public IActionResult Completed() { var EntityID = Request.Cookies["ID"].ToString(); UsersQueries ex = new UsersQueries(); DataTable varUser = new DataTable(); varUser = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Select * from App_Users Where ID = " + EntityID); var CategoryID = varUser.Rows[0][1].ToString(); DataTable varCollab = new DataTable(); varCollab = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Select ACL.ID, AC.FileDirectoryID as Audio,CT.Description as Category,SCT.Description as SubCategory,U.FirstName + ' ' + U.LastName as MasterOwner, AC.ShortDescription,(SELECT FirstName + ' ' + LastName as CollaboName from App_Users Where ID = ACL.LinkedUserID ) CollaboName, ACL.NewUpload as ResponseAudio from [dbo].[App_Collaborations_Linked] ACL" + " LEFT JOIN[dbo].[App_Collaborations] AC ON AC.ID = ACL.CollaboID" + " LEFT JOIN Lk_SubCategoryTypes SCT ON SCT.ID = AC.SubCategoryID" + " Left Join Lk_CategoryTypes CT ON CT.ID = AC.CategoryID" + " LEFT JOIN App_Users U ON U.ID = AC.UserID" + " Where AC.APPTypeID = " + CategoryID + " AND AC.UserID = " + EntityID + " AND ACL.StatusID = 3 "); var varMessages = varCollab.Rows.Count; DataTable varCategories = new DataTable(); varCategories = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Select Description from Lk_CategoryTypes Where APPID = " + CategoryID); DataTable varPending = new DataTable(); varPending = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Select Count(CollaboID) as Pending from [dbo].[App_Collaborations_Linked] Where LinkedUserID = " + EntityID + " AND StatusID = 3"); DataTable varSubCategories = new DataTable(); varSubCategories = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Select Description from Lk_SubCategoryTypes Where APPID = " + CategoryID); UserDetails userDetails = new UserDetails(); Collaborations collabs = new Collaborations(); userDetails = (from DataRow row in varUser.Rows select new UserDetails { Name = row["FirstName"].ToString(), LastName = row["LastName"].ToString(), Credits = row["Credits"].ToString(), Pending = varPending.Rows[0][0].ToString(), Messages = varMessages.ToString(), varCollaborations = (from DataRow row2 in varCollab.Rows select new Collaborations { ID = Convert.ToInt32(row2["ID"].ToString()), Category = row2["Category"].ToString(), SubCategory = row2["SubCategory"].ToString(), Name = row2["MasterOwner"].ToString(), Audio = row2["Audio"].ToString(), Description = row2["ShortDescription"].ToString(), ResposeAudio = row2["ResponseAudio"].ToString(), }).ToList(), varCategory = (from DataRow row2 in varCategories.Rows select new Category { Description = row2["Description"].ToString(), }).ToList(), varSubCategory = (from DataRow row2 in varSubCategories.Rows select new SubCategory { Description = row2["Description"].ToString(), }).ToList(), }).FirstOrDefault(); return View(new List<UserDetails> { userDetails }); }
public void Cancel() { IsCanceled = true; var notification = Notification.TeamupCanceled(this); foreach (var contributor in Collaborations.Select(c => c.Contributor)) contributor.Notify(notification); }
/// <summary> /// Adds a new collaboration /// </summary> /// <param name="collaboration"></param> /// <returns></returns> private UMLCollaboration AddCollaboration(UMLCollaboration collaboration) { foreach (UMLCollaboration c in Collaborations) { if (collaboration.Name == c.Name && collaboration.Owner == c.Owner) { c.Files = collaboration.Files; return(c); } } Collaborations.Add(collaboration); return(collaboration); }
public void Modify(TeamupFormViewModel viewModel) { var notification = Notification.TeamupModified(this, DateTime, Address); Address = viewModel.Address; DateTime = viewModel.GetDateTime(); Description = viewModel.Description; DevelopmentLanguageId = viewModel.DevelopmentLanguage; DevelopmentTypeId = viewModel.DevelopmentType; foreach (var contributor in Collaborations.Select(c => c.Contributor)) contributor.Notify(notification); }
public IActionResult UserCollaborations() { var EntityID = Request.Cookies["ID"].ToString(); UsersQueries ex = new UsersQueries(); DataTable varUser = new DataTable(); varUser = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Select * from App_Users Where ID = " + EntityID); var CategoryID = varUser.Rows[0][1].ToString(); DataTable varCollab = new DataTable(); varCollab = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Select C.ID, CT.Description as Category,SC.Description as SubCategory,U.FirstName + ' ' + U.LastName as Name, C.FileDirectoryID as Audio,C.ShortDescription as Description from App_Collaborations C " + "Left Join Lk_CategoryTypes CT ON CT.ID = C.CategoryID" + " Left Join Lk_SubCategoryTypes SC ON SC.ID = C.SubCategoryID" + " LEFT JOIN App_Users U ON U.ID = C.UserID" + " Where C.APPTypeID = " + CategoryID + " AND UserID = " + EntityID + ";"); UserDetails userDetails = new UserDetails(); Collaborations collabs = new Collaborations(); userDetails = (from DataRow row in varUser.Rows select new UserDetails { Name = row["FirstName"].ToString(), LastName = row["LastName"].ToString(), Credits = row["Credits"].ToString(), varCollaborations = (from DataRow row2 in varCollab.Rows select new Collaborations { ID = Convert.ToInt32(row2["ID"].ToString()), Category = row2["Category"].ToString(), SubCategory = row2["SubCategory"].ToString(), Name = row2["Name"].ToString(), Audio = row2["Audio"].ToString(), Description = row2["Description"].ToString(), }).ToList(), }).FirstOrDefault(); return(View(new List <UserDetails> { userDetails })); }
public IActionResult Create() { var EntityID = Request.Cookies["ID"].ToString(); UsersQueries ex = new UsersQueries(); DataTable varUser = new DataTable(); varUser = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Select * from App_Users Where ID = " + EntityID); var CategoryID = varUser.Rows[0][1].ToString(); DataTable Category = new DataTable(); Category = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Select * from Lk_CategoryTypes Where APPID = " + CategoryID + ";"); //var varCategoryID DataTable SubCategory = new DataTable(); SubCategory = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Select * from Lk_SubCategoryTypes Where APPID = " + CategoryID + ";"); Upload UploadData = new Upload(); Collaborations collabs = new Collaborations(); UploadData = (from DataRow row in varUser.Rows select new Upload { Name = row["FirstName"].ToString(), LastName = row["LastName"].ToString(), Credits = row["Credits"].ToString(), varCategory = (from DataRow row2 in Category.Rows select new Category { Description = row2["Description"].ToString(), }).ToList(), varSubCategory = (from DataRow row2 in SubCategory.Rows select new SubCategory { Description = row2["Description"].ToString(), }).ToList(), }).FirstOrDefault(); return(View(new List <Upload> { UploadData })); }
public IActionResult open(string ID) { UsersQueries ex = new UsersQueries(); DataTable varCollab = new DataTable(); varCollab = ex.ExecuteQueryFunction("Select ACL.ID, AC.FileDirectoryID as Audio,CT.Description as Category,SCT.Description as SubCategory,U.FirstName + ' ' + U.LastName as MasterOwner, AC.ShortDescription,(SELECT FirstName + ' ' + LastName as CollaboName from App_Users Where ID = ACL.LinkedUserID ) CollaboName, ACL.NewUpload as ResponseAudio from [dbo].[App_Collaborations_Linked] ACL" + " LEFT JOIN[dbo].[App_Collaborations] AC ON AC.ID = ACL.CollaboID" + " LEFT JOIN Lk_SubCategoryTypes SCT ON SCT.ID = AC.SubCategoryID" + " Left Join Lk_CategoryTypes CT ON CT.ID = AC.CategoryID" + " LEFT JOIN App_Users U ON U.ID = AC.UserID" + " Where ACL.ID = " + ID); Collaborations collabs = new Collaborations(); foreach (DataRow row2 in varCollab.Rows) { collabs.ID = Convert.ToInt32(row2["ID"].ToString()); collabs.Category = row2["Category"].ToString(); collabs.SubCategory = row2["SubCategory"].ToString(); collabs.Name = row2["MasterOwner"].ToString(); collabs.Audio = row2["Audio"].ToString(); collabs.Description = row2["ShortDescription"].ToString(); collabs.ResposeAudio = row2["ResponseAudio"].ToString(); } return View(collabs); }