Esempio n. 1
    public bool Delete(GameObject gameObject, ColorSchemeObj colorScheme)
        if (Delete(colorScheme))
            // Remove from interface

            // Remove from list

            // Unset active and opened color scheme
            if (colorScheme.Equals(Settings.Active.ColorScheme))
                Settings.Active.ColorScheme = null;
            if (colorScheme.Equals(Settings.Selected.ColorScheme))
                Settings.Selected.ColorScheme = null;


Esempio n. 2
    public GameObject DisplayColorScheme(ColorSchemeObj colorScheme)
        if (colorScheme != null)
            string name = "#" + colorScheme.ID;

            // Create GameOject
            GameObject gameObject = new GameObject(name);

            // Create main GameObject
            GameObject main = new GameObject("Main");

            // Add Vertical Layout Group
            VerticalLayoutGroup vlg = gameObject.AddComponent <VerticalLayoutGroup> ();
            vlg.spacing = 20;
            vlg.childForceExpandWidth  = true;
            vlg.childForceExpandHeight = false;

            // Add Layout Element to GameObject
            LayoutElement mainLayout = main.AddComponent <LayoutElement> ();
            mainLayout.minHeight       = 30;
            mainLayout.preferredHeight = mainLayout.minHeight;

            // Add image to GameObject
            Image mainImg = main.AddComponent <Image> ();
            mainImg.color = Color.clear;

            // Set transformations
            mainImg.rectTransform.pivot = new Vector2(0, 0.5f);

            // Add Horizontal Layout Group
            HorizontalLayoutGroup mainHlg = main.AddComponent <HorizontalLayoutGroup> ();
            mainHlg.spacing = 10;
            mainHlg.childForceExpandWidth  = false;
            mainHlg.childForceExpandHeight = false;
            mainHlg.childAlignment         = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;

            // Set padding right of Horizontal Layout Group
            mainHlg.padding = new RectOffset(0, 65, 0, 0);

            // Create arrow text GameObject
            GameObject mainArrow = new GameObject("Arrow");

            // Add text
            TextUnicode mainTextArrow = mainArrow.AddComponent <TextUnicode> ();
            mainTextArrow.text = colorScheme.Equals(Settings.Selected.ColorScheme)
                                ? IconFont.DROPDOWN_OPENED
                                : IconFont.DROPDOWN_CLOSED;

            // Set text alignment
            mainTextArrow.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;

            // Font settings
            mainTextArrow.font     = IconFont.font;
            mainTextArrow.fontSize = 20;

            // Add Layout Element
            LayoutElement mainLayoutElementArrow = mainArrow.AddComponent <LayoutElement> ();
            mainLayoutElementArrow.minWidth = 22;

            // Create text GameObject
            GameObject mainText = new GameObject("Text");

            // Add text
            Text text = mainText.AddComponent <Text> ();
            text.text = colorScheme.Name;

            if (colorScheme.Name == Settings.Selected.Visualization.Name)
                text.text += " (Standard)";

            // Set text alignment
            text.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;

            // Set text color
            text.color = Color.white;

            // Font settings
            text.font     = Resources.Load <Font> ("Fonts/FuturaStd-Book");
            text.fontSize = 30;

            // Set transformations
            text.rectTransform.pivot = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);

            // Add button
            Button buttonText = mainText.AddComponent <Button> ();
            buttonText.transition = Selectable.Transition.Animation;

            // Add Event to Button
            buttonText.onClick.AddListener(delegate {

            // Add animator
            Animator animatorText = mainText.AddComponent <Animator> ();
            animatorText.runtimeAnimatorController = Resources.Load <RuntimeAnimatorController> ("Animations/MenuButtons");

            // Create active text GameObject
            GameObject mainActive = new GameObject("Active");

            // Add text
            TextUnicode mainTextActive = mainActive.AddComponent <TextUnicode> ();

            if (colorScheme.Equals(Settings.Active.ColorScheme))
                mainTextActive.text     = IconFont.VISUALIZATION;
                mainTextActive.fontSize = 30;
                mainTextActive.color    = new Color(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f);

            // Set text alignment
            mainTextActive.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleRight;

            // Font settings
            mainTextActive.font = IconFont.font;

            // Add Layout Element
            LayoutElement mainLayoutElementListening = mainActive.AddComponent <LayoutElement> ();
            mainLayoutElementListening.preferredWidth = 40;

            if (colorScheme.Name != Settings.Selected.Visualization.Name)
                // Create edit icons GameObject
                GameObject editIcons = new GameObject("Images");

                // Set transformations
                RectTransform editIconsTrans = editIcons.AddComponent <RectTransform> ();
                editIconsTrans.anchoredPosition =;
                editIconsTrans.anchorMin        = new Vector2(1, 0.5f);
                editIconsTrans.anchorMax        = new Vector2(1, 0.5f);
                editIconsTrans.pivot            = new Vector2(1, 0.5f);

                // Add Layout Element
                LayoutElement editIconslayoutElement = editIcons.AddComponent <LayoutElement> ();
                editIconslayoutElement.ignoreLayout = true;

                // Add Content Size Fitter
                ContentSizeFitter editIconsCsf = editIcons.AddComponent <ContentSizeFitter> ();
                editIconsCsf.horizontalFit = ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.PreferredSize;
                editIconsCsf.verticalFit   = ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.PreferredSize;

                // Add Layout Group
                HorizontalLayoutGroup editIconsHlgImg = editIcons.AddComponent <HorizontalLayoutGroup> ();
                editIconsHlgImg.childAlignment         = TextAnchor.MiddleRight;
                editIconsHlgImg.spacing                = 5;
                editIconsHlgImg.childForceExpandWidth  = false;
                editIconsHlgImg.childForceExpandHeight = false;

                // Disable edit icons GameObject

                // Create edit text GameObject
                GameObject edit = new GameObject("Edit");

                // Add text
                TextUnicode editText = edit.AddComponent <TextUnicode> ();
                editText.text = IconFont.EDIT;

                // Set text alignment
                editText.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleRight;

                // Set transformations
                editText.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(20, 30);

                // Font settings
                editText.font     = IconFont.font;
                editText.fontSize = 30;

                // Add button
                Button buttonEditEvt = edit.AddComponent <Button> ();
                buttonEditEvt.transition = Selectable.Transition.Animation;

                // Add button onclick event
                buttonEditEvt.onClick.AddListener(delegate {
                    ShowDialog("CS_EDIT", gameObject);

                // Add animator
                Animator animatorEditEvt = edit.AddComponent <Animator> ();
                animatorEditEvt.runtimeAnimatorController = Resources.Load <RuntimeAnimatorController> ("Animations/MenuButtons");

                // Create delete text GameObject
                GameObject delete = new GameObject("Delete");

                // Add text
                Text deleteText = delete.AddComponent <Text> ();
                deleteText.text = IconFont.TRASH;

                // Set text alignment
                deleteText.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleRight;

                // Set transformations
                deleteText.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(20, 30);

                // Font settings
                deleteText.font     = IconFont.font;
                deleteText.fontSize = 30;

                // Add button
                Button buttonDeleteEvt = delete.AddComponent <Button> ();
                buttonDeleteEvt.transition = Selectable.Transition.Animation;

                // Add button onclick event
                buttonDeleteEvt.onClick.AddListener(delegate {
                    ShowDialog("CS_DEL", gameObject);

                // Add animator
                Animator animatorDeleteEvt = delete.AddComponent <Animator> ();
                animatorDeleteEvt.runtimeAnimatorController = Resources.Load <RuntimeAnimatorController> ("Animations/MenuButtons");

                // Create GameObject Event Triggers
                EventTrigger evtWrapper = gameObject.AddComponent <EventTrigger> ();

                // Add Hover Enter Event
                EventTrigger.Entry evtHover = new EventTrigger.Entry();
                evtHover.eventID = EventTriggerType.PointerEnter;

                evtHover.callback.AddListener((eventData) => {

                // Add Hover Exit Event
                EventTrigger.Entry evtExit = new EventTrigger.Entry();
                evtExit.eventID = EventTriggerType.PointerExit;

                evtExit.callback.AddListener((eventData) => {

            // Add Event Trigger
            EventTrigger evtMain = main.AddComponent <EventTrigger> ();

            // Add Click Event
            EventTrigger.Entry evtClick = new EventTrigger.Entry();
            evtClick.eventID = EventTriggerType.PointerClick;

            evtClick.callback.AddListener((eventData) => {

            // Add Contents GameObject
            GameObject contents = new GameObject("Contents");

            // Add Grid Layout Group
            GridLayoutGroup glg = contents.AddComponent <GridLayoutGroup> ();

            // Set Grid Layout
            glg.cellSize        = new Vector2(53.5f, 53.5f);
            glg.spacing         = new Vector2(25, 25);
            glg.constraint      = GridLayoutGroup.Constraint.FixedColumnCount;
            glg.constraintCount = 10;

