Esempio n. 1
        //Main constructor
        public Crypto()
            //Set the start time to now
            StartTime = DateTime.Now;

            //Form the column headers and save them into ColumnTitlesStrings
            //Lines of strings that are to be printed into the table format are created as a list/array of ColourStrings.
            //ColourStrings are a struct having attributes for text, text width, colour and left/right alignment.
            //When printing a line, go through each ColourString in the array and print it in the designated colour, alignment and column width
            ColumnTitlesStrings = new ColourString[ColumnTitles.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < ColumnTitles.Length; i++)
                ColumnTitlesStrings[i] = new ColourString(ColumnTitles[i], ColumnWidths[i], ColumnAligning[i]);

            //Initialize Dictionaries and lists
            CurrentData            = new Dictionary <string, JObject>();
            PreviousData           = new Dictionary <string, JObject>();
            PreviousDisplayStrings = new List <ColourString[]>();

            //Try gets coin symbols to be specifically requested from the txt file, throw exception if this fails for some reason
            if (GetCoinsToBeRequestedFromFile())
                //We got the coin names
                throw new Exception("Failed getting coin names");

            //Try gets API keys to be specifically requested from the txt file, throw exception if this fails for some reason
            if (GetAPIKeysFromFile())
                //We got the keys, we good
                //Error getting keys, throw error
                throw new Exception("Failed getting API Keys");

            //Set credits used to 0
            CreditsUsed = 0;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Main display function to print to screen
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="arg">Display arg on what to show, either new data, old data or an error</param>
        public void Display(DisplayEnum arg)
            //Clear the screen and set the default colour
            ForegroundColor = WHITE;
            //Write some basic information to the top of the console
            WriteLine("Monitor started at {0}", StartTime.ToLocalTime().ToString()); //Time program was started
            WriteLine("Current time is {0}, next update at {1} (in {2})",
                      NextAPICallTime.Subtract(DateTime.Now).ToString("mm\\:ss")); //Current time and time till next update
            WriteLine("Credits Used: {0} ({1}/HR, {2}/Day)",
                      Math.Round(CreditsUsed / DateTime.Now.Subtract(StartTime).TotalHours, 2),
                      Math.Round(CreditsUsed / DateTime.Now.Subtract(StartTime).TotalDays, 2)); //How many credits we've used so far with approximate rates
            WriteLine();                                                                        //Spacing

            //If the arg was to display error, write it
            if (arg == DisplayEnum.Error)
                WriteLine("Error while grabbing data.");
            //If the arg was to repeat the last data that was displayed, re-display the cached ColourStrings so no new calculations need to be made
            else if (arg == DisplayEnum.Repeat)
                //Display headers
                //Display each line as they were before
                foreach (ColourString[] CSArray in PreviousDisplayStrings)
                    ForegroundColor = WHITE;
            //We have new data, calcaulate values and colours to be displayed. First check that data is not empty for some reason
            else if (CurrentData.Count != 0)
                //Data is not empty, lets start displaying. First, write a line for the headers at the top of the table
                //Clear the previous cached strings for the table, we will write the new ones so that the values do not need to be calculated every 5 seconds
                //For each coin in our CurrentData dictionary, display a line in the table for the data on this coin
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, string> entry in sortDict)
                    JObject coinData = CurrentData[entry.Value];
                    //Check if we have previous data on this coin to make comparisons to
                    bool PreviousDataExists = PreviousData.ContainsKey(entry.Value);
                    //Set a temporary colour to be used throughout this line
                    ConsoleColor tempColor = WHITE;
                    //Create a ColourString array to place the generated ColourStrings into
                    ColourString[] CoinColourStrings = new ColourString[10];
                    //If we specifically requested this coin to be quoted, make it's rank, name and symbol cyan coloured
                    if (CoinsToBeRequested.Contains((string)coinData["symbol"]))
                        tempColor = CYAN;
                    //ColourStrings for rank, name and symbol
                    CoinColourStrings[0] = new ColourString((string)coinData["cmc_rank"], ColumnWidths[0], tempColor, true);
                    CoinColourStrings[1] = new ColourString((string)coinData["name"], ColumnWidths[1], tempColor, true);
                    CoinColourStrings[2] = new ColourString((string)coinData["symbol"], ColumnWidths[2], tempColor, true);

                    //Check if price in currencies is higher than previous data and set colour accordingly
                    tempColor            = PreviousDataExists ? GetConsoleColorRatio((decimal)coinData["quote"]["BTC"]["price"] / (decimal)PreviousData[entry.Value]["quote"]["BTC"]["price"]) : WHITE;
                    CoinColourStrings[3] = new ColourString((Math.Round((decimal)coinData["quote"]["BTC"]["price"], 9)).ToString(), ColumnWidths[3], tempColor, true);

                    tempColor            = PreviousDataExists ? GetConsoleColorRatio((decimal)coinData["quote"]["AUD"]["price"] / (decimal)PreviousData[entry.Value]["quote"]["AUD"]["price"]) : WHITE;
                    CoinColourStrings[4] = new ColourString("$" + (Math.Round((decimal)coinData["quote"]["AUD"]["price"], 2)).ToString(), ColumnWidths[4], tempColor, true);

                    tempColor            = PreviousDataExists ? GetConsoleColorRatio((decimal)coinData["quote"]["USD"]["price"] / (decimal)PreviousData[entry.Value]["quote"]["USD"]["price"]) : WHITE;
                    CoinColourStrings[5] = new ColourString("$" + (Math.Round((decimal)coinData["quote"]["USD"]["price"], 2)).ToString(), ColumnWidths[5], tempColor, true);

                    //Check if percent changes over time are positive or negative and set colour accordingly
                    tempColor            = GetConsoleColorPercentages((decimal)coinData["quote"]["USD"]["percent_change_1h"]);
                    CoinColourStrings[6] = new ColourString(Math.Round((decimal)coinData["quote"]["USD"]["percent_change_1h"], 2) + "%", ColumnWidths[6], tempColor, false);

                    tempColor            = GetConsoleColorPercentages((decimal)coinData["quote"]["USD"]["percent_change_24h"]);
                    CoinColourStrings[7] = new ColourString(Math.Round((decimal)coinData["quote"]["USD"]["percent_change_24h"], 2) + "%", ColumnWidths[7], tempColor, false);

                    tempColor            = GetConsoleColorPercentages((decimal)coinData["quote"]["USD"]["percent_change_7d"]);
                    CoinColourStrings[8] = new ColourString(Math.Round((decimal)coinData["quote"]["USD"]["percent_change_7d"], 2) + "%", ColumnWidths[8], tempColor, false);

                    //Check if market cap in USD is higher than previous data and set colour accordingly
                    tempColor            = PreviousDataExists ? GetConsoleColorRatio((decimal)coinData["quote"]["USD"]["market_cap"] - (decimal)PreviousData[entry.Value]["quote"]["USD"]["market_cap"]) : WHITE;
                    CoinColourStrings[9] = new ColourString("$" + string.Format("{0:n}", Math.Round((decimal)coinData["quote"]["USD"]["market_cap"], 0)), ColumnWidths[9], tempColor, false);

                    //Cache this line
                    //Display this line
                //No data
                WriteLine("No data to be displayed :(");