/// <summary> /// 退出系统 /// </summary> public void Closed() { try { if ("0" == Function.ComForm.DspMsg("Q001", "")) { // 删除登录信息 WinMenuPro fr = (WinMenuPro)Application.OpenForms["WinMenuPro"]; if (fr != null) { fr.Close(); } this.Close(); Application.Exit(); } else { return; } } catch (Exception ex) { ComForm.DspMsg("E001", ""); //MessageBox.Show("系统出现问题,请与管理员联系!"); return; } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //验证所添加的是不是全为空(2012/11/02) if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txtPass.Text.Trim()) == true || string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txtPass_YZ.Text.Trim()) == true ) || this.txtPass_YZ.Text.Trim().Equals(this.txtPass.Text.Trim()) == false ) { ComForm.DspMsg("W103", ""); return; } //验证用户名是否存在 else { BLL.fmd020 bllfmd020 = new BLL.fmd020(); bllfmd020.Update_Pass(txtPass.Text.Trim().Replace("'", ""), ComForm.strUserName); ComForm.DspMsg("M002", ""); } } catch (Exception ex) { Comm.InsertErrLog(ex.ToString(), this.Name); ComForm.DspMsg("E013", ""); } }
static void Main() { //Application.EnableVisualStyles(); //Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); ////Application.Run(new BllTest()); //Application.Run(new WinLogin()); try { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(UnhandledExceptionEventHandler); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Process[] myProcesses = Process.GetProcessesByName(Application.ProductName); if (myProcesses.Length <= 1) { //Application.Run(new testForm("2015/01/29", "BSC070", "","HL_BSC070_150128_01", "", "", "", "")); Application.Run(new WinLogin()); } else { ComForm.DspMsg("E002", ""); } Application.Exit(); } catch (Exception ex) { ComForm.DspMsg("E001", ""); ComForm.InsertErrLog(ex.Message, "LOGIN"); } }
public void SetListView(string strNO, ListView lv) { try { lv.Items.Clear(); DataTable dt = _projectbll.GetProject_Name(strNO);//, ComForm.strUserName if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { // 设置行高 20 ImageList imgList = new ImageList(); imgList.ImageSize = new Size(20, 20); //分别是宽和高 lv.SmallImageList = imgList; //这里设置listView的SmallImageList ,用imgList将其撑大 lv.SmallImageList = imageList1; lv.Items.Add(dt.Rows[i]["Name"].ToString(), 2); } } dt.Clear(); } catch (Exception ex) { ComForm.DspMsg("E001", ""); //MessageBox.Show("系统出现问题,请与管理员联系!"); return; } }
/// <summary> /// 显现窗体函数 listView1 /// </summary> private void ListViewSelect(string FromName) { try { string strForm = string.Empty; Form showForm = null; // 获取程序名称(英文) DataTable dt = _projectbll.GetP_PorName(FromName.Trim()); if (0 < dt.Rows.Count) { string P_PorName = dt.Rows[0]["P_PorName"].ToString(); showForm = (Form)System.Reflection.Assembly.Load("TianMaSystem").CreateInstance("TianMaSystem." + P_PorName); } dt.Clear(); strForm = showForm.Name; Form fr = Application.OpenForms[strForm]; if (fr != null) { fr.BringToFront(); } else { showForm.MdiParent = this; showForm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; showForm.Show(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ComForm.DspMsg("W002", ""); //ComForm.InsertErrLog(ex.ToString(), this.Name.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// 初始化设置 /// </summary> public void SetLoad() { try { ShowLRHM(); DateLab.Text = PublicFun.GetSystemDateTime(ComConst.Date, "yyyy/MM/dd"); //// 获取社员名字 //DataTable dt = _menuprobll.GetSymc(Const.SYBH); //if (0 < dt.Rows.Count) //{ // LabSybh.Text = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); //} //else //{ // LabSybh.Text = Const.SYBH; //} //dt.Clear(); LabSybh.Text = "您好," + ComForm.strSymc + "( " + Const.SYBH + " )"; btn01.Focus(); } catch (Exception ex) { ComForm.DspMsg("E001", ""); //MessageBox.Show("系统出现问题,请与管理员联系!"); return; } }
// 验证用户名是否存在 private void txtUserName_Validating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { if (btnFromClosed.Focused) { return; } if (txtUserName.Text.ToString().Trim() != string.Empty) { this.txtUserName.Text = txtUserName.Text.ToString().PadLeft(5, '0'); } else { UserNameLab.Text = string.Empty; } string UserNameck = Function.ComForm.strUserName = txtUserName.Text.Trim().Replace("'", ""); if (UserNameck != string.Empty) { DataTable dt = _bllfmd020.YongHuMima_GetCorN(ComForm.strUserName); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { this.txtUserName.Text = dt.Rows[0]["UserName"].ToString(); this.UserNameLab.Text = dt.Rows[0]["XM"].ToString(); } else { this.txtUserName.Text = UserNameLab.Text = string.Empty; ComForm.DspMsg("W034", ""); txtUserName.Focus(); return; } dt.Clear(); } }
private void btnExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ComConst.LING == ComForm.DspMsg("Q001", "")) { System.GC.Collect(); this.Close(); } }
//退出按钮 private void btnClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ComConst.LING == ComForm.DspMsg("Q001", "")) { System.GC.Collect(); this.Close(); } else { cboGlMc.Focus(); } }
//退出按钮 private void btnClose() { if (ComConst.LING == ComForm.DspMsg("Q001", "")) { System.GC.Collect(); this.Close(); } else { return; } }
private void Menu1_Button(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { GetShowListView(sender); } catch (Exception ex) { ComForm.DspMsg("E001", ""); //MessageBox.Show("系统出现问题,请与管理员联系!"); return; } }
private void btn_Login_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //btn_Login.Text = "正在登录..."; //Application.DoEvents(); string UserName = Function.ComForm.strUserName = txtUserName.Text.Trim().ToLower().Replace("'", ""); ComForm.strSymc = UserNameLab.Text.Trim(); string PassWord = txtPass.Text.Trim().Replace("'", ""); Function.Const.SYBH = ComForm.strUserName; if (UserName == string.Empty) { ComForm.DspMsg("W001", ""); this.txtUserName.Focus(); return; } if (PassWord == string.Empty) { ComForm.DspMsg("W005", ""); this.txtPass.Focus(); return; } if (CheckUserPass(UserName, PassWord)) { // 管理员权限登录,打开FirstPage菜单 WinMenuPro fr = (WinMenuPro)Application.OpenForms["WinMenuPro"]; if (fr != null) { fr.Close(); WinMenuPro Main = new WinMenuPro(); Main.Show(); } else { WinMenuPro Main = new WinMenuPro(); Main.Show(); } this.txtUserName.Focus(); this.Hide(); //btn_Login.Text = "登 录"; ClearItems(); } else { ComForm.DspMsg("W101", ""); this.txtPass.Focus(); return; } }
//清空按钮 private void btnClear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ComConst.LING == ComForm.DspMsg("Q002", "")) { cboGlMc.Text = string.Empty; txtMcKey.Text = string.Empty; txtSxMc.Text = string.Empty; txtZsMc.Text = string.Empty; fspdMc.ActiveSheet.Rows.Count = 0; cboGlMc.Focus(); } else { cboGlMc.Focus(); } }
//清空按钮 private void btnClear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ComConst.LING == ComForm.DspMsg("Q002", "")) { // cboGlMc.Text = string.Empty; txtDZ.Text = string.Empty; txtGYSSLMC.Text = string.Empty; txtGYSMC.Text = string.Empty; // fspdMc.ActiveSheet.Rows.Count = 0; // cboGlMc.Focus(); fillSPD(); } else { //cboGlMc.Focus(); txtGYSMC.Focus(); } }
//删除按钮 private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cboGlMc.Text.strReplace().IsNullOrEmpty()) { ComForm.DspMsg("W002", "管理名称"); cboGlMc.Focus(); return; } if (lblID.Text.IsNullOrEmpty()) { ComForm.DspMsg("W063", ""); cboGlMc.Focus(); return; } if (Const.LING == ComForm.DspMsg("Q003", "")) { try { _modelFMD000.ID = lblID.Text.StringToInt(); if (DbHelperMySql.ExecuteSql(DBHelper.Del(TableName, " and ID=" + _modelFMD000.ID + "")) != -1) { ComForm.DspMsg("M001", ""); lblID.Text = string.Empty; } else { ComForm.DspMsg("E001", ""); } cboGlMc.Focus(); } catch (Exception ew) { ComForm.DspMsg("E001", ""); return; } txtMcKey.Text = string.Empty; txtSxMc.Text = string.Empty; txtZsMc.Text = string.Empty; fillSPD(); } }
//保存按钮 private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cboGlMc.Text.strReplace().IsNullOrEmpty()) { ComForm.DspMsg("W002", "管理名称"); cboGlMc.Focus(); return; } if (txtMcKey.Text.strReplace().IsNullOrEmpty()) { ComForm.DspMsg("W002", "名称KEY"); txtMcKey.Focus(); return; } if (txtZsMc.Text.strReplace().IsNullOrEmpty()) { ComForm.DspMsg("W002", "正式名称"); txtZsMc.Focus(); return; } if (ComConst.LING == ComForm.DspMsg("Q004", "")) { try { List <string> lisSql = new List <string>(); _modelFMD000.GLBH = cboGlMc.getValue() + txtMcKey.Text.strReplace(); _modelFMD000.ZSMC = txtZsMc.Text.strReplace(); _modelFMD000.SLMC = txtSxMc.Text.strReplace(); if (_bllFMD000.Exists(_modelFMD000.GLBH)) { lisSql.Add(DBHelper.Del(TableName, "and GLBH='" + _modelFMD000.GLBH + "'")); } //插入数据 _modelFMD000.RLZBH = ComForm.strUserName; _modelFMD000.RLR = PublicFun.GetSystemDateTime(Const.Date, Const.dateStyle_YMD); _modelFMD000.RLSJ = PublicFun.GetSystemDateTime(Const.Time, string.Empty); _modelFMD000.RLDMM = systemdate.Get_SysDNBH(); lisSql.Add(DBHelper.Add(TableName, _modelFMD000)); if (DbHelperMySql.ExecuteSqlTran(lisSql) != -1) { ComForm.DspMsg("M002", ""); } else { ComForm.DspMsg("E001", ""); ComForm.InsertErrLog("数据插入失败!", this.Name); } cboGlMc.Focus(); } catch (Exception ew) { ComForm.DspMsg("E001", ""); ComForm.InsertErrLog(ew.ToString(), this.Name); return; } txtMcKey.Text = string.Empty; txtZsMc.Text = string.Empty; txtSxMc.Text = string.Empty; fillSPD(); } }
/// <summary> /// 显示文档函数:把帮助文档从服务器上下载到本地机器,在打开文档。 /// </summary> private void ListViewSelectWd(string FromName) { try { // 服务器路径 string SourcePath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["SourcePath"].ToString(); // 【考勤明细录入】文件名 string strKaoQin = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["KaoQin"].ToString(); // 【工资】文件名 string strGongZi = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["GongZi"].ToString(); // 【帮助】文件名 string strHelp = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Help"].ToString(); switch (FromName) { case "考勤入力用例": SourcePath = SourcePath + "\\" + strKaoQin; // 打开服务器文件 System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(SourcePath); break; case "工资计算用例": SourcePath = SourcePath + "\\" + strGongZi; // 打开服务器文件 System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(SourcePath); break; case "使用说明书": SourcePath = SourcePath + "\\" + strHelp; // 目标路径 string TargetPath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["TargetPath"].ToString(); // 帮助文档是否覆盖,true覆盖,false不覆盖 bool Isrewrite = true; if (!System.IO.File.Exists(TargetPath + strHelp)) { if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(TargetPath)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(TargetPath); } // 获取服务器文档的扩展名(Extension)如:.txt - .xls - .pdf等等 string strExten = Path.GetExtension(SourcePath); // 从服务器拷贝到本地 System.IO.File.Copy(SourcePath, TargetPath + strHelp, Isrewrite); //// 打开本地文件 System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(TargetPath + strHelp); } else { //// 打开本地文件 System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(TargetPath + strHelp); } break; default: break; } } catch (Exception ex) { ComForm.DspMsg("W002", ""); //ComForm.InsertErrLog(ex.ToString(), this.Name.ToString()); } }
//删除按钮 private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //if (cboGlMc.Text.strReplace().IsNullOrEmpty()) //{ // ComForm.DspMsg("W002", "管理名称"); // cboGlMc.Focus(); // return; //} if (txtDZ.Text.strReplace().IsNullOrEmpty()) { ComForm.DspMsg("W002", "客户编号"); txtDZ.Focus(); return; } //判断名称KEY 是否存在 bool chkMckey = false; for (int i = 0; i < fspdMc.ActiveSheet.Rows.Count; i++) { if (txtDZ.Text.Equals(ComSpread.SpdGetValue(fspdMc, i, 0))) { chkMckey = true; break; } } //判断名称KEY 是否存在,不存在不做删除操作 //if (chkMckey == false) //{ // ComForm.DspMsg("W063", "客户编号"); // txtDZ.Focus(); // return; //} //chkMckey = false; //for (int i = 0; i < fspdMc.ActiveSheet.Rows.Count; i++) //{ // if (txtZsMc.Text.Equals(ComSpread.SpdGetValue(fspdMc, i, 1))) // { // chkMckey = true; // break; // } //} //判断名称KEY 是否存在,不存在不做删除操作 if (chkMckey == false) { ComForm.DspMsg("W063", "客户名称"); txtGYSMC.Focus(); return; } if (Const.LING == ComForm.DspMsg("Q003", "")) { try { //_modelFMD030.KHBH = txtDZ.Text.strReplace(); //_modelFMD030.KHMC = txtZsMc.Text.strReplace(); //_bllFMD030.Delete(_modelFMD030.KHBH, ""); ComForm.DspMsg("M001", ""); txtDZ.Focus(); } catch (Exception ew) { ComForm.DspMsg("E001", ""); return; } txtDZ.Text = string.Empty; txtGYSSLMC.Text = string.Empty; txtGYSMC.Text = string.Empty; fillSPD(); } }
//保存按钮 private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtGYSMC.Text.strReplace().IsNullOrEmpty()) { ComForm.DspMsg("W002", "供应商名称"); txtGYSMC.Focus(); return; } if (DBHelper.Exists(TableName, "and GYSMC='" + txtGYSMC.Text.strReplace() + "'")) { ComForm.DspMsg("W068", "供应商名称"); txtGYSMC.Focus(); return; } if (ComConst.LING == ComForm.DspMsg("Q004", "")) { try { Model.fmd030 _modelFMD030 = new Model.fmd030(); _modelFMD030.ID = iID; _modelFMD030.GYSMC = txtGYSMC.Text.strReplace(); _modelFMD030.GYSSLMC = txtGYSSLMC.Text.strReplace(); _modelFMD030.DZ = txtDZ.Text.strReplace(); _modelFMD030.DH = txtDH.Text.strReplace(); _modelFMD030.LXR = txtLXR.Text.strReplace(); if (_modelFMD030.ID != -1) { //更新数据 _modelFMD030.GXZBH = ComForm.strUserName; _modelFMD030.GXR = PublicFun.GetSystemDateTime(Const.Date, Const.dateStyle_YMD); _modelFMD030.GXSJ = PublicFun.GetSystemDateTime(Const.Time, string.Empty); _modelFMD030.GXDMM = systemdate.Get_SysDNBH(); DbHelperMySql.ExecuteSql(DBHelper.Update(TableName, _modelFMD030, " and ID=" + _modelFMD030.ID + "")); //_bllFMD030.Update(_modelFMD030); ComForm.DspMsg("M002", ""); txtGYSMC.Focus(); } else { //插入数据 _modelFMD030.ID = null; _modelFMD030.RLZBH = ComForm.strUserName; _modelFMD030.RLR = PublicFun.GetSystemDateTime(Const.Date, Const.dateStyle_YMD); _modelFMD030.RLSJ = PublicFun.GetSystemDateTime(Const.Time, string.Empty); _modelFMD030.RLDMM = systemdate.Get_SysDNBH(); DbHelperMySql.ExecuteSql(DBHelper.Add(TableName, _modelFMD030)); ComForm.DspMsg("M002", ""); txtGYSMC.Focus(); } } catch (Exception ew) { ComForm.DspMsg("E001", ""); ComForm.InsertErrLog(ew.ToString(), this.Name); return; } Init(); } }