Esempio n. 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Finds the color below scanner item[i, j].
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="i">The row index.</param>
    /// <param name="j">The column index.</param>
    public int FindColor(int i, int j, ref GameObject[,] currScanners, bool isGrid = true)
        var scanner         = currScanners[i, j];
        var scannerRenderer = scanner.GetComponent <Renderer>();

        if (ScannerIsAboveTexture(scanner) && hitTex)
            var texBounds    = keystonedQuad.GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds;
            var localScanPos = scanner.transform.position - texBounds.min;

            Color pixel = hitTex.GetPixelBilinear(localScanPos.x / texBounds.size.x, localScanPos.z / texBounds.size.z);

            // int _locX = Mathf.RoundToInt(hit.textureCoord.x * hitTex.width);
            // int _locY = Mathf.RoundToInt(hit.textureCoord.y * hitTex.height);
            // Color pixel = hitTex.GetPixel(_locX, _locY);
            int currID = colorClassifier.GetClosestColorId(pixel);

            if (isGrid)
                if (_useBuffer)
                    currID = GetIdAverage(i, j, currID);

                // Save colors for 3D visualization
                if (setup || _isCalibrating)
                    allColors[i + numOfScannersX * j] = pixel;

            Color minColor;

            // Display 3D colors & use scanned colors for scanner color
            if (_isCalibrating && isGrid)
                minColor = pixel;
                minColor = colorClassifier.GetColor(currID);

            if (_showDebugLines)
                // Could improve by drawing only if sphere locations change
                Vector3 origin = _colorSpaceParent.transform.position;
                Debug.DrawLine(origin + new Vector3(pixel.r, pixel.g, pixel.b), origin + new Vector3(sampleColors[currID].r, sampleColors[currID].g, sampleColors[currID].b), pixel, 1, false);

            // Paint scanner with the found color
            if (scannerRenderer.material.color != minColor)
                scannerRenderer.material.color = minColor;

            if (scannerRenderer.material.color != Color.magenta)
                scannerRenderer.material.color = Color.magenta;
Esempio n. 2
    /// <summary>
    /// Finds the color below scanner item[i, j].
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="i">The row index.</param>
    /// <param name="j">The column index.</param>
    public int FindColor(int i, int j, ref GameObject[,] currScanners, bool isGrid = true)
        if (Physics.Raycast(currScanners [i, j].transform.position, Vector3.down, out hit, 6))
            // Get local tex coords w.r.t. triangle
            if (!hitTex)
                Debug.Log("No hit texture");
                currScanners [i, j].GetComponent <Renderer> ().material.color = Color.magenta;
                int   _locX  = Mathf.RoundToInt(hit.textureCoord.x * hitTex.width);
                int   _locY  = Mathf.RoundToInt(hit.textureCoord.y * hitTex.height);
                Color pixel  = hitTex.GetPixel(_locX, _locY);
                int   currID = colorClassifier.GetClosestColorId(pixel);

                if (isGrid)
                    if (_useBuffer)
                        currID = GetIdAverage(i, j, currID);

                    // Save colors for 3D visualization
                    if (setup || _isCalibrating)
                        allColors [i + numOfScannersX * j] = pixel;

                Color minColor;

                // Display 3D colors & use scanned colors for scanner color
                if (_isCalibrating && isGrid)
                    minColor = pixel;
                    minColor = colorClassifier.GetColor(currID);

                if (_showDebugLines)
                    // Could improve by drawing only if sphere locations change
                    Vector3 origin = _colorSpaceParent.transform.position;
                    Debug.DrawLine(origin + new Vector3(pixel.r, pixel.g, pixel.b), origin + new Vector3(sampleColors [currID].r, sampleColors [currID].g, sampleColors [currID].b), pixel, 1, false);

                // Display rays cast at the keystoned quad
                if (_showRays)
                    Debug.DrawLine(scannersList [i, j].transform.position, hit.point, pixel, 200, false);

                // Paint scanner with the found color
                currScanners [i, j].GetComponent <Renderer> ().material.color = minColor;

            currScanners [i, j].GetComponent <Renderer> ().material.color = Color.magenta;            //paint scanner with Out of bounds / invalid  color
    public int UpdateColor()
        RaycastHit hit;

        hitTex          = SingletonTMono <Scanners> .Instance.hitTex;
        colorClassifier = SingletonTMono <Scanners> .Instance.colorClassifier;

        if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, Vector3.down, out hit, 6, 1 << 9))
            // Get local tex coords w.r.t. triangle
            if (!hitTex)
                Debug.Log("No hit texture");
                if (needUpdateColor)
                    GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.magenta;
                int   _locX  = Mathf.RoundToInt(hit.textureCoord.x * hitTex.width);
                int   _locY  = Mathf.RoundToInt(hit.textureCoord.y * hitTex.height);
                Color pixel  = hitTex.GetPixel(_locX, _locY);
                int   currID = colorClassifier.GetClosestColorId(pixel);

                //if (isGrid)
                //    if (_useBuffer)
                //        currID = GetIdAverage(i, j, currID);

                //    // Save colors for 3D visualization
                //    if (setup || _isCalibrating)
                //        allColors[i + numOfScannersX * j] = pixel;

                Color minColor;

                // Display 3D colors & use scanned colors for scanner color
                //if (SingletonTMono<Scanners>.Instance._isCalibrating && isGrid)
                if (SingletonTMono <Scanners> .Instance._isCalibrating)
                    minColor = pixel;
                    minColor = colorClassifier.GetColor(currID);

                if (SingletonTMono <Scanners> .Instance._showDebugLines)
                    // Could improve by drawing only if sphere locations change
                    Vector3 origin = SingletonTMono <Scanners> .Instance._colorSpaceParent.transform.position;
                    Debug.DrawLine(origin + new Vector3(pixel.r, pixel.g, pixel.b), origin + new Vector3(SingletonTMono <Scanners> .Instance.sampleColors[currID].r, SingletonTMono <Scanners> .Instance.sampleColors[currID].g, SingletonTMono <Scanners> .Instance.sampleColors[currID].b), pixel, 1, false);

                // Display rays cast at the keystoned quad
                if (SingletonTMono <Scanners> .Instance._showRays)
                    Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, hit.point, pixel, 200, false);

                if (needUpdateColor)
                    GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = minColor;
                // Paint scanner with the found color

                color = minColor;
            if (needUpdateColor)
                GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.magenta; //paint scanner with Out of bounds / invalid  color