void Update()
        if (startExperiment)
            startExperiment = false;

            // Check if the previous experiment has finished
            if (!IsExperimentFinished())
                Debug.LogWarning("Previous experiment has not yet finished");


            timeStarted       = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            experimentStarted = true;

            Vector3 GridCenterOffset = new Vector3(1, 0, 1) * TestGridScale * TestGridSize * 0.5f;
            for (int index = 0; index < TestGridSize * TestGridSize; index++)
                // Create a new coin
                CoinComponent coin = GameObject.Instantiate(CoinPrefab);

                // Set the manager in the coin so it can let the manager know when the coin has settled into a final position
                coin.ExperimentManager = this;

                // Determine the coins position
                int     row              = index % TestGridSize;
                int     column           = index / TestGridSize;
                Vector3 HorizontalOffset = TestGridScale * new Vector3(row, 0, column);
                float   VerticalOffset   = Mathf.Lerp(HeightMin, HeightMax, UnityEngine.Random.value);

                // Set the coin position and rotation
                coin.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(UnityEngine.Random.value * 360, UnityEngine.Random.value * 360, UnityEngine.Random.value * 360);
                coin.transform.position = Ground.transform.position     // The position of the ground
                                          + Vector3.up * VerticalOffset // The random height
                                          + HorizontalOffset            // The horiztal position within the grid
                                          - GridCenterOffset;           // A grid offset to recenter the grid over the center of the ground

                // Make sure the coin has physics capabilities
                Rigidbody rb = coin.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
                if (rb == null)
                    rb = coin.gameObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody>();

                // Set random velocity
                Vector3 v = UnityEngine.Random.onUnitSphere * MaximumHorizontalVelocity * UnityEngine.Random.value;
                v.y         = 0;
                rb.velocity = v;

                // Set the container for the coin, so it's nice and tiny

                // Register the new coin with the manager so it knows when the experiment is finished

        // Check if timed out
        if (experimentStarted && (DateTime.Now.Ticks - timeStarted) >= Timeout * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond)
            // Take out coins that haven't yet settled
            foreach (CoinComponent coin in MovingCoins)
