public Bindings(ModelLoadContext ctx, DatabaseLoader parent) { Contracts.AssertValue(ctx); // *** Binary format *** // int: number of columns // foreach column: // int: id of column name // byte: DataKind // byte: bool of whether this is a key type // for a key type: // ulong: count for key range // int: number of segments // foreach segment: // string id: name // int: min // int: lim // byte: force vector (verWrittenCur: verIsVectorSupported) int cinfo = ctx.Reader.ReadInt32(); Contracts.CheckDecode(cinfo > 0); Infos = new ColInfo[cinfo]; for (int iinfo = 0; iinfo < cinfo; iinfo++) { string name = ctx.LoadNonEmptyString(); PrimitiveDataViewType itemType; var kind = (InternalDataKind)ctx.Reader.ReadByte(); Contracts.CheckDecode(Enum.IsDefined(typeof(InternalDataKind), kind)); bool isKey = ctx.Reader.ReadBoolByte(); if (isKey) { ulong count; Contracts.CheckDecode(KeyDataViewType.IsValidDataType(kind.ToType())); count = ctx.Reader.ReadUInt64(); Contracts.CheckDecode(0 < count); itemType = new KeyDataViewType(kind.ToType(), count); } else { itemType = ColumnTypeExtensions.PrimitiveTypeFromKind(kind); } int cseg = ctx.Reader.ReadInt32(); Segment[] segs; if (cseg == 0) { segs = null; } else { Contracts.CheckDecode(cseg > 0); segs = new Segment[cseg]; for (int iseg = 0; iseg < cseg; iseg++) { string columnName = ctx.LoadStringOrNull(); int min = ctx.Reader.ReadInt32(); int lim = ctx.Reader.ReadInt32(); Contracts.CheckDecode(0 <= min && min < lim); bool forceVector = ctx.Reader.ReadBoolByte(); segs[iseg] = (columnName is null) ? new Segment(min, lim, forceVector) : new Segment(columnName, forceVector); } } // Note that this will throw if the segments are ill-structured, including the case // of multiple variable segments (since those segments will overlap and overlapping // segments are illegal). Infos[iinfo] = ColInfo.Create(name, itemType, segs, false); } OutputSchema = ComputeOutputSchema(); }
public Bindings(DatabaseLoader parent, Column[] cols) { Contracts.AssertNonEmpty(cols); using (var ch = parent._host.Start("Binding")) { Infos = new ColInfo[cols.Length]; // This dictionary is used only for detecting duplicated column names specified by user. var nameToInfoIndex = new Dictionary <string, int>(Infos.Length); for (int iinfo = 0; iinfo < Infos.Length; iinfo++) { var col = cols[iinfo]; ch.CheckNonWhiteSpace(col.Name, nameof(col.Name)); string name = col.Name.Trim(); if (iinfo == nameToInfoIndex.Count && nameToInfoIndex.ContainsKey(name)) { ch.Info("Duplicate name(s) specified - later columns will hide earlier ones"); } PrimitiveDataViewType itemType; if (col.KeyCount != null) { itemType = ConstructKeyType(col.Type, col.KeyCount); } else { ch.CheckUserArg(Enum.IsDefined(typeof(DbType), col.Type), nameof(Column.Type), "Bad item type"); itemType = ColumnTypeExtensions.PrimitiveTypeFromType(col.Type.ToType()); } Segment[] segs = null; if (col.Source != null) { segs = new Segment[col.Source.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < segs.Length; i++) { var range = col.Source[i]; Segment seg; if (range.Name is null) { int min = range.Min; ch.CheckUserArg(0 <= min, nameof(range.Min)); int max = range.Max; ch.CheckUserArg(min <= max, nameof(range.Max)); seg = new Segment(min, max + 1, range.ForceVector); } else { string columnName = range.Name; ch.CheckUserArg(columnName != null, nameof(range.Name)); seg = new Segment(columnName, range.ForceVector); } segs[i] = seg; } } Infos[iinfo] = ColInfo.Create(name, itemType, segs, true); nameToInfoIndex[name] = iinfo; } } OutputSchema = ComputeOutputSchema(); }