public IVertex SetColorBytes( int colorIndex, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a) => this.SetColor(colorIndex, ColorImpl.FromRgbaBytes(r, g, b, a));
private IColor[] DecodeCmprPalette_(ushort color1Value, ushort color2Value) { var palette = new IColor[4]; var color1 = ColorUtil.ParseRgb565(color1Value); var color2 = ColorUtil.ParseRgb565(color2Value); IColor color3, color4; if (color1Value > color2Value) { color3 = ColorUtil.Interpolate(color1, color2, 1d / 3); color4 = ColorUtil.Interpolate(color1, color2, 2d / 3); } else { color3 = ColorUtil.Interpolate(color1, color2, .5); color4 = ColorImpl.FromRgbaBytes(0, 0, 0, 0); } palette[0] = color1; palette[1] = color2; palette[2] = color3; palette[3] = color4; return(palette); }
protected override IColor[] DecodeBlock(IList <byte> block, int position) { var bl = new IColor[4 * 4]; var s = new VectorReader(block, position, Endianness.Big); for (var j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { var intensity = s.ReadU8(); var alpha = s.ReadU8(); bl[j * 4 + i] = ColorImpl.FromRgbaBytes(intensity, intensity, intensity, alpha); } } return(bl); }
protected override IColor[] DecodeBlock(IList <byte> block, int position) { var bl = new IColor[8 * 4]; var s = new VectorReader(block, position, Endianness.Big); for (var j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { for (var i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { var pixes = s.ReadU8(); var intensity = ColorUtil.ExtractScaled(pixes, 4, 4, 17); var alpha = ColorUtil.ExtractScaled(pixes, 0, 4, 17); bl[j * 8 + i] = ColorImpl.FromRgbaBytes(intensity, intensity, intensity, alpha); } } return(bl); }
protected override IColor[] DecodeBlock(IList <byte> block, int position) { var bl = new IColor[4 * 4]; var s = new VectorReader(block, position, Endianness.Big); for (var j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { var pix = s.ReadU16(); var alphaFlag = BitLogic.ExtractFromRight(pix, 15, 1); byte r, g, b, a; if (alphaFlag == 1) { a = 255; r = ColorUtil.ExtractScaled(pix, 10, 5); g = ColorUtil.ExtractScaled(pix, 5, 5); b = ColorUtil.ExtractScaled(pix, 0, 5); } else { a = ColorUtil.ExtractScaled(pix, 12, 3); r = ColorUtil.ExtractScaled(pix, 8, 4, 17); g = ColorUtil.ExtractScaled(pix, 4, 4, 17); b = ColorUtil.ExtractScaled(pix, 0, 4, 17); } bl[j * 4 + i] = ColorImpl.FromRgbaBytes(r, g, b, a); } } return(bl); }
public unsafe IModel LoadModel(GloModelFileBundle gloModelFileBundle) { var gloFile = gloModelFileBundle.GloFile; var textureDirectories = gloModelFileBundle.TextureDirectories; var fps = 20; var glo = gloFile.Impl.ReadNew <Glo>(Endianness.LittleEndian); var textureFilesByName = new Dictionary <string, IFileHierarchyFile>(); foreach (var textureDirectory in textureDirectories) { foreach (var textureFile in textureDirectory.Files) { textureFilesByName[textureFile.Name.ToLower()] = textureFile; } } /*new MeshCsvWriter().WriteToFile( * glo, new FinFile(Path.Join(outputDirectory.FullName, "mesh.csv"))); * new FaceCsvWriter().WriteToFile( * glo, new FinFile(Path.Join(outputDirectory.FullName, "face.csv"))); * new VertexCsvWriter().WriteToFile( * glo, new FinFile(Path.Join(outputDirectory.FullName, "vertex.csv")));*/ var finModel = new ModelImpl(); var finSkin = finModel.Skin; var finRootBone = finModel.Skeleton.Root; var finTextureMap = new LazyDictionary <string, ITexture?>( textureFilename => { if (!textureFilesByName.TryGetValue(textureFilename.ToLower(), out var textureFile)) { return(null); } using var rawTextureImage = FinImage.FromFile(textureFile.Impl); var textureImageWithAlpha = GloModelLoader.AddTransparencyToGloImage_(rawTextureImage); var finTexture = finModel.MaterialManager.CreateTexture( textureImageWithAlpha); finTexture.Name = textureFilename; if (this.mirrorTextures_.Contains(textureFilename)) { finTexture.WrapModeU = WrapMode.MIRROR_REPEAT; finTexture.WrapModeV = WrapMode.MIRROR_REPEAT; } else { finTexture.WrapModeU = WrapMode.REPEAT; finTexture.WrapModeV = WrapMode.REPEAT; } return(finTexture); }); var withCullingMap = new LazyDictionary <string, IMaterial>(textureFilename => { var finTexture = finTextureMap[textureFilename]; if (finTexture == null) { return(finModel.MaterialManager.AddStandardMaterial()); } return(finModel.MaterialManager.AddTextureMaterial(finTexture)); }); var withoutCullingMap = new LazyDictionary <string, IMaterial>( textureFilename => { var finTexture = finTextureMap[textureFilename]; IMaterial finMaterial = finTexture == null ? finModel.MaterialManager .AddStandardMaterial() : finModel.MaterialManager .AddTextureMaterial( finTexture); finMaterial.CullingMode = CullingMode.SHOW_BOTH; return(finMaterial); }); var firstMeshMap = new Dictionary <string, GloMesh>(); // TODO: Consider separating these out as separate models foreach (var gloObject in glo.Objects) { var finObjectRootBone = finRootBone.AddRoot(0, 0, 0); var meshQueue = new Queue <(GloMesh, IBone)>(); foreach (var topLevelGloMesh in gloObject.Meshes) { meshQueue.Enqueue((topLevelGloMesh, finObjectRootBone)); } List <(IAnimation, int, int)> finAndGloAnimations = new(); foreach (var animSeg in gloObject.AnimSegs) { var startFrame = (int)animSeg.StartFrame; var endFrame = (int)animSeg.EndFrame; var finAnimation = finModel.AnimationManager.AddAnimation(); finAnimation.Name = animSeg.Name; finAnimation.FrameCount = (int)(animSeg.EndFrame - animSeg.StartFrame + 1); finAnimation.FrameRate = fps * animSeg.Speed; finAndGloAnimations.Add((finAnimation, startFrame, endFrame)); } while (meshQueue.Count > 0) { var(gloMesh, parentFinBone) = meshQueue.Dequeue(); var name = gloMesh.Name; GloMesh idealMesh; if (!firstMeshMap.TryGetValue(name, out idealMesh)) { firstMeshMap[name] = idealMesh = gloMesh; } var position = gloMesh.MoveKeys[0].Xyz; var rotation = gloMesh.RotateKeys[0]; var quaternion = new Quaternion(rotation.X, rotation.Y, rotation.Z, rotation.W); var xyzRadians = QuaternionUtil.ToEulerRadians(quaternion); var scale = gloMesh.ScaleKeys[0].Scale; var finBone = parentFinBone .AddChild(position.X, position.Y, position.Z) .SetLocalRotationRadians( xyzRadians.X, xyzRadians.Y, xyzRadians.Z) .SetLocalScale(scale.X, scale.Y, scale.Z); finBone.Name = name + "_bone"; var child = gloMesh.Pointers.Child; if (child != null) { meshQueue.Enqueue((child, finBone)); } var next = gloMesh.Pointers.Next; if (next != null) { meshQueue.Enqueue((next, parentFinBone)); } foreach (var(finAnimation, startFrame, endFrame) in finAndGloAnimations) { var finBoneTracks = finAnimation.AddBoneTracks(finBone); long prevTime = -1; foreach (var moveKey in gloMesh.MoveKeys) { Asserts.True(moveKey.Time > prevTime); prevTime = moveKey.Time; if (!(moveKey.Time >= startFrame && moveKey.Time <= endFrame)) { continue; } var time = (int)(moveKey.Time - startFrame); Asserts.True(time >= 0 && time < finAnimation.FrameCount); var moveValue = moveKey.Xyz; finBoneTracks.Positions.Set(time, 0, moveValue.X); finBoneTracks.Positions.Set(time, 1, moveValue.Y); finBoneTracks.Positions.Set(time, 2, moveValue.Z); } prevTime = -1; foreach (var rotateKey in gloMesh.RotateKeys) { Asserts.True(rotateKey.Time > prevTime); prevTime = rotateKey.Time; if (!(rotateKey.Time >= startFrame && rotateKey.Time <= endFrame)) { continue; } var time = (int)(rotateKey.Time - startFrame); Asserts.True(time >= 0 && time < finAnimation.FrameCount); var quaternionKey = new Quaternion(rotateKey.X, rotateKey.Y, rotateKey.Z, rotateKey.W); var xyzRadiansKey = QuaternionUtil.ToEulerRadians(quaternionKey); finBoneTracks.Rotations.Set(time, 0, xyzRadiansKey.X); finBoneTracks.Rotations.Set(time, 1, xyzRadiansKey.Y); finBoneTracks.Rotations.Set(time, 2, xyzRadiansKey.Z); } prevTime = -1; foreach (var scaleKey in gloMesh.ScaleKeys) { Asserts.True(scaleKey.Time > prevTime); prevTime = scaleKey.Time; if (!(scaleKey.Time >= startFrame && scaleKey.Time <= endFrame)) { continue; } var time = (int)(scaleKey.Time - startFrame); Asserts.True(time >= 0 && time < finAnimation.FrameCount); var scaleValue = scaleKey.Scale; finBoneTracks.Scales.Set(time, 0, scaleValue.X); finBoneTracks.Scales.Set(time, 1, scaleValue.Y); finBoneTracks.Scales.Set(time, 2, scaleValue.Z); } } // Anything with these names are debug objects and can be ignored. if (this.hiddenNames_.Contains(name)) { continue; } var finMesh = finSkin.AddMesh(); finMesh.Name = name; var gloVertices = idealMesh.Vertices; string previousTextureName = null; IMaterial?previousMaterial = null; foreach (var gloFace in idealMesh.Faces) { // TODO: What can we do if texture filename is empty? var textureFilename = gloFace.TextureFilename; var gloFaceColor = gloFace.Color; var finFaceColor = ColorImpl.FromRgbaBytes( gloFaceColor.R, gloFaceColor.G, gloFaceColor.B, gloFaceColor.A); var enableBackfaceCulling = (gloFace.Flags & 1 << 2) == 0; IMaterial?finMaterial; if (textureFilename == previousTextureName) { finMaterial = previousMaterial; } else { previousTextureName = textureFilename; finMaterial = enableBackfaceCulling ? withCullingMap[textureFilename] : withoutCullingMap[textureFilename]; previousMaterial = finMaterial; } // Face flag: // 0: potentially some kind of repeat mode?? var color = (gloFace.Flags & 1 << 6) != 0 ? ColorImpl.FromRgbaBytes(255, 0, 0, 255) : ColorImpl.FromRgbaBytes(0, 255, 0, 255); var finFaceVertices = new IVertex[3]; for (var v = 0; v < 3; ++v) { var gloVertexRef = gloFace.VertexRefs[v]; var gloVertex = gloVertices[gloVertexRef.Index]; var finVertex = finSkin .AddVertex(gloVertex.X, gloVertex.Y, gloVertex.Z) .SetUv(gloVertexRef.U, gloVertexRef.V); //.SetColor(color); finVertex.SetBoneWeights(finSkin.GetOrCreateBoneWeights( PreprojectMode.BONE, finBone)); finFaceVertices[v] = finVertex; } // TODO: Merge triangles together var finTriangles = new (IVertex, IVertex, IVertex)[1];
public static IColor ParseRgb5A3(ushort color) { ColorUtil.SplitRgb5A3(color, out var r, out var g, out var b, out var a); return(ColorImpl.FromRgbaBytes(r, g, b, a)); }
public static IColor Interpolate(IColor from, IColor to, double amt) => ColorImpl.FromRgbaBytes( (byte)Math.Round(from.Rb * (1 - amt) + to.Rb * amt), (byte)Math.Round(from.Gb * (1 - amt) + to.Gb * amt), (byte)Math.Round(from.Bb * (1 - amt) + to.Bb * amt), (byte)Math.Round(from.Ab * (1 - amt) + to.Ab * amt));