Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Reprojects a <see cref="Bitmap"/> and corresponding georeferenced metadata to
        /// a new coordinate system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceReference">The georeferenced metadata of <paramref name="sourceTile"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceTile">The tile image.</param>
        /// <param name="targetReference">Output: The reprojected georeferenced metadata.</param>
        /// <param name="targetTile">Output: The reprojected tile image.</param>
        public void Reproject(WorldFile sourceReference, Bitmap sourceTile, out WorldFile targetReference, out Bitmap targetTile)
            if (source == null || target == null || source.Equals(target))
                targetReference = sourceReference;
                targetTile      = sourceTile;

            Rectangle targetTileExtentInPixelCoordinates = GetTargetExtentInPixelCoordinates(sourceReference, sourceTile);

            // Get the intersection with the current viewport

            // Is it empty, don't return anything
            if (targetTileExtentInPixelCoordinates.Width == 0 || targetTileExtentInPixelCoordinates.Height == 0)
                targetTile      = null;
                targetReference = null;

            int offsetX = targetTileExtentInPixelCoordinates.X;
            int offsetY = targetTileExtentInPixelCoordinates.Y;

            // Prepare the result tile
            targetTile = new Bitmap(targetTileExtentInPixelCoordinates.Size.Width, targetTileExtentInPixelCoordinates.Size.Height,
            using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(targetTile))

            ColorAccess sourceTileColorAccess = ColorAccess.Create(sourceTile);
            ColorAccess targetTileColorAccess = ColorAccess.Create(targetTile);

            // Copy values to output buffer
            Size sourceTileSize = sourceTile.Size;

            for (var i = 0; i < targetTile.Height; i++)
                foreach (Tuple <Point, Point> ppair in
                         GetValidPoints(offsetY + i, offsetY, offsetX, offsetX + targetTile.Width, sourceReference, sourceTileSize))
                    Color c = sourceTileColorAccess[ppair.Item1.X, ppair.Item1.Y];
                    targetTileColorAccess[ppair.Item2.X, ppair.Item2.Y] = c;

            // Copy to output tile

            // Compute the reference
            Extent outExtent = mapArgs.PixelToProj(targetTileExtentInPixelCoordinates);

            targetReference = new WorldFile(
                outExtent.Width / targetTileExtentInPixelCoordinates.Width, 0,
                0, -outExtent.Height / targetTileExtentInPixelCoordinates.Height,
                outExtent.X, outExtent.Y);
Esempio n. 2
        public void SetBufferToImageAtOriginalLocation_BitmapNull_ThrowArgumentNullException()
            // Setup
            ColorAccess colorAccess = ColorAccess.Create(Resources.acorn);

            // Call
            TestDelegate call = () => colorAccess.SetBufferToImageAtOriginalLocation(null);

            // Assert
            string paramName = Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(call).ParamName;

            Assert.AreEqual("bitmap", paramName);
Esempio n. 3
        public void SetBufferToImageAtOriginalLocation_AfterModificationsToBuffer_TargetImageUpdated()
            // Setup
            ColorAccess colorAccess = ColorAccess.Create(Resources.acorn);

            for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                colorAccess[i, i]      = Color.Red;
                colorAccess[i, 15 - i] = Color.Red;

            using (var targetImage = (Bitmap)Resources.acorn.Clone())
                // Call

                // Assert
                TestHelper.AssertImagesAreEqual(Resources.acornWithCross, targetImage);