Esempio n. 1
        private IGeometry ClipLinealGeomToViewExtents(MapViewport map, IGeometry geom)
            if (map.MapTransform.IsIdentity)
                var lineClipping = new CohenSutherlandLineClipping(map.Envelope.MinX, map.Envelope.MinY,
                                                                   map.Envelope.MaxX, map.Envelope.MaxY);

                if (geom is ILineString)
                    return(lineClipping.ClipLineString(geom as ILineString));

                if (geom is IMultiLineString)
                    return(lineClipping.ClipLineString(geom as IMultiLineString));
                var clipPolygon = new Polygon(new LinearRing(new[]
                    new Coordinate(map.Center.X - map.Zoom * .5, map.Center.Y - map.MapHeight * .5),
                    new Coordinate(map.Center.X - map.Zoom * .5, map.Center.Y + map.MapHeight * .5),
                    new Coordinate(map.Center.X + map.Zoom * .5, map.Center.Y + map.MapHeight * .5),
                    new Coordinate(map.Center.X + map.Zoom * .5, map.Center.Y - map.MapHeight * .5),
                    new Coordinate(map.Center.X - map.Zoom * .5, map.Center.Y - map.MapHeight * .5)

                var at = AffineTransformation.RotationInstance(
                    Degrees.ToRadians(map.MapTransformRotation), map.Center.X, map.Center.Y);

                clipPolygon = (Polygon)at.Transform(clipPolygon);

                if (geom is ILineString)
                    return(clipPolygon.Intersection(geom as ILineString));

                if (geom is IMultiLineString)
                    return(clipPolygon.Intersection(geom as IMultiLineString));

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the layer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">Graphics object reference</param>
        /// <param name="map">Map which is rendered</param>
        public override void Render(IGraphics g, Map map)
            if (Style.Enabled && Style.MaxVisible >= map.Zoom && Style.MinVisible < map.Zoom)
                if (DataSource == null)
                    throw (new ApplicationException("DataSource property not set on layer '" + LayerName + "'"));
                g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint;
                g.SmoothingMode     = SmoothingMode;

                var envelope     = map.Envelope; //View to render
                var lineClipping = new CohenSutherlandLineClipping(envelope.MinX, envelope.MinY,
                                                                   envelope.MaxX, envelope.MaxY);

                if (CoordinateTransformation != null)
#if !DotSpatialProjections
                    if (ReverseCoordinateTransformation != null)
                        envelope = GeometryTransform.TransformBox(envelope, ReverseCoordinateTransformation.MathTransform);
                        envelope = GeometryTransform.TransformBox(envelope, CoordinateTransformation.MathTransform);
                    envelope = GeometryTransform.TransformBox(envelope, CoordinateTransformation.Target, CoordinateTransformation.Source);
                var ds = new FeatureCollectionSet();
                DataSource.ExecuteIntersectionQuery(envelope, ds);
                if (ds.Count == 0)
                    base.Render(g, map);

                var features = ds[0];

                //Initialize label collection
                List <BaseLabel> labels = new List <BaseLabel>();

                //List<System.Drawing.Rectangle> LabelBoxes; //Used for collision detection
                //Render labels
                foreach (var feature in features)
                    var featureGeometry = (IGeometry)feature.Geometry.Clone();
                    if (CoordinateTransformation != null)
#if !DotSpatialProjections
                    { featureGeometry = GeometryTransform.TransformGeometry(
                          featureGeometry, CoordinateTransformation.MathTransform,
                          ); }
                    { featuresGeometry = GeometryTransform.TransformGeometry(features[i].Geometry,
                                                                             CoordinateTransformation.TargetFactory); }
                    LabelStyle style;
                    if (Theme != null) //If thematics is enabled, lets override the style
                        style = Theme.GetStyle(feature) as LabelStyle;
                        style = Style;

                    float rotationStyle  = style != null ? style.Rotation : 0f;
                    float rotationColumn = 0f;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(RotationColumn))
                        Single.TryParse(feature.Attributes[RotationColumn].ToString(), NumberStyles.Any, Map.NumberFormatEnUs,
                                        out rotationColumn);
                    float rotation = rotationStyle + rotationColumn;

                    int priority = Priority;
                    if (_getPriorityMethod != null)
                        priority = _getPriorityMethod(feature);
                    else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PriorityColumn))
                        Int32.TryParse(feature.Attributes[PriorityColumn].ToString(), NumberStyles.Any, Map.NumberFormatEnUs,
                                       out priority);

                    string text;
                    if (_getLabelMethod != null)
                        text = _getLabelMethod(feature);
                        text = feature.Attributes[LabelColumn].ToString();

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                        // for lineal geometries, try clipping to ensure proper labeling
                        if (featureGeometry is ILineal)
                            if (featureGeometry is ILineString)
                                featureGeometry = lineClipping.ClipLineString(featureGeometry as ILineString);
                            else if (featureGeometry is IMultiLineString)
                                featureGeometry = lineClipping.ClipLineString(featureGeometry as IMultiLineString);

                        if (featureGeometry is IGeometryCollection)
                            if (MultipartGeometryBehaviour == MultipartGeometryBehaviourEnum.All)
                                foreach (var geom in (featureGeometry as IGeometryCollection))
                                    BaseLabel lbl = CreateLabel(feature, geom, text, rotation, priority, style, map, g, _getLocationMethod);
                                    if (lbl != null)
                            else if (MultipartGeometryBehaviour == MultipartGeometryBehaviourEnum.CommonCenter)
                                BaseLabel lbl = CreateLabel(feature, featureGeometry, text, rotation, priority, style, map, g, _getLocationMethod);
                                if (lbl != null)
                            else if (MultipartGeometryBehaviour == MultipartGeometryBehaviourEnum.First)
                                if ((featureGeometry as IGeometryCollection).NumGeometries > 0)
                                    BaseLabel lbl = CreateLabel(feature, (featureGeometry as IGeometryCollection).GetGeometryN(0), text,
                                                                rotation, style, map, g);
                                    if (lbl != null)
                            else if (MultipartGeometryBehaviour == MultipartGeometryBehaviourEnum.Largest)
                                var coll = (featureGeometry as IGeometryCollection);
                                if (coll.NumGeometries > 0)
                                    var largestVal   = 0d;
                                    var idxOfLargest = 0;
                                    for (var j = 0; j < coll.NumGeometries; j++)
                                        var geom = coll.GetGeometryN(j);
                                        if (geom is ILineString && ((ILineString)geom).Length > largestVal)
                                            largestVal   = ((ILineString)geom).Length;
                                            idxOfLargest = j;
                                        if (geom is IMultiLineString && ((IMultiLineString)geom).Length > largestVal)
                                            largestVal   = ((IMultiLineString)geom).Length;
                                            idxOfLargest = j;
                                        if (geom is IPolygon && ((IPolygon)geom).Area > largestVal)
                                            largestVal   = ((IPolygon)geom).Area;
                                            idxOfLargest = j;
                                        if (geom is IMultiPolygon && ((IMultiPolygon)geom).Area > largestVal)
                                            largestVal   = ((IMultiPolygon)geom).Area;
                                            idxOfLargest = j;

                                    BaseLabel lbl = CreateLabel(feature, coll.GetGeometryN(idxOfLargest), text, rotation, priority, style,
                                                                map, g, _getLocationMethod);
                                    if (lbl != null)
                            BaseLabel lbl = CreateLabel(feature, featureGeometry, text, rotation, priority, style, map, g, _getLocationMethod);
                            if (lbl != null)
                if (labels.Count > 0) //We have labels to render...
                    if (Style.CollisionDetection && _labelFilter != null)

                    for (int i = 0; i < labels.Count; i++)
                        // Don't show the label if not necessary
                        if (!labels[i].Show)

                        if (labels[i] is Label)
                            var label = labels[i] as Label;
                            if (label.Style.IsTextOnPath == false || label.TextOnPathLabel == null)
                                Renderer.Draw(map, g, label);
                                if (label.Style.BackColor != null && label.Style.BackColor != System.Drawing.Brushes.Transparent)
                                    //draw background
                                    if (label.TextOnPathLabel.RegionList.Count > 0)
                                        g.FillRectangles(labels[i].Style.BackColor, labels[i].TextOnPathLabel.RegionList.ToArray());
                                        //g.FillPolygon(labels[i].Style.BackColor, labels[i].TextOnPathLabel.PointsText.ToArray());
                        else if (labels[i] is PathLabel)
                            var plbl     = labels[i] as PathLabel;
                            var lblStyle = plbl.Style;
                            g.DrawString(lblStyle.Halo, new SolidBrush(lblStyle.ForeColor), plbl.Text,
                                         lblStyle.Font.FontFamily, (int)lblStyle.Font.Style, lblStyle.Font.Size,
                                         lblStyle.GetStringFormat(), lblStyle.IgnoreLength, plbl.Location);
            base.Render(g, map);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the layer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">Graphics object reference</param>
        /// <param name="map">Map which is rendered</param>
        public override void Render(Graphics g, MapViewport map)
            if (DataSource == null)
                throw (new ApplicationException("DataSource property not set on layer '" + LayerName + "'"));
            g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint;
            g.SmoothingMode     = SmoothingMode;

            var mapEnvelope   = map.Envelope;
            var layerEnvelope = ToSource(mapEnvelope); //View to render
            var lineClipping  = new CohenSutherlandLineClipping(mapEnvelope.MinX, mapEnvelope.MinY,
                                                                mapEnvelope.MaxX, mapEnvelope.MaxY);

            var ds = new FeatureDataSet();

            DataSource.ExecuteIntersectionQuery(layerEnvelope, ds);
            if (ds.Tables.Count == 0)
                base.Render(g, map);

            var features = ds.Tables[0];

            //Initialize label collection
            var labels = new List <BaseLabel>();

            //List<System.Drawing.Rectangle> LabelBoxes; //Used for collision detection
            //Render labels

            for (int i = 0; i < features.Count; i++)
                var feature = features[i];
                feature.Geometry = ToTarget(feature.Geometry);

                LabelStyle style;
                if (Theme != null) //If thematics is enabled, lets override the style
                    style = Theme.GetStyle(feature) as LabelStyle;
                    style = Style;

                // Do we need to render at all?
                if (!style.Enabled)

                // Rotation
                float rotationStyle  = style != null ? style.Rotation : 0f;
                float rotationColumn = 0f;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(RotationColumn))
                    Single.TryParse(feature[RotationColumn].ToString(), NumberStyles.Any, Map.NumberFormatEnUs,
                                    out rotationColumn);
                float rotation = rotationStyle + rotationColumn;

                // Priority
                int priority = Priority;
                if (_getPriorityMethod != null)
                    priority = _getPriorityMethod(feature);
                else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PriorityColumn))
                    Int32.TryParse(feature[PriorityColumn].ToString(), NumberStyles.Any, Map.NumberFormatEnUs,
                                   out priority);

                // Text
                string text;
                if (_getLabelMethod != null)
                    text = _getLabelMethod(feature);
                    text = feature[LabelColumn].ToString();

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                    // for lineal geometries, try clipping to ensure proper labeling
                    if (feature.Geometry is ILineal)
                        if (feature.Geometry is ILineString)
                            feature.Geometry = lineClipping.ClipLineString(feature.Geometry as ILineString);
                        else if (feature.Geometry is IMultiLineString)
                            feature.Geometry = lineClipping.ClipLineString(feature.Geometry as IMultiLineString);

                    if (feature.Geometry is IGeometryCollection)
                        if (MultipartGeometryBehaviour == MultipartGeometryBehaviourEnum.All)
                            foreach (var geom in (feature.Geometry as IGeometryCollection))
                                BaseLabel lbl = CreateLabel(feature, geom, text, rotation, priority, style, map, g, _getLocationMethod);
                                if (lbl != null)
                        else if (MultipartGeometryBehaviour == MultipartGeometryBehaviourEnum.CommonCenter)
                            BaseLabel lbl = CreateLabel(feature, feature.Geometry, text, rotation, priority, style, map, g, _getLocationMethod);
                            if (lbl != null)
                        else if (MultipartGeometryBehaviour == MultipartGeometryBehaviourEnum.First)
                            if ((feature.Geometry as IGeometryCollection).NumGeometries > 0)
                                BaseLabel lbl = CreateLabel(feature, (feature.Geometry as IGeometryCollection).GetGeometryN(0), text,
                                                            rotation, style, map, g);
                                if (lbl != null)
                        else if (MultipartGeometryBehaviour == MultipartGeometryBehaviourEnum.Largest)
                            var coll = (feature.Geometry as IGeometryCollection);
                            if (coll.NumGeometries > 0)
                                var largestVal   = 0d;
                                var idxOfLargest = 0;
                                for (var j = 0; j < coll.NumGeometries; j++)
                                    var geom = coll.GetGeometryN(j);
                                    if (geom is ILineString && ((ILineString)geom).Length > largestVal)
                                        largestVal   = ((ILineString)geom).Length;
                                        idxOfLargest = j;
                                    if (geom is IMultiLineString && ((IMultiLineString)geom).Length > largestVal)
                                        largestVal   = ((IMultiLineString)geom).Length;
                                        idxOfLargest = j;
                                    if (geom is IPolygon && ((IPolygon)geom).Area > largestVal)
                                        largestVal   = ((IPolygon)geom).Area;
                                        idxOfLargest = j;
                                    if (geom is IMultiPolygon && ((IMultiPolygon)geom).Area > largestVal)
                                        largestVal   = ((IMultiPolygon)geom).Area;
                                        idxOfLargest = j;

                                BaseLabel lbl = CreateLabel(feature, coll.GetGeometryN(idxOfLargest), text, rotation, priority, style,
                                                            map, g, _getLocationMethod);
                                if (lbl != null)
                        BaseLabel lbl = CreateLabel(feature, feature.Geometry, text, rotation, priority, style, map, g, _getLocationMethod);
                        if (lbl != null)
            if (labels.Count > 0) //We have labels to render...
                if (Style.CollisionDetection && _labelFilter != null)

                for (int i = 0; i < labels.Count; i++)
                    // Don't show the label if not necessary
                    if (!labels[i].Show)

                    if (labels[i] is Label)
                        var label = labels[i] as Label;
                        if (label.Style.IsTextOnPath == false || label.TextOnPathLabel == null)
                            VectorRenderer.DrawLabel(g, label.Location, label.Style.Offset,
                                                     label.Style.GetFontForGraphics(g), label.Style.ForeColor,
                                                     label.Style.BackColor, label.Style.Halo, label.Rotation,
                                                     label.Text, map, label.Style.HorizontalAlignment,
                            if (label.Style.BackColor != null && label.Style.BackColor != System.Drawing.Brushes.Transparent)
                                //draw background
                                if (label.TextOnPathLabel.RegionList.Count > 0)
                                    g.FillRectangles(labels[i].Style.BackColor, labels[i].TextOnPathLabel.RegionList.ToArray());
                                    //g.FillPolygon(labels[i].Style.BackColor, labels[i].TextOnPathLabel.PointsText.ToArray());
                    else if (labels[i] is PathLabel)
                        var plbl     = labels[i] as PathLabel;
                        var lblStyle = plbl.Style;
                        g.DrawString(lblStyle.Halo, new SolidBrush(lblStyle.ForeColor), plbl.Text,
                                     lblStyle.Font.FontFamily, (int)lblStyle.Font.Style, lblStyle.Font.Size,
                                     lblStyle.GetStringFormat(), lblStyle.IgnoreLength, plbl.Location);
            base.Render(g, map);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the layer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">Graphics object reference</param>
        /// <param name="map">Map which is rendered</param>
        public override void Render(Graphics g, Map map)
            if (Style.Enabled && Style.MaxVisible >= map.Zoom && Style.MinVisible < map.Zoom)
                if (DataSource == null)
                    throw (new ApplicationException("DataSource property not set on layer '" + LayerName + "'"));
                g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint;
                g.SmoothingMode     = SmoothingMode;

                BoundingBox envelope     = map.Envelope; //View to render
                var         lineClipping = new CohenSutherlandLineClipping(envelope.Min.X, envelope.Min.Y,
                                                                           envelope.Max.X, envelope.Max.Y);

                if (CoordinateTransformation != null)
#if !DotSpatialProjections
                    envelope = GeometryTransform.TransformBox(envelope, CoordinateTransformation.MathTransform);
                    envelope = GeometryTransform.TransformBox(envelope, CoordinateTransformation.Target, CoordinateTransformation.Source);
                FeatureDataSet ds = new FeatureDataSet();
                DataSource.ExecuteIntersectionQuery(envelope, ds);
                if (ds.Tables.Count == 0)
                    base.Render(g, map);

                FeatureDataTable features = ds.Tables[0];

                //Initialize label collection
                List <BaseLabel> labels = new List <BaseLabel>();

                //List<System.Drawing.Rectangle> LabelBoxes; //Used for collision detection
                //Render labels
                for (int i = 0; i < features.Count; i++)
                    FeatureDataRow feature = features[i];
                    if (CoordinateTransformation != null)
#if !DotSpatialProjections
                    { features[i].Geometry = GeometryTransform.TransformGeometry(features[i].Geometry,
                                                                                 MathTransform); }
                    { features[i].Geometry = GeometryTransform.TransformGeometry(features[i].Geometry,
                                                                                 CoordinateTransformation.Target); }
                    LabelStyle style;
                    if (Theme != null) //If thematics is enabled, lets override the style
                        style = Theme.GetStyle(feature) as LabelStyle;
                        style = Style;

                    float rotationStyle  = style != null ? style.Rotation : 0f;
                    float rotationColumn = 0f;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(RotationColumn))
                        Single.TryParse(feature[RotationColumn].ToString(), NumberStyles.Any, Map.NumberFormatEnUs,
                                        out rotationColumn);
                    float rotation = rotationStyle + rotationColumn;

                    int priority = Priority;
                    if (_getPriorityMethod != null)
                        priority = _getPriorityMethod(feature);
                    else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PriorityColumn))
                        Int32.TryParse(feature[PriorityColumn].ToString(), NumberStyles.Any, Map.NumberFormatEnUs,
                                       out priority);

                    string text;
                    if (_getLabelMethod != null)
                        text = _getLabelMethod(feature);
                        text = feature[LabelColumn].ToString();

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                        // for lineal geometries, try clipping to ensure proper labeling
                        if (feature.Geometry is ILineal)
                            if (feature.Geometry is LineString)
                                feature.Geometry = lineClipping.ClipLineString(feature.Geometry as LineString);
                            else if (feature.Geometry is MultiLineString)
                                feature.Geometry = lineClipping.ClipLineString(feature.Geometry as MultiLineString);

                        if (feature.Geometry is GeometryCollection)
                            if (MultipartGeometryBehaviour == MultipartGeometryBehaviourEnum.All)
                                foreach (Geometry geom in (feature.Geometry as GeometryCollection))
                                    BaseLabel lbl = CreateLabel(geom, text, rotation, priority, style, map, g);
                                    if (lbl != null)
                            else if (MultipartGeometryBehaviour == MultipartGeometryBehaviourEnum.CommonCenter)
                                BaseLabel lbl = CreateLabel(feature.Geometry, text, rotation, priority, style, map, g);
                                if (lbl != null)
                            else if (MultipartGeometryBehaviour == MultipartGeometryBehaviourEnum.First)
                                if ((feature.Geometry as GeometryCollection).Collection.Count > 0)
                                    BaseLabel lbl = CreateLabel((feature.Geometry as GeometryCollection).Collection[0], text,
                                                                rotation, style, map, g);
                                    if (lbl != null)
                            else if (MultipartGeometryBehaviour == MultipartGeometryBehaviourEnum.Largest)
                                GeometryCollection coll = (feature.Geometry as GeometryCollection);
                                if (coll.NumGeometries > 0)
                                    double largestVal   = 0;
                                    int    idxOfLargest = 0;
                                    for (int j = 0; j < coll.NumGeometries; j++)
                                        Geometry geom = coll.Geometry(j);
                                        if (geom is LineString && ((LineString)geom).Length > largestVal)
                                            largestVal   = ((LineString)geom).Length;
                                            idxOfLargest = j;
                                        if (geom is MultiLineString && ((MultiLineString)geom).Length > largestVal)
                                            largestVal   = ((MultiLineString)geom).Length;
                                            idxOfLargest = j;
                                        if (geom is Polygon && ((Polygon)geom).Area > largestVal)
                                            largestVal   = ((Polygon)geom).Area;
                                            idxOfLargest = j;
                                        if (geom is MultiPolygon && ((MultiPolygon)geom).Area > largestVal)
                                            largestVal   = ((MultiPolygon)geom).Area;
                                            idxOfLargest = j;

                                    BaseLabel lbl = CreateLabel(coll.Geometry(idxOfLargest), text, rotation, priority, style,
                                                                map, g);
                                    if (lbl != null)
                            BaseLabel lbl = CreateLabel(feature.Geometry, text, rotation, priority, style, map, g);
                            if (lbl != null)
                if (labels.Count > 0) //We have labels to render...
                    if (Style.CollisionDetection && _labelFilter != null)

                    for (int i = 0; i < labels.Count; i++)
                        // Don't show the label if not necessary
                        if (!labels[i].Show)

                        if (labels[i] is Label)
                            var label = labels[i] as Label;
                            VectorRenderer.DrawLabel(g, label.Location, label.Style.Offset,
                                                     label.Style.Font, label.Style.ForeColor,
                                                     label.Style.BackColor, Style.Halo, label.Rotation,
                                                     label.Text, map);
                        else if (labels[i] is PathLabel)
                            var plbl     = labels[i] as PathLabel;
                            var lblStyle = plbl.Style;
                            g.DrawString(lblStyle.Halo, new SolidBrush(lblStyle.ForeColor), plbl.Text,
                                         lblStyle.Font.FontFamily, (int)lblStyle.Font.Style, lblStyle.Font.Size,
                                         lblStyle.GetStringFormat(), lblStyle.IgnoreLength, plbl.Location);
            base.Render(g, map);