Esempio n. 1
 // Called when the HueBridgeManager has gathered all light info and created a list of SmartLights
 public static void InitLightUI()
     foreach (SmartLight sl in SmartLightManager.lights)
         lightUIs.Add(new LightUI(sl.ID, false, ColorService.GetColorByHue(sl.State.Hue), sl.State.Bri, sl.Name));
Esempio n. 2
 public void initColors(List <SmartLight> sls)
     foreach (SmartLight sl in sls)
         lightUIs.Add(new LightUI(sl.ID, false, ColorService.GetColorByHue(sl.State.Hue), sl.State.Bri, sl.Name));
         updateLightUI(sl.ID, sl.State);
Esempio n. 3
 private void UpdateSmartLightUI(SmartLight sl)
     if (sl.Name ==
         Renderer rend     = gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>();
         Vector4  ledColor = ColorService.GetColorByHue(sl.State.Hue);
         rend.material.color = ledColor;
    // creates smart light game objects and sets color of prefab
    void InstantiateLights()
        lightPrefab         = (GameObject)Resources.Load("Prefabs/SmartBulb");
        holoLightContPrefab = (GameObject)Resources.Load("Prefabs/HoloLightContainer");

        // Vector3 camPos = Camera.main.transform.position;
        // where to spawn unassigned SmartBulb GameObjects in relation to the user's current position
        Vector3 pos = new Vector3(-1, 0, 2);

        // Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.forward, camPos);

        foreach (SmartLight light in lights)
            var lightObject = Instantiate(lightPrefab, pos, Quaternion.identity);
   = light.Name;
            // gets newly instantiated GameObject and sets to child of Parent GameObject
            GameObject currentLight = GameObject.Find(light.Name);
            currentLight.transform.parent = gameObject.transform;

            Vector3 lightContainerPos = new Vector3(pos.x, lightContainerOffset * currentLight.transform.localScale.y, pos.z);

            var lightContObject = Instantiate(holoLightContPrefab, lightContainerPos, Quaternion.identity);

            // assigns light ID to tag for easier interating downstream.
            var lightIDOffset = light.ID - 1;
            currentLight.tag    = lightIDOffset.ToString();
            lightContObject.tag = lightIDOffset.ToString();

            lightContObject.transform.parent = currentLight.transform;

            // sets color of light prefab based on current light hue state
            Renderer rend     = currentLight.GetComponent <Renderer>();
            Vector4  ledColor = ColorService.GetColorByHue(light.State.Hue);
            rend.material.color = ledColor;

            if (!StateManager.Instance.Configuring && !StateManager.Instance.SetupMode)
                rend.enabled = false;

            // increments x value to space out spawned prefabs that have no Anchor Store entry.
            pos += new Vector3(0.5f, 0, 0);

            // TODO see if this call is needed. Real lights should already be these values
        if (StateManager.Instance.SetupMode)
            StateManager.Instance.CurrentState = StateManager.HueAppState.Ready;
Esempio n. 5
        void Start()
            foreach (SmartLight sl in SmartLightManager.lights)
                // gets each light's current color for use on indicator arrow
                var currentColor = ColorService.GetColorByHue(sl.State.Hue);
                directionIndicatorColor = currentColor;

                // set the arrow to the current light color
                updateArrowColor(sl.ID, currentColor);
Esempio n. 6
    void OnEnable()
        rend = GetComponent <Renderer>();

        LightUIManager.colorChanged += updateMaterial;

        parentTag = transform.parent.tag;
        if (parentTag != "Untagged")
            int tagId      = int.Parse(parentTag);
            int currentHue = SmartLightManager.lights[tagId].State.Hue;

            updateMaterial(tagId, ColorService.GetColorByHue(currentHue));
Esempio n. 7
    void OnEnable()
        VoiceManager.voiceChangedColor += PerformRotation;

        // perform rotation any time this orb is selected and the UI is opened
        grandparentTag = gameObject.transform.parent.transform.parent.tag;
        if (grandparentTag != "Untagged")
            int tagId = int.Parse(grandparentTag);

            int currentHue = SmartLightManager.lights[tagId].State.Hue;

            Color currentColor = ColorService.GetColorByHue(currentHue);
            bypassTransition = true;
            PerformRotation(tagId + 1, currentColor);
Esempio n. 8
    // sets color of light prefab based on current light hue state
    public void UpdateOrbColor(int id, State state)
        foreach (Transform child in transform)
            if (child.tag != "Untagged")
                var idTag = child.tag;

                // Ignores objects that do not have a valid id assigned to tag
                if (int.TryParse(idTag, out arrayId))
                    // adjusted arrayId to compensate for Hue starting index at 1
                    if ((arrayId + 1) == id)
                        Renderer rend     = child.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                        Vector4  ledColor = ColorService.GetColorByHue(state.Hue);
                        rend.material.color = ledColor;
Esempio n. 9
    void updateMaterial(int id, Color color)
        if (rend != null)
            currentColor = rend.material.color;

            // if transition is already active, we discard the previous transition before we start a new one
            if (transitionInProgress)
            transitionInProgress = true;

            coroutine = StartCoroutine(LerpColor(color, transitionTime));
            if (transform.parent.tag != "Untagged")
                var idTag = transform.parent.tag;

                // Ignores objects that do not have a valid id assigned to tag
                if (int.TryParse(idTag, out arrayId))
                    // adjusted arrayId to compensate for Hue starting index at 1
                    if ((arrayId + 1) == id)
                        var currentHue = SmartLightManager.lights[arrayId].State.Hue;
                        currentColor = ColorService.GetColorByHue(currentHue);
                Debug.Log("No tag containing arrayId was found on parent.");
Esempio n. 10
    private void updateLightUI(int id, State state)
        // ajustment needed to compensate for difference in light.ID and array index
        int     adjustedId = id - 1;
        LightUI currentUI  = lightUIs[adjustedId];

        if (currentUI.OrbColor.Equals(ColorService.GetColorByHue(state.Hue)))
            Debug.Log("The orb color has not changed");
            currentUI.OrbColor = ColorService.GetColorByHue(state.Hue);
            if (colorChanged != null)
                colorChanged(currentUI.LightID, currentUI.OrbColor);
            UpdateOrbColor(id, state);

        if (currentUI.Brightness == state.Bri)
            currentUI.Brightness = state.Bri;
            if (brightnessChanged != null)
                brightnessChanged(currentUI.LightID, currentUI.Brightness);

        if (state.Alert == "lselect")
Esempio n. 11
    void buildUpdateCall(string param, int value)
        var focusedObject = GestureManager.Instance.FocusedObject;

        //Debug.Log("here is focused object: " + focusObject);
        //if (focusObject != null)
        //    slm.UpdateLightState(, param, value);
        //    //SmartLightManager.light
        if (focusedObject != null)
            // retrieves array index (arrayId) from the tag assigned in SmartLightManager
            if (focusedObject.tag != "Untagged")
                var idTag = focusedObject.tag;
                //// Ignores focusedObject if it does not have a valid id assigned to tag
                if (int.TryParse(idTag, out arrayId))
                    currentLight = SmartLightManager.lights[arrayId];
                    if (param == "On")
                        currentLight.State.On = true;
                    else if (param == "Off")
                        currentLight.State.On = false;
                    else if (param == "hue")
                        // auto sets saturation to full to show vibrant colors. Will replace when Saturation UI is added in another version
                        currentLight.State.Sat = 254;

                        currentLight.State.Hue = value;

                        if (voiceChangedColor != null)
                            // arrayID is adjusted to compensate for diff in Hue id
                            voiceChangedColor(arrayId + 1, ColorService.GetColorByHue(value));
                    else if (param == "bri")
                        currentLight.State.Bri = value;
                    else if (param == "alert")
                        if (value == 0)
                            currentLight.State.Alert = "none";
                            currentLight.State.Alert = "lselect";
                    // hueAPI.UpdateLight(currentLight);
                    currentLight.State.Alert = "none";
                    Debug.Log("a tag with a valid array index (arrayId) could not be found on focusedObject");
                Debug.Log("No tag containing arrayId was found on this focusedObject.");