Esempio n. 1
 virtual protected void BounceOffCollidable_Up(Collidable collidable)
     // We WERE grounded? Do special Portal-2-bouncy-gel-like bounce!
     if (pfeetOnGround)
         float yVel = Mathf.Abs(vel.x) * 1.4f;
         SetVel(new Vector2(vel.x, yVel));
     // We WEREN'T grounded before? Do normal bounce!
         // Find how fast we have to move upward to restore our previous highest height, and set our vel to that!
         float distToRestore = Mathf.Abs(MathMaxConsideringGravFlip(0, maxYSinceGround - pos.y));
         distToRestore += ExtraBounceDistToRestore();                                         // Give us __ more height than we started with.
         float yVel = Mathf.Sqrt(2 * -Gravity().y *GravFlipDir *distToRestore) * GravFlipDir; // 0 = y^2 + 2*g*dist  ->  y = sqrt(2*g*dist)
         yVel *= 0.982f;                                                                      // hacky fudge: we're getting too much height back.
         yVel  = MathMaxConsideringGravFlip(0.2f, yVel);                                      // have at LEAST this much bounce. (i.e. no teeeeny-tiny bouncing.)
         SetVel(new Vector2(vel.x, yVel));
     timeLastBounced = Time.time;
     // Inform the collidable!!
     if (collidable != null)