private static void TestComagickLogin() { //Console.WriteLine("Testing Comagic login... '{0}'-'{1}'", Config.Comagic.Login, Config.Comagic.Password); Console.WriteLine("Testing Comagic login..."); Comagic.Api x = new Comagic.Api(Config.Comagic.Login, Config.Comagic.Password); Console.WriteLine("Done."); // read calls 27.01.2015 14:58:50 Console.WriteLine("trying to search calls..."); DateTime from = new DateTime(2015, 1, 27, 15, 2, 0); DateTime to = from + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1); var calls = x.GetCalls(from, to); Console.WriteLine("Done. Found {0} call(s)", calls.Count); Console.WriteLine("Performing logout..."); x.Logout(); Console.WriteLine("Done"); }
private static List<Comagic.Call> GetComagicCalls(DateTime readFrom, DateTime readTill, bool doFiltering) { string cmLogin = Config.Comagic.Login; string cmPassword = Config.Comagic.Password; LogWriter.Info(String.Format("Performing login to Comagic as '{0}'", cmLogin)); Comagic.Api cmApi = new Comagic.Api(cmLogin, cmPassword); LogWriter.Info(String.Format("Fetching calls between {0} and {1} (Moskow)", readFrom, readTill)); List<Comagic.Call> calls = cmApi.GetCalls(readFrom, readTill); cmApi.Logout(); LogWriter.Info(String.Format("{0} call(s) total", calls.Count)); List<Comagic.Call> workList = new List<Comagic.Call>(); foreach (var call in calls) { if (Config.NotForMegaplan(call.ToNumber)) { LogWriter.Info(String.Format("Звонок на номер {0} не для мегаплана", call.ToNumber)); } else { workList.Add(call); } } // sort by date to be sure 100% that the order is correct workList.Sort(delegate(Comagic.Call x, Comagic.Call y) { return x.CallDate.CompareTo(y.CallDate); }); return workList; }