данных во внутреннем буфере соединения

                    nowDT = DateTime.Now;

                logText = BuildReadLogText(buffer, offset, readCnt, logFormat);

                if (readCnt > 0)

                return readCnt;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(CommPhrases.ReadDataWithStopCondError + ": " + ex.Message, ex);
Esempio n. 41
        /// <summary>
        /// Считать данные, доступные на текущий момент
        /// </summary>
        public int ReadAvailable(byte[] buffer, int offset, CommUtils.ProtocolLogFormats logFormat, out string logText)
                int count = TcpClient.Available;
                int readCnt = NetStream.Read(buffer, offset, count);
                logText = BuildReadLogText(buffer, offset, count, readCnt, logFormat);

                if (readCnt > 0)

                return readCnt;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(CommPhrases.ReadAvailableError + ": " + ex.Message, ex);
Esempio n. 42
 /// <summary>
 /// Записать данные
 /// </summary>
 public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count,
     CommUtils.ProtocolLogFormats logFormat, out string logText)
         NetStream.Write(buffer, offset, count);
         logText = BuildWriteLogText(buffer, offset, count, logFormat);
     catch (IOException ex)
         logText = CommPhrases.WriteDataError + ": " + ex.Message;
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw new InvalidOperationException(CommPhrases.WriteDataError + ": " + ex.Message, ex);
Esempio n. 43
        /// <summary>
        /// Считать данные с условиями остановки чтения
        /// </summary>
        public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int maxCount, int timeout, Connection.BinStopCondition stopCond, 
            out bool stopReceived, CommUtils.ProtocolLogFormats logFormat, out string logText)
                int readCnt = 0;
                DateTime nowDT = DateTime.Now;
                DateTime startDT = nowDT;
                DateTime stopDT = startDT.AddMilliseconds(timeout);

                stopReceived = false;
                byte stopCode = stopCond.StopCode;
                int curInd = offset;
                SerialPort.ReadTimeout = 0;

                while (readCnt <= maxCount && !stopReceived && startDT <= nowDT && nowDT <= stopDT)
                    bool readOk;
                    try { readOk = SerialPort.Read(buffer, curInd, 1) > 0; }
                    catch (TimeoutException) { readOk = false; }

                    if (readOk)
                        stopReceived = buffer[curInd] == stopCode;
                        // накопление входных данных в буфере порта

                    nowDT = DateTime.Now;

                logText = BuildReadLogText(buffer, offset, readCnt, logFormat);
                return readCnt;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(CommPhrases.ReadDataWithStopCondError + ": " + ex.Message, ex);
Esempio n. 44
 /// <summary>
 /// Считать данные из последовательного порта
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="serialPort">Последовательный порт</param>
 /// <param name="buffer">Буфер принимаемых данных</param>
 /// <param name="index">Начальный индекс в буфере</param>
 /// <param name="count">Количество принимаемых байт</param>
 /// <param name="timeout">Таймаут чтения данных, мс</param>
 /// <param name="wait">Ожидать завершения таймаута после окончания чтения</param>
 /// <param name="logFormat">Формат вывода данных в журнал</param>
 /// <param name="logText">Строка для вывода в журнал</param>
 /// <returns>Количество считанных байт</returns>
 public static int ReadFromSerialPort(SerialPort serialPort, byte[] buffer, int index, int count,
     int timeout, bool wait /*игнорируется*/, CommUtils.ProtocolLogFormats logFormat, out string logText)
         if (serialPort == null)
             logText = ReadDataImpossible;
             return 0;
             return serialConn.Read(buffer, index, count, timeout, logFormat, out logText);
     catch (Exception ex)
         logText = ex.Message;
         return 0;
Esempio n. 45
        /// <summary>
        /// Считать данные
        /// </summary>
        public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, int timeout, 
            CommUtils.ProtocolLogFormats logFormat, out string logText)
                // данный способ чтения данных необходим для избежания исключения 
                // System.ObjectDisposedException при прерывании потока линии связи
                int readCnt = 0;
                DateTime nowDT = DateTime.Now;
                DateTime startDT = nowDT;
                DateTime stopDT = startDT.AddMilliseconds(timeout);
                SerialPort.ReadTimeout = 0;

                while (readCnt < count && startDT <= nowDT && nowDT <= stopDT)
                    try { readCnt += SerialPort.Read(buffer, offset + readCnt, count - readCnt); }
                    catch (TimeoutException) { }

                    // накопление входных данных в буфере порта
                    if (readCnt < count)

                    nowDT = DateTime.Now;

                logText = BuildReadLogText(buffer, offset, count, readCnt, logFormat);
                return readCnt;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(CommPhrases.ReadDataError + ": " + ex.Message, ex);
Esempio n. 46
        /// <summary>
        /// Считать данные с условиями остановки чтения
        /// </summary>
        public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int maxCount, int timeout, BinStopCondition stopCond, 
            out bool stopReceived, CommUtils.ProtocolLogFormats logFormat, out string logText)
                int readCnt = 0;
                DateTime nowDT = DateTime.Now;
                DateTime startDT = nowDT;
                DateTime stopDT = startDT.AddMilliseconds(timeout);
                IPEndPoint endPoint = CreateIPEndPoint();

                stopReceived = false;
                byte stopCode = stopCond.StopCode;
                UdpClient.Client.ReceiveTimeout = DatagramReceiveTimeout;

                while (readCnt < maxCount && !stopReceived && startDT <= nowDT && nowDT <= stopDT)
                    // считывание данных
                    int readPos;
                    bool isNew;
                    byte[] datagram = ReceiveDatagram(ref endPoint, out readPos, out isNew);

                    if (datagram != null && datagram.Length > 0)
                        // поиск кода остановки в считанных данных
                        int datagramLen = datagram.Length;
                        int stopCodeInd = -1;
                        for (int i = readPos; i < datagramLen && !stopReceived; i++)
                            if (datagram[i] == stopCode)
                                stopCodeInd = i;
                                stopReceived = true;

                        // копирование полученных данных в заданный буфер
                        int requiredCnt = stopReceived ? stopCodeInd - readCnt + 1 : maxCount - readCnt;
                        int copyCnt = Math.Min(datagram.Length - readPos, requiredCnt);
                        Array.Copy(datagram, readPos, buffer, readCnt, copyCnt);
                        readCnt += copyCnt;
                        readPos += copyCnt;

                    // накопление данных во внутреннем буфере соединения
                    if (readCnt < maxCount && !stopReceived && isNew)

                    StoreDatagram(datagram, readPos);
                    nowDT = DateTime.Now;

                logText = BuildReadLogText(buffer, offset, readCnt, logFormat);
                return readCnt;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(CommPhrases.ReadDataWithStopCondError + ": " + ex.Message, ex);
Esempio n. 47
 /// <summary>
 /// Записать данные в последовательный порт
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="serialPort">Последовательный порт</param>
 /// <param name="buffer">Буфер передаваемых данных</param>
 /// <param name="index">Начальный индекс в буфере</param>
 /// <param name="count">Количество передаваемых байт</param>
 /// <param name="logFormat">Формат вывода данных в журнал</param>
 /// <param name="logText">Строка для вывода в журнал</param>
 public static void WriteToSerialPort(SerialPort serialPort, byte[] buffer, int index, int count,
     CommUtils.ProtocolLogFormats logFormat, out string logText)
         if (serialPort == null)
             logText = WriteDataImpossible;
             serialConn.Write(buffer, index, count, logFormat, out logText);
     catch (Exception ex)
         logText = ex.Message;
Esempio n. 48
 /// <summary>
 /// Считать данные из последовательного порта
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="serialPort">Последовательный порт</param>
 /// <param name="buffer">Буфер принимаемых данных</param>
 /// <param name="index">Начальный индекс в буфере</param>
 /// <param name="maxCount">Максимальное количество принимаемых байт</param>
 /// <param name="stopCode">Байт, означающий окончание считывания данных</param>
 /// <param name="timeout">Таймаут чтения данных, мс</param>
 /// <param name="wait">Ожидать завершения таймаута после окончания чтения</param>
 /// <param name="logFormat">Формат вывода данных в журнал</param>
 /// <param name="logText">Строка для вывода в журнал</param>
 /// <returns>Количество считанных байт</returns>
 public static int ReadFromSerialPort(SerialPort serialPort, byte[] buffer, int index, int maxCount,
     byte stopCode, int timeout, bool wait /*игнорируется*/, CommUtils.ProtocolLogFormats logFormat, 
     out string logText)
         if (serialPort == null)
             logText = ReadDataImpossible;
             return 0;
             bool stopReceived;
             return serialConn.Read(buffer, index, maxCount, timeout, new Connection.BinStopCondition(stopCode),
                 out stopReceived, logFormat, out logText);
     catch (Exception ex)
         logText = ex.Message;
         return 0;