Esempio n. 1
    /// <summary>
    /// This function takes an array of edges that represent an oriented bounding box and another
    /// oriented bounding box. The edges provided are clipped against the planes of the
    /// provided bounding box.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="edges"></param>
    /// <param name="obb"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static List <Point> ClipEdgesToOBB(Line[] edges, ColliderBox obb)
        List <Point> result = new List <Point>();

        Point intersection = new Point(;

        List <Plane> planes = GetPlanes(obb);

        for (int i = 0; i < planes.Count; ++i)
            //Debug.Log("Planes Count:  " + planes.Count);
            for (int j = 0; j < edges.Length; ++j)
                //Debug.Log("Edges Count:  " + edges.Length);
                Tuple <Point, bool> info = ClipToPlane(planes[i], edges[j]);
                intersection = info.Item1;
                //Debug.Log("Point is inside: " + info.Item2 + " Point intersection: " + info.Item1.p);
                if (info.Item2)
                    if (PointInOBB(intersection, obb))
Esempio n. 2
    // OBB vs Sphere
    private bool AreSphereOBBColliding(ColliderBox b, SphereCollider s, ColliderTypes collTypes = ColliderTypes.BothRigidBodies)
        Tuple <Vector3, bool> infoClosestPoint = Util.FindClosestPoint(b, s);

        this.currentClosestPointOnObb = infoClosestPoint.Item1;
        bool sphereInsideObb = infoClosestPoint.Item2;

        float distSphereObbPoint = (this.currentClosestPointOnObb - s._center).sqrMagnitude;

        bool collision = distSphereObbPoint < s.SqrRadius;

        if (collision || sphereInsideObb)
            if (collTypes == ColliderTypes.BothRigidBodies)
                this.CollisionResolutionObbSphere(b, s, sphereInsideObb);
                this.CollisionResolutionObbWithSingleParticle(b, s, sphereInsideObb, collTypes);

        return(collision || sphereInsideObb);
Esempio n. 3
    /// <summary>
    /// Return true if the colliderboxes are colliding
    /// </summary>
    public bool AreOBBsColliding(ColliderBox b1, ColliderBox b2, bool cacheColResponse = false)
        // Return no collision if the previous SA is still valid.
        if (CheckPreviousSeparatingAxis(b1, b2))
        this.currentMinPenetrationDistance = float.MaxValue;
        //this.currentMinPenetrationAxis =;

        Cube c1 = b1.cube;
        Cube c2 = b2.cube;

        // Get axis from first cube
        Vector3 c1axis1 = c1.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.B] - c1.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.A];
        Vector3 c1axis2 = c1.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.D] - c1.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.A];
        Vector3 c1axis3 = c1.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.E] - c1.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.A];

        // Get axis from second cube
        Vector3 c2axis1 = c2.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.B] - c2.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.A];
        Vector3 c2axis2 = c2.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.D] - c2.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.A];
        Vector3 c2axis3 = c2.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.E] - c2.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.A];

        Vector3[] axis = { c1axis1, c1axis2, c1axis3, c2axis1, c2axis2, c2axis3 };

        // Check 6 axis from 2 cubes
        foreach (Vector3 ax in axis)
            if (SeparatingAxisCheck(b1, b2, ax, true, cacheColResponse, CollType.Vertex))

        // Check 9 axis given by cross product between 2 cubes
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            Vector3 ax1 = Vector3.Cross(axis[i], axis[3]);
            if (SeparatingAxisCheck(b1, b2, ax1, true, cacheColResponse, CollType.Edge))
            Vector3 ax2 = Vector3.Cross(axis[i], axis[4]);
            if (SeparatingAxisCheck(b1, b2, ax2, true, cacheColResponse, CollType.Edge))
            Vector3 ax3 = Vector3.Cross(axis[i], axis[5]);
            if (SeparatingAxisCheck(b1, b2, ax3, true, cacheColResponse, CollType.Edge))

        Logger.Instance.DebugInfo("No separating axis found (end of function AreOBBsColliding, returning true).", "COLLISION MANAGER");

        // No separating axis found -> collision happened.
Esempio n. 4
        public static ICollider GetLineOfSightObstruction(this RectF from, RectF to, IEnumerable <ICollider> obstacles, CastingMode castingMode = CastingMode.Rough)
            var fromBox = new ColliderBox(from);
            var toBox   = new ColliderBox(to);

            return(GetLineOfSightObstruction(fromBox, toBox, obstacles, castingMode));
Esempio n. 5
    /// <summary>
    /// If collision happened project the ParticleObject back to prevCenterMass.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="b1"></param>
    /// <param name="b2"></param>
    public void CollisionResolutionOBB(CollisionManifold cm, ColliderBox b1, ColliderBox b2)
        Vector3 currPoint = cm.avg_depth;
        Vector3 projPoint = cm.avg_contact;

        float dist = Vector3.Magnitude(currPoint - projPoint);

        if (Util.CMP(dist, 0.0f) || float.IsNaN(dist))

        if (!b1.IsStatic() && !b2.IsStatic())
            this.SeparateParticleObjects(b1.GetParticleObject(), currPoint, projPoint, b2.GetParticleObject());
            if (!b1.IsStatic())
                this.SeparateParticleObjects(b1.GetParticleObject(), currPoint, projPoint);
            else if (!b2.IsStatic())
                this.SeparateParticleObjects(b2.GetParticleObject(), projPoint, currPoint);
Esempio n. 6
    public void CollisionResolutionObbSphere(ColliderBox b, SphereCollider s, bool sphereInsideObb)
        Vector3 temp    = this.currentClosestPointOnObb - s._center;
        float   dirMult = sphereInsideObb ? -1 : 1;
        Vector3 dir     = temp.normalized * dirMult;

        Vector3 currPoint = s._center + dir * s.Radius;
        Vector3 projPoint = this.currentClosestPointOnObb;

        if (!b.IsStatic() && !s.IsStatic())
            this.SeparateParticleObjects(s.GetParticleObject(), currPoint, projPoint, b.GetParticleObject());
            if (!s.IsStatic())
                this.SeparateParticleObjects(s.GetParticleObject(), currPoint, projPoint);
            else if (!b.IsStatic())
                this.SeparateParticleObjects(b.GetParticleObject(), projPoint, currPoint);
 public HitData IsOverlapping(Vector2 offset, ColliderBox other)
     if (
         offset.x +
         this.transform.position.x - this.width / 2 <
         other.transform.position.x + other.width / 2 &&
         offset.x +
         this.transform.position.x + this.width / 2 >
         other.transform.position.x - other.width / 2 &&
         offset.y +
         this.transform.position.y - this.height / 2 <
         other.transform.position.y + other.height / 2 &&
         offset.y +
         this.transform.position.y + this.height / 2 >
         other.transform.position.y - other.height / 2
         HitData hit = new HitData
             overlap = new Vector2(
                 (this.width / 2 + other.width / 2) -
                 Mathf.Abs((this.transform.position.x + offset.x) - other.transform.position.x),
                 (this.height / 2 + other.height / 2) -
                 Mathf.Abs((this.transform.position.y + offset.y) - other.transform.position.y)
        public override void Start()
            // создаем рабочий коллайдер. Без коллайдера объект не может учавствовать в физическом представлении
            ColliderBox collider = new ColliderBox(new GalaxyVector3(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f));

            physics.Activate(collider);                                   // активируем физику
            physics.mass       = 1f;                                      // устанавливае вес объекта в кг
            transform.syncType = NetEntityAutoSync.position_and_rotation; // указываем способ синхронизации
Esempio n. 9
    private void CollisionResolutionObbWithSingleParticle(ColliderBox cb, SphereCollider s, bool sphereInsideObb, ColliderTypes collTypes)
        Vector3 temp    = this.currentClosestPointOnObb - s._center;
        float   dirMult = sphereInsideObb ? -1 : 1;
        Vector3 dir     = temp.normalized * dirMult;

        Vector3 currPoint = s._center + dir * s.Radius;
        Vector3 projPoint = this.currentClosestPointOnObb;

        this.SeparateParticleObjectWithSingleParticles(cb, s, projPoint, currPoint, collTypes);
Esempio n. 10
    public static Point[] GetVertices(ColliderBox obb) // find vertices of OBB
        Point[] vert_array = new Point[8];             // OBB always has 8 vertices
        Cube    obb_cube   = obb.getOBBVertices();

        for (int i = 0; i < obb_cube.vertices.Length; i++)
            vert_array[i].p = obb_cube.vertices[i];

Esempio n. 11
    void Start()
        colliderBox = GetComponent <ColliderBox>();

        var wallObjects = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Wall");

        walls = new ColliderBox[wallObjects.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < walls.Length; i++)
            walls[i] = wallObjects[i].GetComponent <ColliderBox>();
Esempio n. 12
    public bool CheckIn(ColliderBox cb)
        Rect4 player = new Rect4(cb.size).Local2World(cb.transform);
        Rect4 npc    = new Rect4(check).Local2World(transform);

        if (player.right <= npc.left || player.left >= npc.left || player.down >= npc.up || player.up <= npc.down)
Esempio n. 13
    // ===============
    // ===============
    public OctreeNode(OctreeNode parent, Vector3 thisChild_pos, float thisChild_halfLength, List <OctreeItem> potential_items, string name = "ROOT")
        this.parent = parent;
        this.halfDimensionLength = thisChild_halfLength;
        this.pos  = thisChild_pos; = name;

        // Depth
        if (parent != null)
            this.nodeDepth = this.parent.nodeDepth + 1;
            this.nodeDepth = 0;

        // Octant Object and ColliderBox attachement (+ debug stuff)
        octantGO      = new GameObject(); =;

        this.colliderBoxNode = octantGO.AddComponent <ColliderBox>();
        this.colliderBoxNode.AddToCollisionManager = false;
        this.colliderBoxNode.xyzLength             =;

        octantGO.transform.position   = this.pos;
        octantGO.transform.localScale = * this.halfDimensionLength * 2;

        // Debug text
        GameObject octantGOChild = new GameObject("DebugText_" +;

        octantGOChild.transform.parent        = octantGO.transform;
        octantGOChild.transform.localPosition =;

        this.textDebugMesh               = octantGOChild.AddComponent <TextMesh>();
        this.textDebugMesh.fontSize      = 50;
        this.textDebugMesh.characterSize = 0.1f;

        // Vizualization
        //octantLineRenderer = octantGO.AddComponent<LineRenderer>();
        //FillCube_VisualizeCoords(); // fill coords of line renderer

        foreach (OctreeItem item in potential_items)
            // Check if the item really belongs to this particular node
Esempio n. 14
        public Projectile(float width, float height, int damage = 0, float range = 500.0f, Type parentType = null) : base(width, height, Color4.White)
            this.damage = damage;
            this.range  = range;
            Velocity    = Vector2.Zero;
            ColliderBox = new ColliderBox(new Vector2(width, height), new Vector2(position), true);

            if (!(parentType == null))
                TypeChecksEnabled = true;
                this.parentType   = parentType;
                TypeChecksEnabled = false;
Esempio n. 15
    public static Interval GetInterval(ColliderBox obb, Vector3 axis)
        Point[] vertex = GetVertices(obb);

        Interval result;

        result.min = Vector3.Dot(axis, vertex[0].p);
        result.max = Vector3.Dot(axis, vertex[0].p);

        for (int i = 1; i < 8; ++i) // project all 8 vertices onto the axis and build interval
            float projection = Vector3.Dot(axis, vertex[i].p);
            result.min = (projection < result.min) ? projection : result.min;
            result.max = (projection > result.max) ? projection : result.max;

Esempio n. 16
    // OBB vs Sphere
    public bool AreSphereOBBColliding(ColliderBox b, SphereCollider s)
        Tuple <Vector3, bool> infoClosestPoint = Util.FindClosestPoint(b, s);

        this.currentClosestPointOnObb = infoClosestPoint.Item1;
        bool sphereInsideObb = infoClosestPoint.Item2;

        float distSphereObbPoint = (this.currentClosestPointOnObb - s._center).sqrMagnitude;

        bool collision = distSphereObbPoint < s.SqrRadius;

        if (collision || sphereInsideObb)
            this.CollisionResolutionObbSphere(b, s, sphereInsideObb);

        return(collision || sphereInsideObb);
Esempio n. 17
    public static bool PointInOBB(Point point, ColliderBox obb)
        // move point relative to obb by subtracting the obb center from the point
        Vector3 dir = point.p - obb._center;

        bool Build(Vector3 direction, Vector3 axis, float coord)
            float distance = Vector3.Dot(direction, axis);

            coord /= 2;                     // convert to half-extent

            if (distance > coord + 0.0001f) // for example obb._xyzLength.x value, but half-extent value!
            if (distance < -coord - 0.0001f) // check in other direction

        Point[] vertices = GetVertices(obb);

        Vector3 x_axis = (vertices[(int)CubeIdx.D].p - vertices[(int)CubeIdx.A].p).normalized;
        Vector3 y_axis = (vertices[(int)CubeIdx.E].p - vertices[(int)CubeIdx.A].p).normalized;
        Vector3 z_axis = (vertices[(int)CubeIdx.B].p - vertices[(int)CubeIdx.A].p).normalized;

        if (!Build(dir, x_axis, obb._xyzLength.x))
        if (!Build(dir, y_axis, obb._xyzLength.y))
        if (!Build(dir, z_axis, obb._xyzLength.z))

        //TODO: check collisions between characters
        private void checkCollisions()
            foreach (Character character in characters)
                foreach (Projectile projectile in projectiles)
                    if (projectile.TypeChecksEnabled && projectile.ParentType == character.GetType())

                    if (ColliderBox.CollidingAABB(projectile.ColliderBox, character.ColliderBox))
Esempio n. 19
    public void CollisionResolutionOBB(ColliderBox b1, ColliderBox b2)
        // Find min penetration axis
        AreOBBsColliding(b1, b2, true);

        // TODO: Assume the first object has the particle object (REMOVE THIS ASSUMPTION)
        // CASE OF VERTEX
        Logger.Instance.DebugInfo("COLLISION TYPE: " + this.currentCollType);
        if (this.currentCollType == CollType.Vertex)

        // TODO: ABOVE STEP Too slow: instead -> when searching for min axis and min distance [AreOBBsColliding(b1, b2, true);]
        // -> try also to find the closest vertex to the plane/cube -> and then use that vertex to project our using the min axis/distance.

        Vector3 currPoint = DebugSpheresContactObb[0];
        Vector3 projPoint = currPoint + this.currentMinPenetrationAxis.normalized * this.currentMinPenetrationDistance;

        if (!b1.IsStatic() && !b2.IsStatic())
            this.SeparateParticleObjects(b1.GetParticleObject(), currPoint, projPoint, b2.GetParticleObject());
            if (!b1.IsStatic())
                this.SeparateParticleObjects(b1.GetParticleObject(), currPoint, projPoint);
            else if (!b2.IsStatic())
                this.SeparateParticleObjects(b2.GetParticleObject(), projPoint, currPoint);

        Logger.Instance.DebugInfo("Updated particles, min axis dist: " + this.currentMinPenetrationDistance + ", min axis: " + this.currentMinPenetrationAxis, "INFO COLLISION RESOLUTION");
Esempio n. 20
    /// <summary>
    /// Check if the previously detected SA is still a valid SA.
    /// </summary>
    public bool CheckPreviousSeparatingAxis(ColliderBox b1, ColliderBox b2)
        int cacheId = this.GetCachedSeparatingAxisID(b1.Id, b2.Id);

        // Check if this tuple is already cached
        if (this.CachedSeparatingAxis.ContainsKey(cacheId))
            // Check if the cached axis is still separating the two colliders
            if (SeparatingAxisCheck(b1, b2, this.CachedSeparatingAxis[cacheId], false))

        // No previous cached value
Esempio n. 21
    /// <summary>
    /// This function uses similar logic to testing if objects separate on a single axis in the SAT test
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="obb1"></param>
    /// <param name="obb2"></param>
    /// <param name="axis"></param>
    /// <param name="outShouldFlip"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static Tuple <float, bool> PenetrationDepth(ColliderBox obb1, ColliderBox obb2, Vector3 axis, bool outShouldFlip)
        Tuple <float, bool> info = new Tuple <float, bool>(0.0f, outShouldFlip);

        Interval i1 = GetInterval(obb1, axis.normalized);
        Interval i2 = GetInterval(obb2, axis.normalized);

        if (!((i2.min <= i1.max) && (i1.min <= i2.max)))
            return(info); // No penetration

        float len1   = i1.max - i1.min;
        float len2   = i2.max - i2.min;
        float min    = Mathf.Min(i1.min, i2.min);
        float max    = Mathf.Max(i1.max, i2.max);
        float length = max - min;

        info.Item2 = (i2.min < i1.min);
        info.Item1 = (len1 + len2) - length;

Esempio n. 22
    public static Line[] GetEdges(ColliderBox obb) // find edges of OBB
        Line[] edges = new Line[12];               // OBB always has 12 edges

        //List<Line> edges = new List<Line>();

        Point[] vertices = GetVertices(obb);

        int i = 0;

        void Build(CubeIdx From, CubeIdx To, int j)
            int fromIndex = (int)From;
            int toIndex   = (int)To;

            edges[j] = new Line(vertices[fromIndex].p, vertices[toIndex].p);

        Build(CubeIdx.A, CubeIdx.B, i++); // A -> B
        Build(CubeIdx.A, CubeIdx.D, i++); // A -> D
        Build(CubeIdx.A, CubeIdx.E, i++); // A -> E

        Build(CubeIdx.G, CubeIdx.F, i++); // G -> F
        Build(CubeIdx.G, CubeIdx.C, i++); // G -> C
        Build(CubeIdx.G, CubeIdx.H, i++); // G -> H

        Build(CubeIdx.E, CubeIdx.F, i++); // E -> F
        Build(CubeIdx.E, CubeIdx.H, i++); // E -> H

        Build(CubeIdx.C, CubeIdx.B, i++); // C -> B
        Build(CubeIdx.C, CubeIdx.D, i++); // C -> D

        Build(CubeIdx.B, CubeIdx.F, i++); // B -> F
        Build(CubeIdx.D, CubeIdx.H, i++); // D -> H

Esempio n. 23
    public static List <Plane> GetPlanes(ColliderBox obb) // find planes of OBB
        Vector3 c = obb._center;                          // center
        Vector3 l = obb._xyzLength / 2;                   // half-extents

        Point[] vertices = GetVertices(obb);

        // compute directions on all axis
        Vector3 z_dir = (vertices[(int)CubeIdx.B].p - vertices[(int)CubeIdx.A].p).normalized;
        Vector3 x_dir = (vertices[(int)CubeIdx.D].p - vertices[(int)CubeIdx.A].p).normalized;
        Vector3 y_dir = (vertices[(int)CubeIdx.E].p - vertices[(int)CubeIdx.A].p).normalized;

        List <Plane> result = new List <Plane>();

        // build all the planes on the obb
        result.Add(new Plane(x_dir, Vector3.Dot(x_dir, (c + x_dir * l.x))));
        result.Add(new Plane(-x_dir, Vector3.Dot(-x_dir, (c - x_dir * l.x))));
        result.Add(new Plane(y_dir, Vector3.Dot(y_dir, (c + y_dir * l.y))));
        result.Add(new Plane(-y_dir, Vector3.Dot(-y_dir, (c - y_dir * l.y))));
        result.Add(new Plane(z_dir, Vector3.Dot(z_dir, (c + z_dir * l.z))));
        result.Add(new Plane(-z_dir, Vector3.Dot(-z_dir, (c - z_dir * l.z))));

Esempio n. 24
    private void Start()
        // Assign unique Id

        // Check if this game object also has a colliderbox, if that's the case it means that its used for the octree
        colliderBoxForOctree = this.GetComponent <ColliderBox>();
        if (colliderBoxForOctree != null)
            // make sure this is false (make it in the inspector to be sure)
            this.colliderBoxForOctree.AddToCollisionManager = false;

        // Add to collision manager
        CollisionManager.Instance.AddCollider(this, this.isSingleParticle);

        // Keep current scale, so if in game changes happen to scale, the collider will be scaled accordingly
        this._initialMaxScale = Mathf.Max(this.transform.localScale.x, this.transform.localScale.y, this.transform.localScale.z);
        this._assignedRadius  = this.Radius;
        this.isRunning        = true;
        this.SqrRadius        = this.Radius * this.Radius;

        Logger.Instance.DebugInfo("Radius: " + this.Radius.ToString() + "SqrRadius: " + this.SqrRadius.ToString(), "SPHERE COLLIDER");
Esempio n. 25
    public static CollisionManifold FindCollisionFeatures(ColliderBox obb1, ColliderBox obb2)
        CollisionManifold result = new CollisionManifold();


        // First, make a quick collision test on spheres within the OBBs, if they don't collide => OBBs dont collide
        Sphere s1 = new Sphere(new Point(obb1._center), Vector3.Magnitude(obb1._xyzLength / 2) + 0.1f);
        Sphere s2 = new Sphere(new Point(obb2._center), Vector3.Magnitude(obb2._xyzLength / 2) + 0.1f);

        if (!SphereSphere(s1, s2))

        Cube c1 = obb1.cube;
        Cube c2 = obb2.cube;

        List <Vector3> axis = new List <Vector3>();

        // Get axis from first cube
        Vector3 c1axis1 = (c1.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.B] - c1.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.A]).normalized;
        Vector3 c1axis2 = (c1.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.D] - c1.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.A]).normalized;
        Vector3 c1axis3 = (c1.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.E] - c1.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.A]).normalized;


        // Get axis from second cube
        Vector3 c2axis1 = (c2.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.B] - c2.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.A]).normalized;
        Vector3 c2axis2 = (c2.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.D] - c2.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.A]).normalized;
        Vector3 c2axis3 = (c2.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.E] - c2.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.A]).normalized;


        // Check 9 axis given by cross product between 2 cubes
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            axis.Add(Vector3.Cross(axis[i], axis[3]));
            axis.Add(Vector3.Cross(axis[i], axis[4]));
            axis.Add(Vector3.Cross(axis[i], axis[5]));

        Vector3[] test = axis.ToArray();

        Vector3 hitNormal  = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        bool    shouldFlip = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < test.Length; ++i) // axis.Count = 15
            if (axis[i].x < 0.000001f)
                test[i].x = 0.0f;
            if (test[i].y < 0.000001f)
                test[i].y = 0.0f;
            if (test[i].z < 0.000001f)
                test[i].z = 0.0f;
            if (Vector3.Magnitude(test[i]) * Vector3.Magnitude(test[i]) < 0.001f)

            Tuple <float, bool> pntrtion_info = PenetrationDepth(obb1, obb2, test[i], shouldFlip);
            float depth = pntrtion_info.Item1;
            shouldFlip = pntrtion_info.Item2;
            //Debug.Log("shouldFlip" + shouldFlip);
            //if (depth < 0.0f) return result; // if penetration depth < 0.0f
            if (depth <= 0.001f)
                Debug.Log("DEPTH: " + depth);

            else if (depth < result.depth)
                if (shouldFlip)
                    test[i] = test[i] * -1.0f;

                result.depth = depth;
                hitNormal    = test[i];
                //Debug.Log("hitNormal" + hitNormal);

        //Debug.Log("PenetrationDepth: " + result.depth);
        //Debug.Log("shouldFlip: " + shouldFlip);
        //Debug.Log("COLLIDING2: " + result.colliding);

        //if (Util.CMP(hitNormal.magnitude, 0.0f))// return result;        //if (hitNormal.magnitude <= 0.1f)
        //    Debug.Log("RETURN hitNormal.magnitude: " + hitNormal.magnitude);
        //    return result;

        Vector3 axs = hitNormal.normalized;

        List <Point> list1 = ClipEdgesToOBB(GetEdges(obb2), obb1);
        List <Point> list2 = ClipEdgesToOBB(GetEdges(obb1), obb2);

        result.contacts = new List <Vector3>();
        result.depths   = new List <Vector3>();

        foreach (Point point in list1)
        foreach (Point point in list2)

        Interval interval = GetInterval(obb1, axs);
        float    depth_distance_points = (interval.max - interval.min) * 0.5f;                // depth points after intersection inside obb
        float    contact_points        = (interval.max - interval.min) * 0.5f - result.depth; // points of intersection at the surface

        Vector3 pointOnPlane1 = obb1._center + axs * depth_distance_points;
        Vector3 pointOnPlane2 = obb1._center + axs * contact_points;

        for (int i = result.contacts.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
            Vector3 contact = result.contacts[i];
            result.contacts[i] = contact + (axs * Vector3.Dot(axs, pointOnPlane2 - contact));
            result.depths[i]   = contact + (axs * Vector3.Dot(axs, pointOnPlane1 - contact));

            //result.depths.Add(contact + (axs * Vector3.Dot(axs, pointOnPlane1 - contact)));

            // This bit is in the "There is more" section of the book
            for (int j = result.contacts.Count - 1; j > i; --j)
                float magnitude = Vector3.Magnitude(result.contacts[j] - result.contacts[i]);
                if (magnitude * magnitude < 0.0001f)

        foreach (Vector3 cp in result.contacts)
            result.avg_contact += cp;
        result.avg_contact /= result.contacts.Count;

        //result.avg_depth = result.avg_contact + result.depth * result.normal;

        foreach (Vector3 dp in result.depths)
            result.avg_depth += dp;
        result.avg_depth /= result.depths.Count;

        result.colliding = true;
        result.normal    = axs;

Esempio n. 26
    // ============================
    // ============================
    /// <summary>
    /// Finds the closest point on the OBB given another point.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="b"></param>
    /// <param name="s"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static Tuple <Vector3, bool> FindClosestPoint(ColliderBox b, SphereCollider s)
        Cube c = b.cube;

        Vector3 cAxis1 = c.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.D] - c.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.A];  // local x
        Vector3 cAxis2 = c.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.E] - c.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.A];  // local y
        Vector3 cAxis3 = c.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.B] - c.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.A];  // local z

        Vector3[] axes        = { cAxis1.normalized, cAxis2.normalized, cAxis3.normalized };
        Vector3   halfLenghts = b._xyzLength / 2f;

        // Represent sphere position from obbs origin
        bool    centerIsInsideObb = true;
        Vector3 closestPoint      = b._center;
        Vector3 point             = s._center - b._center;

        for (int i = 0; i < axes.Length; i++)
            // Project the point and
            float projValue = Vector3.Dot(point, axes[i]);

            // See if point is bigger than half extents of obb
            float halfLength = halfLenghts[i];

            //Logger.Instance.DebugInfo("Proj Value " + i + ": " + projValue + ", HalfLen: " + halfLength, "SPHERE-OBB CHECK");

            // Manual clamping
            if (projValue < -halfLength)
                centerIsInsideObb = false;
                projValue         = -halfLength;
            else if (projValue > halfLength)
                centerIsInsideObb = false;
                projValue         = halfLength;

            closestPoint += axes[i] * projValue;

        // If center is inside Obb we have to find the nearest face and project the point there (need for collision resolution)
        if (centerIsInsideObb)
            float min     = float.MaxValue;
            int   idx     = 0;
            float faceDir = 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < axes.Length; i++)
                float projValue  = Vector3.Dot(point, axes[i]);
                float halfLength = halfLenghts[i];
                float diff       = Mathf.Min(min, halfLength - Mathf.Abs(projValue));
                if (min > diff)
                    faceDir = Mathf.Sign(projValue);
                    min     = diff;
                    idx     = i;
            closestPoint += axes[idx] * faceDir * min;

        return(new Tuple <Vector3, bool>(closestPoint, centerIsInsideObb));
Esempio n. 27
    /// <summary>
    /// Is a point inside this node?
    /// </summary>
    //public bool ContainsItemPos(Vector3 itemPos)
    //    if (itemPos.x > pos.x + halfDimensionLength || itemPos.x < pos.x - halfDimensionLength)
    //        return false;
    //    if (itemPos.y > pos.y + halfDimensionLength || itemPos.y < pos.y - halfDimensionLength)
    //        return false;
    //    if (itemPos.z > pos.z + halfDimensionLength || itemPos.z < pos.z - halfDimensionLength)
    //        return false;

    //    return true;

    public bool ContainsItemColliderBox(ColliderBox b1)
        return(CollisionManager.Instance.AreOBBsColliding(this.colliderBoxNode, b1));
Esempio n. 28
    /// <summary>
    /// Checks if there is a separating axis between the two colliders.
    /// Returns true if there is a separating axis (no collision).
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="cacheAxis"> If the given axis is separating cache this in the system (faster for next round).
    /// This is False if we need to convalidate the previous stored one (don't add 2 times).</param>
    /// <param name="cacheColResolution"> When active we store the MTV and MTD. </param>
    /// <param name="ax"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private bool SeparatingAxisCheck(ColliderBox b1, ColliderBox b2, Vector3 ax, bool cacheAxis = true, bool cacheColResolution = false, CollType collType = CollType.Vertex)
        if (ax ==

        Vector3 axis = ax;


        Cube c1 = b1.cube;
        Cube c2 = b2.cube;

        float c1Max = float.MinValue;
        float c1Min = float.MaxValue;
        float c2Max = float.MinValue;
        float c2Min = float.MaxValue;

        // Project points from cubes to ax. Find extreme points in the axis.
        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            // Project point to axis;
            float c1Proj = Vector3.Dot(c1.vertices[i], axis);
            float c2Proj = Vector3.Dot(c2.vertices[i], axis);
            c1Max = Mathf.Max(c1Max, c1Proj);
            c1Min = Mathf.Min(c1Min, c1Proj);
            c2Max = Mathf.Max(c2Max, c2Proj);
            c2Min = Mathf.Min(c2Min, c2Proj);

        var max = Mathf.Max(c1Max, c2Max);
        var min = Mathf.Min(c1Min, c2Min);

        float longSpan    = max - min;
        float overlapSpan = c1Max - c1Min + c2Max - c2Min;

        bool noCollision = longSpan > overlapSpan;

        // if no collision happened (found a separating axis) cache the separating axis
        if (noCollision && cacheAxis && !cacheColResolution)
            CachedSeparatingAxis.Add(GetCachedSeparatingAxisID(b1.Id, b2.Id), axis);

        // we already know a collision happened and try to find min penetration axis for projection
        if (cacheColResolution && !noCollision)
            float val = overlapSpan - longSpan;
            if (val >= 0 && val < this.currentMinPenetrationDistance && axis !=
                this.currentMinPenetrationDistance = val;
                this.currentMinPenetrationAxis     = axis;
                this.currentCollType = collType;
                Debug.Log("FOUND MIN AXIS");

Esempio n. 29
 public static Cube GetOBBVertices(ColliderBox obb) // find vertices of OBB as Cube information
Esempio n. 30
    /// <summary>
    /// Checks and resolves the collision between particle object colliders.
    /// </summary>
    private void CollidersCollisions()
        int count = Colliders.Count;

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            for (int j = i + 1; j < count; j++)
                // OBB vs OBB
                if (Colliders[i] as ColliderBox != null && Colliders[j] as ColliderBox != null)
                    CollisionManifold features = Geometry.FindCollisionFeatures((ColliderBox)Colliders[i], (ColliderBox)Colliders[j]);
                    if (!features.colliding)
                        //Debug.Log("No collision happened.");
                        this.CollisionResolutionOBB(features, (ColliderBox)Colliders[i], (ColliderBox)Colliders[j]);
                        //Debug.Log("COLLISION: collision happened.");

                // SPHERE vs SPHERE
                else if (Colliders[i] as SphereCollider != null && Colliders[j] as SphereCollider != null)
                    if (AreSpheresColliding((SphereCollider)Colliders[i], (SphereCollider)Colliders[j]))
                        Logger.Instance.DebugInfo("Collision happened [Sphere vs Sphere]: " +
                                                  Colliders[i].Id + " - " +
                                                  Colliders[j].Id + " !",

                // OBB vs SPHERE
                    ColliderBox    b = Colliders[i] as ColliderBox;
                    SphereCollider s = Colliders[j] as SphereCollider;

                    if (b == null)
                        b = Colliders[j] as ColliderBox;
                        s = Colliders[i] as SphereCollider;

                    if (b != null && s != null)
                        if (AreSphereOBBColliding(b, s))
                            Logger.Instance.DebugInfo("Collision happened [OBB vs Sphere]: " +
                                                      Colliders[i].Id + " - " +
                                                      Colliders[j].Id + " !",