Esempio n. 1
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     // Make one sprite appears before the others that are UP to the screen
     spriteR.sortingOrder = Mathf.RoundToInt(transform.position.y * 100f) * -1;
     // Run combat checks
     if (isCombat && isAlive)
         if (isActive)
             if (!isMoving && !isCasting)
                 // Recuce the time from the attack countdown.
                 foreach (Weapons wep in weapons)
                     // If the char hasn't attacked for a time, it resets the attack countdown, but just as half of the speed.
                     if (wep.attackCooldown > -wep.attackSpeed / 2)
                         wep.attackCooldown -= Time.deltaTime * (1 + C.Properties[Properties.AttackSpeed].GetValue() / 100f);
                         wep.attackCooldown += wep.attackSpeed;
                 // reduce the time from the casting countdown
                 castingTimer -= Time.deltaTime * (1 + C.Properties[Properties.CastingSpeed].GetValue() / 100f);
             // Check each weapon to see if its time to attack
             foreach (Weapons wep in weapons)
                 if (wep.attackCooldown <= 0 && !isMoving && isActive && !isCasting)
                     // Get a list of possibler targets in range of its weapon
                     List <CombatChar> targets = GetTargetsOnRange(wep.range, CombatManager.Targets.Enemies);
                     // ignore weapons attack if there is no target in range.
                     if (targets == null)
                         //Debug.Log("no target");
                         // Get one target based on its Threat level.
                         CombatChar target = GetAttackTarget(targets);
                         // Check is has LOS and perform the attack
                         if (InLOS(target.transform))
                             StartCoroutine(AttackAnim(wep, target, false));
                             wep.attackCooldown += wep.attackSpeed;
             // Decide which power is going to be used.
             if (castTarget == null && chargedPower == null && castingTimer <= 0f)
             if (castTarget != null && chargedPower != null && castingTimer <= -0.5f)
                 castTarget.sprite.GetComponent <SpriteOutline>().enabled = false;
                 castTarget   = null;
                 chargedPower = null;
             // Show casting spell name and give the chance to be interrupted.
             if (castTarget != null && chargedPower != null && castingTimer <= 1.5f && !canBeInterruped)
                 InitCBT(, "SpellName");
                 canBeInterruped = true;
             // Check is can cast the spell and then cast it
             if (castingTimer <= 0 && castTarget != null && chargedPower != null && castTarget.isTarget && !isMoving && castTarget.isAlive)
                 if (checkInRange(castTarget, chargedPower.range) && InLOS(castTarget.transform))
                     chargedPower.usePower(this, castTarget);
                 // Clean ewverything about the power and the target
                 castTarget.sprite.GetComponent <SpriteOutline>().enabled = false;
                 castTarget      = null;
                 chargedPower    = null;
                 canBeInterruped = false;