//Loads level, including any enemies
    private void LoadLevel()
        CombatDetails cd = CombatDetails.GetComponent <CombatDetails>();

        //Load background
        GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = cd.background;
        _isEvent = cd.isEvent;

        //Load enemies
        foreach (GameObject e in cd.enemies)
            //Instantiate enemy
            GameObject      enemy      = Instantiate(e);
            EnemyController controller = enemy.GetComponent <EnemyController>();
            PlayerStats     stats      = enemy.GetComponent <PlayerStats>();

            int index = Enemies.Count;

            //Add enemy to combat manager

            //Set enemy position
            float   x   = _enemyX * camera.pixelWidth;
            float   y   = GetSpot(Enemies) * camera.pixelHeight;
            Vector3 pos = new Vector3(x, y, 0);
            enemy.transform.position = camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(pos);
            enemy.transform.position = new Vector3(enemy.transform.position.x, enemy.transform.position.y, 0);
            stats.CombatPosition = index;

            //Set up healthbars and stuff
            GameObject combatUI = Instantiate((Resources.Load("CombatUI") as GameObject));
            combatUI.GetComponent <CombatUI>().Set(stats, false, controller.Name);
            controller.CombatUI = combatUI;
            controller.BuffIcon = Instantiate((Resources.Load("BuffIcon") as GameObject)).GetComponent <BuffIcon>();
            enemy.GetComponent <PlayerStats>().Cooldown = 0;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify a specific pair of entities involved in a message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="death"></param>
        internal static void VerifyEntities(ref Message message, TargetDetails target, bool death)
            if (message == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("message");
            if (message.EventDetails == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("message.EventDetails");
            if (message.EventDetails.CombatDetails == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("message.EventDetails.CombatDetails");
            if (target == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("target");

            uint          msgCode       = message.MessageCode;
            CombatDetails combatDetails = message.EventDetails.CombatDetails;

            EntityType supposedActorType  = ParseCodes.Instance.GetActorEntityType(message.MessageCode);
            EntityType supposedTargetType = ParseCodes.Instance.GetTargetEntityType(message.MessageCode);

            // Disambiguate Unknowns based on known message code values.

            if (combatDetails.ActorEntityType == EntityType.Unknown)
                combatDetails.ActorEntityType = supposedActorType;

            if (target.EntityType == EntityType.Unknown)
                target.EntityType = supposedTargetType;

            // If the message is of type Aid, both entities should be of the same type.

            if (combatDetails.InteractionType == InteractionType.Aid)
                // If one or the other (but not both) are type mob, one of them
                // must be charmed.  Since I don't believe it's possible for a mob
                // to aid a charmed player, and a charmed player cannot do any actions
                // except melee, if one of these is a mob, it must be charmed.
                if ((combatDetails.ActorEntityType == EntityType.Mob) ^
                    (target.EntityType == EntityType.Mob))
                    // However exclude instances of a skillchain as an actor in
                    // cases of skillchains healing mobs (eg: elementals, puks, etc).
                    if (combatDetails.ActorEntityType != EntityType.Skillchain)
                        if (combatDetails.ActorEntityType == EntityType.Mob)
                            combatDetails.ActorEntityType = EntityType.CharmedMob;
                        else if (target.EntityType == EntityType.Mob)
                            target.EntityType = EntityType.CharmedMob;

                if (combatDetails.ActorEntityType == EntityType.Unknown)
                    if (target.EntityType == EntityType.Player)
                        combatDetails.ActorEntityType = EntityType.Player;
                    else if (target.EntityType == EntityType.Unknown)
                        if ((combatDetails.ActorPlayerType == ActorPlayerType.Self) ||
                            (combatDetails.ActorPlayerType == ActorPlayerType.Party) ||
                            (combatDetails.ActorPlayerType == ActorPlayerType.Alliance))
                            combatDetails.ActorEntityType = EntityType.Player;
                            target.EntityType             = EntityType.Player;
                else if (target.EntityType == EntityType.Unknown)
                    if (combatDetails.ActorEntityType != EntityType.Mob)
                        target.EntityType = EntityType.Player;


            // If the message is of type Harm, the entities should be of different types.
            // Also handle unknown interaction types here.

            if (combatDetails.InteractionType == InteractionType.Harm)
                // If both entities are mobs, one of them must be charmed.
                if ((combatDetails.ActorEntityType == EntityType.Mob) &&
                    (target.EntityType == EntityType.Mob))
                    // If they have different names, see if we have one registered
                    // as the most recently charmed mob.
                    if (combatDetails.ActorName != target.Name)
                        if (combatDetails.ActorName == EntityManager.Instance.LastCharmedMob)
                            combatDetails.ActorEntityType = EntityType.CharmedMob;

                        if (target.Name == EntityManager.Instance.LastCharmedMob)
                            target.EntityType = EntityType.CharmedMob;

                        // If neither are registered as the most recent, see if either
                        // (but not both) have been registered as charmed.
                        EntityType actorCharmEntity  = EntityManager.Instance.LookupCharmedEntity(combatDetails.ActorName);
                        EntityType targetCharmEntity = EntityManager.Instance.LookupCharmedEntity(target.Name);

                        if ((actorCharmEntity == EntityType.CharmedMob) ^ (targetCharmEntity == EntityType.CharmedMob))
                            if (actorCharmEntity == EntityType.CharmedMob)
                                combatDetails.ActorEntityType = EntityType.CharmedMob;

                            if (targetCharmEntity == EntityType.CharmedMob)
                                target.EntityType = EntityType.CharmedMob;

                    // At this point, either the mobs have the same name, or both mobs are
                    // listed in our entity list as possibly charmed and neither one is our
                    // 'last charmed' mob.  Cannot accurately determine which is which, so random.

                    if (death == true)
                        // If it's a death, defer resolution until we know if we
                        // get experience.
                        combatDetails.FlagPetDeath = true;
                        // Otherwise just random it.
                        if (random.Next(1000) < 500)
                            target.EntityType = EntityType.CharmedMob;
                            combatDetails.ActorEntityType = EntityType.CharmedMob;

                // If both entities are players, one of them must be charmed,
                // or one of them is an NM.
                // Charmed players will not attack NPCs/Pets/etc.
                if ((combatDetails.ActorEntityType == EntityType.Player) &&
                    (target.EntityType == EntityType.Player))
                    // Charmed players can only melee.  If this is anything aside from
                    // melee, one of the entities must be an NM
                    if (combatDetails.ActionType != ActionType.Melee)
                        // This is probably an NM.  Set the entity type based on the message code.
                        if (ParseCodes.Instance.GetActorEntityType(msgCode) == EntityType.Mob)
                            combatDetails.ActorEntityType = EntityType.Mob;
                        else if (ParseCodes.Instance.GetTargetEntityType(msgCode) == EntityType.Mob)
                            target.EntityType = EntityType.Mob;

                        // This could be the result of a busted Corsair roll.  If so, leave as is.
                        if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(target.EffectName) == false) &&
                            (JobAbilities.CorRolls.Contains(target.EffectName) == true))

                        // Check if either combatant is in the entity table already.
                        // If not, then a player is likely initiating action against an NM.
                        var actorEntityList  = EntityManager.Instance.LookupEntity(combatDetails.ActorName);
                        var targetEntityList = EntityManager.Instance.LookupEntity(target.Name);

                        if (targetEntityList.Count == 0)
                            target.EntityType = EntityType.Mob;

                        // If we have not yet determined the entity type, it's probably an NM.
                        if (targetEntityList.Contains(EntityType.Unknown))
                            target.EntityType = EntityType.Mob;

                        // If the target is already known (ie: they're present in the requested
                        // entity list above) and the actor is unknown, then presumably the
                        // NM is taking action against the player.
                        if (actorEntityList.Count == 0)
                            combatDetails.ActorEntityType = EntityType.Mob;

                        // If we have not yet determined the entity type, it's probably an NM.
                        if (actorEntityList.Contains(EntityType.Unknown))
                            combatDetails.ActorEntityType = EntityType.Mob;

                        // Otherwise it's likely spells/etc cast on charmed players
                        target.EntityType = EntityType.CharmedPlayer;

                    // If we get here, this is either melee, or we're not sure of the
                    // defined entity types.  Try looking up details from the entity manager first.
                    EntityType actorCharmEntity = EntityManager.Instance.LookupCharmedEntity(combatDetails.ActorName);
                    if (actorCharmEntity == EntityType.CharmedPlayer)
                        combatDetails.ActorEntityType = EntityType.CharmedPlayer;

                    EntityType targetCharmEntity = EntityManager.Instance.LookupCharmedEntity(target.Name);
                    if (targetCharmEntity == EntityType.CharmedPlayer)
                        target.EntityType = EntityType.CharmedPlayer;

                    // If we don't get anything from the entity manager, assume the
                    // aggressive melee'er is the charmed one.
                    combatDetails.ActorEntityType = EntityType.CharmedPlayer;

                // If a pet is attacking a player, it's more likely that
                // the pet is actually a mob (eg: Odin the avatar vs
                // Odin the NM).  Confirm with the supposedActorType
                // for the message code.
                if ((combatDetails.ActorEntityType == EntityType.Pet) &&
                    (target.EntityType == EntityType.Player) &&
                    (supposedActorType == EntityType.Mob))
                    combatDetails.ActorEntityType = EntityType.Mob;

                // Otherwise, if a pet is attacking a player, that player
                // must be charmed.
                if ((combatDetails.ActorEntityType == EntityType.Pet) &&
                    (target.EntityType == EntityType.Player))
                    target.EntityType = EntityType.CharmedPlayer;

                // If target is a mob and actor hasn't been identified yet, actor
                // must be a player.
                if ((combatDetails.ActorEntityType == EntityType.Unknown) &&
                    (target.EntityType == EntityType.Mob))
                    combatDetails.ActorEntityType = EntityType.Player;

                // If actor is a mob and target hasn't been identified yet, target
                // must be a player.
                if ((combatDetails.ActorEntityType == EntityType.Mob) &&
                    (target.EntityType == EntityType.Unknown))
                    target.EntityType = EntityType.Player;

                // If actor is a player and target hasn't been identified yet, target
                // must be a mob. (higher priority assumption than that actor is charmed
                // by the point we need to make this distinction)
                if ((combatDetails.ActorEntityType == EntityType.Player) &&
                    (target.EntityType == EntityType.Unknown))
                    target.EntityType = EntityType.Mob;

            if (combatDetails.InteractionType == InteractionType.Death)
                // If a mob killed a pet, we'd know the entity type of the target.
                // As such, if there's an unknown target entity type, it must be a player.
                if ((combatDetails.ActorEntityType == EntityType.Mob) &&
                    (target.EntityType == EntityType.Unknown))
                    target.EntityType = EntityType.Player;

                // If target killed is a mob, we know the actor must be a player if
                // they are currently unknown (can't charm player-named mobs).
                else if ((combatDetails.ActorEntityType == EntityType.Unknown) &&
                         (target.EntityType == EntityType.Mob))
                    combatDetails.ActorEntityType = EntityType.Player;
    //give rewards to player after combat as directed by the combat portal's specifications
    public void GiveRewards()
        CombatDetails details = CombatDetails.GetComponent <CombatDetails>();

        foreach (GameObject player in Players)
            if (!player)
            if (!player.GetComponent <PlayerController>().CPU)//dont give rewards to cpu players
                List <int>        attemptedRewards = new List <int>();
                int               rewardsGiven     = 0;
                List <GameObject> rewards          = new List <GameObject>();
                List <float>      rates            = details.rewardRates;
                List <GameObject> item             = details.rewards;
                List <bool>       guaranteedDrops  = details.guaranteedDrop;

                //Add guaranteed drop items as well
                for (int i = 0; i < guaranteedDrops.Count; i++)
                    if (guaranteedDrops[i] == true)
                //loop through rates giving cooresponding reward if rng says so, beaks if maxrewards given is met
                for (int i = 0; i < rates.Count; i++)
                    if (attemptedRewards.Count >= rates.Count)
                    if (rewardsGiven >= details.maxRewards)
                    float reward = Random.Range(0f, 1f);
                    //randomly select an item
                    int index;
                    while (attemptedRewards.Contains(index = Random.Range(0, rates.Count)))
                        if (attemptedRewards.Contains(index))
                    //if ((reward < rates[index] || (details.minRewards != 0 && details.minRewards - rewardsGiven == rates.Count - i)) && guaranteedDrops[index] == false)
                    if (reward < rates[index] || (details.minRewards != 0 && details.minRewards - rewardsGiven == rates.Count - i))
                        //Debug.Log("Adding " + item[index] + " to inventory as battle reward");

                //Add rewards to inventory
                foreach (GameObject reward in rewards)
                    player.GetComponent <Inventory>().AddItemToInventory(reward.GetComponent <Item>());
                    player.GetComponent <EventManager>().Event(new List <object>()
                        GameAction.LOOTED, reward.GetComponent <Item>().ID, 1

                //give xp and gold
                int xp   = Random.Range(details.minXp, CombatDetails.GetComponent <CombatDetails>().maxXp);
                int gold = Random.Range(details.minGold, CombatDetails.GetComponent <CombatDetails>().maxGold);
                player.GetComponent <Inventory>().AddGold(gold);
                bool levelup = player.GetComponent <PlayerController>().AddXP(xp);

                //display what was given
                StartCoroutine(PrintRewards(rewards, xp, gold, levelup));