private void Write(object comObject, ConfigurationName name, bool?posting) { object argument; string argumentString; if (name.Scope == ConfigurationScope.егистрыСведений) { argument = true; argumentString = argument.ToString(); } else { var writeModeName = posting.HasValue ? (posting.Value ? "Проведение" : "ОтменаПроведения") : "Запись"; var writeMode = globalContext.ежимЗаписиДокумента(); argument = ComHelpers.GetProperty(writeMode, writeModeName); argumentString = "РежимЗаписиДокумента." + writeModeName; } try { ComHelpers.Invoke(comObject, "Write", argument); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { const string messageFormat = "error writing document [{0}] with argument [{1}]"; throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(messageFormat, name.Fullname, argumentString), e.InnerException); } }
/// <summary> /// Destroys object /// </summary> public void Dispose() { if (_disposedFlag.Set()) { _activeScriptGarbageCollector = null; if (_is64Bit) { _activeScriptParse64 = null; } else { _activeScriptParse32 = null; } ComHelpers.ReleaseAndEmpty(ref _pActiveScriptGarbageCollector); if (_is64Bit) { ComHelpers.ReleaseAndEmpty(ref _pActiveScriptDebug64); ComHelpers.ReleaseAndEmpty(ref _pActiveScriptParse64); } else { ComHelpers.ReleaseAndEmpty(ref _pActiveScriptDebug32); ComHelpers.ReleaseAndEmpty(ref _pActiveScriptParse32); } ComHelpers.ReleaseAndEmpty(ref _pActiveScript); if (_activeScript != null) { _activeScript.Close(); Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(_activeScript); _activeScript = null; } } }
private string[] GetPropertyTypes(object a) { var type = ComHelpers.GetProperty(a, "Тип"); var typesObject = ComHelpers.Invoke(type, "Типы"); var typesCount = Call.Количество(typesObject); if (typesCount == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("assertion failure"); } var types = new string[typesCount]; for (var i = 0; i < typesCount; i++) { var typeObject = Call.Получить(typesObject, i); var stringPresentation = globalContext.String(typeObject); if (MetadataHelpers.simpleTypesMap.ContainsKey(stringPresentation)) { return(null); } var propertyComObject = Call.НайтиПоТипу(globalContext.Metadata, typeObject); if (propertyComObject == null) { return(null); } types[i] = Call.ПолноеИмя(propertyComObject); } return(types); }
/// <summary> /// Determines each column's width. /// </summary> /// <param name="range">Range with columns to examine.</param> /// <returns>An array of integers representing column widths. /// Caveat: This array is 1-based!</returns> private int[] ColumnWidths(Range range) { Range columns = range.Columns; long numColumns = columns.Count; int[] widths = new int[numColumns + 1]; Logger.Info("ColumnWidths: Computing widths of {0} columns", numColumns); for (long i = 1; i <= numColumns; i++) { Range column = columns[i]; Range cells = column.Cells; for (int j = 1; j <= cells.Count; j++) { Range cell = cells[j]; int w = ValueToString(cell.Value2).Length; if (w > widths[i]) { widths[i] = w; } ComHelpers.ReleaseComObject(cell); if (IsCancellationRequested) { break; } } ComHelpers.ReleaseComObject(cells); ComHelpers.ReleaseComObject(column); if (IsCancellationRequested) { break; } } ComHelpers.ReleaseComObject(columns); return(widths); }
private void EmitTableSections(ClassGenerationContext classContext, string tableSectionsName, ConfigurationItemDescriptor descriptor) { var tableSections = ComHelpers.GetProperty(classContext.comObject, tableSectionsName); foreach (var tableSection in (IEnumerable)tableSections) { var tableSectionName = Call.Имя(tableSection); var nestedClassContext = new ClassGenerationContext { comObject = tableSection, descriptor = descriptor, generationContext = classContext.generationContext, target = new ClassModel { Name = "ТабличнаяЧасть" + tableSectionName } }; EmitClass(nestedClassContext); classContext.EmitNestedClass(; classContext.EmitProperty(new PropertyModel { Type = string.Format("List<{0}>",, PropertyName = tableSectionName }); } }
/// <summary> /// Destroys object /// </summary> /// <param name="disposing">Flag, allowing destruction of /// managed objects contained in fields of class</param> private void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!_disposed) { _disposed = true; _lastException = null; if (_siteItems != null) { _siteItems.Clear(); _siteItems = null; } if (_dispatch != null) { ComHelpers.ReleaseComObject(ref _dispatch, !disposing); _dispatch = null; } if (_activeScriptParse != null) { _activeScriptParse.Dispose(); _activeScriptParse = null; } _activeScript = null; } }
private void EmitConstants(GenerationContext context) { var constants = ComHelpers.GetProperty(globalContext.Metadata, "Константы"); var constantsCount = Call.Количество(constants); for (var i = 0; i < constantsCount; i++) { var constant = Call.Получить(constants, i); var typeDescriptor = ExtractType(constant, context); if (!typeDescriptor.HasValue) { continue; } var configurationName = new ConfigurationName(ConfigurationScope.Константы, Call.Имя(constant)); var template = new ConstantFileTemplate { Model = new ConstantFileModel { Type =, Name = configurationName.Name, Synonym = GenerateHelpers.EscapeString(Call.Синоним(constant)), Namespace = GetNamespaceName(configurationName.Scope), MaxLength = typeDescriptor.Value.maxLength } }; context.Write(configurationName, template.TransformText()); } }
private void EmitEnum(ConfigurationItem item, GenerationContext context) { var model = new EnumFileModel { Name = item.Name.Name, Namespace = GetNamespaceName(item.Name.Scope) }; var values = ComHelpers.GetProperty(item.ComObject, "ЗначенияПеречисления"); var count = Call.Количество(values); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var value = Call.Получить(values, i); model.Items.Add(new EnumItemModel { Name = Call.Имя(value), Synonym = GenerateHelpers.EscapeString(Call.Синоним(value)) }); } var enumFileTemplate = new EnumFileTemplate { Model = model }; context.Write(item.Name, enumFileTemplate.TransformText()); }
public void Recreate() { object comTable = null; LogHelpers.LogWithTiming("loading COM schema info", () => comTable = ComHelpers.Invoke(globalContext.ComObject(), "ПолучитьСтруктуруХраненияБазыДанных", Missing.Value, true)); TableMapping[] tableMappings = null; LogHelpers.LogWithTiming("extracting table mappings from COM schema info", () => tableMappings = ExtractTableMappingsFromCom(comTable)); LogHelpers.LogWithTiming("recreating db schema", () => database.RecreateSchema("simple1c")); LogHelpers.LogWithTiming("writing table mappings to db", () => store.WriteTableMappings(tableMappings)); EnumMapping[] enumMappings = null; LogHelpers.LogWithTiming("extracting enum mappings from COM ", () => enumMappings = ExtractEnumMappingsFromCom()); LogHelpers.LogWithTiming("writing enum mappings to db", () => store.WriteEnumMappings(enumMappings)); LogHelpers.LogWithTiming("creating helper functions", () => CreateHelperFunctions(tableMappings)); }
public static IEnumerable <object> GetAttributes(object comObject, ConfigurationItemDescriptor descriptor) { var standardAttributes = ComHelpers.GetProperty(comObject, "СтандартныеРеквизиты"); var isChartOfAccounts = Call.Имя(comObject) == "Хозрасчетный"; foreach (var attr in (IEnumerable)standardAttributes) { var name = Call.Имя(attr); if (isChartOfAccounts && name != "Код" && name != "Наименование") { continue; } if (standardPropertiesToExclude.Contains(name)) { continue; } yield return(attr); } foreach (var propertyName in descriptor.AttributePropertyNames) { var attributes = ComHelpers.GetProperty(comObject, propertyName); var attributesCount = Call.Количество(attributes); for (var i = 0; i < attributesCount; ++i) { yield return(Call.Получить(attributes, i)); } } }
private int?GetMaxLength(object attribute) { var type = ComHelpers.GetProperty(attribute, "Тип"); var typesObject = ComHelpers.Invoke(type, "Типы"); var typesCount = Call.Количество(typesObject); if (typesCount != 1) { return(null); } var typeObject = Call.Получить(typesObject, 0); var stringPresentation = globalContext.String(typeObject); if (stringPresentation != "Строка") { return(null); } var квалификаторыСтроки = ComHelpers.GetProperty(type, "КвалификаторыСтроки"); var result = Call.IntProp(квалификаторыСтроки, "Длина"); if (result == 0) { return(null); } return(result); }
private dynamic EnumValue(string enumName, string enumValue) { var enumsObject = ComObject().Перечисления; var enumObject = ComHelpers.GetProperty(enumsObject, enumName); return(ComHelpers.GetProperty(enumObject, enumValue)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a wrapper for the process debug manager. A return value indicates whether /// the creation succeeded. /// </summary> /// <param name="wrapper">Wrapper for process debug manager</param> /// <returns>true if the wrapper was created successfully; otherwise, false.</returns> public static bool TryCreate(out ProcessDebugManagerWrapper wrapper) { const string progId = "ProcessDebugManager"; if (Utils.Is64BitProcess()) { IProcessDebugManager64 processDebugManager64; if (ComHelpers.TryCreateComObject(progId, null, out processDebugManager64)) { wrapper = new ProcessDebugManagerWrapper(processDebugManager64); return(true); } } else { IProcessDebugManager32 processDebugManager32; if (ComHelpers.TryCreateComObject(progId, null, out processDebugManager32)) { wrapper = new ProcessDebugManagerWrapper(processDebugManager32); return(true); } } wrapper = null; return(false); }
private IEnumerable Execute(BuiltQuery builtQuery) { if (EntityHelpers.IsConstant(builtQuery.EntityType)) { var constantWrapType = builtQuery.EntityType.BaseType; if (constantWrapType == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("assertion failure"); } var constantWrap = (Constant)FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject(builtQuery.EntityType); var constants = ComHelpers.GetProperty(globalContext.ComObject(), "Константы"); var constant = ComHelpers.GetProperty(constants, builtQuery.EntityType.Name); var value = ComHelpers.Invoke(constant, "Получить"); constantWrap.ЗначениеНетипизированное = comObjectMapper.MapFrom1C(value, constantWrapType.GetGenericArguments()[0]); yield return(constantWrap); yield break; } var queryText = builtQuery.QueryText; var parameters = builtQuery.Parameters; parametersConverter.ConvertParametersTo1C(parameters); var hasReference = ConfigurationName.Get(builtQuery.EntityType).HasReference; var queryResult = globalContext.Execute(queryText, parameters); if (hasReference || builtQuery.Projection != null) { var projection = builtQuery.Projection != null ? ProjectionMapperFactory.GetMapper(builtQuery.Projection, comObjectMapper) : null; var selection = queryResult.Select(); while (selection.Next()) { if (projection != null) { yield return(projection(selection.ComObject)); } else if (builtQuery.IsCount) { yield return(comObjectMapper.MapFrom1C(selection["src_Count"], typeof(int))); } else { yield return(comObjectMapper.MapFrom1C(selection["Ссылка"], builtQuery.EntityType)); } } } else { var valueTable = queryResult.Unload(); foreach (var r in valueTable) { yield return(comObjectMapper.MapFrom1C(r.ComObject(), builtQuery.EntityType)); } } }
bool IValueSource.TryLoadValue(string name, Type type, out object result) { var isUniqueIdentifier = name == EntityHelpers.idPropertyName && type == typeof(Guid?); var propertyValue = isUniqueIdentifier ? ComHelpers.Invoke(comObject, name) : ComHelpers.GetProperty(comObject, name); result = comObjectMapper.MapFrom1C(propertyValue, type); return(true); }
private static void UpdateIfExists(Abstract1CEntity target, object source, string propertyName) { var property = target.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName); if (property == null) { return; } SetValueWithoutTracking(target, property, ComHelpers.GetProperty(source, propertyName)); }
public ConfigurationItem FindMetaByName(ConfigurationName fullname) { var itemMetadata = ComHelpers.Invoke(Metadata, "НайтиПоПолномуИмени", fullname.Fullname); if (itemMetadata == null) { const string messageFormat = "can't find [{0}]"; throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(messageFormat, fullname.Fullname)); } return(new ConfigurationItem(fullname, itemMetadata)); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs an instance of the ActiveScript JavaScript engine /// </summary> /// <param name="clsid">CLSID of JavaScript engine</param> /// <param name="engineMode">JavaScript engine mode</param> /// <param name="lowerIeVersion">Lowest supported version of Internet Explorer</param> /// <param name="languageVersion">Version of script language</param> /// <param name="useEcmaScript5Polyfill">Flag for whether to use the ECMAScript 5 Polyfill</param> /// <param name="useJson2Library">Flag for whether to use the JSON2 library</param> protected ActiveScriptJsEngineBase(string clsid, JsEngineMode engineMode, string lowerIeVersion, ScriptLanguageVersion languageVersion, bool useEcmaScript5Polyfill, bool useJson2Library) { _engineMode = engineMode; _engineModeName = JsEngineModeHelpers.GetModeName(engineMode); _documentVersion = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("o"); _dispatcher.Invoke(() => { _pActiveScript = IntPtr.Zero; try { _pActiveScript = ComHelpers.CreateInstanceByClsid <IActiveScript>(clsid); _activeScript = (IActiveScript)Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(_pActiveScript); } catch (Exception e) { throw new JsEngineLoadException( string.Format(CommonStrings.Runtime_IeJsEngineNotLoaded, _engineModeName, lowerIeVersion, e.Message), _engineModeName); } if (languageVersion != ScriptLanguageVersion.None) { var activeScriptProperty = _activeScript as IActiveScriptProperty; if (activeScriptProperty != null) { object scriptLanguageVersion = (int)languageVersion; uint result = activeScriptProperty.SetProperty((uint)ScriptProperty.InvokeVersioning, IntPtr.Zero, ref scriptLanguageVersion); if (result != (uint)ScriptHResult.Ok) { throw new JsEngineLoadException( string.Format(NetFrameworkStrings.Runtime_ActiveScriptLanguageVersionSelectionFailed, languageVersion)); } } } _activeScriptParse = new ActiveScriptParseWrapper(_pActiveScript, _activeScript); _activeScriptParse.InitNew(); _pActiveScriptGarbageCollector = ComHelpers.QueryInterfaceNoThrow <IActiveScriptGarbageCollector>(_pActiveScript); _activeScriptGarbageCollector = _activeScript as IActiveScriptGarbageCollector; _activeScript.SetScriptSite(this); _activeScript.SetScriptState(ScriptState.Started); InitScriptDispatch(); }); LoadResources(useEcmaScript5Polyfill, useJson2Library); }
public object GetValue(object queryResultRow) { var result = ComHelpers.GetProperty(queryResultRow, Alias); if (isUniqueIdentifier) { result = result == null || result == DBNull.Value ? null : ComHelpers.Invoke(result, EntityHelpers.idPropertyName); } return(result); }
private void SaveConstant(Constant constantEntity) { var configurationName = new ConfigurationName(ConfigurationScope.Константы, constantEntity.GetType().Name); var metadata = metadataAccessor.GetMetadata(configurationName); var valueToSave = constantEntity.ЗначениеНетипизированное; metadata.Validate(null, valueToSave); var constant = globalContext.GetManager(configurationName); var value = comObjectMapper.MapTo1C(valueToSave); ComHelpers.Invoke(constant, "Установить", value); }
private EnumMapItem[] GetMappings(Type enumType) { var enumeration = ComHelpers.GetProperty(enumerations, enumType.Name); return(Enum.GetValues(enumType) .Cast <object>() .Select(v => new EnumMapItem { value = v, index = Convert.ToInt32(ComHelpers.Invoke(enumeration, "IndexOf", ComHelpers.GetProperty(enumeration, v.ToString()))) }) .ToArray()); }
private void UpdateId(object source, Abstract1CEntity target, ConfigurationName name) { var property = target.GetType().GetProperty(EntityHelpers.idPropertyName); if (property == null) { const string messageFormat = "type [{0}] has no id"; throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(messageFormat, name)); } var idValue = ComHelpers.Invoke(source, EntityHelpers.idPropertyName); idValue = comObjectMapper.MapFrom1C(idValue, typeof(Guid)); SetValueWithoutTracking(target, property, idValue); }
private object MapEnumFrom1C(Type enumType, object value1C) { var enumeration = ComHelpers.GetProperty(enumerations, enumType.Name); var valueIndex = Convert.ToInt32(ComHelpers.Invoke(enumeration, "IndexOf", value1C)); var result = mappingSource.EnumMappingsCache.GetOrAdd(enumType, GetMappings) .SingleOrDefault(x => x.index == valueIndex); if (result == null) { const string messageFormat = "can't map value [{0}] to enum [{1}]"; throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(messageFormat, globalContext.String(value1C), enumType.Name)); } return(result.value); }
/// <summary> /// Destroys object /// </summary> /// <param name="disposing">Flag, allowing destruction of /// managed objects contained in fields of class</param> private void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (_disposedFlag.Set()) { if (_is64Bit) { _activeScriptParse64 = null; ComHelpers.ReleaseAndEmpty(ref _pActiveScriptParse64); } else { _activeScriptParse32 = null; ComHelpers.ReleaseAndEmpty(ref _pActiveScriptParse32); } } }
public void RecreateRoutines() { object comTable = null; LogHelpers.LogWithTiming("loading COM schema info", () => comTable = ComHelpers.Invoke(globalContext.ComObject(), "ПолучитьСтруктуруХраненияБазыДанных", Missing.Value, true)); TableMapping[] tableMappings = null; LogHelpers.LogWithTiming("extracting table mappings from COM schema info", () => tableMappings = ExtractTableMappingsFromCom(comTable)); LogHelpers.LogWithTiming("removing helper functions", RemoveHelperFunctions); LogHelpers.LogWithTiming("creating helper functions", () => CreateHelperFunctions(tableMappings)); }
/// <summary> /// Destroys object /// </summary> /// <param name="disposing">Flag, allowing destruction of /// managed objects contained in fields of class</param> private void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (_disposedFlag.Set()) { _dispatcher.Invoke(() => { if (_dispatch != null) { ComHelpers.ReleaseComObject(ref _dispatch, !disposing); _dispatch = null; } if (_activeScriptWrapper != null) { _activeScriptWrapper.Dispose(); _activeScriptWrapper = null; } }); if (disposing) { if (_debuggingStarted && _debugDocuments != null) { foreach (UIntPtr debugDocumentKey in _debugDocuments.Keys) { var debugDocumentValue = _debugDocuments[debugDocumentKey]; debugDocumentValue.Close(); } _debugDocuments.Clear(); } if (_processDebugManagerWrapper != null) { _processDebugManagerWrapper.RemoveApplication(_debugApplicationCookie); _debugApplicationWrapper.Close(); } if (_hostItems != null) { _hostItems.Clear(); } _lastException = null; } } }
/// <summary> /// Used by a smart host to delegate the <see cref="IDebugDocumentContext.EnumCodeContexts"/> method /// </summary> /// <param name="sourceContext">The source context as provided to /// <see cref="IActiveScriptParse32.ParseScriptText"/> or /// <see cref="IActiveScriptParse32.AddScriptlet"/></param> /// <param name="offset">Character offset relative to start of script text</param> /// <param name="length">Number of characters in this context</param> /// <param name="enumContexts">An enumerator of the code contexts in the specified range</param> public void EnumCodeContextsOfPosition(UIntPtr sourceContext, uint offset, uint length, out IEnumDebugCodeContexts enumContexts) { uint result; if (_is64Bit) { var del = ComHelpers.GetMethodDelegate <RawEnumCodeContextsOfPosition64>(_pActiveScriptDebug64, 5); result = del(_pActiveScriptDebug64, sourceContext.ToUInt64(), offset, length, out enumContexts); } else { var del = ComHelpers.GetMethodDelegate <RawEnumCodeContextsOfPosition32>(_pActiveScriptDebug32, 5); result = del(_pActiveScriptDebug32, sourceContext.ToUInt32(), offset, length, out enumContexts); } ComHelpers.HResult.Check(result); }
/// <summary> /// Checks a support of the JavaScript engine on the machine /// </summary> /// <param name="clsid">CLSID of JavaScript engine</param> /// <param name="isSupported">Flag indicating whether this JavaScript engine is supported</param> /// <param name="supportSynchronizer">Support synchronizer</param> /// <returns>Result of check (true - supports; false - does not support)</returns> protected static bool IsSupported(string clsid, ref bool?isSupported, ref object supportSynchronizer) { if (isSupported.HasValue) { return(isSupported.Value); } lock (supportSynchronizer) { if (isSupported.HasValue) { return(isSupported.Value); } IntPtr pActiveScript = IntPtr.Zero; try { pActiveScript = ComHelpers.CreateInstanceByClsid <IActiveScript>(clsid); isSupported = true; } catch (COMException e) { if (e.ErrorCode == ComErrorCode.ClassNotRegistered) { isSupported = false; } else { isSupported = null; } } catch { isSupported = null; } finally { ComHelpers.ReleaseAndEmpty(ref pActiveScript); } return(isSupported.HasValue && isSupported.Value); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructs an instance of the Active Script wrapper /// </summary> /// <param name="clsid">CLSID of script engine</param> /// <param name="languageVersion">Version of script language</param> public ActiveScriptWrapper(string clsid, ScriptLanguageVersion languageVersion) { _is64Bit = Utils.Is64BitProcess(); _pActiveScript = ComHelpers.CreateInstanceByClsid <IActiveScript>(clsid); if (_is64Bit) { _pActiveScriptParse64 = ComHelpers.QueryInterface <IActiveScriptParse64>(_pActiveScript); _pActiveScriptDebug64 = ComHelpers.QueryInterface <IActiveScriptDebug64>(_pActiveScript); } else { _pActiveScriptParse32 = ComHelpers.QueryInterface <IActiveScriptParse32>(_pActiveScript); _pActiveScriptDebug32 = ComHelpers.QueryInterface <IActiveScriptDebug32>(_pActiveScript); } _pActiveScriptGarbageCollector = ComHelpers.QueryInterfaceNoThrow <IActiveScriptGarbageCollector>(_pActiveScript); _activeScript = (IActiveScript)Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(_pActiveScript); if (_is64Bit) { _activeScriptParse64 = (IActiveScriptParse64)_activeScript; } else { _activeScriptParse32 = (IActiveScriptParse32)_activeScript; } _activeScriptGarbageCollector = _activeScript as IActiveScriptGarbageCollector; if (languageVersion != ScriptLanguageVersion.None) { var activeScriptProperty = _activeScript as IActiveScriptProperty; if (activeScriptProperty != null) { object scriptLanguageVersion = (int)languageVersion; uint result = activeScriptProperty.SetProperty((uint)ScriptProperty.InvokeVersioning, IntPtr.Zero, ref scriptLanguageVersion); if (result != (uint)ScriptHResult.Ok) { throw new JsEngineLoadException( string.Format(NetFrameworkStrings.Runtime_ActiveScriptLanguageVersionSelectionFailed, languageVersion)); } } } }
private EnumMapping[] ExtractEnumMappingsFromCom() { var enumsManager = ComHelpers.GetProperty(globalContext.ComObject(), "Перечисления"); var enumsMeta = ComHelpers.GetProperty(globalContext.Metadata, "Перечисления"); var enumsCount = Call.Количество(enumsMeta); var result = new List <EnumMapping>(); for (var i = 0; i < enumsCount; i++) { var enumMeta = Call.Получить(enumsMeta, i); var enumName = Call.Имя(enumMeta); var enumManager = ComHelpers.GetProperty(enumsManager, enumName); var enumValuesMeta = ComHelpers.GetProperty(enumMeta, "ЗначенияПеречисления"); var valuesCount = Call.Количество(enumValuesMeta); for (var j = 0; j < valuesCount; j++) { var enumValueMeta = Call.Получить(enumValuesMeta, j); var enumValueName = Call.Имя(enumValueMeta); object enumValue = null; try { enumValue = ComHelpers.GetProperty(enumManager, enumValueName); } catch { //сраный 1С куда-то проебывает (DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND) //УсловияПримененияТребованийЗаконодательства.ЕстьТранспортныеСредства //и только это значения этого енума, остальные на месте } if (enumValue != null) { var order = Convert.ToInt32(ComHelpers.Invoke(enumManager, "Индекс", enumValue)); result.Add(new EnumMapping { enumName = enumName.ToLower(), enumValueName = enumValueName.ToLower(), orderIndex = order }); } } } return(result.ToArray()); }