public ComboHprReading(double yaw, double pitch, double roll, double compassHeading, ComboHprFlags flags, DateTimeOffset timestamp)
            this.Yaw   = yaw > 360?yaw - 360:yaw;
            this.Pitch = pitch > 360 ? pitch - 360 : pitch;
            this.Roll  = roll > 360 ? roll - 360 : roll;

            this.Yaw   = Yaw < 0 ? Yaw + 360 : Yaw;
            this.Pitch = Pitch < 0 ? Pitch + 360 : Pitch;
            this.Roll  = Roll < 0 ? Roll + 360 : Roll;

            this.Yaw   = Yaw < 0 ? Yaw + 360 : Yaw;
            this.Pitch = Pitch < 0 ? Pitch + 360 : Pitch;
            this.Roll  = Roll < 0 ? Roll + 360 : Roll;

            if (Yaw < 0 || Pitch < 0 || Roll < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException();

            this.CompassHeading = compassHeading;
            this.TimeStamp      = timestamp;

            this.Flags = flags;
 public GyroChangedEventArgs(double yaw, double pitch, double roll, double compass, ComboHprFlags flags, DateTimeOffset timeOffset)
     this.Flags = flags;
     Pitch      = pitch;
     Roll       = roll;
     Yaw        = yaw;
     Compass    = compass;
     TimeOffset = timeOffset;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// ComboHPR value changed event handler.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="args">A GattValueChangedEventArgs that contains the event data.</param>
        private void ComboHprCharacteristicValueChanged(GattCharacteristic sender, GattValueChangedEventArgs args)
            lock (syncRoot)
                // The desired buffer length.
                const uint desiredBufferLength = 14;

                // Make sure we have a characteristic value.
                if (args.CharacteristicValue == null || args.CharacteristicValue.Length < desiredBufferLength)

                // Note that we're grabbing more values than we're using right now in the code below because
                // the code existed, and we'll use them eventually, so leaving it in place makes the most sense.
                byte[] data = args.CharacteristicValue.ToArray();
                if (data != null && data.Length >= desiredBufferLength)
                    // Obtain the raw data values.
                    ushort fusedHeadingRaw = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 0);
                    Int16  pitchRaw        = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, 2);
                    Int16  rollRaw         = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, 4);
                    byte   paceRaw         = data[6];
                    byte   flagsRaw        = data[7];

                    ComboHprFlags flags = (ComboHprFlags)Enum.Parse(typeof(ComboHprFlags), flagsRaw.ToString());
                    //Int16 flagsRaw = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, 7);

                    if ((flags & ComboHprFlags.MageneticDesturbance) != 0)

                    if ((flags & ComboHprFlags.AutoCalibrated) != 0)

                    //bool magneticDisturbance = flagsRaw & 0x02;

                    ushort fieldStrengthRaw = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 8);
                    ushort yawRaw           = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 10);
                    ushort cheadingRaw      = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 12);

                    // Obtain the finished values.
                    double fusedHeading   = (double)fusedHeadingRaw / 10.0;
                    double pitch          = (double)pitchRaw / 10.0;
                    double roll           = (double)rollRaw / 10.0;
                    double yaw            = (double)yawRaw / 10.0;
                    double compassHeading = (double)cheadingRaw / 10.0;

                    // Raise the CompassChanged and GyroChanged event.
                    if (Attached && Connected)
                        ComboHprReading comboHprReading = new ComboHprReading(fusedHeading - yawOffset, pitch - pitchOffset, roll - rollOffset, compassHeading, flags, args.Timestamp);
                        currentRawComboHprReading             = new ComboHprReading(fusedHeading, pitch, roll, compassHeading, flags, args.Timestamp);
                        currentReading.CurrentComboHprReading = comboHprReading;

                        //SensorGeocoordinate gps = new SensorGeocoordinate()

                        //OnGeocoordinateChanged(new GeocoordinateChangedEventArgs( )
                        OnCompassChanged(new CompassChangedEventArgs(compassHeading, args.Timestamp));
                        OnGyroChanged(new GyroChangedEventArgs(comboHprReading.Yaw, comboHprReading.Pitch, comboHprReading.Roll, comboHprReading.CompassHeading, flags, comboHprReading.TimeStamp));

                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Fushed Heading {0}", fusedHeading);